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The way to get back at Lala is to stop talking about her


“She’s not important enough to hate.” - LVP


Just let her fade away


It’ll happen soon enough. Reddit weirdos like us are wringing out the last drops of water from this towel.


She's a nobody


That's the tell right there.


She keeps saying she’s not “Vanderpump” anymore and she doesn’t feel like she’s “The Valley” either - idk if she’s trying to get in that headspace like ending the show is more on her terms since she’s been so vocal about being the only “real one” - everyone can help her out and just give her what she wants - stop talking about her then and she will fade away


She's been saying it for 12 hours. Mostly likely she's been demoted or the show has been cancelled. Calm down. Seems a lot like she's just trying to make it seem like it was her choice.


But then she becomes Satan in your life and can make your life a living hell even when you try to ignore her. She clearly doesn’t know when to stop and give things a break.


In whose life? Definitely not yours…


I am speaking about the people who know her. Use common sense


I completely agree.


Ariana even said that Lala was not part of her circle last year and Lala started the season asking if Ariana actually liked Lala. Their friendship was clearly done on both sides.




I really don’t think Lala ever liked anyone in the group but James.


^ this. In the last reunion, look at her face when Schwartz goes into his bit about regardless of the show/money he loves all these people. She's AGHAST at that statement 


Shartz is such a liar and manipulator. He said that just after putting Katie down and saying they were the same. I hate Shartz. A hypocrite abuser to the core.


insert the "I ate her cookie" bullshit, it's like gurl you did ANYTHING when you were drinking.


Lala has expressed an attraction towards Ariana a number of times so I think that part is legit but I don’t think lala saw Ariana as someone who really had anything to offer her on her journey to the top /s


That’s so true! And now she’s begging for attention like Rachel/ Raquel throwing out her name at every chances… why doesn’t she go back to sucking d@cks for pjs since she claimed it was super simple and girls should do it more and that’s how she got her man 😂😂😂😂 Ariana never had to ridicule herself this much.


Ever since Rachquel "stole her man" on the girls trip, Lala has declared herself completely uninterested in men. She was on the hunt for a man until that moment, and she's never been the same lol


I couldn’t believe he didn’t go for her sexy talk about her custody battle. Lala: I’m divorced with a kid and a custody battle, wanna make me squirtsk? Rachel: *blink blink* 🥹 Wonder why her chose her?




Rachquel ![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A)


That hilarious!


Lala doesn’t identify as bisexual at all though. She’s “100% straight”, she’s just sexually attracted to/has sex with women sometimes. She’s so goofy. 🙃


She is bisexual. She mentioned that between the two genders, she prefers p over v. She mentioned that on the show. You can be bi and prefer one over the other.


IIRC, she recently said she’s strictly dickly. Leave it up to LarLar to constantly contradict herself.🙄


Are you sure? Just asking because I remember her saying she’s not bi and that she’s only ever make out with girls for a man’s pleasure. She said Ariana’s was the only cookie she’s ever eaten. Really just wondering if I missed her saying she’s bi.


I didn’t know that… I already didn’t like her but contributing to the fetishization of bisexual women for male attention is even more disappointing. Her lying after Tom told everybody about that experience without Ariana’s consent was one of the few times she seemed like a good friend.


Yeah, I remember thinking, well that sucks and is completely unsurprising.


i’ve never heard her call herself bi or straight. i’ve also never heard this “make out with girls for a man’s pleasure” thing. when did she say that. i’ve heard her say she’s been with both but prefers guys overall


I honestly can’t remember but it wasn’t that long ago and I remember it surprised me. Anyone else remember this?


She literally said “I’m 100% straight” but I think women are beautiful and sometimes I’m like damn my friends are hot, I wanna eat your cookie… bla bla bla. So she’s either just doing it/talking about it for attention, or she’s deeply in denial about being bisexual.


I don’t think she has ever said she’s bisexual. Not everyone who has sex with both sexes is bisexual.


Unless you’re getting paid to do it, if you have sex with people of both sexes, you are bisexual. People are so weird.


Sexuality is not a linear construct. There are many different forms of sexuality and it’s really up to the person as how they want to identify.


