• By -


Waiting for the "Use this comment as the dislike button"


The instagram way




Until the guy deletes that comment


True. Who will be the first to make the YouTube dislike extension? Lol Edit: [Return Youtube Dislike extension for Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/return-youtube-dislike/gebbhagfogifgggkldgodflihgfeippi)


it's already here


Damn, thanks for the heads up.


They'll all stop working after 13th December.


the plugin have its own dislike database




Yeah, I use it, works good.. and still no vanced version.




Thwy said they'll look into it after Dec 13th, when API implementations are gone. But it seems theye are not gone? Sooo.. no looking into it..? I don't know..


Now I just need one for youtube comments.


YouTube dislikes don't work like video dislikes.


It's fairly unreliable in my experience. Also it'll be more inaccurate after YouTube removes their API December 13rd.


well, this extension already saved me hours from watching bad guides


Apparently it also has a function that if you are using it and you dislike a video it will add your dislike to the count, so others can see it. Which is kinda funny because there might be more people disliking videos, because they know it matter. If there was already high dislike count, some wouldn't bother, me for example, now I'm doing my part. Edit.1 of course I meant it for all video, new and old ones.


I hope we can get one for vanced one day!


And that day is today! Just got the update for it


How? Mine has the most recent update but I still do not see the dislike count.


You bullshitting or you serious?


Nah for real, just check the second pinned post on this sub


Dope. Downloading as we speaking muhahahaha


it's not the same, a dislike button quantifies it so well. I don't see how it's not censorship, they took away the ratio and everyone has to go in blind and can't tell if something is fake. comments are already botted.




But now fuck all that , now will have to do the math with the view count and the like count to determine if the video is liked or not


Views to likes means absolutely nothing. Always. Likes are always a small fraction of views even if the likes are overwhelming positive.


Can I just jump on this hate train, about how short videos are clogging up the tubes? YouTube shorts could have been an automatic way to absorb the incoming reupload of TikTok/Vine content... But instead I have 3/4ths of my feed videos less than 3 minutes long.




they should keep the dislike count and have a punishment to the creator if it gets too high compared to the likes




And you'll watch more videos since you won't pass on disliked ones! At least that's what they think.


Well Youtube is under the hands of a Wabbajack Karen.


The YouTube´s CEO response was: "We want to avoid dislike attacks of the smaller Creators", and just fuck off Susan.




But that's not the real reason, if anything dislikes helps the small guys to be critical of themselves. This is about protecting the ad revenue that was coming in under big creators until ppl woke up and started ratio'ing their cringe/boot licking videos. CNN/Whitehouse for example. They want the likes w/o earning them. Dislikes were there to make sure creators earned the likes.


Yeah, smaller creators like Disney Plus and the White House.


I don't doubt people will start migrating to other platforms (at least for tutorials) in the future


What platforms...? Tutorials are all in YouTube! (Except written ones - but that's not a video)


Odysee is a good replacement, looking forward to it


>Odysee It is. A few tweaks and they're there (black dark theme, escape button to close miniplayer, watch- and commenthistory). Now they need an app too. Youtube is murdering itself with this. I simply can't see this change sticking. The tutorial genre is too important. I hope the first kid who harms himself following a bad tutorial without ratio sues them for millions.


Yeah agreed.




Youtubes Api will not provide dislike information in the future. It's not just a visual change




Sorry for my bad English Before I begin my actual comment, I would like to apologize in advance for my inadequate level of English proficiency. I am not a native speaker of the world's current lingua franca which unfortunately leads to me making numerous embarrassing mistakes being made whenever I attempt to communicate using this language. Whenever I am reminded of how I lack the ability to convey my thoughts in an eloquent manner I feel as though I have committed a cardinal sin, as though every English teacher in the world are simultaneously shaking their heads and sighing due to how utterly disappointed they are at me. Although I know that saying sorry to those of you who are reading my comment will not change the fact that I fail miserably to write and speak perfect English, I am writing this as a way to deter a certain type of people who cannot stand poor English (Also known informally as "Grammar Nazis") from mocking me by posting unwanted and unnecessary comments detailing my every blunder. In my humble opinion, making grammatical errors should be perfectly acceptable as native speakers should not expect non-native speakers to be able to communicate in their second or third languages eloquently. If you are able to completely understand what the other person wrote, is there really a problem with what they've written? No, because the entire concept of communication is the exchange of information between other intelligent beings, which means that no matter how the exchange of information is made, as long as the information is accurately shared there is not a fundamental issue with their ability to communicate. To see it in another way, remember that someone who isn't fluent in English is fluent in another language. When you think about it this way, isn't it impressive for someone to speak a second language in any capacity? Having empathy and respect are qualities that are sorely missing for far too many people these days, especially on the internet. That being said, I am aware that not all netizens who correct others are doing it to ridicule and shame. There are some who do so with the intent to help others improve and grow. However, displaying the failures of other people publicly will cause the person who is criticized to feel negative emotions such as shame and sadness due to the fact that their mistake has been made obvious which severely undermines the point they were trying to make in spite of their unfamiliarity with the English language. In most circumstances people are not looking for language help when they post anything online. Most people just want to enjoy themselves and have a good time on the internet which is why I would not encourage correcting other people regardless of your intentions. If you really do want to help others with their spelling or grammar, I would highly recommend you to help via messaging privately because not only will you not embarrass anyone, you can also go more in-depth with your explanation which I'm sure the other person will greatly appreciate if they want help, but I digress. I know that I've written a bit of an essay, but I hope I've made my points clear. Anyways, here is the comment I wanted to make: Bruh 😳


