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James can fucking READ a mf! I want him on traitors with Phaedra


Holy SHIT. With or without Phaedra, James would be GOLD on Traitors. I would watch the hell out of a James-centered show.


Honestly HE reads like the black woman Lala thinks she is šŸ˜‚


Why is this so accurate šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Girrrl! The way I could kiki with him šŸ˜‚


I love Traitors and would love to see him on it!


Omg! He would be amazing on Traitors!!


Lol, that would be awesome!


Oh wow this is a gold star idea


Isnā€™t it ??


Wait why have I never thought about James on Traitorsā€¦. Thatā€™s perfect !!!!!!!


Heā€™s excellent! But I need him to LAST


Make a james for traitors post!


James for Traitors, Katie for DWTS


LOVE. I may just want to see Katie in her ballroom outfits, but letā€™s GO!!!!


Yes! I think she'd be awesome - I could see her doing some goth ballroom black swan dances


Omg I should šŸ™šŸ½


Make one for me and tag me šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¾


Hell naw these folks will eat me alive lmfaooooo šŸ˜¬ā˜ ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Iā€™m Scared too šŸ˜‚


I got your back lol


James doesnā€™t stand for hypocrisy Iā€™ll say that much




Would love for him to admit and apologise for his abuse before he gets rewarded for anything else


I love the never ending story reference Rip artax, the horse who sunk in the swamp and broke my childhood heart


https://preview.redd.it/tucdmbnuh42d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=505bd7e5a6459dcc3dd5e307a1fde088d996a59d people always tell me my dog looks like falkor


https://preview.redd.it/jjpdeczum62d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c118dff57d2fe0aab98142251c6a20a50b1799f My dogs name IS FALKOR!!! šŸ˜Š


Omg so cutešŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Definitely falkor!!


So beyond fkd uppp wrecked meeee


I had to google this because I thought you were posting some meme about a recurring joke that people post around in reply to things. Like, "hey reddit whats your mama bigger than?" "Artax, the horse who sunk in the swamp and broke my childhood heart" Only it's been around for years and I'd just now heard of it Like Kilroy Was Here! One of those kind of things. Clearly, I have not watched The Neverending Story much in my life.


Hahahaha thatā€™s hilarious. hmmmm let me sit with this one a bit as I feel like I can write the first half of this joke/ new catch phrase. Should tie together vpr and never ending story which is going to take some time to but Iā€™m determined to find a new catch phrase because your comment made me Laugh Depending on your age it either wasnā€™t a big movie for your age group or you blocked this part Of the movie from memory For context Artax is the horse of the lead character attreyu and they got stuck in the mud in the swamp Its such an emotional scene. Atreyu tries to pull the Horse out and he gets very emotional and even angry at the horse for not not trying to save himself, but he canā€™t, heā€™s stuck and sinking and sinks which was a very upsetting moment in many peopleā€™s childhood I donā€™t know if James intended to make this reference but if you say horse stuck in the mud in a swamp its the only Place my mind will go. Poor sweet and noble artax. may he rest in peace


the swamp is called the swamp of sadness, and Artax fell into despair and hopelessness and completely gave up, he didn't even try to get out. He just let himself slowly sink and die while Atreyu is freaking out & begging him to not give up.


Omg that point never landed with my kid brain. Wow. Tragic. I need to watch again!!!


I just watched it with my son - it's such a weird movie!


Ive had the song stuck in my head all day so I think Iā€™ll have to watch the ā€œnever ending storyyyy oh oh oh oh oh never ending storyyyyyy woahohoohā€ tonight :)


That was so f*****d up. Jesus Iā€™m redevastated just reading this. Like my heart feels sad again.


He used Kristenā€™s suck a dick line too lol


Such a deep reference and quick witted. Was brilliant


Of all the ā€œmenā€ on this show and even on Bravo, James has shown such growth and maturityā€¦I hope he keeps it up and stays on his path hopefully with Ally as they seem to bring out the best in each other.


Agree, and he is the youngest of them all. Heā€™s more mature than the men ten years older than him. I think a lot of people forget weā€™ve been watching him since he was a 21 year old baby. Most of us are douchebags in our early 20s, and people who say they werenā€™t are probably still douchebags who havenā€™t figured it out yet. Being young doesnā€™t excuse a lot of his behavior, but I do believe it bodes well for him being able to become a better person.