To a point. But if you have sex with both genders, you are bisexual. You may prefer one over the other, but you’re still bisexual. She could be bisexual and not bi-romantic. But she is bisexual. Or she’s just doing it to indulge men fetishizing bisexual women. 🤷‍♀️


And she also said she doesn’t identify as bisexual. Probably in the same sentence. Not saying it makes sense. Lala is dizzy and full of shit.


Then she is confused


The most confused.




Ate her cookie and Randal Thumb’s a$$ - just another day for BlahLa.


Ew!!! I hope Ariana got herself tested.


If I were her, I would have gotten myself tested every month dating skeezy Tim Tam Tom.


Lala clearly is comfortable using sex as a means to an end


It’s not an honor to be eaten out by the girl who ate Randall’s brown eye 😂


RIGHT!!! 😂


I hated that she brings up the cookie comment yet sat there and listened to Jax question Ariana’s sexuality and then described her as a wet blanket. Then Jax and Thumb did coke in the bathroom and he asked him to be in the wedding. Lala was never her friend. She was quite happy to use Ariana and Tom as placeholders. She also basically dropped James as well when she secured the “prize”. ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)


I think Lala is incredibly jealous. Ariana is getting all the gigs she would love to have.


Lala is one bitter bitch. But I 100% agree that she was never Ariana’s friend. I know that there was a season when Ariana was really struggling with her mental health and mentioned that she had contemplated suicide. Lala made fun of her and her “Debbie Downer act” and implied she was faking it. In another scene Ariana is crying and really expressing how alone she feels. Sandoval hugs her, tells her he will always be there, wishes her a Happy Birthday & wipes her tears away. Ariana smiles and then Sandoval says, “It’s just that the boys are wanting to go to a bulldozing yard and we are like going to crush shit with bulldozers.” Lala and Sandoval are one and the same.


LaLa and Vom are very much alike, as are Schemer and Shartz. None of them are friend material and all of them are transactional.


I would love to see a mental health professional analyze this entire cast. Honestly, as flawed as they may be, I really would NOT blame Arianna and Katie choosing not to return to the show.


yeah and that nascar birthday event she ditched out on. honestly if i were lala i wouldnt have gone either but she shouldnt have agreed and left her hanging


The Production plant hired for the show has run their course in terms of entertainment. Seems inevitable. 


Lala is a sociopath. She doesn’t have close relationships. She has interactions with people that benefit her in the moment. When her looks are gone, she will have nothing.


I bet she’d really hate it if we all stopped talking about her. Let’s try that.




I think this is true. Lala has always wanted to be/be friends with Stassi and Stassi and Ariana have never been friends


LaLa latched on to Scandoval as though it personally affected her. Schemer too, but she knew about it, so I don't know why she attacked Rachel. They had nothing going on in their own lives, so they did podcast after podcast about it, even though Ariana basically took a hiatus before and after the reunion. Now they are doing podcasts against Ariana hoping to stay relevant. Neither LaLa nor Scheana are "friend" material. They are transactional, narcissistic and jealous to the core.


Blah Blah is an Opportunist! She’s a horrible human being and needs to go back to Utah! I saw through on day one!


it's expected that they focus more on advancing their careers than on maintaining the friendships portrayed on the show. Are we acting like it’s uncommon for cast members to prioritize their careers over personal relationships when the industry demands constant self-promotion? The fake personas and engaging in dramatic storylines leads opportunities and visibility. We still pretending they’re best friends?


Lala and Ariana always had their issues. Lala has always said some shitty things about Ariana on her podcast. Pretty sure she’s called her a wet blanket in multiple different ways.


She is boring. I have nothing more to say about her.


Ariana was the only one who gave her the benefit of the doubt re: Randall.


Lala is only close to people who she thinks can do something for her. Notice when Scandoval happened she was out there being fully supportive of Ariana, selling her merch and taking every opportunity to talk about it on her and others podcasts non stop? On Scheana's podcast they both supported her choice not to have mutual friends with Sandoval and to stick to her boundaries. Now it's a different story and I think it's because Lala is most definitely doing what she thinks the audience wants but she is way off the mark.


Yeah but Tom was also being a friend to papa along with Ariana bc Tom and Ariana were still together then so it can kinda be looked at like shes at least choosing one persons side who had her back when she had no one? lol not really a serious take don’t come for me


Were any of them real friends? Except Katie, Stassi and Kristen in the begging?