The virgin "Sorry for my bad English" vs the chad "If I made a mistake in English please don't correct me I have no respect for this language ❤"


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I highly disagree with your opinion to be honest. Instead I always appreciate it when people correct me - I don't care if its public or private. My best friend corrected me in my main language for several months until I learned correct grammar. She did it in every possible scenario, always no matter what.. Even in public and finally I learned the grammar correctly without mistakes. Even years after that I'm still grateful when I think about it. It all depends on the person - because of my thoughts I tend to correct others too. Not to bash them but to teach them... If you don't like it that's fine, but don't assume everyone is like you.


You won't learn anything if you're not informed about mistakes you made.


But, it depends from person to person if they want to be corrected right at the moment or in their own personal space.


Doesn't make those options equal. And most of all - shouldn't impede my right to do so. You guys have 1st amendment, seems it doesn't mean much anymore.


*1st amendment* hmm, never knew human decency had a first amendment and please for god's sake could American leave this amendments/rights bullshit for a second cause not everyone on the internet is from your country, smh. Not trying to say rights are bad, **Right good, Equality good**


Yeah, that's what you guys do, twist words and ignore the law saying your morality and a way you see the world is somehow better than the law itself. And sorry, I'm not from US. You must feel very unequal for being under criticism, huh?


If you are not from the US then, what is this 1st amendment you were talking about? *Educate me* Also, woah talking about twisting words meanwhile twisting and exaggerating the hell out of what I have said.


I was talking about 1st amendment of US constitution, assumed you were from US, since most of people here are. What's your problem man? You want people to only praise and glorify and never critiques anything because that's hate? You want others not to do something because you personally don't like it?


I am a grammar Nazi. But only for myself.




How would you "hack" the Youtube API?


For what it's worth, YouTube has not had functioning dislikes on comments since the Google+ transition. There's a button for disliking a comment, but that doesn't actually link to anything. This is because at that time, each YouTube comment was actually a Google+ comment in the backend, and in Google+ there was only a like (+1) button, which mapped to the YouTube comment like button. Eventually G+ and YT were decoupled and Google+ died, but a lot of the logic from that era still sticks.


Where's the 'interesting'-button for a comment as intriguing as yours? I WANT to upvote you, but people might get the idea that this is 'informative' by pure vote count, and I just don't know enough about it to discern the difference myself.


Slashdot was good


Yeah, it really was :) Happy New Year, dude


It never really needed a "function" beyond showing the entire net whether a video was worth watching or not.


just put turd emojis on videos you dont like in the comments , to answer question no, Vanced is just an app , the ratio is server end stuff


And then the owner deletes them and it's done 😄. If YouTube cared enough, they wouldn't have done this. But what to do. It's their platform. Those (me only by watching) that made it grow don't matter, that's just a number each person, not real people. And even if they were, YT direction already has what it wanted, so now f-ck everyone else! Use, throw away (like objects, like most importantly the video creators are for YT - just an ID number, innanimate thing). The only real way now is to people not put any like and one must compare with the view count. For older videos, my condolences (to me too - tutorials will be cool to find). I just hope they reverse it... Wtf, seriously, this is ridiculous.


well Alternatives are growing and YouTube anti freespeech behavior extends way beyond likes / dislikes , which reduces the appeal of the platform , I mean I dont really care what much what platfrom I use to watch videos, I use youtube because its convenient , if they start messing with comments I will defo use other platforms more


the only real way is to fk youtube and move on..


