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She seems extremely anxious and stressed. I don’t like her but I think the pressure of being picked apart on social media is getting to her and it also seems like whatever is going on behind the scenes with her marriage is not good…


It’s also pretty clear she has an eating disorder? The episode where she’s trying on bathing suits? I don’t think this is just weight loss from being in a stressful situstion


Did she say that when she was younger she had an eating disorder on one of the old episodes?


Yeah she talked about it at one of the earlier reunions. Maybe season 2 or 3.


It is ozempic face. That is something real associated with that drug.


Ozempic face is the same any weight loss, it's what happens when you restrict calories and lose fat. Scheana just had a chin implant and it looks crazy with the fat loss in her cheeks. Shes almost 40, shes not going to have as full of a face as she did in her 20's.


She is definitely a woman that doesn't take aging well and I think the surgeries and fillers are gonna get crazy as she gets older. She basis her entire self worth on her appearance.


What a burden to bear.


Did she?? I was thinking she really NEEDS a chin implant because her lips are so overfilled.


I agree


The way they talk to each other is awful. The constant bickering and nitpicking.


agree. Their communication is horrible.


Yeah, that could be it, I started arguing with myself after I posted this LOL.... Also, she could be behaving so extra for the attention cuz she was PISSED that Ariana got DWTS gig.


Absolutely. If I had to guess, her jealousy is making her sick, not the loss of any particular relationship. She has treated all her relationships as less than nothing.


I think all of the postpartum depression, anxiety and OCD is also really hard on her :( I’m glad she’s seeing a doctor for it


The legal shit was really brutal for her because she definitely did throw her hands in Raquel’s face. She was also super enmeshed with Raquel and Tom and Ariana. She doesn’t have strong psychoemotional boundaries.


I also think it was an awakening for her that, when you're a mom, that kind of thing can have consequences. I doubt CPS is taking kids away because a parent hit a nonfamilial adult, but I could 100% see being scared of me being looked into as a parent if I hit someone else and it was discussed on TV.


She said she was losing brand deals because of the charges and she wouldn’t be able to provide for her family. I am not sure how true that is but she did comment that.




Exactly!!! If she lost deals because of bad behavior, it was well deserved. She more than made up for it by latching on to Scandoval and doing podcasts with LaLa. Overkill and so insincere.


Wow I actually never thought about it that way, she definitely weaponized being a mom & acted better because of it. But wow yeah .. kid or not she did assault someone


With Brock's history of DV it should be a concern.


Oof, I forgot about that. It seems to be in the distant past, but it happened, plus he abandoned two children, then Scheana *allegedly* punches someone (not in front of Summer though). Probably not something CPS would look into, but she had every reason to be afraid.


When Brock was raising his voice to her in the store, she said she was concerned he was doing that with his background. Scheana is not above weaponizing the history of her husbands on TV. She outed Shay's alcoholism and she brought up Brock's DV on her own.


Not sure why it was just accepted she didn’t throw hands, from what was presented, there was a punch and it was obvious


Scheana absolutely put her hands on Rachel. I forget the exact order of events but I think on WWHL, before the charges, Scheana essentially said "I didn't PUNCH her" with a sly winky face smile. Maybe it was her podcast. She started back tracking with the charges. Its been very obvious to me she did put her hands on her, even if it wasn't a fully closed-fisted punch.


There were never charges. That said, she absolutely hit her.


there was a TRO which was used to avoid them appearing on the same stage at reunion. Another manipulation perhaps by the producers. That being said, she absolutely put her hands on Rachel.


And then she tried to downplay it bc she claimed it was said that she “punched “ Rachel, and she was showing how she couldn’t even make a fist bc of how long her nails were. She smacked her in the face with an open hand. She absolutely smacked her.


Yeah I’m not sure why people are so fixated on a slap being totally fine 🤣 Rachel had a cut on her face and whether she shoved her or smacked her or punched her, she did put her hands on her and lied about it after


It's not. And it had nothing to do with Scheana. She latched on to the bandwagon to make money off podcasts with LaLa when Ariana was not even there. Scheana is a low life form. Rachel is not much better, but this whole outrage of Scheana and LaLa was laughable.




Rachel was the one who didn’t show up to court


That does not mean she did not do it. I don't like Rachel either for abusing the legal system, especially now that she is suing Ariana. I don't care that she sued Scheana and Vom.


Can you fill me in on what was presented and how it was obvious, all I remember was a small vertical scratch on Raquel’s eyebrow that could have been from anything. No bruising whatsoever and that’s a peculiar place to hit someone. I find it hard to believe she hit hard enough to break skin yet not bruise, the skin around the eyes is extremely delicate and doesn’t take much at all to bruise.


It always seemed logical to me that it was a slap, as you say if you punch hard enough to break skin it bruises but with Scheana's nails she easily could've caught her when slapping her.


I was thinking maybe if Raquel had her phone up to her ear and Scheana grabbed it from her in that position she could’ve easily caught her eye with her claws. We know she threw Raquel’s phone down into the street or sidewalk.


