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I say it. With my full chest; if Hannah were my child I would be ashamed at her behaviour and how she speaks to people.


Right?! I hated that Gabriella apologized.


We all know it was just to shut Hannah up. But like disappointing nevertheless


Someone needs to put a muzzle on Hannah and Marciano. I didn’t think it was possible for them to make themselves look dumber


And just SO rude!


But gabriella, while human and not perfect, has far more empathy, and class than hannah


She’s just a young dumb girl, hopefully with age she will mature. I thought the insecurity thing was a teachable moment for her but she didn’t seem to learn anything from it.


I don’t really consider 29 (28 at the time of filming) a young girl. That is an adult woman. There were younger people at the villa who acted more mature (maturely? Im having trouble with grammar today). Obviously everyone matures differently, but it seems like she just has a toxic personality.


Totally could be - my only point being that she’s not 45 and still has time to grow. Also - she could just be putting it on for the cameras.


She's almost in her 30s. If she's not mature now she never will be. She's too bratty to learn any life lessons.


Right? 25 is full brain development, if you’re still an entitled brat post 25 that’s pretty entrenched.


She’s not that young, she’s over 25 that’s old enough to have sense and know the appropriate ways to speak to people.


Agreed. The way she speaks to other people is despicable. And I know for a fact if I ever spoke to another human being the way Hannah speaks to people my mother would be so fucking ashamed she would probably give me a slap.


Take a drink every time Hannah tells someone to shut up.


Okay that reunion was extremely underwhelming and short. I was bored. Hannah and Marciano need to get over themselves. Emily disappointed me surprisingly. Chef Anthony is way too good for the show.


It was!! I wanted Karamo or Lisa to tell Hannah that she can’t tell other people how what do say or do with their facial expressions. Right?! How can Emily stand by that?


Right? Hannah kept telling people don't do this and don't do that. Both of them kept interrupting people. Hannah doesn't realise you can see the mean spirit in her face. It's not just her delivery, she actually is a mean person.


Is it just me or was that mean-spirited, spiteful, hateful look present on her face when Nikki said she was engaged... She is a horrible person and Marciano is just as horrible as her. They are both terrible people who deserve each other and make each other miserable.


The fact that they kept validating Hannah's emotional outbursts, and ignoring her attacking other women was just gross.


Chef and Stephan are my faves forever n always 🫶 unproblematic kings


Hannah and Marciano doubled down on being despicable during the reunion


They're just awful people and have absolutely no redeeming qualities which makes them lack any sort of charm to balance out their horrible personalities.


Looks like I picked the right day to start watching the last few episodes 😅 I thought Hannah might have had some time to reflect on her behaviour during the season and how she came across. Nope, nothings changed. Still like LFU on crack 🫠


I know, she could have somewhat redeemed herself and she was somehow even worse. I don’t understand how she can watch herself and then double down.


Narcissism is a hell of a disorder.


Hannah is one of the most vile people I’ve ever seen on reality tv.


She was insufferable in the reunion. Trying to make herself the victim, not allowing anyone to talk, telling people to shut up if they managed to get a word in. I hope she watches it back and feels ashamed of herself. I can't imagine her mom is proud of her actions either. It very much is terrible and sad that she lost her dad, but that doesn't allow you to be a raging a-hole the rest of your life.


I agree. The way she was telling the girls to shut their mouths, I was in shock that no one really stood up to her. I understand they don’t want to stoop to her level but I would not be able to control myself.


In the UK too! Thank you for sharing, I'd given up on checking!


Yessssssss finally 🇬🇧


Im sorry i just watched the reunion and Marciano saying all the girls are disgusting, hes such a misogynist and Lisa really shouldn’t be tolerating a man working for her who has such a poor view of women and treats them so terribly.


I think the word misogynist is overused in general but not here. He is the epitome of a misogynistic POS. His picture should be by the definition. And although I can’t stand Hannah at all, it’s very obvious he plays on her insecurities.


He was just pissed off that truthfully, none of the women in there wanted to go near him with a barge pole. So his insecurity lashed out in the flavour of misogyny, as always. Pathetic.