Also didn't he say Kristen was one of his first relationships, and she was what, a decade older than him? And she was all over the place at the time, grieving her relationship with Tom. I think she did some damage to him. But mostly I think his parents did. Not that any of that excuses the allegations or what we saw on camera, but it does give a fuller picture worth mentioning.


Run on sentence incoming: Between his abusive and insane alcoholic parents, them losing all their money and him having to support his mother and brothers, bullying so severe they broke his legs which undoubtedly caused his people pleasing abandonment issues and his meltdowns when heā€™s iced out of the friend group and bullied, etc. he had no chance to be a well adjusted young adult


Agreed. Plus, imo, with the way his family and his relationship with Kristen was, he had to *grow up* really fast. Only after all that did he really have a chance to *mature*.




I donā€™t think the Streisand Effect applies to what youā€™re saying


I was like ā€œis that a neverending story reference?ā€ he kills me sometimes


Just watched that movie the other day.


Heā€™s a shitty person but very entertaining. Which used to be the theme of the show and I wish it still was.


I was thinking that watching the reunion, he's the only one who still embodies the energy of early (and entertaining) VPR. I want the messiness and quick-witted disses šŸ¤Œ


I understand this sentiment but there are real-life consequences to shitty behavior.Ā 


Seriously the show should be called Garbage Clowns


I was just thinking about it and of all the cast members, former and current, I think James is the only one who has consistently been passionate about something. In his case itā€™s DJing which seemed like a joke 9 years ago, but look at Coachella Kennedy now!


Heā€™s easily my favorite person on the cast.


Yes, James can throw a lot of shade. But did anyone take this as James muddying the waters so much that no one would ask Sandoval what he meant? I understand Sandoval projects, but I have a feeling he is speaking truth, and because everyone hates Sandoval and James throws in his quips, no one cares for him to elaborate.


I believe Sandoval when it comes the claims about James. Heā€™s not the only one who has brought them.


Thereā€™s James Kennedy. And thereā€™s reunion James Kennedy. Reunion JK is the absolute best.


It was very enjoyable. He is quick witted.


I died.


The best part is that you can tell heā€™s just genuinely quick witted, as opposed to Lala who rehearses the shit she wants to say and manufactures conversations so that she can get her rehearsed line about. The ā€œSomething about her/nothing about her,ā€ line was proof of that. Yea, thatā€™s what you wanted to say Lala, but you didnā€™t, the time has passed for you to comeback with some witty retort.


And blahblah always says her sentences super slow as if yes, she HAD learnt them and was trying to get them out in the way theyā€™re supposed to be said. James just blurts shit out as and when he feels like it, heā€™s definitely quick witted and reads everyone spot on


Someone made a tik tok of her saying the exact same rehearsed lines on 3 or 4 separate occasions Iā€™ll try and find it


I hate him as a human because he has been sooo cruel to people who donā€™t deserve it, and heā€™s also not that talented of a musician imo and looks like a bird. But I do extremely appreciate his sharp wit which he no doubt developed due to having what in all ways seem like pretty fucked up parents


Lol, I get it. I wonā€™t argue with people who hate him because I get it. I wonā€™t ever excuse his behavior, but do root for him in a weird way. Not to beat everyone or anything, but to figure it out and mature. Iā€™ve seen him get better over the years, and I think this year was his best, most likely due to him quitting drinking. Iā€™ve always seen him as a very broken person who lashes out because he was bullied and had such shit parents. Itā€™s really hard for me to hate him for that reason. Iā€™ll never defend his behavior though, itā€™s shit, and totally unacceptable. People who hate him arenā€™t wrong, at all. I just hope that most of his shit is due to being young, being an alcoholic, and having a terrible upbringing. Most addicts remain on a state of arrested development and tend to mature if they truly get and stay sober, so thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping for.


I will agree with you that he was honestly totally non problematic this season, so hopefully heā€™s maybe changed for the better. He was able to maintain his wit without being cruel to anyone who didnā€™t deserve it.


I agree






Fucked up parents?? But he took his first steps in Tiffany's!! /s


Omg I totally forgot about that. His mom said that right?!


What are your thoughts on the hinting by Sandoval that James was abusive towards hippie/graham? He got really angry and I think Sandoval didnā€™t expand bc he doesnā€™t want James to be cancelled. But the way James is so over the top protective of hippie makes me think heā€™s overcorrecting and feels immense guilt. I also think heā€™s fully capable especially when he was high/drunk. Heā€™s not a great human but I appreciate that heā€™s making great strides.