Same. I always thought it was a slap that got exaggerated- first by Scheana over the phone to Ariana, and then by Scumdoval and Rachel. Once Scheana said it Rachel ran with that instead of a slap.


I have read repeatedly that you can't scratch well with acrylic nails, but I've never had any so I don't know.


I'm pretty sure if you slap someone you would scratch them with acrylic nails but uhm I guess if you wanna argue it could've been a ring or something. Either way I still think a slap is more likely than Scheana managing to punch hard enough to break skin especially given the lack of bruising which would've occurred had this been the case.


I figured she hit her with her phone, but you make good points.


Oh I hadn't thought of that, good point! Although I feel like Raquel might have gone after her for assault with a weapon or something if that was the case!


Nobody knows what really happened that night except Raquel and Scheana...but from the way Scheana acted, she did do something. Based on that cut, maybe she pushed her or scratched her eye with her fingernail when grabbing her phone and throwing it in the street.


Plus Raquel is very tall and Scheana is tiny. I would expect a punch to hit her jaw before her eye.


Tbf scheana’s 5’5 so she isn’t that tiny, but yeah I’m skeptical that a punch would reach her eyebrow let alone make a scratch


Schaena can lift her arms above head height, she has full mobility...






Long fingernails. Scratched Raquel’s eyebrow from below.


Is she really?! Wow I thought she was a lot shorter.


Excellent point!


I think she smacked/hit her and with those long claw like finger nails she could have scratched her. Scheana did everything she could to get as much attention from this affair as possible, to the point that I posted the question/observation/suspect about her behaving like a Tom's cheated on GF too.


I remember Scheana said Raquel was getting in her space & not backing off so she pushed her away, like a smush to the face.


With her nails I doubt that Scheana can make a fist, lol. A slap or scratch is way more realistic


It’s a scientific impossibility for me to make a fist!!!


Fr long nails prevent you from making a proper fist


Honestly when I first heard she punched Raquel it was the closest I had EVER come to liking her


Same ! I found respect for her


Why? It's scheana yet again inserting herself expecting she earned loyalty points, only to come up short yet again. It's pathetic


Ya she hit Raquel who deserved it, I'm curious how someone who has locations of all her friends didn't no about the affair or suspect in the least. Thank God 4 Allie ballie who seemed the only one 2 call out what she thought was shady behavior! We may have never known otherwise. Treasure her james!


Raquel had turned off her location (precisely because of Scheana)


Raquals location doesn't me shit. Tom is why she knew. Why else would she grieve and be jealous of her best friend at the same time? Schema is a scheming! Tom will still never pick you, run Brock run. I have heard lalala might need a roommate and 4 sure a new story line so....


I can't remember when but this was talked about, I think they said Tom would go to Raquel's flat and leave his phone at Schwartz's so it looked like he was there.


No one deserves to be hit 💞 except for whoever taught you that


Yeah, I’m surprised that comment has so many upvotes. I’m not sure why violence is the answer to anything.


Your probably right. But if I fucked with my friends men..hell ya I would deserve the punch


I’m right


She was very insecure about her post baby body and I think because Lala’s body wasn’t affected it made her more obsessed with getting her old body back. Scheana obviously worked extremely hard and looked great but personally I think she went a bit too far and maybe with her OCD got too obsessed with losing the weight.


It’s took her a minute to bounce back but she’s ALWAYS been very petite and thin


she was in a crop top in every scene in season 11


Idk about anyone else cheating, but she is under a lot of stress and OCD is a serious mental illness that puts all kinds of thoughts in your head. She’s also a new mom and navigating public feedback at a large scale.


Scheana also mentions at a reunion during a midway season (season 4 or 5 I believe) that she experienced an eating disorder at one point in her life and that she'd been having difficulty with it again. Edit: typo


When covid first began I was trying to overcome my ED and then boom OCD skyrocketed. I looked rough as hell Thank you prozac 🙏🏻


Yeah, 100 eating disorder. After she had the baby she would ONLY wear the most giant sweatshirts I’ve ever seen. You know she felt like she was so disgusting she had to completely hide her body. Like girl, it’s not a fashion choice if it’s the only thing you will be filmed wearing And then she got bone thin all of a sudden My first thought was that she got ozempic and just used it to stop eating


I’ve been wondering if she bullied some doctor into giving her Ozempic though this season tbh, she looks like she’s experiencing some hair loss.


I doubt she has to bully a doctor to get ozempic.


In that she has no need for it and never did? I guess I just assumed you had to be above a certain BMI to get it.


Technically, yes... but if you're friends with a doctor, they'll just prescribe it to you. It's not a scheduled drug like Adderall or Xanax.


Hair will thin after having a baby, and often never regrow as thick as it was prior. Could be that? 


I think there’s a good possibility that she is on Ozempic and the reason I think that is because she took the time to bring it up on the show. Why would one even say that or care that other people are saying it if it’s not true?