Sad... Let's see how much many time people take to start movig to other platforms. I'll start moving with them too. There are some already, so that's good.


And then you stop watching those videos at all. I usually skip watching any videos that have disabled comments and almost universally those are bad.


Yeah, that's kind of a universal thing about videos with disabled comments. But I mean a video with comments enabled and the owner keeps deleting the bad comments. Only the good ones stay. You can't know how bad the video is that way.


Yeah, with disabled dislike count you can only trust stubborn commenters. (Fun fact: I am having similar situation wit EA Publishing Lyon France, they are deleting my 1 star rating everyday, seventh day in a row.. I just keep adding it again everyday)


commenting increases the video's viewer engagement rating which promotes the video higher in the algorithm


True, but seeing a highly liked turd emoji could tell other viewers that the video is shit


So did disliking


With the way YT is going, I think in a couple of years, they will also remove the comment section to "fight targeted creator harassment" as you said.


In ten years Youtube will only be made of shorts videos by influencer that are allowed on the platform


In 15 years there is only a bunch of shorts that play by themselves, you cannot comment, like, dislike or even go to the creator's channel, the algorithm only monitors how much time you are in the app and out of the app.


That doesn't even sound exaggerated.


YouTube has already disabled comments on some videos under the guise of protecting children.




Content creators could share their privatised dislike counts through the use of api to a third-party service that service could be used by vanced or/and any other web extensions/apps to display the dislike counters that way. Showing the dislike count to users with those extensions installed will be up to the yt content creator - but i have a feeling many legit creators would not mind the api access to their video dislikes so their viewers can see the dislikes. I heard people talking about this method earlier - hence my tiny bit of knowledge here.


The BS reason that small time creators are supposedly the target of most harrastments are utter bullcrap, because most "targeted harassments" (dislikes) are from Big Company channels


YouTube is fucking horrendous politically




It's the Cathedral.


My 73rd fuck you to YouTube


They were already doing this since a long time, by removing thumbs up/down count completely from public eye. And by making it possible to deactivate comments section. It's just to further expand the censorship.


Step by step, the frog boils.


It’s ridiculous lol the internet was so much better back 10 years ago. Yeah i like today’s speed, but shit didn’t feel as censored/controlled as it does today. Hardly anything is truly organic these days.


People are just gonna comment "Dislike"


Think these are the new countermeasures taken to save YouTube Rewind this year


Easy. Everyone, as many as possible (someone please make infinite bots that are not detectsd), watches the video. Like, EVERYONE. Infinite views. 1000 likes, 10k at most. Against 5 billion views. \[Though that gives them money with view count, this is horrendous, disgusting people. Bah, no idea.\] EDIT: actually disabling the ads would work and no money for them, but that would be too much work. Sad (would work though) - if bots can do it, please someone with time do it... Would be awesome hahaha.


Imagine in a decade they will also remove the comment section.


Wouldn't be surprised tbh. With the way YouTube is progressing I wouldn't be surprised if it devolves to a cable TV channel of sorts with pre-selected and vetted content from Google alongside a ton of ads running 24*7.


Not sure they would do anything like this. People go mainly to watch videos. If everything are shorts, bankrupt for them. I just feel pity of the video creators (that earn money) and the honest people working at YT. For the direction people, bankrupt would be cool and I'd love to watch.


I was definitely exaggerating but I wouldn't be surprised if they would stifle more content creators and force then away from the platform over time, since their content isn't advertiser friendly or some other corporate speak.


Everyone should just do what someone else in the thread suggested: lots and lots of 💩💩💩 in that comments section


Awful. Just in time for them to bring back the stupid YouTube rewind, though when they do we won't see how badly it performs.


Someone could make an add-on that counts those use as a dislike comments plus having its own database but from YouTube itself no


Is it possible? I hope so.


it would be possible but then you would only see downvotes by people who downvote the comment/have the addon so its not perfect


But better than nothing ig


It would be pretty good if it could work with YouTube Vanced and a Chrome addon. That would get a good amount of people on board.


Yeah I am hoping that someone like that YouTube stats add-on team implements it as a feature because that plugin is widely used and porting just that part to Firefox should be easy


Let's fucking goooo


It happened it's called the bring back dislikes addon


I've had the addon for months, but it's now integrated into vanced. That's just lovely.


But wait, can't a creator already turn off ratings for a video if they want to avoid harassment? What problem does this solve?


Letting people root for Brandon while silencing the haters


Apparently to protect creator's mental health. Bitch, really?? The creators still see the amount of dislikes and the comment section will only get more negative now. A terrible excuse they came up with.


