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I did also notice that on the reunion Andy asked how long both Lala and James had been sober, but he did not ask Sandoval…


Yep - just a short lived little narrative to make him look like he was working on himself. Dude, like just commit to something, like anything, dude. Andy went way too soft on him at the reunion… ![gif](giphy|xbiBFNAb3fjMY)


Yeah but Andy did make a point to tell Ariana that having food in her bedroom was disgusting. I’m so over Andy and his little bravo minions.


yeah, as a person who used to have roommates who made me feel uncomfortable in my own home while also going through a rough time mentally, having food in your room from the night before is really not as gross as *some* people are trying to make it out to be.


Literally!! I’ll eat a yogurt before I fall asleep and leave the empty container on my nightstand because Im not getting up. If it were there for a few days or more I can understand people being grossed out, but its a singular day 😭




As a person currently going through a tough time mentally with no roommates having food on my night stand is "normal". I'm hungry then have 2 bites and I'm not anymore. I have 3 dogs - I lock them out of the room when I leave it


Yes and I love your username


This was the moment when I realized he wasn’t even attempting to hide his animosity toward her. I saw with much clearer eyes that he works HARD to make his favorites look good. 🙄


This and when he giddily giggled when Sandoval responded “nothing below the waist”. Sandoval is just ick and Andy eats him up ![gif](giphy|HkGdetMreiVvG)


The adoring scoff at his lockjaw comment made me gag


Sandoval is the only cast member Andy follows on Instagram, which I find weird. He doesn’t even follow LVP.


Andy loves John Mayer, like cmon, everyone knows he’s a love bomber creep, Andy ate that up too. He also loves Joe gorga 🤮. Andy has some fantasies


Yeah I did think of the John Mayer friendship… similar vibes.


Shep from southern charm is another one of his favs


I think Andy has a thing for Jax too and wouldn’t be surprised if something has happened with them.


Birds of a feather.


Shit feathers, Rand…. 💩 🪶


that was legit a funny comment tho.


from a purely show/professional standpoint, sandoval was willing to do the scenes production wanted and ariana wasn't. The disparate treatment was unfair from a moral perspective, but from a quid pro quo it makes perfect sense. Sandoval's actions also created a $$ bonanza for bravo, enriched his castmates and prolonged the show for one extra year, so it makes sense everyone is a bit softer on sandoval than you'd otherwise expect.


I know poor Ariana living with her sociopath ex, I'm sure she's mostly hiding in her room. It's not like she's going to hang out in the kitchen and risk an encounter, especially at night time. How does Andy not get that




I thought Andy was married and had a child with his husband Am I wrong here


Andy has 2 kids through surrogacy but he's never been married


Does he have a named partner


I know he was with the guy who co-hosts his Sirius show (John, I think?) but he recently talked about being a single parent and working with his ex.... Also, don't know why I know so much about Andy Cohen 😂




The tables will turn on Andy someday, it's inevitable. Times are changing and quite frankly...people that are thirsty for fame have found ways outside of Bravo to make money. Outside of cable tv period. I'll be surprised if Bravo still has the same formula of running things 5 years from now.


The nerve... like, I can't imagine what's hanging around your beside table, Andy...


What are you implying


It IS disgusting!


Tim was making so many gross crude sex jokes and Andy was loving them cracking up like they were the funnest thing ever! It was kinda weird and gave me a strange vibe between those too


It is disgusting.


The reunion was terrible. Mostly because the season was overall terrible and boring. I hope it’s over. I can’t do another season like this.


I feel like the reunion was mainly lala talking more than anyone and it was too much


The last two reunions have just been nonstop LaLa and it’s exhausting


Someone give her a baba to shut her up


Especially since she has nothing to offer, I mean.. a water tasting party?? How could it get more boring than that. Never liked rachel, but I'd choose going to her puppy shower that Lala mocked any day.


Oh god no, you couldn’t pay my enough to hang out with that much dead air… I can’t stand Lala but I’d still rather talk shit about water tasting to lalas face than talk to a cardboard. But hey, both choices suck 🤷‍♀️


Lala literally interrupted everyone including Andy and Lisa! I'm so over her.


The way she looked so smug after retorting that she had not yelled one time.🤨 Ummmmm, you don’t have to yell to talk over people and that’s exactly wtf you did and what we all knew you were going to do because it’s what you are known for. I truly wish she would stfu and understand that her biggest problem is her belief that she is smarter than everyone else, in any and every room she walks into.