Why ozempic? If she’s struggled with an ED before it’s just as likely (or more likely) that she has just stopped eating due to her ED rather than ozempic


She wasn't drinking either during this time and if you're on Ozempic you often lose the desire to drink


Thank you for a reasonable reply. Look, Scheana isn’t the best but I feel for her with her OCD, and with having post partum feelings myself.. I would never want to subject myself to the judgements she’s been through. She’s pushing through to get that money, so good on her in that sense, but it’s at an expense for her mental health (whether she’s behaved good or not). It must be a balance for her to do. Again, I don’t particularly like her but it’s sometimes nice to play devils advocate just to put yourself in their position. I can’t relate to living in California, on a reality show, with a kid. My life is very different. I think giving some grace for people with a mental illness and postpartum experiences is kind


I snark on Scheana a lot but I also really appreciate your response as well and it’s so crazy because I was just thinking about this exact thing today but it’s true that post partum is a struggle that is very difficult and we should also extend her some empathy and compassion for that. I truly think she could benefit from some therapy and I hope she considers it. She has lost so much weight since the Scandal and this is the thinnest we have ever seen her so she’s clearly struggling with something, wether we agree with her reasonings for her being so stressed or not it doesn’t negate the fact that whatever she’s going through is real to her. My issue with her is that she’s so wound up about what people are going to think about her that it blocks out authenticity, loyalty and integrity. While I personally don’t think it’s healthy for her she is still going to want to be famous and in the spotlight no matter what people think or say about her so it truly would be in her best interest to stay out of the comments section and more importantly, she needs to get rid of her daughters IG account. She is 40 years old this year and it’s time for her to evaluate the way she’s been conducting herself and get her priorities straight. It’s time to focus on herself and her family, rather than spend her time all stressed out and wound up because she’s all up in somebody else’s business. It’s one thing to do it for the show and entertainment purposes but she keeps going off season, one example is her not only hanging out with Ariana’s brother, after he publicly threatened her with blackmail but she just had to post it all over Instagram. It’s petty, vindictive and disturbing that this is the way she behaves and responds to an ego bruise and one that wasn’t even caused on purpose by Ariana, nor did she ever not extend a lot of grace and understanding, plus reassurance that the odd way Scheana treated her was hurtful but not unforgivable. She certainly isn’t behaving like a kind, trustworthy person that people can look up to and young ladies can view her as a positive influence, nor is she coming off as a role model that young Mothers can look up to as a role models and I say that because of her Summer Moon IG account. Sorry for the long message, thank you if you read it all.🙂


This. I have two young kids, one is 4 and one is 11 months. I had sever postpartum anxiety and ocd after my first. I feel for her on that front. Plus as mentioned her previous ED which, anyone who has dealt with that, knows is an ongoing battle that never fully goes away. I actually have a friend who’s pretty good friends with her (outside of reality tv). She’s apparently a really sweet and good friend, fun to be around. I do t like everything she does for tv, but I also suspect she understands what makes good tv and what will keep her job and so she plays for that. I also can’t help but feel for her in the PP OCD struggle even if she does get on my nerves on the show.


But isnt that we are watching? scheana the character on a produced show ? If i say scheana is an asshole-im saying scheana the one on tv- i dont know these ppl irl and i dont want to- i like to watch the characters and talk shit here Trash talking trash tv. I assume they know that as well ?


Yes, that’s why I differentiated from what my friend said. I don’t know her, to me, she’s a pick me girl. I empathize with her PP experience, but that doesn’t change what I see of her on tv as a friend and person.


Totally get u


I appreciate how you framed this. Scheana has her flaws, but the health issues she’s experienced postpartum made me see her behavior through a different lens. If you’re already struggling mentally, your reactions, conflict resolution, etc, are not going to be the same as they would if you were on solid ground.


But I think Scheana makes poor choices and bad decisions. She really does need professional help, imo.


i also think she is not a very nice person. She makes deliberately cruel and petty choices.


Are you still “ a new mom” when your child is 3 🤔


No, but postpartum symptoms can take years to go away. And I am sure reality tv doesn’t help that at all.


Then she can get off TV if she actually wants to better herself.


These people aren’t self aware that’s what makes them good TV. Plus post partum mental illness can (rarely) be permanent


She can if she wants, but we all know she won’t. She’s a pick me girl who’s desperate to stay on the show.


That’s why I can’t have any empathy for her in the situation. She exploits her whole family for a check, including her CHILD, and then cries about people criticizing her. Maybe keep your life to yourself if you don’t want the public to comment on it?


I dunno I think you can have empathy for specific experiences someone is going through without liking or supporting them as a whole person


I can respect that. I suspect if I didn’t have a kid around he child’s age and hadn’t been through similar PP bullshit, I wouldn’t empathize either. But dealing with so much PP shit myself, I find I’m very empathetic with other moms (within reason). But I also see that a lot of her problematic behaviors started seasons ago


I can empathize with normal people who experience any kind of PPD/PP related issues. I truly can. I'm so sorry you had to go through that and I hope there's been a light at the end of the tunnel for you. I just can't empathize with someone who voluntarily puts themself in the public eye and then gets upset that they get criticized for whatever reason as a public figure. I can't imagine that would help her OCD.


