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Warning: You may wish to consult your dermatologist before doing this. I’m getting concerning modmail messages about this.


Lol i did this and shaved off my eyebrow and had to go to work like that


So… ![gif](giphy|3o7TKre2pXE2DeUVP2)






Well, you do need to be careful but thank God for eyebrow pencils!




Why did I think this was brock for a min lolllll


I did too lmao


Omg I did the same thing in the shower and then I gave myself bangs to cover it up lol


Back in high school my sister shaved off most of one eyebrow in the shower because she had an itch on her head and a razor in her hand ..... I was such an asshole and ragged on her until it looked normal again. Kids are dicks


Did you shave off your whole eyebrow or just some?




Nice! It was Carolina manzo from rhonj who started it for me.


I’ll never forget how she got dogged for that on South Park


I love that episode! https://i.redd.it/g0bhul6fmn9d1.gif


I forgot all about that omfg!!


Who knew she was so far ahead of her time!


Lmao, I was going to comment this. It’s the most random thing my brain randomly pops up.


I'm a woman and I shave my face. My skin is amazing. Keep doing what works for you and screw the naysayers.


Me too. Best thing I ever did for my face. I’ve been doing it for 30 years. It exfoliates your skin.


It's called dermaplaning. And there's people and actual devices for it. Please don't bic your forehead guys.


Why not though? I have tried using those dermaplaning wands but they make it easier for me to knick or scratch myself whereas with a razor I don’t have that problem. Why would it be any different than shaving the rest of my face? If you know the answer ofc


Id think a razor would be a little safer too.


Those aren’t true dermaplaning razors, those are trash. You have to see an aesthetician for derma planing. The downvoters can feel free to ask in the esthi sub if you don’t believe me, those little eyebrow razor things are trash.


Can’t always afford to spend the money seeing an aesthetician on a college student’s pay tho so in that case its the next best thing in my opinion


This is the answer. Most people don't prep their skin or use them appropriately or change the blade, etc.


I been shaving my entire face for years and let me tell you... I'm 44 years old with not one wrinkle.


Stop it - is this what I’m doing wrong? Edit: not sure what the downvote is about. I’m serious. Your girl will do lots of things to keep a wrinkle at bay. And if it’s as easy as shaving, sign me up


Also, what kind of razor are you supposed to use? Just like a regular leg razor?


Idk but I use a men's Gillette. Not disposable. And I buy proGlide or proglide/fusion razors. They work very well.


Yes it’s the best


I bought a pack of pink flat razors (dermaplaning razors) and I use that to shave my mustache and my unibrow between wax visits. (I'm Armenian 😂) The same kind of razors would work though, I've used a regular trash leg razor for my face and I didn't die


Good to know!!! If you have any other tried and true skin care tips I am all ears because thats impressive!


Sunflower seed oil and moringa seed oil as a moisturizer. It's all i use any more. I also "shave" my face. I am 39 and no wrinkles or smile lines. Has even helped with my PCOS acne. If it works for you then you do it.


I have PCOS Too. I started shaving my face over 20 years ago cuz of the excess hair due to PCOS, but it has kept my skin so young n vibrant looking compared to all my other mid 40's friends, so o just kept shaving it even after getting full facial laser hair removal.


You said that you’re 23 and use retin A… do you need it at your age? It’s pretty strong stuff. I’d have thought you could get by with serums and good products, you won’t have wrinkles at 23 like that or sun damage to reverse




lol - you’re 23, of course your skin looks good.


I’ve always shaved my face because of my grandma. She did it with an electric razor her whole life. Thankfully, we are blonde.


Yeah I have heard shaving your face makes it smoother and if a person wears makeup it can make the makeup appear more smooth


I do it once a month or so. And, omg my foundation goes on like butter. It also seems to be when I get the most compliments about my skin (46f).


It makes applying foundation easier and one's skin looks so much smoother. My sisters and Mom asked me, How does your skin look so smooth? I told them, I shave my face but also, I take good care of my skin and I don't drink or smoke.


It’s not a good idea to shave your face because your face has hair for a reason, you’re more likely to get rashes and pimples if you shave your face too Edit: pertaining to the natural small hairs that cover your face and are practically invisible


Men shave the hair on their face everyday


Again I’m not talking about beard hair or eyebrow hair


Hair is hair lol men shave their whole face (not eyebrows obvs). It’s fine


I've been shaving my face for 40 years and have never had a rash or pimples and at 56 years old, I look 40. I'm sure it's because I take good care of my skin and shave my face. Also, people get hair in their noses, which I'm sure is for a reason but I still roto root my nose all the time. I suppose I have some sort of OCD with shaving but seriously, I cannot stand any hair on my body except for my hair on my head, eyebrows and eyelashes.