Finally, I hope reddit implements this cuse I get downvoted all the time and I can't take criticism. ​ ​ Im joking don't downvote me.


I've created a chrome/firefox/userscript extension and an API for youtube dislike stats [https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/qu1f2y/ive\_created\_a\_chrome\_extension\_and\_an\_api\_for](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/qu1f2y/ive_created_a_chrome_extension_and_an_api_for)


Awesome, man!


Question: other folks have said that this wouldn't be possible because it's not just a visual change, they're genuinely removing it from public view. Is it as simple as an API call? Do you think this will eventually not be possible? Thanks.


It's an API that we created, we collect all dislike data that we can. It won't be exact 1to1 copy of youtube counts, but we're working on it.


I see. Thanks for the quick reply!


I use the dislike button to block recommendations from known youtubers that I don't like. I don't care about the number shown.


Honestly that probably did nothing for a long time already. Use "Not interested" button, this is the only decent YouTube feature that actually works.


I never interacted with/disliked videos from shitty youtubers because that would mean I spent my time giving them constructive criticism they didn't deserve. I would for shitty tutorials, with risk of bodily harm, or for Joke Brandon that's about it.


I haven't updated youtube since they chaged the comment section place (it was really annoying for me) and I can still see the dislike count in youtube vanced. Even if the video was recently posted.


I have my youtubevanced updated and thought i was in the clear, now just today boom no more dislikes.


there is [this addon for firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/return-youtube-dislikes/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search), i assume it uses YTs api, maybe vanced could do something similar




Here's a dislike


And unlike YouTube's dislikes, Reddit downvotes actually come with severe drawbacks if you get enough of them.


What kind of drawbacks really ?


they're not really severe at all, it just removes your funny redditor points which may lead to you not having enough to post on some big subreddits that have a requirement


Hmm yes but you would have to get A LOT of downvotes to erase the thousands of points a casual reddit user has


Some subreddits use the karma specific to the subreddit to determine if you can't post or if you are rate limited (1 Post every few minutes).


I disagree. Sometimes I go to a video (say a tutorial for something) that has a 100 likes and 5000 dislikes which makes it pretty clear that the tutorial is not good. Now I'll have to watch that tutorial to figure that out because I can't see the number of dislikes.


Wait I didn't even think of that - shit, that's gonna suck so bad.


Usually, you can tell within the first 30 secs - 1 min to see if a video is bad or scroll down to the comments to see if it's a unanimously disliked video.


So now I should read the comments to figure out the exact same thing which I could've figured out by the number of dislikes. That's a really stupid argument to defend the removal of dislikes. Plus why should I waste 1 minute of my time when I was wasting almost no time at all earlier??




That still doesn't explain why they removed the dislikes. Sure, comments can give you litle bit more context into the video but why remove dislike!! It might not be useful for creators but it is definitely very useful for creator's audience. And if you're removing dislikes, why not remove likes as well. Comments can double as gratitude as you said. Just remove the number of likes as well then. 'Anything is a waste of time' doesn't mean I'll waste it on things where it it not required at all especially when I'm paying for that shit.


Generally speaking, if a video has more dislikes than likes, the creator knows damn well why. The flaw in your logic is not everyone who posts on youtube actually wants to make good content - and there is now no consequence for posting bad content.


If you dislike the video, YouTube is at least less likely to recommend similar videos


Honestly, it shouldn't be about this. It should be about what is helpful for the content creator so they can make better videos, but I guess Youtube isn't what it used to be. Edit: there's also a feature in the 3 dot menu where you can have it not recommend videos from that channel.


>Edit: there's also a feature in the 3 dot menu where you can have it not recommend videos from that channel. This is true, and I've used this feature a handful of times, but I don't always want to block an entire channel.




YouTube vanced can create it's own independent dislike feature, that only other vanced users will see. And there could be a chrome extension as well that can interact with this, a bit like how sponsor block currently works. This is the best solution if YouTube goes ahead with this change. I will personally be working on making a chrome extension and then getting it added to vanced if it is popular




Good idea. I don't see this idea sticking though. Just like they failed to force Google+ down poeple's throats years ago so too this will fail. The question is how stubborn they are. Susan sucks and Odysee and other new/better platforms are enticing.


Se puderem adicionar uma função para mostrar novamente seria ótimo.


idk why the vanced devs can't implement 'return youtube dislike' when sponsorblock works great


idk wherefore the vanc'd devs can't implement 'return youtube dislike' at which hour sponsorblock worketh most wondrous *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


They will never remove youtube rebrands