1000%. If I were on tv, I would be a nightmare nut job lol. And also, thank you for the kind words. 😊 It’s been a lot of work, but things are definitely getting better.


I’m happy for you babe! They will continue to get better 💜


No but shr is a first time mom and I think that's a really important contextual factor


Nah I'm tired of her and Lala pulling the \~but I'm a MOTHER\~ card as if they or their feelings are more important/valid because of that.


To be fair, they ~are~ the first mothers. Ever, I mean.


And that doesn’t make their feelings more important or valid than anyone else’s 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm 99% the person you replied to was being sarcastic with that comment, because Lala and Scheana act like they are the first/only women to ever become moms


It went over my head then because I felt like everyone else replying to me was like “OMG HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT A MOTHER!” 😂 But I totally agree. They throw stones and start shit and then grasp their pearls and pull the mom card when they get called out on it.


Lmao are we gatekeeping who gets to be stressed out by motherhood now?




It’s this


When I had my first child I lost 70lbs from my previous weight, I stayed like that for years, people thought I was on drugs, it was stress and hormones. I was the same weight I was in 6th grade, and had never touched a drug in my life.


My mom had a similar experience. She was TINY while breastfeeding and stayed that way for years with the stress and chaos of chasing little ones.


She said on camera that she thinks tom would miss her more than he'd miss arianna .


And the whole “do you still love him?” question from LVP … it all seems a bit sus


I really wished they would have pressed Scheana more on why she said that. Because that was a wild statement.


For her to say that and then tell Ariana it was taken out of context?! No. It was a simple question and answer and not one shred of missing information or confusing of the context. ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized) Come tf on MEana, be rill, BE RILL!😝🤣


Tbf tv edits are incredibly manipulative and reality TV editors do regularly stitch parts of a conversation together. You never know if a conversation is entirely linear unless there’s no cuts. Not to say I don’t believe she said that in response but I think it’s important to never take a reality show at face value. These are storyboarded and directed shows. Multiple scenes in VPR are entirely fake (like Tom screaming at Stassi in the book signing). Always good to practise media literacy


Probably the most insane take she’s ever had.


If it were anyone else but Tom, I’d agree with you. But I do think that’s true


completely agree with you lol. sandoval wanted OUT of that relationship and clearly resented ariana for (from his pov) keeping him trapped in the relationship, you don’t have an affair with a coworker and a friend without an aspect of “f*ck you” to it. i don’t think he misses her at all, if anything he misses the brand


I agree about Ariana but I don’t think he gave a shit about his “friendship” with Scheana as she claims. I don’t think the man is capable of caring about anyone but himself


I think it’s possible something happened between her and Sandoval. We even find out that her and Schwartz kissed back in the day. I’m not saying it’s definite, but I would not be surprised


Her and Shorts “kissed,” back in the day… ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44) They definitely had sex! She slept with Zanzivole too. I can tell by the way she didn’t react and the way he did, when the question was asked. If it wasn’t true she would’ve been more upset at the allegation. Let’s also not forget her stupid “everyone’s man here has expressed that they wanted me sexually,” comment at the beach get together and again at the reunion.


Thank you- I didn’t have the energy to type all of this again lol


Haha, no problem, I got your back! Lol I also really appreciate when I’m too tired to say something and someone else ends up saying it all for me.😊


All of these comments she made are her way of saying ‘I’ve slept with all of them’. But I would bet my house that it was her who was the instigator every single time lol


Haha, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that’s the truth. This Shorts kissed me and I pushed him away and told him to go to bed was complete and utter bullshit. She should stop lying because she’s not good at it. ![gif](giphy|WZOffTa9X1FZe)


I 100% agree. I think she feels a sense of guilt/obligation/longing/ownership that comes from having hooked up with him and never really got over it. She was mad at Ariana in a weird kind of, " *I* would have forgiven him, dont you know what you had??" Kind of way. I also think Jax and Kristen have been consistently cheating w each other for over a decade based on the fact they have this weird friendship where they're actually kinder to each other than they are to anyone else they know.


What pissed me off was how she quit an SSRI after one month, then did grift-type alternative stuff 🙄 Psych meds take a while to become effective & so do the side effects. To me, she didn’t seem serious about improving her mental health/OCD with that behavior


I mean being irrational kinda comes with being mentally ill. People not taking there meds properly is not at all uncommon especially since they take months to work properly and can have nasty and debilitating side effects and thats even IF they have the right medication for them. My friend has bipolar type 1 with psychotic symptoms and she says she can relate to anyone who says ‘fuck it’s and stops taking their meds cos some of them can make it nearly impossible to function. Not to mention you can’t drink or take certain party drugs while on SSRI’s and that seems important to Scheana (if her marriage to Shay is anything to go by). Alternative meds definitely don’t rlly work that well. And it’s not a great idea to do. But I can absolutely empathise with someone seeking an alternate option to proper medication and treatment. Meds can really suck. Plus Scheana’s only revenue stream seems to be VPR. 10 years on and for some reason she never used her fame to open an alternate revenue stream.