If they come back for another season I really hope the put some kind of rule in place - like yknow if someone is asked a question; no one else speaks until the person asked the question gets a chance to actually answer it. It drove me mad when Katie was asked something and Lala just bulldozed over her every time.




If that’s what it takes, it’s what it takes 😂


You mean how she droned on and on and on about how she was the only real bitch there 🤣 This bitch couldn't carry a series let alone actually still be in one she's just gross and pathetic


I totally agree! We found out more about them on social media and the reunion was trite. Andy needs to take real viewer questions or hire someone else who can be spicy and still keep the network’s liabilities (NYT article, production interference) at bay.


And because Andy doesn’t actually ask pointed questions to the producers pets


I thought we were all aware that Andy has been madly in lust with Skeezedoval since early days. 🫤






I just thought that Sandy would have aged out for Andy.


He’ll do anything except.. actual therapy.


Pretty sure he only follows sandavol on instagram not the others


Andy dreaming of being Ariana's ex's penis flute.


He was never sober. There were reports and photos of him drinking


He wasn’t sober at the reunion filming. He had started drinking before then (as in, he had already announced he was drinking again, whether he ever actually wasn’t or not)


In fairness, I think that's also because Lala and James are working on lifelong sobriety, while Sandoval is very specifically taking a break from drinking by his own admission.


It’s still an interesting topic for discussion.


Well yes, that's why I'm discussing it.


I’m arguing that it’s still an interesting topic for Andy to bring up. Interesting and relevant.


Sandoval said that he started drinking again in January


So then he probably never stopped based on his track record. 


I think he did.


Reasonable people can disagree on this. He absolutely might have stopped. 


Sandoval was sober from booze for about 8 months. He said it on his podcast and in a few interviews. But I bet it wasn’t that long.


I got the impression that Sandoval was just not drinking for a while, not that he intended to be sober. I mean he may have called it “sober” but he said his intention was to get to start drinking/ partying again once Rachel was back so I never got the impression he was actually interested in true sobriety


I think Lala and James are openly solid in their sobriety, so it seems ok to ask. Grilling someone who may be struggling with it… that’s dark.


He asked Luann all the time while she was struggling back and forth and regularly had other casts delve into off camera instances of her slipping up so he’s definitely not above it. Also questioned Kim Richards about her sobriety regularly while she was obviously struggling. The entire last Southern Charm drinking centered on Shep’s drinking. Craig and Kathryn have both been grilled too, and during Kathryn’s custody battle no less when Thomas was trying to have her drug and alcohol tested constantly. In fact those tests and her results were brought up relentlessly.


The idea that Sando would be struggling with sobriety. Good one! 🤣🤣


I don’t get, why is that funny


Because he's not trying to be sober.


That didn’t even clock for me but your right! I didn’t believe he was sober during the season but this shows they weren’t even pretending by that point.


They also never mentioned Sandoval’s mental health concerns!


Yup, those went away real fast …


he was just sober for rachel and they broke up a few months into her stay at the meadows, so the sobriety was short lived. They were fully broken up by july 7 (his bday) and rachel checked in to the meadows in april, so he would have been sober at longest 3 months. He doesn't really have a drinking problem as far as i can tell, so he doesn't really have to remain sober.


Wait Sandoval looks intimidating? He looks to me like he takes laxatives and walks on an elliptical. He’s a little bitch.


Not laxatives and an elliptical 🤣


At least 500 laxatives


This deserves more love 😂


Because that’s how many Mya ate! Who knows what size bulk pack from Costco he has on the regular in the house…1000 laxatives? Constipation is a serious side effect of steroid usage. ![gif](giphy|13lHGbeF8uYL4c)


Oh shit. He’s getting that neck. ![gif](giphy|UaYDUGyY2Ao6UtpyjA)


All while wearing a sweat band on every gland


Gland Bands. Quick, trademark it!! 🤣


Tom Scamdoval is to sweatbands with Rob Liefeld is to pouches.


I think he was bulking up or trying to, to “out bully” his bullies by way of intimidation. My conspiracies were removed from this post for speculation, but I believe he did everything he could very quickly to get bigger for his JoJo Siwa show and to come off tough and reformed to deter people from continuously fucking with him in public. The laxatives play a part in that bulk up process as well.


I think that was so he could be in Chippendales in Las Vegas. He expressed resentment at not being cast because he was in such good shape.






Even more proof of how delusional he is.