Honestly I think itā€™s because Rachel would talk shit on James to Sandoval during the affair largely in part to excuse her own terrible dog parent actions. And we all know how trustworthy rachel is




My first thought when I heard it too was that oh sheā€™s clearly lying and saying that after the fact bc she got shit for abandoning graham. But Iā€™m in the same boat as you, why would you implicate someone else, but then again sheā€™s a pathological liar. I do believe a lot of what she says but also she is 1000% playing victim and acting like he groomed her. She knew what she was doing and just genuinely didnā€™t feel bad. I donā€™t think she still does esp since sheā€™s suing Ariana. The gall to do that to someone that you wronged is on a whole different level. I think whatever therapy that she is doing is toxic. Bottom line, I really hope Jamesā€™ big reaction to that wasnā€™t bc it is true and heā€™s denying it. Heā€™s been a POS for a long time and like I said, I could totally see him doing something and now that heā€™s sober he feels immense guilt. The way it played out I just got a bad feeling about it.


Hippie seemed very excited to be with James. Dogs remember that stuff and if James had abused him hippie would have let us know by his actions.




GO JAMES GET EM ā¤ļøšŸ„‚


You know, as much as I'm not a fan of Lala or James, I do like seeing them together. I genuinely enjoy their side banter anytime they're seated next to each other at a reunion.


I hate that I love him so much.... the heat and speed with which he delivers his clap backs is something I admire.


A broken clock can be right twice a day, but thatā€™s not a real reason to keep it around šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly, We can find someone with this with this wit who hasnā€™t been accused of abuse multiple times.




In case you forgot, when Sandoval exposed James sexually assaulted a waitress in Atlantic City, James was right there and he never denied the incident. He deflected with the help of Ariana. Youā€™re not going to find ā€œlinksā€ to this because the waitress was pressured into signing a document that prohibits her from pursuing legal action. I see your need to invalidate Kristenā€™s experience with DV. Thereā€™s this thing called ā€œreactive abuseā€ and itā€™s what abusers rely on to manipulate the public into believing *they* arenā€™t the one committing violence in the relationship. You should really educate yourself on the subject. Kristen claims editors cut out the part where James had already pushed her and left in the part of her hitting him in a desperate attempt to distance herself. She has yet to face any legal retaliation for making these claims. What does she gain from lying about abuse? Coming forward as a survivor of abuse is one of the most vulnerable and difficult things a person can do. I hope outside of the realm of VPR you are able to hold more compassion for survivors. Ally has already come forward about removing herself and the cats from the house because of Jamesā€™ behavior when he is drunk. Rachel claims James would abuse their dog when heā€™d come home drunk. Weā€™ve all seen proof of James being verbally and emotionally abusive when heā€™s intoxicated. Why do you think Ally didnā€™t feel safe staying in the same house with James for 2 days? Why do you think she stated she will leave James if he ever drinks again? What proof do you have that James hasnā€™t been physically abusive ? Do you have any links?




My proof is Tom Sandoval making this claim and it not being refuted by James at the reunion. **Whatā€™s your proof for being so adamant against believing the sexual assault happened?** Iā€™ll answer your questions after youā€™ve answered mine, which you failed to do, just deflected with your own questions. šŸ˜‰ you guys love baiting me into answering your questions on here before giving me the basic courtesy of answering mine. Why would Kristen lie about abuse? You claim she lies to save her own ass. What does she gain? Are you aware someone can face serious legal consequences for falsely accusing someone of such acts? Why has she yet to face any legal retaliation from James or Bravo for making such claims? Iā€™ve not forgotten about her racist actions towards Faith, not sure how conflating the two issues applies but nice try! Why does Kristenā€™s pattern of ā€œabuseā€ hold enough weight to discredit her but Jamesā€™ pattern doesnā€™t in your mind? Did I say Ally made claims of physical abuse? No. I asked you two questions with background info about Jamesā€™ abusive patterns when he is intoxicated. Seeing that youā€™re able to admit James has verbally abused Ally, Iā€™ll ask my 2 evaded questions again: Why do you think Ally didnā€™t feel safe being in the house (with her cats) for 2 days? Why do you think she stated she would leave James if he was to drink again? When you answer mine, Iā€™ll show you the same respect to answer yours. Edit: against*