Those three were real friends in the beginning for sure but now Stasi us only friends with Katie and Katie is only friends with Stassi. I don’t think and Kristen are close anymore. It’s obvious that Katie and Ariana are real friends now. They went through a rough patch over the years but they got through it and came out bestfriends and business owners in the bed. Stassi and Lala are real friend too. I think Stassi was the one who did her gender reveal. Ariana and Scheana were real friends but I doubt they will ever get back to the place they use to be for many reasons. Katie abd Laka we’re real friends but I also doubt they will ever get back to the place they use to be. Tom and Tom are still best-friends despite the fact that they went through a rough patch last year when Sandoval avoided him when the scandal was at its peak.


Lala loves lala period


Lala never liked her cause she was a stuck up gf of tom sandoval. She was a nothing. She didnt even bartend the last 3 seasons.


True, LaLa was and is a nothing. Randall's mistress and baby mama are her claim to fame. Zero talent and now, hopefully, zero possibilities. Do not put her on the Valley. We are sick and tired of her.


I completely agree.


Well that’s harsh but that’s your opinion


respectfully disagree. i think lala seemed to genuinely like ariana, but over time you are going to clock certain things about someone, even if you love them, that you find unsavory. i believe that's what happened with lala- she supported ariana through scandoval, until she felt that ariana was being too overhanded, too angry, too unrelenting with it all. and i agree that ariana took over and refused to move on and made it very difficult for anyone else to breathe or operate or focus on anything else in that situation.


I just think Lala was and is still good at pretending. She has a good way of hiding her real emotions. I rewatched the show and realized that there were numerous hints.


You get cheated on and end a 10 year relationship in public and are asked to move on literally 4 months later and you think that’s ok? That’s insane


I mean… Lala isn’t wrong.


She’s wrong about countless things actually.




Hooooo boy let’s see. Wrong about Rand Wrong about arguing with Ariana about staying in the house Wrong about telling Ariana to defend shena when she was getting backlash cuz she was kissing up to Sandoval, that was her battle, her choice, her consequence Wrong about yelling at Billie Lee Wrong about cheating with James when he was dating Rachel Wrong about Projecting what she’s feeling onto others for season after season Wrong for asking Ariana to host a party at her house while talking so much trash about Her behind her back Wrong for trying to break the 4th wall this season and make the story about money Wrong for expecting people to give a shit about Her pocket first Wrong for assuming because she’s a mother, she takes precedence over others Wrong for the way she talks to people Wrong for being a massive, massive hypocrite Wrong for questioning Ariana’s boyfriend since she clearly doesn’t give a fuck about Ariana Wrong for not trying to hear another opinion in the after show that didn’t agree with her ( James ) Wrong for being jealous and envious of Ariana and Katie’s sandwhich shop Wrong for talking smash about said shop before it opened Wrong for all the problems she’s caused people Wrong for even being on season 11, she was the most annoying person even more so then Sandoval at times I mean that’s just off the top of my head Oh and also wrong for continuing to talk trash about Ariana and Katie making herself look incredibly Stupid and childish and also costing her opportunities And wrong for not giving any grace to Ariana in a super difficult time but she will and does expect Grace herself ( this ties into her massive hypocrisy ) Anyone else want to chime in


Thank you. You covered it pretty well. I am sure there are many more. When I do think of them, I will post them.🍾🥂


🫶 Also wrong about expecting Rachel to get over the fact that she gaslit, was mean, bullied, isolated, called names, told her James cheated on her immediately. Give the girl a minute to digest and have a feeling about it, however long it took. James was also wrong for this. Even though Rachel sucks, she was within her rights to feel upset over this discovery. It probably played into her not caring as much for what she was doing with Sandoval. They made it seem so normalized.


lol… you care way too much about these strangers.


How isn’t she wrong? I won’t judge you. Your opinion matters.


Ariana has always been under the radar except for the moments she decides to be in the spotlight. There’s been season when she’s barely there. And guess what everyone else does when their marriage falls apart— they stop living with their ex. It’s ridiculous. Let your lawyers deal with it and move out. Tom sucks but quit being stubborn out of principle and leave this traumatic environment. And let’s not forget Ariana and Katie looking down their noses at everyone all season. Katie just needs an excuse to be a dick. Any excuse will do.