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If you're in season 10, just know there are many of us who believe the affair had already started.


Yes I’ve seen this said numerous times, I’m a diehard redditor so I’ve seen many of the theories. It’s interesting to see how she’s acting now that she is single on the show for the first time. But the looks to each other have already started, and part of me believes it goes back to the season 9 reunion. It was also weird how Sandoval picked up half of R+Js engagement bill. Weird all around.


It for sure goes back to season 9. Tom knew she was breaking the engagement off before anyone looked shocked and was fake crying. She had short hair. She was with Tom and didn’t come home and that was the rage texting from James night. Shortly after she used his drinking to split. I even said it at the end of season 9 to my bff. I said, Tom is way too emotionally invested in their relationship and the reunion it sealed the deal for me!


I’ve seen this so many times and am always confused so I’ll just ask now, what’s with the “she had short hair” as a sign that her and sandy were already together? I’m out of the loop there. I don’t get how her hair cut is connected to him at all.


Tom likes short hair. From the Kristen days he’s preferred short. Plus because Rachel was obviously copying Ariana with everything now that we know that it’s also a sign because Ariana got her hair cut in a Bob and Tom preferring that.


Sandoval loves that haircut. Kristen had it, Ariana had it, then Rachel.


He even complimented Katie's short hair this season after she cut it. Tom never compliments Katie.


Oooh k got it. Yeah all his gfs do seem to have that shorter length hair for sure.


I think they were hooking up when she got engaged to james. Why would Sandoval spend all that money otherwise?


Given his MO of buying off his friends so he can throw it back in their faces when they try to hold him accountable for something, no one will ever convince me he did that out of the goodness of his own heart.


Agreed, because I also think he has zero goodness in his heart.




You nailed it. That’s exactly why he does it


The show paid for it to look like Tom did that, they needed content. This show has been highly produced for years now.


They spoke about Rachel doing shrooms during that reunion.


That was about Ariana


Lol no Andy asked Rachel specifically.


Something definitely happened to make her break off the engagement with James (Dec 2021) and Tim looked so suspicious at the season 9 reunion


100 %. One of the biggest tells was that game night in season 9. When Racquel is looking at Sandoval and smiling and waving when no one is looking and he gives her the tone it down signal


Can you share the episode please? I want to go back and rewatch😅


Season 9 episode 7




I do think Sandoval is why she broke up with James. He was gassing her up to do it. I am not 100% convinced that the affair had started at the time of the engagement but I do think it was full blown during all of season 10. And wouldn’t surprise win the least if it went back to Rachella.


I fully believe the emotional/physical affair started around the time James rage texted her. (Ergo my flair)


the other thing that really bothers me during season 10 is that Rachel is SOOOOO hurt that James is with Ally now. she pulls Ally aside, “warns” her, and then is just like “she’ll learn what i went through and then i’ll tell her i told you so”. she’s so hurt that James moved on and is rubbing it in her face. yet, she can’t understand why Katie is hurt and doesn’t want to see someone who is a fringe friend to her hookup with the guy she’s divorcing. Rachel can’t use the “you are the one who asked for the divorce, you can’t be upset” because it seems like Rachel was the one who ended the engagement to James. on top of that, Katie was with Tom Schwartz longer than Rachel was with James, and you cannot tell me she wasn’t with James to get on tv. that’s also why i think the affair started earlier. she ended it with James and thought because she was going to be with Sandoval that she didn’t need James anymore. it wildly frustrates me. everyone knows that just because you’re the one who ends a relationship, that doesn’t always mean you stop loving them. and in Katie’s case, she says that she did it because she knows he’ll never her love her the way she deserves to be loved. she never said that she doesn’t love him anymore and that’s why she’s divorcing him. i would really think Rachel would understand what Katie is going through. Rachel’s hurt James moved on with a girl not even in their group, but thinks Katie is ridiculous for not wanting to see a girl in their friend group, whether she and katie were actually friends or not, hook up. it’s also why i feel like there was a serious plan with the toms, scheana, and rachel to ice out james and katie. i get they have all hooked up with each other and blah blah blah, but i feel like most people thought that the whole incestuous behavior of cheating with each other was over once they were all in long term relationships and no longer heavily drinking constantly and being in their 20’s. and i’m still mad at scheana for what she did to katie season 10 because you know if the roles were reversed she would’ve thrown a fit every single episode and would’ve taken over the reunion instead of giving space for scandoval discussion. the treatment katie got during season 10 was swept over and scheana got lucky


Can’t wait til sheina and Brock get divorced and he kisses Lala 🥰


he isn’t in the right tax bracket for lala


But if VPR continues, kissing Brock might at least keep Lala in her current tax bracket. I would not put creating this storyline past her.