Rude ![gif](giphy|1qiER9kg6KUBYXB6Ey)


Yeah that tracks. That sounds like what a 14 year old boy would think is a good plan as opposed to laying low and taking accountability like a real man, so it’s on brand.


These specific descriptions are perfect


theres not a chance in hell he was sober while touring and getting a wave of fan hate when mans drank every single day the last decade.


And don’t forgot that insane Nick Viall interview where he turned up as the poster boy for active addiction was filmed way after this series ended


I missed that….


Look it up it’s nuts!


I think for the camera, Sandoval pretends to be sober and healthy. He saw online how we all called him out for partying and probably thought “every time I’m on camera, I won’t drink to give the illusion I’m changing”




And on the Special Forces military show (JoJo also on, but not her show), he made it to the end, but the instructors didn’t pass him because of his character.


Didn't JoJo have to literally carry him on her back at one point?


Yeah he was a little baby, I'm surprised he made it to the end tbh


He's such a fucking pathetic wimp and now he probably has roid rage on top of that.


He also said that he wouldn’t drink when Schwartz brother came to visit, which I interpreted as him insinuating that he is drinking again


I love that the rolls Royce only made it in the secrets revealed 😂


Is he leasing or owning?


I feel like he literally rented it for that scene thinking it’d be shown on the show and not just secrets revealed


I haven't watched this "secrets revealed" episode yet, what is up with this?


Would the rental fee be a business expense tax write off for him (if he used it in the show)?


Yeah typically when you are about to go bust and file for bankruptcy, you’ll see outlandish spending to show no cash on the books and absolve yourself of more. I see this happening in the near future. He is terrible with money and has had people like Kristen and Ariana there to guide him; Sandy will flounder. ![gif](giphy|vE9JRJcUTY0lv27ksX)


Stopping drinking for a while during a really stressful time is not a bad idea! Doesn’t have to be a permanent thing. I think he also said at some point he wasn’t drinking in some sort of sobriety pact with Raquel, so maybe after they were done he went back to drinking.


Totally understand being sober temporarily for whatever reason. Support that. No hate there. But why the whole song and dance charade of “non-alcoholic” or “I’m not drinking” every party/dinner scene, just to be sloppy with hiding it? Did he think production would just crop it out to keep in line with the narrative? There are so many things proclaimed by Sandy with his whole chest to have been debunked an episode or two later. Then there is no acknowledging it at the reunion? Instead we have to hear about Lala and HeeHaw’s babysitter/nanny shit that happened off camera when? Lame. ![gif](giphy|11hcEcI6vvqHeM)


When he ordered the matcha drink he was like so loudly declaring *THE NON-ALCOHOLIC ONE* and that was definitely for the benefit of the cameras and no one else.




They do make NA beer.


Why do you think he was hiding it? Lots of non alcoholic things look like alcohol. Mocktails are supposed to look similar so that way it's like everyone can enjoy the experience without looking singled out.


My husband is sober (5 years!) and I am because I never really enjoyed alcohol to begin with. We get mocktails all the time and drink NA beer. There are so many options now compared to even 5 years ago. It’s awesome! I don’t remember any scenes in particular but many times I saw him with a beer it was a Heineken 00.


Yes, I love me an odouls! I don't particularly remember specific scenes either, but it just struck me as trying to find anything to talk trash about him. Who cares if he's not drinking or drinking?


Completely agree with you there! I never mention it unless someone asks me if I want to go for a drink and explain that I’ll go for an NA or mocktail. I’m comfortable in my sobriety and I don’t need to convince anyone about anything.


Welp he sure has upped the steroid usage! I wasn’t quite sure until I thought of all the ways he reminds me of my rugby playing roided out ex bf! See? Dating him did teach me something!




I don't think him taking a break was bad. What I *do* mind is he claimed it was to support Rachel's sobriety but openly said (and was saying to her in treatment) he was "waiting for her to be able to drink again" so they could have their first drinks together. All while he was trying to lure her out of the center by denigrating her for being there and holding his mental health over her head. That's incredibly toxic. He treated it like it was a gift he was giving her, like "I'm not sleeping with anyone but you and will wait until you get out."


Jojo Siwa military show 😂




You think Tom had the money to paid production?


I know the phrase "touch grass" is overplayed, but.........


His mom’s retirement and HELOC on the house went somewhere…


Yeah, into the Schwartz and Sandy’s money pit long before Scandoval hit.


To his bullshit band! 🤣




Yeah, also I know it’s reality TV but I have a feeling Bravo would have an issue with Producers accepting cash bribes to certain story points.


