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Are you kidding? I'm fucking terrified. See, I may be white. I may be cis, *but*, my net worth is under $100 million. I'm not exactly the favored group. Not to mention, I have gay and trans friends, who I'm frankly worried sick about. I also have a sister who might need an abortion one day (pregnancy complications aren't unheard of in my family). I'm 21 and in pretty good shape. If anyone's getting drafted into Trump's war with Iran (which would almost certainly require one, Iran is 4x the size of Iraq and has prepared for decades, and they talked about a draft for Iraq), it's me. And the most important bit: I'd still experience the same climate apocalypse as everybody else. Again, I'm no millionaire, let alone billionaire. There are no bio-domes in my future. No bunkers to hide from the proles...because I'm one of the proles.


exactly, this is accurate class analysis in my view! Stuff like the Porn ban and lack of contraception would definitely also affect you too


Tbf the climate apocalypse thing is kind of a done deal, I dont think that we can realistically stop it from fucking shit up big time because it kind of already is. Trump would find ways to make it worse but not even the Lorax as president would just be able to fix this I believe


Don't know why you are getting down voted, you're right.


You're right of course. We s h o u l d elect as left leaning a person as possible and they c o u l d reduce the overall damage of climate change. But the truth is right now china is the biggest emitter by a lot and as to what they can and should change thats a whole other conversation, realistically america's power to stop climate change, even as an oil and gas producer/exporter and throwing soft and hard power around to make others change to renewables is still limited. Even if they snapped their fingers tomorrow and made it the number one policy goal and were willing to spend trillions we'd still be looking down the barrel of billions of human deaths in the next 50 maybe 100 years or so, not to mention the ecological collapse, so so many species extinct. We had to stop 30 years ago and its still be a mass extinction on par with the permian, now? We are fucked. It isnt too late to reduce the harm but its really really bad.


Small potatoes, but I’m gonna be pretty pissed if this banning porn thing takes off. Also, common Xan L.


Do people dislike Xanderhal now? I stopped watching him a while ago because he just didn't have any interesting analysis to contribute, but I didn't think of him as problematic.


The Xan-Keffals drama really soured my opinion of him, though I wasn't big on his content to begin with.


Yeah that situation really just cemented my opinion of him. Dude has an issue with women because all of his abusers have been women. He does not afford women the room to offend him or make mistakes like he does men from what I've seen. Leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.


Xan is the kind of Vaushite to say he misses 2019 Vaush. Of course, my perception of him is colored by the fact that I’ve seen little of his content. I mostly hear about him from posts like the above. I don’t know if he’s a *bad guy*, I just think he frequently has bad takes.


I don’t know who he is, but he sounds really stupid if he thinks Newsom would be worse for his rights than Trump. Unless he’s a Covid denying white conservative with a net worth above $100,000,000.


The Southern red states are into the kinkiest porn on the Internet. I don't think that's going to be a thing.




Percentage chance search term breakdowns are pure agitprop by companies trying to 'embarrass' people who'd be for regulating them? Isn't it known that they push down certain terms so that it doesn't reflect bad on them? I wonder.


Yes. Living under Nazism wasn't just bad for German Jews and German Romani, etc. It was bad for everyone. Like, every now and again you encounter someone who'll be like "You know, if it wasn't for the whole killing Jews thing, Hitler was just a pretty good leader who inspired his people!" And no. No that's not true.


People who say that shit are 100% pro killing Jews.


"First they came for the communists"


It's also funny that these people stop at the most shallow analysis possible. Let's think about what Hitler did just one little step further. By 1945, Hitler managed to destroy the country. Literally, it SPLIT APART INTO TWO PIECES. Also, he managed to kill MILLIONS OF GERMANS. So yeah apart from the whole "holocaust stuff" Hitler was a TERRIBLE LEADER.


The Nazis were bad before the war broke out. They were bad before they came to power. They were bad before Hitler joined them Even if they didn't persecute minorities, or start a war, or kill millions of people \*they would still be bad\*. The problem with fascism isn't that it kills people. Lots of ideologies end up killing shitloads of people. The MAGA movement hasn't started any wars or killed millions of people either.


Well there was the pandemic. Maybe they aren’t 100 percent responsible but their ideology made the anti-intellectualism of the US bad enough that it made the whole thing much worse.