He’s the wrong tax Broket.


The hurt Rachel threw at Katie is why I love the Ariana and Katie friendship. They both got screwed by the Toms with Rachel in the thick of it. With that said, I truly believe off screen Tom and Rachel devised a plan, pulled and manipulated others into their power play, to change the cast dynamics. All with the end goal of Tom, Rachel, Schwartz, and Scheana on top and pushing out Katie and Ariana. I could go on but…..Rachel wanted the crown and was equally as malicious and manipulative as Tom.


please go on! i believe that too. that’s why i think tom and rachel’s affair went on for sooooo much longer. i genuinely think they had an emotional affair happening way before and that’s why the engagement ended. i noticed people rewatching and pointing out that the scene of rachel seeing ariana and tom the day after their “first” hook up in the drive way, they seemed way too comfortable with each other for that to be the first hookup. i also really understood James being so hurt about the affair because (i forget which exact episode, i think it might’ve been the beach one?) during season 10 James talks about how he feels like the group is choosing rachel over him. now we know why though. i really think that they planned to ice out katie, james, and ariana. i don’t think scheana was in on the icing out of ariana, but i think she was in on the other 2. they knew about the agreement katie made with schwartz to not hookup with anyone in the friend group (which they knew meant no one from the cast) and knew how to upset katie. they know that katie usually is hated and schwartz is typically seen as the victim (i went back to look at old season reddit threads and they hated katie). katie was going to be the vindictive ex wife who is controlling poor innocent tom and rachel was gonna be the broken bird with her ex fiancé flaunting his new relationship in her face. the only thing is, these ice outs have never been successful on this show. even during the prime of the show where there was a lot less producing. and the other issue is that the toms and scheana and rachel’s actions were so bad that no amount of editing could make them the good guys. if you give it even a second of thought, you see the hypocrisy that i said in my original post i’d love to hear more about your theory though


In short lol …I think when Tom said (and she confirmed) they would talk for hours before/after sex. They talked about the show, he was her supporter and mentor so to speak and a master manipulator. IMO they would talk about/bitch about fellow cast mates, partners etc. and game it out. I think it’s natural to assume his strange hatred of Katie/love for Schwartz came up. Storylines came up. It’s probably all they talked about, him the mentor and she his pupil, thus the deep connection. He probably suggested the Schwartz pursuit knowing it would piss off Katie and knock her out. Rachel got Scheana to play along by simple “what if” suggestion knowing her hatred of Katie and known meddler/matchmaker would help. They start hanging with Schwartz and Jo, the four talk/bitch and think they are the power couples. Schwartz and Tom do their staged conversations to make Ariana look bad ( Don’t think Schwartz knew the plan.)Rachel continues to needle Ally about James drinking/instigating fights and suggesting he was abusive to break them up. Scheana and Brock are safe and naive allies. Tom breaks up with Ariana between seasons, comes back with Rachel.. Tom, Tom, Jo, and Rachel are the new power couples, Katie and Ariana quit. Think they did shots and talked about the show, it turned them on, and played it out like a game. But what to do about Lala?


I firmly believe that their emotional affair started shortly before Rachella, and Sandoval essentially bankrolling the whole thing was a way for him to get himself and everyone else to believe he didn’t have feelings for someone else. Literally no one puts that much money and effort into someone else’s engagement, especially when they are starting a new business and in a long term relationship of their own. There absolutely had to be ulterior motives.


I agree - there are so many signs that Tom was pulling away from Ariana and Rachel was doing the same with James. Rewatching makes me want to put up a bulletin board with pictures and red yarn to follow the clues!


Rachel literally admitted this was the plan.


Where/when did she admit this??


On her stupid podcast. Don’t remember which episode because it was a long time ago now and I don’t listen anymore.


Oh, I like the way you think.


The way she used Peter and basically mocked his interest in her was pretty mean.