1. Itā€™s not weird. I told you my proof. I followed up with what your proof is. Most smart people can comprehend what it means when someone does not refute a serious allegation like sexual assault. Most smart people know people in power pressure their victims into signing documents that silence them. Most smart people know you canā€™t falsely accuse someone on television for sexual assault without the risk of facing legal recourse. **Do you have a source or are you just going to keep evading this question by challenging my position without any proof yourself? Is your only source James?** Feel free to google the daily beast article covering the allegation not being denied as well since you just NEED to have some sort of link. 2. As a survivor of CSA myself and my history with therapy to back it up, that was really cute ad hominem you wrote. Let me ask you the same thing. Seeing that youā€™re fighting this hard to defend James against claims he himself didnā€™t bother to refute, and without any proof might I add, do you have any proof youā€™ve never sexually abused someone? When youā€™re done answering I hope you can get back to the subject and maybe answer my previous questions more directly. Youā€™ve continued to fail. 3. Answered in 1 and my original reply to you. But I guess you donā€™t fall under ā€œmost smart people know people in power pressure their victims into signing documents that silence themā€ 4. Youā€™re diluting an incident of racism in an attempt to defend Jamesā€™ abuse. As a person of color, this is as hilarious as it is insulting. One incident does not invalidate the other. I ask again because you **failed to answer my question**: why does Kristenā€™s history hold weight, in your mind, to discredit her allegations but Jamesā€™ pattern of abuse and denying said abuse does not hold weight? You know he denies ever committing any form of abuse, right? Also, if racism is enough to get kicked off, how do you feel about abusive alcoholics who call themselves ā€œWhite Kanyeā€ and make fun of the Faith situation being allowed to stay? James is also a WHITE MAN. 5. No, I asked for the reason bravo or James havenā€™t retaliated with *any legal recourse** ā€” in case you were unaware, you can send a cease and desist before suing someone and neither parties have done that. I love how youā€™re talking about the Streisand effect while actively ignoring DARVO. šŸ˜‚ 6. I can only assume itā€™s because her issue was working with James and Lisa, a producer of VPR, who protects James almost as hard as youā€™re working to protect him right now. Is it really too difficult for you to question why Kristen hasnā€™t sought legal action over the abuse? Besides the obvious fact that it would be Bravo, a company backed with the highest paying lawyers, vs a woman living in an apartment in LA? Look at how people like you work so quickly to discredit her allegations against James. Sheā€™s been very vocal about what she experienced. Is it that hard to consider she could waiting for more victims to come forward before she takes that legal jump? A lot of victims in the industry have a better shot when thereā€™s a class action lawsuit. *Most smart people know that.* 7. No, you deflected by stating itā€™s normal for people who are considering leaving their partner to remove themselves for 2 days. Normal is relative because people I know, who arenā€™t afraid of their partners, just sleep in the living room until itā€™s time to move out. You already agreed he emotionally abuses Ally. Youā€™ve now diluted his actions to being ā€œa terrible drunk.ā€ A terrible drunk is someone who canā€™t hold their liquor and pisses / vomits everywhere. **James is an alcoholic who has repeatedly shown he is an abusive drunk.** Iā€™ve answered yours and youā€™ve yet to answer mine directly. Thatā€™s so rude šŸ˜” Edit: punctuation