If anything, it’s the producers who dangle bonuses to cast members in exchange for cooperation. 


I’m sure the network would throw a shit fit…if they were aware. Sandy pays for engagements, bails Scheana out during Covid, sound people for Kyle Chan’s event, Rolls Royce lease, the most extras payroll, Schwartz and Sandy’s operating expenses, sidecar morircycles, etc…. I mean is it so far fetched that Sandoval could be hooking up production by way of $$, gifts, bribes; I don’t think so. He is used to getting his way and he’s not above flattery or bribes to get it. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMENaxV4fpdKnf2)


I mean is it possible yes. I also don’t think a producer would do that; like I would assume that would be a career ender for the producer.


This is Hollywood. Producers diddle little kiddies and are wildly successful. People will sell their souls for less.




Interesting theory


Remember Randall is a producer…he had everyone around sign NDAs because he is scum and scum sees scum. He knew what could be exposed if he was on a reality show; he still took the risk for the fame. Insanity. ![gif](giphy|E1uiZaWSHePzFQyiro)




I think the show had some kind of deal with Heineken. It seemed like in every scene with drinking involved someone was drinking the Heineken zero. Maybe they just like it but I didn’t see any other N.A. beer.


Heineken NA is actually much better than many other options (in terms of closely imitating the alcoholic version at least), I feel like that’s why a lot of people go for it. And it became popular so it’s a common choice for restaurants to put on their menu as an NA choice, which results in a positive feedback loop.


I tried the Heineken NA beers, I actually liked them which surprised me since I’m not a big fan of regular Heineken


My FIL is sober and he ALWAYS has a Heineken double zero in hand, won’t drink any others


Those little blue bottles he has in the background are kratom- which is an opioid.  People say it’s worse than heroin to get off of.  He is not sober.


I googled Kratom and am not seeing a blue bottle. Is this like an herbal drink? Never heard of this. It doesn’t surprise me though.


Look up feel free kratom


It’s absolutely not worse than heroin to get off. It helps people to get off of heroin. I stopped drinking almost a year ago and kratom is a god send for social situations. It takes the edge off, no withdrawals/crash/hangover or whatever, and it’s not like a negative thing if I don’t have it.


That’s good to know!  And congratulations on stopping drinking!  Unfortunately my brother is a recovering addict and he started taking kratom, but he is addicted to that now and it has been just another nightmare for our family.  I know there is a support group for the specific “feel free” brand on Reddit for people who had a very hard time getting off of it.  I think for some people it is a great thing, but for others it is not.


A dear friend of mine ended up in the hospital with her liver a hot mess from Kratom. 😢


Yeah my friend had a crystal problem, kicked that and had a kratom problem....that shit sucks!


I’m sorry about your brother that’s awful. Kratom luckily is still way less physically harmful than other opiates. I’ve never tried that brand but I’ve heard similar stories. I just buy actual Kratom powder from a tea shop, take it before having to be around a bunch of people. Changed my life. I’m a bartender and used to use booze and cocaine to get through the night. Kratom has been a godsend.


I had a patient that heavily abused kratom, and it was one of, if not the worst withdrawals I have ever had to witness. Top 2 for sure and I see a lot of withdrawals. 


It’s much much worse for some people to get off of Kratom vs H. Seen it both with someone I love and the kratom kick was absolutely brutal and much longer lasting than the H kick for him.


Scheana also claimed to be sober, yet the minute she finished her one millionth performance of GeWdAsGould her first words were “I need a shot”


Tbh she only said she was sober while on a short course of medication for her OCD


She was only sober for a short time. She never said she stopped drinking permanently. I know everyone hates Schaena but this thing is not something to hate her for!


He’s not sober and hasn’t been for a while! I will try to keep this vague but my friend’s husband l produces the podcast of a ~friend~ Sandoval recently fell out with. That friend complained a lot about Sandoval’s drinking and drug use and said back in the winter that Sandoval was on a “bender”.


My guess is roids


He’s been using everything I think! He showed up to the podcast so messed up that he couldn’t find where he parked his car. This was before the George Floyd debacle.


So just a tidbit, Tom never said he was going sober like program sober he said he was trying it out periodically to support Raquel from afar and to help his own mental health.


There was a scene with the Toms filming in Sandoval bedroom at the house and there was literally a bottle of wine on the floor too lol


The "sobriety" was a manipulation tactic for Rachel because she was also abstaining.


He drinks on stage at his shows 😂


Can you post photos? You know they also make na beer obvi?