I totally agree! It was sad. I felt the same about Dayna. Used Peter to get on the show, then gaslit him when he brought up the night at the Mondrian. These girls are so gross.


I remember one episode Rachel, Lala, Katie and I’m not sure who else, were staying in a hotel together. They were chatting together at night & Lala said about Rachel “i wouldn’t trust you around my man” and Rachel’s response was “good thing you don’t have a man”. At the time I thought it was dumb because they all kind of freaked out & got into mini fight over this comment. But it did not age well.


That was during the girls trip to Vegas/the lake - the one where Raquel had the little ceiling projector lights in her room. She left early with Charli I think


Left early with Charli and immediately went to “boys night” when they claim the affair began. Imagine going from someone saying “when you drink i wouldn’t trust you around my man” to the following evening starting an affair with your bff’s man.


Yes I remember this!! A lot of her comments haven’t aged well…Lala as well lol😂


Katie must feel so vindicated. I wish every single person would have said sorry to Katie for gaslighting her, especially Scheana!! “I would trust him IN BED with her” lol lol wow just wow.


This was also the night before the affair with Tom supposedly (according to Raquel) started. She went home early with Charli to crash the guys night and hooked up with Tom that night.


She said that bc Lala LITERALLY fucked HER MAN smh lol


I seriously think she has some sort of antisocial personality disorder! Her lack of empathy is disturbing


I agree…in earlier seasons I thought it was just ignorance or dumbness but now it’s clearly a lack of empathy!!


I just finished rewatching S10 today and she is just a competitive, vindictive and honestly CRUEL person. I don’t even think it’s a lack of empathy, it was downright sadistic at points like with Teri especially.


Cruel and sadistic. And it was that scene for me with Teri as well! I was actually really disturbed!


It’s really off how she seems to think everyone else are just cardboard cutouts and she’s the only one whose feelings are real and matter. She’s a very strange person and definitely comes across as being a total empty shell.


It shoots me back to Rachel accusing Lala of “playing the Dad card.” So gross


It spoke volumes. Her entire persona was an act- a creepy facade. She didn’t give a toss about James cheating- it was simply inconvenient information to her, because her agenda was to secure a place on the show. Likewise, she didn’t have a shred of empathy, just a complete empty vessel with ideas above her station. I agree with the other commenter, she has all of the hallmarks of a personality disordered individual.


Empty vessel describes her perfectly. I see so many so many similarities between how she and Jo have been acting once they got addicted to the fame.


She never deserved a place on the show- full stop. She was painful to watch, or listen to- and had zero charisma or presence. I can only think that she must have been banging someone well placed in production as well- because her place on the show and then being upgraded to full time cast member made no sense to me. The ‘fame’ definitely went to her head. She was also being gassed up by Timmy, and clearly was high on her own supply that last season- strutting around thinking she was a main player, rehearsing her embarrassing ‘come backs’ and just generally being lame. It made zero sense for production to centre that season around ‘Rachquel embracing her single-girl life’ - had Scandoval not happened, the whole show would’ve been canned on the back of her basic-bitch manufactured ‘drama’. It pleases me that she fell flat on her face- the whole thing was reminiscent of All About Eve.


Oh wow wow wow u put it perfectly!! It was just inconvenient information for her and she had to play it accordingly. I agree- she needed this show and it validated her in a way. But the second she was on her own true colors were shown.


Her responses sound so empty and robotic when she says “I am embarrassed by how I acted” at the reunion and just stares ahead and blinks


Yep, she absolutely gives fembot vibes lol. I think that’s partly why I couldn’t bring myself to watch this season- it just left such an uncomfortable, unsettling feeling. I also cannot stand Scheana or Lala, I don’t find the guys on the show entertaining- because their mask has also well and truly dropped at this point. The only people left are Katie and Ariana- and in all fairness, they’re not exactly riveting tv tbh. The show has run its course, in my opinion. The first seasons with Stassi, Jax & Kristen were perfect- but Stassi made the show. The current cast just don’t have enough about them- they’re not witty, their snark falls flat and most of them are just unlikeable at this point- and not in a ‘love to hate’ way. More of a ‘I really don’t want to ever have to see you or hear from you again’ kinda way.


Yeah that’s when I realized that something’s really wrong with her.


This is what made me turn on her. Hated her ever since. And I’m not even a Lala stan.


OK, remind me of this, what was the dad card that was played?