I totally get what you're saying and I agree with your compassion here, but I wouldn't necessarily compare ocd and bipolar- resistance to bipolar meds is well documented because the side effects are miserable and the highs of bipolar are somewhat more enjoyable than the flatness of life on an antipsychotic. It's tragic and I feel so much for people going through it. Antipsychotics aren't SSRIs. For my OCD, I knew I was going to die without medical intervention. As severe and debilitating as it was, I always had the awareness that my behavior and obsessions were irrational. The C part of OCD is that I compulsively acted on those obsessions- hating myself for it the whole time. I know everyone's experience is different, but following through with my doctor and psychiatrist's recommendations saved my life. I wish Scheaner could have the same experience, because it's like night and day, and the benefits of meds (I felt joy again?) have BY FAR outweighed the risks (inattention, minor weight gain).


I’m sorry you have to deal with this. Someone very close to me struggles with OCD and has a lot of depression, feelings of worthlessness and emptiness and acts on compulsion a lot. Immediately after this person feels guilty and ashamed and it breaks my heart. This person also has the biggest heart and would do anything for anyone. Cheers to you for doing what’s best for your mental health and accepting for yourself that benefits of medications outweigh the risk of side effects. I think that would be a really hard thing to come to terms with and grapple with, and I could see myself struggling with that. You’re so strong 🙏


I get your points and agree mostly, but I don’t think OCD is really comparable with something like bipolar disorder. I have a severe form of chronic depression, some days I still cannot function to my full ability or do things like eat/shower/get out of bed, but I still take my meds every single day as directed, and make my therapy sessions. I had many side effects when beginning, and still have some, but I followed through with the medications as it was my only possibility at improving. To only try a SSRI for a month is pretty irresponsible as you really don’t know the full effects of how they could help you, and all docs will tell you that side effects usually dissipate after a few months. Mental health problems suck, and the meds/ treatments can be difficult and lengthy, but it’s all we have that’s proven to help most.


That is such an uneducated response. "I don't think OCD is really comparable with something like bipolar"


I disagree. Severe OCD could be worse than milder bipolar type 2. I don’t think it’s helpful to directly compare them like that. OCD can cause life threatening health problems and obsessive hoarding at its most severe. My friend with OCD (that had the bad reaction to SSRI’s has his skin constantly cracking from excessive washing and has gotten infections from the sores. When I had OCD I would pace for 8 hours a day back and fourth and obsess about things constantly. My friend with bipolar disorder has had one manic episode(with psychosis) two years ago and no mania since. All mental illnesses have the potential to be extremely severe and debilitating, or milder and more easy to manage with the right treatment. They’re all spectrums. To clarify I don’t agree at all with not taking ur meds and Scheana should be taking her meds. But I understand why someone would stop. Especially someone like Scheana who is obsessed with her appearance and Brock does not seem open minded enough to be okay with her potentially having little sex drive. (Plus you can’t party as hard on SSRI’s and Scheana seems like someone that would struggle with that side effect)


Yep 4-6 weeks is the minimum for psych meds! Speaking as someone who has tried several different ones over the years.


I don’t think it was just about Tom. She was incredibly close with Raquel who was lying to her constantly and who then slapped a restraining order on her. Raquel isn’t on the show anymore so I think some of those emotions transferred onto Tom. Was it a bit over the top? Sure. But it’s a reality tv show. Yeah she looks skinny but I wouldn’t agree that she’s gaunt. I can understand why she’s careful about her weight when Katie basically got harassed for a whole season for gaining a tiny amount of weight. I don’t agree that woman should be subjected to these standards but I can understand why she feels she needs to be incredibly skinny. Also like the other person mentioned, OCD is no joke and can take a toll on a persons physical appearance.


