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Her skin looks better and she’s less “puffy” in her face. I’m watching season 10 right now and I’ve noticed in season 9 and 10 her skin and face looks like she’s really stressed, been crying, drinking too much. She looked worn out. She is GLOWING now! Love to see it! Toxic relationships are such a drain on the soul. So happy for her! Edit: also, this dress reminds me of the night sky in Fiji. Gorgeous!


Bet having a boyfriend whose into fitness and healthy cooking- which he cooks really awesome dishes- AND the fact he treats her with courtesy and respect. All of this, plus you know she has a glam squad being the host... Yeah. Totally Ariana's time to SHINE!! Bet Sandyballz binge watches Love Island now. It's amazing what dropping 135lbs of douchebaggery can do for one's life!! ![gif](giphy|RlvJqdX5LzCSG9sH1n|downsized)






She was worn out in S10.. she lost her Grandma and her Charlotte baby.. on top of all the other things.. She is overflowing with her ***glow up now !!***


I see her lips getting fuller and fuller ......


And she keeps getting hotter and hotter..and what?


Yep, they are too much, imo.


I also think that female hormones go HAYWIRE when we are with the wrong partners!!! Katie looked “puffy” also before her breakup!!!


I think Sandoval must have been fucking with her self esteem. She always had body issues on the show. Now shes almost always showing off the body. I like the new look


I agree. Kristen talked about how he pushed addy, diet pills and laxatives on her because he needed his girlfriends to be skinnier than him. No doubt that pressure didn't change with Ariana, he had 500 laxatives in their house and has a Hydroxycut sponsorship.


For sure. When they started dating, she was rail thin. Her body changed in those 10 years, not in a bad way, just matured. I’m a year younger than her and the same thing happened to me. I was rail thin like her and I’m a little bigger now but still pretty thin. It’s natural. He probably wanted her to remain rail thin.




No need to be rude. I was using my experience to point out that between 28 & 38 women’s bodies tend to go through a large change and I can see Sandoval seeing it as her getting ‘fat’ instead of recognizing it for what it was. She went through a natural change.


Don’t worry, your comment made total sense. They’re just being an antisocial piece of shit.


I agree. I was unbothered by it. Thanks! 🩵


Totally uncalled for


You're the one who felt the need to make your little comment, when you could have just scrolled on by.


This is what tiny men do. I’m so happy she’s free from that. She is thriving




Couldn’t imagine Daniel being a personal trainer has anything to do with it.


She always showed her body off despite having body issues. Rewatch the show


Not like this


I usually don’t like see through dresses… but this? I love ✨ I love the whole look on her.


If she has a stylist, they're amazing. Her first red revenge dress made me take notice and it's been amazing look after amazing look ever since. No misses I've seen.


There was one Jean Paul Gaultier dress that wasn’t very flattering in a group pic but I’ve seen other pics and it looks good so I agree. So far no misses! Her glam team is great


The gloves and it not being sheer make it for me. It tones down the glitter into something more subdued and classy. Nice.


I’ve loved every single one of her Fiji looks so far. This one is so good


The best she’s ever looked!!


Survivor films exclusively in Fiji these days too; I wonder if it comes with particularly strong financial incentives, or it’s just in general a relatively warm, cheap and easy to film


I’d say it’s both. Accessibility/hospitality infrastructure + remote/pristine/lush tropical setting + cost is the core equation, but cost is even more reduced by logistical and/or financial incentives from government. The US dollar being roughly 2x the value in Fiji makes it appealing to begin with, but also, in the case of Survivor, it’s much more costly to move and develop new locations regularly when you have such a long list of financial, environmental, travel, and safety requirements. Support from government probably made staying in Fiji a no-brainer for Survivor’s production. In either case, a tropical, appealing and healthy ‘paradise’ that’s not a travel nightmare AND low risk is becoming more rare. Think of the additional cost of cleaning up a beach full of plastic or the surveilling/securing a remote area from outside human activity, criminal or otherwise.






Is it just me or is she always doing this pose? Like slay but I’m noticing


Great eye! It must be her safe default pose. We all have one.


Both her & Scheameeee do this pose ALL THE TIME!


She’s absolutely stunnnnniiiinnnng🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Glow up


Smokeshow alert 🚨 🔥


Just when I think I can't get more obsessed with her, she comes out when an even more amazing look 🥵


Love her!!!!


Does anyone know if Love Island pays for her wardrobe and, if so, does she get to keep it?




For the people who agrees with this post……you clearly haven’t watched the show 🙄 You can have negative body image but still wear clothes that shows your figure. It’s just that as a person, you aren’t aware of how good your body looks or wished you had another body that you deem as perfect.


Are you responding to another comment maybe? The post is simply titled “Ariana in Fiji”.