To the best of my memory, and maybe enough to jog yours or someone else's here to provide more details, Rachel confronted Lala at SUR and it ended with Lala bringing up the loss of her father. Rachel then goes up to another server and complains Lala used the dead dad card. Lala hears that and gets in Rachel's face yelling at her. It was after James was fired so then it was brought up to LVP because Lala did it on shift at the hostess stand and didn't get fired.


Jesus Christ, her abusiveness is just out of control.


She was definitely with Sanadaval after the engagement.


Raquel backing out of walking with Schwartz after initially already changing the agreed plans to change her walking partner to Schwartz. She's making someone else's wedding events about herself, who on earth would bother messing around with the planned wedding arrangements just because? Like, even if my partner was a farting, squelching smelly lemon, I'd shut my mouth and just walk the however many seconds down the aisle. That's it. Done. It's not like she was being forced into a lifelong partnership with Schwartz forever and would have to walk with him for the rest of her life. Absolute moron. It really was about fucking with Katie and putting Schwartz down, even on WWHL making such a face that Scheana thought she'd say Schwartz was the hotter one when andy asked whether schwartz or Sandoval was hotter. Raquel was like Sandoval has abs and had a disgusted look on her face as she pictured SHORT'S soft belly.... such a weirdo


So true but after this season, looking back to how Scheana also answered Sandoval is weird too!!! Why would you ever think your best friend’s boyfriend/ common law husband of a decade is hotter than the other Tom? I can’t even think of my guy friends as attractive let alone my best friends husband!!! Both of them gave themselves away with answering Sandoval. I mean not so many seasons ago Scheana was messaging Ariana’s mom saying how horrible of a person Tom was. So I find it strange that both said Sandoval was the hotter one of the Tom’s on WWHL. I truly think something happened between Tom and Scheana at some point. I don’t know when or how far they went but I’m positive something had to have happened between them. Especially after watching how strange Scheana acted this season when it came to Tom! Like now may be her chance to be with him… Her telling Brock that she doesn’t see them married forever, her acting and saying Tom missed her friendship more than Ariana in his life and the list goes on. Neither of them should’ve said either but Schwartz would have been the appropriate response between the two if you had to choose considering that they were both so close to Ariana before.


I think that the reason Scheana hit Rachel was not to defend Ariana but because she was jealous of her being with Tom. Scheana acts WEIRD around Sandoval and always has. Andy was a snake for asking that, if I was Ariana I would have been pissed. Like why even make them picture being with someone who is taken?!?


When she volunteered to tell Katie she couldn't use the pool in Cancun. WTF?


It was weird bc I’m pretty sure Scheana was joking when she said that (it was Scheana, right?? Can’t remember) but Rachel took it literally.


i remember her saying she related to another pageant queen that came out about her autism diagnosis. she never spoke about it and the girl lies a lot, but that’s a common social que misunderstanding if she is on the spectrum


That’s actually a good point. I don’t want to speculate too much cuz I’m not her doctor. But on the show, she definitely has issues with social cues. She often seems confused whenever people are rightfully upset with her.


Her audacity is WILD. She does it in such a childish manner like standing SO close and having this non blinking stare!! She is very childish. I bet she did this as a child, telling people what they could and couldn’t do. She’s very entitled


THAT. that's the first thing that comes to mind. That she was willing to do that. She really thought she was a character on the show at that point, didn't she? I wanted to reach through my TV screen and slap her unconscious and I am not a violent person at all. but women like that? Snakes like that? They go out of their way to pick at and hurt at people? Oh, I will do it. And she's dating MAGA trash now so we know her true colors .


It’s so weird because she made a point of saying Donald Trump is the reason she aged out of pageants because he lowered the age to 27 as the cut off and she sounded mad. I bet her parents are MAGA though. No doubt


No doubt either. I don't want to harp on this because I know it's a point of insecurity, but Rachael was is also not that intelligent and not that articulate. What the worm saw in her is just beyond me, I couldn't have a conversation with that woman for more than five minutes without getting up and leaving. I feel like her synopses fire more slowly or something, and I don't mean that in an ableist way because I have brain fog and sometimes I have trouble finding words. It just feels like there's no curiosity inside which is just the final thing for me to say my God, vapid and evil.


I agree one hundred percent, and there are more like her in society and that scares me. They will ruin your life and feel nothing, no guilt, etc.