1. **Do you have proof he didnā€™t sexually assault a waitress in Atlantic City? Is James your only source?** See how youā€™re literally incapable of answering a single question directly. šŸ˜‚ Do you understand when someone is in court, defending themselves against these charges, they also have to answer for why they didnā€™t do it? So Iā€™m asking you, what proof do you have that he didnā€™t do it? I told you my proof is what I saw ā€” he never denied these claims, he only deflected. Sandoval claims a document was signed and until you prove me otherwise, I can only go by what Iā€™ve seen and what witnesses have said, correct? Your commitment to evading my question is just getting sad now. If theyā€™re all liars, why are you so desperate to believe James didnā€™t sexually or physically assault anyone? 2. Itā€™s not to weaponize or to ā€œact like your so offendedā€ but how very *white feminist* of you to say that when I was proving the point that you are diluting an incident involving RACISM in an attempt to discredit an accusation of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE to defend a WHITE MAN. I mentioned it , to frame it more simply since youā€™re clearly not very smart: If I, as a woman of color, can see the nuance and difference between these two separate incidents, then why canā€™t you? To your silly little court example, that would be brought up by someone who is defending an abuser as a way to discredit the victim (DARVO) so Iā€™m glad youā€™re showing your ass as something that would be legitimate. It would most likely get objected to on grounds of relevance. But I guess mentioning my race is now weaponizing, as opposed to hoping you can have a bit more respect moving forward in this discussion. Youā€™re acting like a domestic violence claim cancels out her fucking racism. News flash: it doesnā€™t and plenty of us fans still donā€™t like that sheā€™s even on tv again, but that doesnā€™t invalidate her consistent claims of abuse. **WHAT PROOF DO YOU HAVE TO REFUTE THESE CLAIMS? You must realize by now you have yet to put your sources. Is it James?** 3. Kristen literally continues to talk about these allegations and her words havenā€™t changed. Thatā€™s why I believe she hasnā€™t receive any form of legal retaliation for sharing her experience with James. All Kristen has is her word because if Bravo ever got implicated in these claims, they might be forced to submit any and all footage they have of James allegedly being physically violent. 4. >I never reduced James to just being a nasty drunk. You literally diluted his pattern by saying heā€™s ā€œa terrible drunkā€ ā€” are you okay?? Everything else you said is irrelevant to the subject at hand, so respectfully, letā€™s keep it to the topic. Also your experience with your ex husband is YOUR EXPERIENCE ā€” it is irrelevant to the subject : James and Allyā€™s relationship. Itā€™s not proof either way that Allyā€™s motives for removing herself was / wasnā€™t a reflection of how safe she felt. Again, you already admitted James has verbally abused Ally. Thereā€™s seasons upon seasons of proof that James is abusive when he is intoxicated. Ally left after he came home really drunk and set the same ultimatum Rachel, his ex gf who also accuses him of DV, set for him. Why is it so impossible to believe Ally left because she did not feel safe? Do you think being verbally abused by your partner creates a foundation of safety? Until you respond to my questions directly, I canā€™t take your essays seriously anymore. Feel free to log off, touch grass and educate yourself on the many forms of domestic violence before you get back to me. šŸ™šŸ½


Yeah Kristin claiming abuse always makes me quirk a brow bc while yes absolutely, nobody should ever touch you- that rule applies the opposite way too. Like when she claimed Jesse was totally inappropriate with her bc he tweaked her nipple (ick) but like you did it first to him and he responded in kind? Its gross either way but her revisionist history always intrigues me


Look,Ā Kristen sucks, but unequivocally womenā€™s and menā€™s nipples are different in how they are treated in any number of ways. Legally, culturally, sexually - comparing the two actions are not the same. She tweaks his nipple and he tweaks her neck? Maybe.Ā  But to your point: even people who lie donā€™t typically lie about abuse. And, if Iā€™m remembering correctly, her accusations against James have been corroborated by both circumstances and someone else, with posts on that even in this sub.Ā  Iā€™m so sick of people riding so hard for this douchebag just because heā€™s clever. We saw him spit on Kristenā€™s door.Ā 




Sure - but: - Kristen claims have been corroboratedĀ  - James has not accused Kristen of being abusive - Other people have not accused Kristen of being abusive - Other people HAVE accused James of being abusive




Once again for the last time: There are no perfect victims.Ā  Every single person ever who has been abused has also been an asshole at some point. EMOTIONAL ABUSE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE IS ABUSE. Iā€™m so tired of the James allegiance on here as if heā€™s a monk and Kristen is the Tazmanian Devil. James is as crazy as Kristen! HE SPIT ON HER DOOR. And, again, James has never accused her abuse!Ā  You could have used all the energy to discredit Kristen to google this yourself:Ā  - In addition to Sandoval, Allyā€™s abuse was reported by Tamra and another hw (Kyle?) (1,2,3 people) - Kristenā€™s was corroborated by an IG acct with specific dates and details (4,5 people) - Rachelā€™s was visible on the show, reported by her and her parents, and corroborated by at least Brett Kenyon (6,7,8,9) That is NINE accusations or corroborations of abuse, with multiple people for each relationship. And for good measure, Jax tweeted in 2017 that James was known to hit women.Ā  As an attorney who used to do investigations, this is an impressive list of accusers and corroborations on a topic that people donā€™t typically lie about.Ā 




I donā€™t believe heā€™s been abusive to Ally or she would be gone!!! After what Iā€™ve seen of Kristen on the Vally sheā€™s not believable!! Rachel came out to say James never abused her. I say by the time James is 40 he will be matured.


Im not riding for James, Iā€™m just saying Kristen is v problematic in her own right. James definitely fucked up a lot but didnt we see her on camera punching him in a parking lot bc she got drunk? Am i misremembering that?