I’m on this season you’re talking about right now, for my umpteenth time😆and I hate that Lala calls her blobish or when James asked her if she was pregnant and we can never forget that pos, Kevin Lee talking about how he is serious, she needs to lose some weight? Shut all the way the fuck up to everyone who said that shit! I know Katie wasn’t on good terms with them, didn’t trust them, (for good reason,) and she said mean shit too but to me it shows extremely low intelligence and lazy for them to attack her weight, at least be more creative with your come back. Body shaming is not cool. I recently listened to the SUP podcast, which was an old episode, with Katie, Kristen and Stassi and from what they were saying about Lala she was walking around in her underwear in front of Patrick, the morning after she spent the night at Stassi’s and always taking her clothes off and being inappropriately flirty with all their men so it was ridiculous for her to cry that they didn’t like her and she had no idea why, like they never gave her a chance to be their friend, when she knew damn well wtf she was doing. Seriously, why does she behave like that?! She’s still doing it, flirting with Shorts, sometimes James, I saw her looking at Zanzivole in a way that both shocked and grossed me out, on the scene at TT, when she’s asking Lisa if she can host her sperm donor party at Lisa’s house and then going along with Broke’s lame ass her being his wife “joke,” as well as flirting and making other inappropriate jokes with him, damn well knowing that Scheana’s OCD was eating her alive and her biggest fear was those two sleeping together. We also can’t forget and ignore the fact that every negative thought she has and says about another person is straight hypocrisy and projection, which doesn’t bode well for the comment to Rochquel about not trusting her around her man, after she had some drinks.🤨 Why is she like this?? and last, when she said on a podcast that she is a friend to no one, it was like no shit, Craptain obvious!




I think your theory is spot on. She clearly thought DWTS was on the horizon, for who knows what reason, and would much rather think everything went to Ariana because of the scandoval, instead of realizing nothing was coming her way, no matter what.


Scheana has OCD. IYKYK how that functions. Mental illness tends to be annoying to others. Just a fact of life. Everyone wants to be a mental health advocate until the mental health starts mental health-ing. I hope Scheana gets the help she needs. I think that's why Ariana is still gentle with her no matter what... bc she gets it. Ariana struggles with mental health issues as well.


Why would you get obliterated for that opinion on Scheana’s reaction to Scummy’s cheating? Its exactly what I've always thought. I've seen several posts that theorize Scheana and Scummy have/had been sleeping together at some point and Scheana was upset that he was willing to leave Ariana for Raquel/Rachel but not her. I don't think that it's that far-fetched. Whatever the reason (jealousy, drama, selfishness), Scheana’s reaction was ridiculous. And saying that Scummy missed her friendship more than he missed Ariana was an awful thing to say. Just because Scummy gave her money at some point means nothing! He splashes money around for everything! He basically paid for everything related to James’ proposal to Raquel/Rachel and I know there are other things that I just can't think of right now, as I'm so tired. I really hope that Ariana cuts her loose. Scheana has no loyalty to Ariana and always finds a way to make everything about her.


She’s always been desperately in love with Sandoval. She’s also in love with Brock because she’s realistic. Tom uses her. She understands there’s little hope he would ever choose her.


Agree with everything you said and would like to add how strange she was acting at the end of the reunion. She was so so in tune with Lalas facial expressions and energy she started panicking when she thought she made her upset by not agreeing with her about Ariana. That shocked me. Also the way she talked about Sandoval missing her more than Ariana or whatever it was was absolutely INSANE!


Ozempic face


Brock doesn’t help. The day she went looking for a swim suit, she pointed at her stomach, which maybe had a teeny bit of extra skin, but it really looked like nothing at all, and instead of Brock it’s nothing… she looks perfect. He goes, “what do you mean? You just had a baby!” 🤦🏼‍♀️


I don't like Broke, but I thought that was a supportive comment.


Scheana-Too much selfishness and not enough protein.


I know we aren’t supposed to comment or speculate on weight in these forums but she looks really unhealthy. I think she is obsessed with being thin and could suffer from body dysmorphia. I grew up with this issue and every now and then it creeps into my head. You don’t see how you really look in mirrors or photos. She constantly feels the need to bring up her weight and needs constant reassurance no matter how she feels . It really sucks.


I 100% agree that her reaction to Tom cheating was over the top. And let's not forget she had an affair herself with a married man who had children (Eddie)! She is hardly the one who has any right to be morally outraged at cheating lol.


I think her anxiety and other possible mental/emotional challenges are too severe and then she does it to herself by insisting on being in the public. She needs to live a quiet life and stop being a pick me. She can’t mentally handle it and it’s emotionally unhealthy for her and now she has a family. I know it sounds harsh. But she needs to remove herself from this type of living. She has a family and she needs to take care of herself so she can help take care of them.


Oh she’s going through all of it after having a baby. I honestly feel so bad for her, I went through the same thing.


It’s really weird to me that Scheana can come out and say she has OCD, a serious mental health problem that affects almost every part of a persons life, and she still gets ridiculed. Her having OCD explains a lot of her behaviors throughout the show and she gets zero understanding or empathy for something that I’m sure has been plaguing her mind for years. Let the girl live! She has a problem, she admitted it, got help, what is enough for you guys?


As disappointed as I am with her about last season, I do really feel for her with her struggle. The combination of figuring out her post-partum OCD, navigating the relationship between Brock and her mum, dealing with the stress of Rachel's legal stuff, feeling blindsided by Rachel and Sandoval and grieving the loss of those friendships - it is a lot to deal with. She looks fragile to me and I hope she can get to a better place.


This sub is full of hypocrisy. There are 4 posts about Britt having sex again with Jax and how she’s an AH for it because she knows he’s a serial cheater and knew it when she got with him and stayed… as did both Ariana and Katie yet they are idolized as role models for the modern woman. Dear God.