How is someone trash only bc the way they chose to vote? Smh that’s sad you feel that way


Immediately no. I am Jewish and queer, I do not break bread with people who break bread with fash who want me dead literally. Rachel did , so she's gone.


Rachel is a horrible person and was insufferable since the very first episode she was in. I believe they started the affair in 2021, had a pact to both leave their partners and then come out in public as a couple. Rachel called off her engagement to James but Tom still hadn’t left Ariana so Rachel was acting out as “revenge”. Meanwhile he is still sleeping with her telling her he will leave Ariana etc.


I didnt like her back when with James, even b4 getting engaged. James was trying to mend his relationship with lala and everyone else. He decides he wants to write a letter to randall apologizing for the shit hes said to him in past. Rachel then was upset saying ok then you fix things with randall and lala and then where does that leave me? rachel said shes gona be all alone by herself, so James rips the letter and tells her he wont mend those relationships. In the next breath shes saying how shes might go to Katies ladies night at SUR…WITHOUT HIM obv. Hes like really??!!! U dont wang me to fix things with my friends cuz where does that leave you, but u wana go do things with them without me?!


THIS. Her motivations are always flawed, and very hypocritical.


I will love James forever just for the way he loves his dog. And I also believe the affair had already started


I think the affair had already started and that’s why she was so emboldened in her choices early in the season


I agree with everything you said except that part about n or letting james see Graham. James was practically verbally abusive to her and every chance he got insulted her, why would she let him see the dog at that point? But I don’t think Rachel mastered the sweet girl role. She was placed in that role because she had people like Lala screaming down her throat and you could tell she wasn’t a fighter and Lala just looked like a bully. So it was easy to place her in a victim role. But idk there was like this flip in her in season 10 where you could tell someone was in her ear to turn up last season because she was absolutely doing the most


I get where you’re coming from, and it is a tricky situation for both sides. However, although James treated her poorly, it still doesn’t excuse her actions especially after they broke up (especially the man stealing behavior). Interesting take on the sweet girl role, and I agree a bit. Lala was relentless towards her in the beginning. But she showed us she had no backbone, so personally I didn’t place her in a victim role, I just kept screaming “holy shit girl stand up for yourself” and didn’t really respect her a whole lot. After the breakup with James, she was wayyyy more outspoken (def bc of someone in her ear as you said), but at all the wrong times. Her comment toward Lala after Lala said she wouldn’t trust her drunk around her man (especially given what Lala was going through w Randall) was out of pocket and an example of wrong place wrong time. I think she subconsciously went at Lala bc she felt like she was back in a position where she felt attacked by Lala. That whole girls trip was just a mess and very telling.


It was so obvious to me that Sandals was coaching her because everything she said to and about the woman all came from his mouth first.


Nope, we don't get to say women need to behave better toward their abusers. There's literally a storyline where there's concern he physically abused her and ruined her nose job. People don't just assume that without there being reason. James has had talk of him being an abuser follow him since Kristen. There's even been talk of phsyical issues between he and Ally. We now have 3 consecutive girlfriends where these allegations have comeo out. Rachel sucks, full stop. But even shitty women don't have to be nice to their abuser.


I took a break from watching for a couple seasons and never say season 8 or 9 so I’m watching them now. I’m very interested to see how Rachel acts knowing what we all know now.


Honestly they are very boring seasons. Only interesting because you get to watch back knowing what we know now. It was on its way to being cancelled bc there was no substance. Just Lala starting shit and Scheana making everything about herself lol.


My only disagreement is that she absolutely did the right thing by saying if he doesn’t get sober she will leave. No one deserves James’ drunken abuse. Ally did the same thing.


I get this, but there’s a fine line when it comes to addicts and how to deal with them. Giving them an ultimatum is rarely effective, but does make sense when you look at it from Rachel’s perspective (she finally set a boundary, which honestly good for her). I brought it up to compare it to Schena’s situation (which is a little different, because she said if Shay took even one more pill she’d leave him and Rachel’s ultimatum was more focused on making sure James got help, but I can’t say for sure) Honestly, it depends on the reason for Rachel’s ultimatum: did she do it for her and her own benefit, or did she do it out of the goodness of her heart? It’s a tricky situation all around but youve definitely given me more to think about.