Being problematic does not preclude someone from being abused. Kristen did hit James on camera at and she says that was in response to his continued harassment following his own physical assault on her earlier that day, which was caught on camera but never aired. This explains why James was inexplicably apologetic about Kristen hitting him (which otherwise makes no sense) at the reunion. This is the footage that was corroborated. Notwithstanding Kristenā€™s accusations, there are others as well.


Here here! Iā€™m so tired of seeing James getting a pass just because heā€™s funny. Everyone hates Sandoval, but has he ever been accused of physically abusing women?


1 - Emotional abuse, abuse of pets, and physical abuse is all abuse. 2 - One person accusing him of abuse should be enough.Ā  3 - Off the top of my head, in addition to Kristen accusing him of abuse, we have Rachel accusing him of abuse (of her emotionally and her parentsā€™ dog, and Graham/Hippie) and several witnesses saying they say him emotionally or physically abuse Ally. So thatā€™s 5 instances right there, and one should be the maximum of when someone is removed from their public platform.Ā 


We have it on screen forever of James being verbally abusive multiple times in multiple seasons to Rachel. Thank you for listing these out.




Rachel said he kicked her family dog multiple times, and she said (and we saw) him emotionally abuse her. Kristenā€™s claim was corroborated, and James never claimed that Kristen abused her. Iā€™ve contextualized her assault of James. If you want to believe James over Kristen thatā€™s fine ā€” but just say it. Based on my experience with and study of abuse, which has to do with a cycle of control, I believe Kristenā€™s accusation. Even if donā€™t: we have plenty of other accusations of Jamesā€™ abuse.


I died when he said that! And heā€™s right!


But if James did commit DV, then he is truly the worst. The father ahead James is, the greater his defeat will be. Ā 




Yeah, going off alcohol is the first step. Making amends is key as well. And frankly, we only have speculation at this point - speculation that I believe but is being weaponized in ways I donā€™t like. I want to like James but I donā€™t think heā€™s done the work at all.Ā 


Sorry but if he truly has hit a woman it wouldā€™ve been known.


Iā€™m downvoting this because this is a heinous and ignorant comment. Domestic violence usually happens beyond closed doors to people who feel ashamed and often terrified. If the victim reports it, they have to report it right away because law enforcement might not take it seriously. Even when the offenderĀ gets taken to court, the punishment often gets pleaded down to a slap on the wrist. There were people who defended Diddy until the video came out of him assaulting Cassie. Even with that video, which was from 2016, there will be no criminal case because itā€™s past the statute of limitations. The people who defended Diddy are not saying mea culpa because they donā€™t care about DV. They probably blame Cassie for staying with him. Kristen has said on her podcast that James has hit women, though she hasnā€™t given details because she wants to keep her job.Ā Rachel has mentioned DV in connection to Kristen. She also mentioned that Tom admitted recording Rachel without her consent when they filmed their scene for the Season 10 finale. That footage never aired, andĀ I doubt Bravo would hand over that footage to Rachel without a court order. People and corporations act in their own self-interest, and it is currently in no oneā€™s interest to publicly accuse James of DV. So no, we wouldnā€™t _know_ if James hit women anymore than would knew that Diddy was a monster in 2016 - even though it was on tape!




This was really eloquently put. I suspect that James probably committed DV against Kristen in a very messy relationship (not making excuses for anyone) so I will always be hesitant to cheer him on. Ultimately,Ā I believe he hit Kristen (and clearly she hit him too), I donā€™t agree with how sheā€™s handled it. That said, I completely understand her choice not to publicize her experience - sheā€™s financially tied to James through Bravo. (Ironically, most DV victims are financially tied to their abusers.) As for Rachel, she is remarkably unthoughtful. I believe she hates lying but sheā€™s so susceptible to manipulation. She clearly confuses conjecture with fact and misinterprets/ misremembers events to avoid cognitive dissonance. A completely unreliable narrator.Ā  I wish James would really deal with his childhood and his rage in therapy so he could grow to the point where he doesnā€™t just make me laugh, but also makes me smile.Ā 




Yeah, I shudder to think what will happen when Ally does leave.Ā 


Yea. I loved it.


What would DJJK do?


James the road man


I love James he might not be perfect but no one is. He has grown so much and has a huge heart. Plus heā€™s fucking hilarious!


I hate how much I love him. I donā€™t want to!!!


He is definitely cheating on ally but we are all okay with it cus well ally