Agreed. Imagine someone posting that Ariana is too thin, looks rough and calling her ‘Ozempic face’. People on this sub love cheering about ‘women supporting women!’ and how it’s not ok to speak about a woman’s appearance. Unless, it’s someone they don’t like, then they feel fine going to town with their opinion.


Could you site some examples of OCD behavior? I’m just curious as I rewatch for the first time


Who can look after Summer if an example! She ruminates about the worse case scenario or what ever her obsession may be there , tries to address however her OCD sucks her back in and she is stuck again. She does look unwell (not talking about size but her eyes look sad) and she isn’t herself (self absorbed yes but but not quite Scheana!). Hopefully she finds the right SSRI for herself because it can help ease the anxiety and loosen the hold obsessions have in you in conjunction with therapy


people who feel the need to write posts like this about her are having an obvious impact on her ability to function. her joy is completely gone, she’s been mocked and analyzed and picked apart with no mercy from fans and editors alike. I just saw someone on this sub say they hate that scheana is a celebrity while there are children starving in the world?? Liek HUHH???


Thank you for saying this !


And also this topic has been discussed over and over again. It’s like people come on here and say” wait a minute we haven’t shit on Scheana in two days, better get on it!” Gross


Scheana is wild. She is so bad at explaining herself sometimes. Youre right, she acted like Tom Sandoval cheated on her. The only time i ever understood her reaction was when she finally explained that it affected her so badly because of her OCD. She said seeing Tom cheat triggered relationship OCD, where she felt like she couldnt trust "If Tom can do it to Ariana that means Brock can do it to me" and that became an obsessive thought it seems. I can totally understand how OCD could affect her like that. I wish she would just say that everytime someone asks wtf is wrong with her


She had a thing with Schwartz and implied something happened with Sandoval too. She is not the most discriminating person in the world and has been around, so I would not be surprised about anything she or Tom would do. It could also be that Tom was paying her (for her friendship) and she was weighing her options between pretending to be mad at Tom and all the podcast money she could make by pretending to be outraged at him. I think Scheana is a snake, so she is not BFF material. I only hope Ariana is on to her and maintains a healthy distance from her. She and LaLa are both bad news.


I’ve seen her in person recently and honestly, it just looks like she’s on Ozempic. Sure, stress and OCD can age you or make you thin, but there’s a certain look that Ozempic and its sister medications give users and she 100% has it. Celebrities with actual weight problems like Kelly Clarkson benefit from these class of drugs, the ones that were already skinny to begin with look like they’re about to enter rehab after a 3 month meth binge. Unfortunately, Scheana is in the latter category.


Too much adderall and laxatives.


I think she got weird about her weight after her pregnancy gain & Lala bouncing back immediately after hers.


I think one part of this was she and Brock were constantly fighting over the nanny situation and then the OCD and Anxiety she has and her living in the comments caring too much about what others think, I think it took a toll on her. I know what OCD/anxiety do to someone and you can really lose yourself. I know the feeling.


I wouldn't be surprised if her ocd isn't also controlling her food Funny thing about ocd is it controls you when you think you have control by using it. I hope she gets help as it's evident she needs some more support




Cocaine…. Got me on my knees …cocaine


Scheana just feels the world revolves around her, so if someone does something, they're doing it to her even if it's not about her. I think she was also hurt that he said they were never close friends when she thought they were besties...she has always tried too hard to be cool with the guys.


I think she is dealing with OCD and anxiety, but also she does tend to make things about her. Also it gives her more air time.




She is on Ozempic and she is always working. Trying to be the main character and secure her spot on the show. Hardest working woman in Bravo Show Business. So so sweaty.


What is wrong with Scheana? EVERYTHING


I was seriously wonder the same things. The way she was acting it was like she was also with Tom. And looking scary skinny like back in the season when Rob broke up with her


Yeah, I don’t know if I’d go that far but her hurt “ Ariana, he was my best friend, I lost something too, you’re not the only one he hurt” killed me! Like bitch are you for real right now, did you actually say what I thought you just said!?! She tried to sell that so hard, I couldn’t laugh hard enough !


She is really pathetic. I can't stand her.


![gif](giphy|l52CGyJ4LZPa0) I am right there with ya!


Having a grifter, jobless husband who used her to get a green card and to pay off debts for the children he abandoned and wife he abused can take a toll.


She said at one of the reunions that she was offended Stassi called her and Kristen “the anorexics” because she had struggled with Anorexia in college. She also has a history of OCD, which can be comorbid with many disorders, but def with eating disorders! I don’t believe her for a second that she doesn’t still severely restrict and engage in compensatory behaviors. The way she talks about her food rules and her body through the series has triggered me a few times, so there are def red flags. You aren’t crazy for thinking that. I DO believe that taking anxiety meds after the scandal probably led to the most recent weight loss. Some of them really zap your appetite. But even if it wasn’t purposeful, I doubt she’s fighting to gain weight.


she mentioned she stopped taking meds that she needed. I never hear her mention therapy. She gets in the comments too much and that can’t be great for mental health. I don’t like her but, I hope she does what she needs to do so, it doesn’t make her current diagnoses worse.