She was fake AF. She came off dumb because she wasn't being genuine and chose to act like she was this sweet little innocent person. But she wasn't stupid or innocent.


I thought it was rich of her to not let James see graham but have an opinion on Katie/schwartz dogs.


I thought something was off with her the second she chose to hangout with a group that very clearly didn’t like her man. For good reason, but who does that?


U mean like Tom did to Katie?


Yes absolutely lol, I’m unsure of what that has to do with this post, however.


She was terrible season 10 but watching past seasons I actually feel bad for her. James was always yelling at her and lying about hooking up with other women. She clearly didn’t want to believe it and defended him to the end. Most of the cast was mean to her except Ariana Scheana and the Toms (duh). Everyone called her dumb and stupid and she was never included. Once she aged out of pageants and left the relationship with James she did a 180. She said it herself that once she stopped people pleasing she only thought of herself and was drinking a ton and probably doing whatever production/tom told her.


But a lot of that is on her? She chose to date James to get famous and then stay with him when he was a bad partner and also chose to even defend him despite knowing better. Everyone called her dumb and stupid because she was - they told her what James was up to and her decisions with having that information were stupid.


What I see repeated not just in Rachel’s behavior but her own words is “consequences”. And Lala was right in saying the only people Rachel thinks are nice are people who just nod their heads to say yes to whatever she does. Having consequences to your actions is not being bullied etc but she wasn’t thinking far ahead to consider that.


It's totally on her. She knew James cheated & did not care! She sought him out & stayed with him for the show/fame. If she hadn't, when she graduated she wouldn't have known anyone in LA & probably would've went home to AZ. She knew exactly what she was doing & played the dumb, sweet girl to secure her place in the group & on the show. If she'd broken up with James earlier, there's no reason for her to be there.


You make some valid points. I can see both sides regarding Graham as her family did buy him and he was her dog, legally. I know she's said James didn't treat Graham well(who knows if that's true), but when you break up with someone you usually don't consider them any longer, nor did she have to. It's the polite thing to tell James about it, but I don't view it as wrong either. The saying she'd hook up with Schwartz was super cringe. I wondered if she thought Katie would think it's funny or thought Katie wouldn't care since they were divorcing, but either way it was a bad decision. I think it's different with what she did vs what James/Lala did as she's saying she would hook up with him as Schwartz is now separated and not in a relationship) vs finding out you were indeed being cheated while in a relationship. I didn't find her ultimatum to James bad at all. Everyone knows James is a shit person when he drinks and causes a lot of problems for everyone so giving him that ultimatum is her setting her own boundaries, too. I can say many shitty things or bad decisions every single cast member has made...which is completely normal as they are all human beings.


I’m confused, didn’t her family put him in a shelter? I don’t think that’s a nice thing to do. If he had biting issues there are classes etc you can take. Him being with someone familiar like James vs Rachel’s family is better for him.


I know on her podcast she said her mom was caring for him when she was in treatment and he bit someone. She claimed he was taken to classes and even bit after so her family found a breed specific rescue to take him and said they'd work with him to resolve his issues and she either had to relinquish him or leave treatment to care for him as her family wouldn't any longer as they were scared of him. She says she figured the dog would be better off with experts. Apparently, shortly after the rescue got him they adopted him out a few days later, he bit them, and was returned. Lvp heard about this and adopted him then gave him to James. When I heard this I was thinking those trainers must've been the shittiest in the country as a dog who is resource guarding us relatively easy to manage. People really let that dog down.


A stupid vengeance demon.


The fact that she still is dragging Ariana to court, makes me absolutely see black in rage. Leave Ariana alone, Rachael, and you're dating MAGA trash now, which shows who you were all along.


Ugh same


Thank you.


Two things can be true at once. James was abusive to her. We saw it on camera. I think it’s completely fair for her to draw some strong boundaries after their breakup. When you leave an abusive ex, you should absolutely not maintain a relationship thru shared custody of your dog.


I never liked Katie at all.. until that season! No one… wants to see their ex get with one of their friends! Even if they aren’t a close friend.. you don’t need it rubbing in your face! Even if you dumped them.. wish them well.. whatever! You just don’t want to see an ex get with someone you have in your friend circle. Katie handled it way better than most would! Rachel is trash.. but no one on that show is an amazing person. Some are just worse than others.