Nose hair helps prevent you from getting sick by keeping germs from going further into your nose


I'm sure they do but they don't need to be poking out of ones nose and making a mustache.


Skin appearance is largely genetic, and can marginally be enhanced with lifestyle and upkeep. I say this as someone with amazing skin and average habits. My grandmother also had baby soft skin until she died, and that woman had 9 kids and liked a drink.


What do you mean that it’s not a good idea to shave my face? As a man, I don’t really have any other option unless I want a full beard. Also, my skin does not have a single blemish or pimple on it so as long as you take precautions and practice good skin hygiene then shaving won’t cause pimples.


I’m not talking about facial hair in the sense of beards and eyebrows, I’m talking about the peach fuzz like hair that covers most of the face. That’s what most of the people in the comments are talking about because it’s been a trend to shave that hair off for a more “flawless” makeup look but it’s known to be very bad for the skin in general Obviously shaving a beard is different lol


Why is it different? I don’t get it


That's what I always thought too.


lol yeah because it’s true, people keep doing it because TikTok influencers swear by it, even though most of the influencers who did it when it first started trending have stopped for the reasons I made above🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m getting downvoted because people want to believe TikTok’s over factual information from many licensed dermatologists


It actually helped my acme. After I started shaving daily. But everyone is different.


I tried it one and got so many blemishes.


Can you elaborate on how you do this? Is it after washing your face? Is it getting out of the shower when your skin is super moist?


In the shower, I allow the water to flow over my face for 1-2 minutes, then wash and exfoliate my skin. After that, I use conditioner or coconut oil on my skin and start shaving. I start at my forehead, cheeks, nose, above your upper lip, chin and then the jawline. After getting out of the shower, be sure to use serum and moisturizer on your face and skin. If it's your first time doing this, maybe have an aesthetician do it or do it in front of a mirror, that way you don't cut yourself or wipeout your eyebrows! Good luck!! 💕


The best thing to do is use an oil or serum on your skin so that you’re not dragging the blade when you dermaplane!


As stated, use an oil or serum and then a gentle cleanser when done. After the shower is a great idea.


So every one is different and there may be a better way to do it BUT my skin does not have a single pimple or blemish on it right now so take it with a grain of salt but its working well for me! I am a man so I shave my face daily in the shower. I will use a shaving oil or even my cerave face wash as “shaving cream” and shave my fave as normal, and then use a mirror and shave my forehead and sometimes nose with the serum or face wash, just careful not to get my eyebrows or hair line. Then I rinse, and wash my face afterwards. For me its super quick and easy as I am shaving my face already


Loofah’s also remove dead skin cells.


Why not just use some St Ives?




I’m a female and I shave my forehead too lol one time in high school a boy I was kissing stopped and said “you have a cute fuzzy forehead” and I have never been so embarrassed and almost 15 years later I still do it lol


I BICed my forehead and I think a hair grew back a little thicker and now I worry I’m gonna have a garden there.


Just keep shaving it and in twenty years, your skin will still look young.


The people criticising you need to grow up. I’m glad it’s going well for you OP.


At home dermaplaning


I've been shaving my face since I hit puberty (I'm a hairy woman) and I'm 37 now. My skin looks great for my age and I really don't have that many wrinkles.












To ![gif](giphy|3dbLMUG7D72cBbKRDr|downsized)












The man does know his skincare. Everyone has their strengths.


But currently his skin is terrible 


It’s called dermaplaining and Tom Sandoval didn’t invent it.




unnecessary aggression in thread 🥴


How was I aggressive? I stated two facts.


This is why they created tone indicators


It just seemed like you were saying that as if I was stupid for talking about it, and its not like I was crediting Tom Sandoval for inventing it. I thought it was pretty clear that I was just saying he gave me the idea and it worked out pretty well, since everyone makes jokes about him shaving his forehead all the time. At the very least it was a little sassy 😂




I've shaved my forehead for MANY years because I hate those little hairs women get on their faces. When I was about 16, I noticed my cousin had them on her face and I had a few and so I started shaving my face. To this day, I shave my entire body on a daily basis except for my eyebrows, lashes and hair on my head. I have a small forehead because of tons of baby hairs and a massive widow's peak but I'm not shaving those. I've always used just a regular razor but tried dermaplaning wands and I sliced the crap outta my face, so I went back to my regular razor.


I meant to say, I've shaved my face for years.


I shave my face too. A local, highly regarded dermatologist told me to do this a decade ago and it’s been a game changer. Asian women have been doing this for centuries


Cool! I’m totally gonna start doing it. Can I just use a regular leg razor?