>Yes. Living under Nazism wasn't just bad for German Jews and German Romani, etc. It was bad for everyone. Eh, I disagree. Different people have different views of what is a good life. For many fascists the idea of living in an ultra-authoritarian state in which there is a oppressive hierarchy is an ideal society. There were absolutely ordinary people who lived in Nazi Germany that missed it after its fall. Important note: these people are obviously not born believing that a Nazi society is ideal, it's a set of values they pick up. Though some are just psychos. The basic problem with Nazi society is that its genocidal towards those that it considers to be the enemy and imposes heavy restrictions on those who'd like to engage in a lifestyle that is not compitable with Nazi values. The amount of people that Nazi society benefit is thus rather small, but they exist and are not necessarily higher ups. Hence why some people unironically become Nazis, they look at the third reich and think "Hell yeah!". The whole "Hitler built good infrastructure" thing is to convince *you*, its not necessarily important for them.


Idk why you’re getting so downvoted for this. Maybe because a superficial glance might make it seem like nazi apologia. I was going to point out that the gentile petty bourgeois who were handed Jewish small businesses and looked the other way as the Nazis shipped the previous owners off to the camps made off pretty well. All they had to do was not have empathy, ethics or a conscience and their fortunes exploded overnight without having to do any work.


>Idk why you’re getting so downvoted for this. Maybe because a superficial glance might make it seem like nazi apologia. It's understandable. I was questioning whether I should post it because it might seem edgy on the surface, though I think I'm stating something that is rather obvious. I.e. that Nazis actually like the society Nazism produces, and that is why they are Nazis.


I’m not afraid for myself, I’m more afraid for how this will affect everyone else. Also I’m really curious as to how Newsom would take away my rights, that seems harder to do.


lol gun, porn, and probably flavored vape bans. The 3 things Xan cares about the most


If he's more concerned about guns he's just a libertarian at this point. Willing to ally with fascists as long as he's in the in group. Fuck him


I recommend looking up his actual positions, rather than condemning a person based on summarized second hand accounts.


Project 2025 calls for a ban on porn, and didn't Trump ban bump stocks? I'd say Xan is tucked either way


Just FYI, the SCOTUS recently ruled bump stocks are legal. Originalism says the Founders had bump stocks on their muskets.


The bump stock ban saga has been the most bizarre political story that no one has talked about. Any gun reform advocate should have praised Trump for the decision and any gun nut should have ripped him a new asshole. Now have a radical conservative Supreme Court that made a conservative decision to overturn a decision from the current leader of conservatism and the one responsible for the makeup of that court, and the gun reformists and gun nuts should be freaking out in opposite directions from before. But no one is talking about it because everyone is a hack I guess.


Who is xan


Xanderhal, left leaning youtuber and streamer in the same vain and style as vaush


Xan said that wtf? I’m not specifically too concerned about my own safety, as someone in that category, but I am fucking terrified for everyone else and the general state of the country because it just sounds like it will be a hell of a lot worse to live in if Trump wins.


Xanderhal is an idiot and shouldn't be taken seriously.


Where did Xan say this? Gonna need actual proof before I believe he made such a stupid comment


Yeah glad someone is at least asking for proof instead of taking it at face value here from some internet randos say so. The anti-Xan attitudes in Vaush's community is getting irksome now. Honestly think it's just sour grapes at this point that he was proven right about Keffels and some can't let the spite go.


i provided it in another comment,


Just watched the clip, do think his being a tad hyperbolic here. However, if the day did come he breaks his 'blue no matter who' because or being NIMBY for 'meh guns 'then yeah this beyond moronic. I do agree with him that Gavins anti-gun CA policy probably make him a bad presidential replacement or even VP pick. It's honestly one of the biggest things lib politicians do to scare away people from the democratic party. Be great to take away from conservatives ironicly the talking point 'we want to take away all guns from you.' Still, thank you for pointing me for the clip and sorry I said you didn't provide one. My bad and on me for that one.


Newsom is also poised to sign an "age verification" porn ban/info gathering bill into law, which is not a great look.


I sware man sometimes libs are just conservatives who will do the same damn things but unlike a conservatives who will at least admit they just do it because they hate you a lib will look at you, smile and say "it's just for your own good and we care." 🫠 Yuk


Because he wants to be president, every reason vaush gave as to why he hates Newsom are all completely valid


I just personally dislike Xan. It got to a point where watching him felt tiresome because I’m not super into the drama and leftist infighting as much. The last time I watched him was when he was denying the genocide the Israeli government is/was doing in Palestine. People are allowed to like him though, and liking him doesn’t always mean you agree with everything he says either


What was he right about with keffals?  I thought they had the falling out because he found out that shoe and her were vaguely friends or something and then got a bunch of kiwifarms info on her and kept smiling and calling it ~secret knowledge~ or some shit  -  i know keffals apparently fucked off with kickstarter money that was for a lawsuit but that wasn't what their beef was about was it? 