Ok, so…In Rachel’s lawsuit against Tom and Ariana, she makes a claim that James kicked her family dog multiple times. She also says that James was abusive towards Graham. IF that’s true, that would explain why she wouldn’t want James around him.


No one wants to fuck Randall lala. Just because she was after Tom doesn’t mean she’d go after all their boyfriends or husbands. Thats slut shaming.


Well, she did go after Katie’s man, Ariana’s man, and the guy Lala liked. I don’t think that’s slut shaming, I think that’s extracting relevant take aways from her abhorrent behavior.


Agreed. Lala wasn't even talking about Randall in this situation. She was referring to Oliver.


As James said…”he’s a fat old man!!” Lmfao. I don’t think Rachel was after all of their boyfriends, I believe that was Lala’s insecurity speaking. But it’s also evident that Rachel wouldn’t care if a relationship is in the way of someone she wanted (as we’ve seen with Scandoval). Tom definitely manipulated Rachel but she made herself look bad too, and ultimately sealed her fate as a homewrecker which is something that will follow her forever.


I can't hate Rachel. I don't know what's going on in her head, but watching it's like. This seems extreme, but she kind of reminds me of what people in cults are like. Like they've been so broken down and they just do and believe whatever someone tells them because they don't trust their own decision making and instincts at all. I feel like james told her to believe. Things were in her face and yet she was still shocked james cheated on her with lala. I feel like that's why she had any storyline on the show because she did whatever James or production wanted her to do. And then i think she was being told what to do and say by Sandoval that whole tim after that. I'm wondering if he fed her Ariana didn't like her and they weren't actually friends. And he definitely would have told Raquel some shit about Katie. It seems like now, Bethenny or this radio show are kind of telling her what to believe. ... because. I don't think she's smart enough or confident enough to try to do a heavy PR spin on what happened. It always seemed to me like there was something kinda dark going on with her. Obviously, I have no idea what's actually going on with her or what her psychology actually is and may be completely wrong. But. I don't know. I've always felt bad for her. It's even sad to me that it took being some gross, dumb, old man's hidden sidepiece that you obviously had no future with and would destroy all the relationships youve built because it's also your best friend's partner to be the most seemingly happy and comfortable you've ever been throughout the show.


The Katie Schwartz Rachel love triangle was so obviously staged for the show.


I think it was staged for Sandoval, not the show. Although I’m sure that’s why Raquel agreed to it.


No it was obviously a staged storyline so Katie would have a storyline that season l, it gave Schwartz a storyline and it was part of “Rachel finding herself.” The fact that it was staged for the show was obvious from the very first talking head where Katie said “as long as it’s not anyone in the friend group.” The Oliver stuff was painfully staged, as well.


Katie asked Tom not to hook up with a main character to avoid it becoming a storyline. That’s why she was so upset so I don’t really buy that.


We’ve seen Katie upset. She wasn’t that upset. They’re also not above fake storylines on this show that require the cast to play along. Like Schwartz and her “dating” the same person this season. There was no chemistry between them. It was obviously fake. All of last season was staged as fuck and terrible.


I didn’t say she’s above a fake storyline but I do not believe Katie was a participant in this one. I think she seemed devastated I mean even her mom cried about it.


The likelihood that the show chose that storyline vs Sandoval is much higher. People think Sandoval can just dictate the storylines? No.


Sandoval could dictate Schwartz to cover up his affair easily.


Yes but he can’t tell the show to make that a storyline. They all agree with producers ahead of time what their storylines will be. This one felt so manufactured and in a way that required more than Schwartz to do him a solid on camera, imo. Katie seemed mad and I can’t explain why Terry would have been involved if it was fake but all last season when I was watching it I was like “you can tell how fake this is by Katie’s reaction.” We’ve seen Katie mad for real. She wasn’t nearly at Katie level mad last season.


I respect that that’s your opinion, I just disagree. I think Katie was devastated over the divorce and genuinely didn’t want that kiss to happen. Her reactions didn’t read as fake to me at all, they read like she was upset but also that it confirmed to her she made the right choice to divorce him.


Boo hoo, poor baby James. He is crying because his two favorite punching bags left him. How else can he release his aggression unless it's by beating up Graham and abusing Rachel. He really is the victim in all this. Abusers lives matter. #JusticeforJames #abuseisgood #punchintheface. /s for the dumbass people