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Bleed vs T1. Pacific '24 kick off opener. The match was fine/mid but there was a combined 6 hrs of tech pauses i think lmao.


Holy fuck yes that was the first vct game I watched live I wanted to kill myself


I wonder what happen to the live audience, do they stay that long also lol


Some did, there was a reimbursement/refund for the tickets


I accidentally woke up early that day and decided to tune in, though only long enough for the walkouts before the several hour long tech pause. Which I just so happened to sleep long enough to skip but still catch the rest of the match lol


Probably involves last years Giants, to be honest All around solid team but my god EMEA last year had some real snoozer teams


For me it's not even the gameplay, most EMEA players just have zero personality;-; I know this is a competitive sub and what not but you can't deny that having ~~an interesting~~ any presence on Twitter or as a streamer makes the games more interesting to watch.


Most of them, shocker, stream in their own language. You think Cloud or Fitinho or CNED don't have presence as streamers because you don't speak Russian Spanish or Turkish


Why is cNed even in this discussion lol he’s funny in English already


Doesn't change my point, even the English-speaking players are practically invisible


benjy? boaster? ardiis?


Idk man ardiis is like the funniest valorant pro


What's your point? You don't watch EMEA streamers, therefore they don't exist?




Personal vote for [Fnatic vs Team Liquid at Champions 2022](https://www.vlr.gg/130687/team-liquid-vs-fnatic-valorant-champions-2022-lr1). It had it all - a regional civil war at an international event, an extremely predictable result with a scoreline that wasn't one-sided enough to be funny but not close enough to be tense, and I think a grand total of perhaps one singular memorable moment (when Derke got a nice triple one tap on Chamber).


Another similar match that I just remembered was Optic vs XSET at Copenhagen. I just find most regional civil wars pretty boring, but at the very least this one was off the heels of BcJ talking about how he was a better initiator than stax so there was a fun storyline there.


I honestly forgot that optic played xset in Copenhagen until you mentioned this lol


One of the most boring international games HAS to be NRG vs Liquid in Tokyo last year. Literally every single round was shift walking around the entire map until 30s AND it went to three maps


That game had an insane comeback for NRG though right? 6-12 on haven on elimination?


Liquid choked so hard, and right after that nats 4k spray down


That comeback was pretty hype tbh


probably involves team liquid


Liquid chokes account for a number of fun comeback matches though


not exactly what the prompt was asking but there was a TL Fnatic game earlier this year that evoked a feeling very similar to that experienced in the most recent Trump Biden presidential debate




those are entertaining bad


Meh, I’d say you could argue the first few bleed games in stage 1 might’ve been entertainingly bad, still nothing like 2023 kcorp, but ge, koi and m8 are kind of just mid and failing to to play well together. It’s not as much mald inducing melons gameplay, rather just getting beaten by better teams in a fairly boring fashion. These teams are still generally trying stuff and failing, not running around like headless chicken.


I watched BLD vs GE, it was actually pretty boring. Not even a single moment where you'd think it was entertaining at all.


bleed vs dfm pacific split 1. i was kinda excited for the match and then the casting actually made me want to fall asleep


The casting of that game was sooo........


Not PRX matches that’s for sure.


Anytime G2 plays. They are so boring to watch. I know they are very methodical but it’s not exciting.


This guys not ready for G2 vs TL


On top of this I just cannot seem to bring myself to care abt the G2 team at all


I think that may be part of the reason why they are boring to watch. No interesting personalities on the team and boring gameplay.


11-2 comeback btw


Doesn’t change my mind lol.


stay mad when they win champs


Who is mad lmao. I just said they are boring to watch it’s the truth lmao. Can’t wait to see them lose just so you can feel bad.


The prey mentality


Probably between some EU teams in the last two years, would get up in the morning to watch those matches and be snoozing inside 30 minutes of waking up from 8 hours of sleep


Bleed vs t1....


Any game with Redgar is bound to be a snoozefest in terms of gameplay like every round is just simply shift walking and checking each site entrance until either they get killed before they could enter or one of them gets an opening only for them to get killed subsequently.


True, but redgar's brainfarts are often hilarious to watch.


Any emea match would do I submit TL vs TH because no matter what TL did, they would lose. Liquid was stacking 4 players on sunset A and still getting ran over because TH are just better


I would say Sen vs G2 in kickoff qualifiers was pretty boring because you found out after the first map that they won. Then G2 kinda just kept on try harding and it was a snoozefest because it went to map 3. No bonus points for me but thats ok


any MIBR game prior to split 2


For me it was Ascend vs Gambit at Champs 2021. I get that it's the grand final, but context is really important here. The match that happened the day before was KRU v Gambit and that match was so insane that it basically took all the wind out of the GF the next day (also dont forget that KRU was having an insane tournament so that story falling just short of GF was also enough to take me out of it). It was incredibly intense and in my mind is still basically the "real" Grand Final of Champs 2021. Also I'm from NA so a double EU finals was just so uninteresting to me. I couldn't even tell you what happened in that game tbh.


This is just NA bias lmao


I mean not really? KRU is not an NA team and I enjoyed the hell out of their run. Like I said, their run dying just short of grand finals sort of took the wind out of my sails. I think I would have enjoyed the finals more if it felt like it was more regionally competitive, between any region. But the fact that EMEA dominated the top 4 of the first Champs was just boring for me. I would have taken any other team than ascend to face off against gambit from another region, idk if it was NA, KR, JP SEA, whatever.


As an EMEA fan it sure was exciting for me to watch that finals, but guess what, I skipped champs 2022 finals because I didn't like both the teams, that's my bias And that 21 finals had some banger moments (starxo wall comes to mind)