She’s literally not taking any responsible action to fix or improve her mental health and that irks me.


Literally this. Her and Jax Zanzovol will do ANYTHING but actual THERAPY. Reiki. Scream therapy. Ice baths. Whatever except actually talk to a mental health professional. But not our girlie Katie. You know that Queen is doing CBT and EMDR regularly.




Scheana’s main dream in life is to have a “hot body”, because she doesn’t know how to value anything else


I’ve seen this theory floating around and I haha to agree, especially after we found out she made out with Schwartz It also makes me think back to when she went to Ariana’s mom about Tom, was she jealous Ariana was with him?


I think they’ve definitely hooked up and she’s always loved him. Plus she has some serious personality disorders more than just OCD. She’s a narc for sure, as well.


She deteriorates physically over the course of the show. And no not in the standard attractiveness sense, she is like obsessed with changing how she looks and her face literally morphs


She’s an ego maniac. And, yes, I also suspect she had or was cheating with him. People need to stop giving her a pass for being disordered. I have OCD and suffer daily if not by the minute and wow is it not even close to an excuse to involve yourself in other peoples lifes. There’s been times I can’t sleep, eat, or leave my house. And I consider myself to be a mild case. Sure, it can encourage eating disorders but she likely knows this and is still pursuing her stressors and triggers all while begging for pity. Instead of showing people how to do the work it takes to cope and function with OCD. If she was suffering, she should have removed herself from the tv and taken leave to get help. Instead she enabled her own disorder. For pity ratings…. She has all the resources us normal disabled folks can’t afford. And we still have to work, maintain lives, kids, animals, and various other relationships. With little or no support. It’s a cop out and frankly I find an insult to the behavioral therapy work I and many have had to do to survive the sickness. Most of us pray for the day we can afford that level of help …. And then there is her. Squandering it for a buck. Going completely backwards. It makes me sick and sad because it’s not right.


- If she was suffering, she should have removed herself from the tv and taken leave to get help. Instead she enabled her own disorder. For pity ratings…. Ariana was dealing with her own mental health problems on earlier seasons & people weren’t saying she should get off the show & get help (well maybe Lala). People didn’t accuse her of using her struggles for sympathy. I thought it was helpful to show viewers that side of herself & not pretend that everything was perfect. Which is what Scheana did before & people said she was fake. Now she opens up & people still crap on her.


A lot.


I think the list of what’s not wrong with her might be shorter


Throughout season 10, it felt like she was really counting on her and Brock, Tom and Ariana, and Schwartz and Raquel to be like the new power couples the show was centered on. She was finally getting rid of Katie in a super cruel and hurtful way and it was going to be her time to be the star. She was going around saying ridiculous shit like I trust Raquel in bed w my husband and making up rumors that Katie was saying Tom and Ariana had an open relationship. She’s insensitive, opportunistic, and delusional and it all blew up in her face


Thank you! Scrolled down to see if anyone else had this theory! I can’t remember where, but Scheana stated that she said to Rachel “ I love where we’re at in this friend group. please don’t do anything to screw that up” and Rachel replied “I won’t”. Scheana pushed so hard for the new power couples with Katie gone like you said, the same plan Tom and Rachel had essentially, she just didn’t know about the affair and pushing Ariana out as with Katie. Scheana has always tried to build up her allies since season 1 and thought she would finally win. Now she is pissed because essentially Katie and Ariana are the power couple and the Tom’s are at the bottom, Rachel is gone….which leaves her with Lala. If Tom and Rachel’s plan had worked where they came out later, or if her plan for Rachel and Schwartz had worked, Scheana and Brock would be set. THAT is what has Scheana terrified, that is why she is so pissed at Tom, and that is why she “punched”? Rachel. She’s at the bottom of the food chain….again. And probably where she belongs.


She's an incredibly self-centered person who also has a difficult time letting go of things. That's a terrible combination for your health. Also, let's keep in mind she's married to a man who abused and abandoned his family, so she probably knows he's going to do that to her and their kid pretty soon, too.


Maybe it's her conscience bothering her, if she has one. Her behavior this season left me over this show! She totally made scandoval about her. I feel very sorry 4 her daughter!


I have thought this for years. No doubt they have hooked up. How regularly who knows but it was more than once


Unpopular opinion. I think she takes something that aids in weight loss. Either ozempic, Adderall or phentermine etc. she made a lot of crappy comments about stassi saying she’d take ozempic and she brought it up like 80x. I think scheana wanted the attention on her & to prove she’s struggling so bad and that was her drive to lose weight. (She didn’t need to) I think she did it for attention because she brought up “I lost so much weight!” “I’m so stressed I lost weight” like 12 times in season 11.