They have na beers. Pretty common


From what I recall, and my memory isn’t great, Sandoval put a pause on drinking in solidarity for Raquel who was in a sober facility at the beginning of the season. This was when he “believed” that he and Raquel would be together. I don’t think he was ever aiming to be sober.


I was fast forwarding through the secrets reveal episode, what was his answer to “how many people have you slept with since Raquel”?


He hesitated to answer and said he wasn't sure if he wanted to be honest and then said 3 people.


There was no redemption ark, they made him look as terrible as possible while he tried to redeem himself.


He was never sober he was merely taking a break from drinking in solidarity with rachquel. But was recorded at his shows with drink in hand on stage. He didn't need to pay anyone off - Lisa wanted the redemption arc saying the punishment didn't fit the crime.  The "Jojo Siwa military show" is called Special Forces it's not her show, she was a contestant on season 2 same as him & everyone else. He went on because he wanted the torture and to be punished and got eliminated for being inauthentic. And guess what- there's a season 3 coming and there will be other reality stars on that season too! Just like the first 2!


It was so absolutely cringe when he went up to the owner of that restaurant and proceeded to tell her that he had an affair that made national news and he 🤷🏻isnt even that famous 🤷🏻. It was very desperate and weird


He was drinking NA beers


I don’t even think the producers needed to be paid off. I think he was threatening not to film unless this was the edit and production didn’t want to lose him.


There’s so many clear cut reasons to hate him, we don’t need to dive into the speculative. These kind of threads actually give me a weird sympathy for him lol He’s not a good guy, far from it but maybe the one thing he is correct on is that the level of active, full participation hate some people partake in isn’t fair


I’ve been waiting for this post. I literally called this out so many times. He is the fakest. “No alcohol” to the waiters, then minutes later he has two to three drinks in front of him that he seen sipping in shots and no one addresses it. The producers are feeling bad for him at this point and giving him empathy edits because they know how disgusting he comes off to the viewers.


Ew. Ew. Ew.


Oh wow I didn’t notice this. I want to rewatch and see now


None of them are sober in the traditional meaning 9f the word. They are California sober which an entirely different animal.


sandoval never appeared to have a drinking problem so i dunno why he has to stay sober and can't have a few drinks. It was a really weird angle. Pretty early on in the season he knew or at least strongly suspected rachel wasn't going to date him, so his one kinda dumb reason to not drink to be "in sync" with rachel disappeared in the 1st few episodes.


If you tell anyone I’ve stood up for sandy pants I’ll find you. But when he wasn’t drinking all the beers were the Heineken non alcoholic. He def started drinking again after the Bethany podcast in the show. It was all for the show though who knows what happened off camera.


lol yall need to touch grass


Did you go to the Lindsay Hubbard school of gaslighting someone's choice not to drink and insinuating they are lying? The evidence you brought up here is pretty tinfoil hat.


TL;DR: Sandoval bad


Sorry your plans were foiled, Timmy ![gif](giphy|grsT0fDLSD35S)


It was always just a ploy to try and blame his shit behavior on being an addict. Like when racists go to rehab to try and save their asses. Sandoval never really struck me as an addict. They all drink, but he’s never been big drinker and he’s not like James, or others, who get shit faced and act like assholes. He’s always seemed like a social, fairly responsible drinker to me. He seems like a moderate drinker. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t be a functioning alcoholic, but I still don’t see it. Maybe if he said he was addicted to Molly, I might believe that. The only thing he’s addicted to is attention and fame. Still, I think quitting drinking is great, whether you have a problem or not, but I think this was just an attempt to market himself as a changed man for redemption. Just like all that bullshit scream yoga and meditation.


>the JoJo Siwa military show sending me




I agree with you. And it is BULLSHIT that in season 10 James was villainized OVER SANDOVAL. It makes me SO mad. James is the most self aware, honest and working on himself guy there. He was being gaslit. So sick.


Sandoval has said he was sober for 8 months. He’s gone back to drinking.


There’s a significant possibility that he probably kind of stopped drinking at some time or another…. /s


100% said this during the season! There’s also a clip where Sandoval was cleaning his room and their are empty wine bottles in there. Making that drastic of a change (going sober from drinking daily) would most certainely result in changes to one’s personality and self reflection, two things Sandoval has not achieved.


I didn’t see this, how many people did he say he slept with since Rachel??


He was only “sober” in solidarity with Rachel. Once she ditched him, he was straight back on it.