This wasn’t a reunion…it was the Hannah and Marciano show. Lol Lord, someone needed some duct tape….the way he talks to the women and the way Hannah talks over everyone while telling them they couldn’t react. I like some drama, but theirs was just annoying.


How much do we think chef Anthony’s bonus was??


Maybe an additional 8k or possibly 10k? Whatever it was, he deserved it. 🙂


Watching Hannah is like watching a cornered animal - it’s almost frightening


Woooo! Thank you!!


After watching the reunion I really hope Lisa does not bring back Hannah and Marciano. They are truly despicable people trying to play the victims. I think Hannah is nothing but a bully who will never take accountability for what she says or does and Marciano is a jackass. The fact he called the girls all disgusting is because he's mad no one did want to sleep with him and he gave all the girls the ick. The trying to control peoples voices and faces was so on brand for the two idiots and made me wonder were they on something at the reunion? Also why didn't the hosts stop them more or just straight up remove them? The conversations were cut short because of their bs. Ugh I hope for better tv without those two.


Amen to that 🙏🏻


Let's not forget that Marciano specifically tried to engraciate himself to Hannah by putting down the new girl so that she wouldn't feel insecure. I'm sure him coming in on the attack was to 'support' Hannah. Srsly tho, what a POS


Agree. I kept yelling at the tv for those two to be removed because they never let anyone else speak. Wtf was that?!


I thought they weren’t having one???


Never mind I was thinking of The Valley lol


Haha I’m honestly surprised Vanderpump Villa got one and the Valley didn’t, maybe something to do with LVP 🤷‍♀️


i honestly think it’s just bravo wanting to cut on the budget for the valley, since it’s season one and the ratings need to be high- hulu probably set up the reunion (even though it wasn’t really that needed) because it follows the general “reality show” format that they were going for.


That reunion was boring and annoying at the same time.


I’d be fine if it was a super low cost production or something though 😂 I’ll take anything - they can do it in someone’s backyard for all I care


i actually just saw some photos in another sub that looked like maybe they did decide to do a last minute reunion? i hope so because i want to see it too 😭


That would be amazing!!!


Ooo what sub? Do you remember


Thank you!!!❤️❤️


Lisa Vanderpump activated my Google Home. I feel honoured 😅


Thank you 🙏🏻


Eric and Lisa tolerating his behavior made this show impossible to watch. We only made it to the 4th episode


I thought this was the Vanderpump Villa reunion? All i’m seeing is the Hannah and Marciano show unfortunately….


Anyone else feel like Marciano is gunning to be the new Jax Taylor?


Hahaha hahaha. Yes. I got that vibe too. Only difference is, Jax has charm and is actually likable... Marciano has such a gross personality and absolutely no redeeming qualities in him at all.


Why was Eric not there?


Lisa commented on that at the beginning and said due to past abuse allegations that came to light after the season aired they thought it best to exclude him.


But what’s the story here. Does anybody know?


Yeah it was his ex wife filed a DV case against him. I believe it was dropped and it is important for me to point out that these are allegations and I don't remember seeing anything to confirm it being true. But that's not to say it isn't true.


Thank you!!


thank you for posting! I never thought it would happens


Me neither! I stopped checking but I saw it pop up on my continue watching!


Disney+?! Maybe it’s because I don’t have the application but I always assumed they wouldn’t have anything “adult” on there, but more so movies like Coco and Inside Out


No there’s tons, they own a lot of networks.


Hannah so far is making me want to switch off. screaming, telling people to shut up, literally making every single thing about her. every thing. Priscilla talking about herself, Hannah making it about her. going on and on to Gabrielle, about something she misunderstood. she's just really mean and needs some therapy time to unpick her shit. tedious stuff watching her.


Well, any therapist who happens to get Hannah as a patient - however much they charge her - won't be enough. Lol.


They say Toucan Sam way too many times in this episode.


Agreed!! I'm so hopeful that Gabrielle is as chill as she seems!


I thought the reunion has been out?


It wasn’t on Disney plus but it was on Hulu


Why is’nt on The reunion ? What is the tea ?


I mean Erich 😂😂😂


DV case against him