Yep! Be careful not to nick yourself ;)


What's the difference between shaving your head and shaving your forehead exactly? 


You don’t have the same kind of hair follicles on your face that you have on your head, for one. I’m glad it works for OP, but I know I would cause myself problems if I tried it


I shave most of my face. No problems.


I dermaplane too and it's awesome but some ppl get really bad breakouts from it too


If you go to an electrolysis they will tell to shave and will tell you to definitely never tweeze facial hair.


I get my entire face waxed


As someone with very sensitive skin, this freaks me out! But good for you


As a man, I shave my face once a week with a three-blade razor and some $1 shaving cream. There’s no plan to grow a beard, and I’m into the deep shadow look, so once a week is it for me. I also wash my face with soap, daily. And that’s it. That’s my whole skincare routine. I notice my cheeks and chin are much more smooth as compared to my forehead, so you’re probably doing something right. Not sure if I’ll venture down this path with you because I don’t like being in front of a mirror. Keep doing you, friend.


*sighs heavily in Dermatology




Cut to 3 years later, covered in hair


Why would that be? The “shaving makes hair grow back thicker” thing is a myth.


My face disagrees


My pubis and legs and armpits disagree with you. Shrug!




Isn't that what people are doing with the dermaplaning?


Exactly. But dermaplaning goes a bit deeper. Having said that, people could just use a good, gentle daily exfoliant. Although that wouldn’t get rid of hair. I suppose it depends on what their end goal is, soft skin, or soft and hairless.


Is it better than just regular exfoliating?


For me it has been! It is also easier as I can just do it while shaving the rest of my face (im a man)


Aaah OK! As a woman, who has no need for daily face shaving, this doesn't seem like something I'll introduce 😅


Not trying to yuck your yums but I've heard a few dermatologists say you should never manually/mechanically exfoliate your skin, the only exfoliation you need is from chemical exfoliants (like AHA serums, BHAs etc). I don't think you'd see the damage for quite a while but apparently it takes off too many layers at once and damages your skin barrier. Also, despite how much treatments he's able to afford, I don't think Sandoval's (or Caroline Manzo's, who also does this) skin looks great for his age, so there's that. But hey, if it works for you and you like it, go for it.


Nooooooooope. Dermaplaning has been around long before Tom Sandoval.


Why do yall think I am crediting sandoval for inventing dermaplaning 😭 all I said was I started doing it with a razor since watching him do it and hearing all the jokes made about him doing it, I promise I do not think he invented dermaplaning lol


Why do you think we need to hear anything about Tom Sandoval that is complimentary or referential? I mean the best thing he probably did was get men and women to experiment with shaving their faces. And foreheads. 😂 I dermaplane too. I have for years. Way before Tom Sandoval was even born, probably. You have to be careful and do it right, but it does smooth out your skin so nicely. I think the thing is is that most of us do not want to hear about Tom Sandoval unless it's a post about the horrible shit he's going through. We just don't wanna hear about it.


Where in my post did I compliment tom? I said I got the idea from watching him do it, as well as the jokes made about him, which is a true fact. Why should I lie about that or leave that out just because you do not want to read or hear anything about tom that is not 100% negativity? This is a sub about vanderpump rules, and whether we like it or not, tom is a part of vanderpump rules. And just like life, not everything is 100% black and white, not everyone is 100% good or bad. I got the idea to shave the rest of my face because I saw tom doing it and it worked out for me. So what? This is an open sub, I can discuss whatever I want, including the positive experience I have from shaving my face. If you can’t handle or don’t like reading something that isn’t complete negativity regarding tom, that sounds more like a problem with you than a problem with me or my post. Just keep scrolling, nobody is forcing you to open up, read, and reply to every post on this sub. You don’t get to dictate what I want to post, and you don’t speak for everyone else on this sub, which is clear by the vast amount of positive responses from others on this post. I think we should all remember that we don’t actually know anyone on this show personally, and if any one of us are unable to even read a post that isn’t complete negativity about someone we don’t like, then maybe a little break from the internet is necessary


I understand you're not complimenting Tom! I completely understand now. I'm actually actually agreeing with you that shaving your face is a great thing.


You seriously need to lighten up. If you didn’t like the post, skip it. Nobody is here riding hard for Sandoval; he didn’t say anything about liking him but even if he did who gives af? People are entitled to their own opinions but I’m getting off topic… Why do you care that this man made a post about a skincare thing he liked that was due to his seeing Sandoval do it first? It took you more effort to basically frown upon someone who shared an opinion - which is what Reddit is here for - than to just move on to something you liked. You were probably one of the people who messaged the mods. Jeez… I loathe Sandoval too but this isn’t about giving him praise so calm down.