[https://youtu.be/ps7XfT9Sp-w?t=10792](https://youtu.be/ps7XfT9Sp-w?t=10792) 2:59:52 is where he begins ranting about Newsom he says "Here's the thing though Trump would take your rights away, Newsom would take my rights away"


To me it sounds more like he’s being facetious, as in “wow, I hate this guy so much I’d rather vote for Stalin” but he should’ve made it more clear.


Idk, i used to watch him but have noticed he's been a bit reactionary lately. He really went hard on the JustStopOil people over the Stonehenge thing. Said that he wants them to get the death penalty/Prison time for it, i get he was exaggerating hopefully. But that's the kinda take i expect from others, not Leftists


Curious on how a fascist would be preferable to a liberal?


You should probably provide a definition of what you consider a fascist and what you consider a liberal then. Because I doubt they would be what everyone else is thinking when they hear those terms.


to some leftists there isn't a distinction. But to rationale leftists a liberal is a centrist/center left US democrat. There has been significant progress done in the labor fronts with the Biden admin. For a liberal, it hasn't been that bad. Obviously foreign policy has been more towards neocon when it comes to Israel. This generally is far from a right wing fascist. Under Kamala/Biden, you wouldn't be in a gas chamber.


I like my countries not subject to authoritarian capture and a human lifetime of increasingly far right supreme court decisions. Yes, I'm personally concerned. We need to stop acting like it's just Trump that's the issue. He's just the useful idiot at the head of the spear.


I would absolutely be concerned. Project 2025 is full of goals that hurt everyone and I am completely against and recognize the harm of the ones that specifically target minorities as well. Supporting Trump would be absurd.


I’m kind of an insufferable intellectual asshole, so yeah. I’ll find my way up against that wall eventually.


Trump hasn't exactly shied away from saying he's planning to come for the "Radical communists and Leftists"


Which in my case, I’m a physics and astronomy educator that refuses to give creationism special treatment so apparently I count.


People like you have been on Y'all-Qaeda's shit list since the Dover case in 2005 lmao


Eastern european cis guy here. If Trump wins it may mean NATO is in trouble, which means the meat grinder comes to my country, I am concerned.


Yup, the end of Ukraine essentially and who knows if the US would support poland if Putin went further


Looking back at history i am sceptical about any western assurances about our safety in the east. They will just throw us under the bus to fortify themselves and the moment germany is under threat then they will likely finally decide to fight back.


Rightfully so! Unfortunately as we have already seen when you aren't the party being attack support or lack tends to be political rather than based on deeper principles. I do hope that assistance keeps flowing as long as it is needed.


Yeah it's not like the USA under NATO has fortified countries near the borders of Russia/Ukraine or anything If the USA "fights back" against Russia directly it's a nuclear conflict in which eastern Europe is fucked anyway


You should be scared from climate change and the repeal safety regulations alone.


I'm not American and I don't know who newsom is. I googled him and had a quick glance but what makes him anti leftist straight white cis males? No snarky responses please just tell me what he's actually being accused of I'm not watching a fucking xanderhal video


Newsom isn't in my view, he's just a Lib who is apparently somewhat anti Gun. I just think the some Straight white Cis males don't fear Trump because they're under the false assumption that under a Trump presidency their rights wouldn't be affected or something


then why tf would xanderhal say that then, isn't he a leftie or something as well


i don't know. I think he might just highly value gun rights above everything else. Might be one of those people who think gun rights are all that matters because they ensure you can keep your other rights? I'm just guessing though.


I watched the vid you linked in another comment thread and yeah he does actually seem to be that fucking dumb, either in his genuine beliefs or in his attempt at hyperboly. Fair enough my bad. I still don't think this has anything to do with race, sexuality or gender though, he's just a larping revolutionary.


Most leftists are pro-gun, you have some that aren't, obviously we're not a monolith, but gun ownership to protect yourself is one of the bigger trends in socialist communities That being said, if I had to have stronger gun control instead of a fascist USA, I'd pick the stronger gun control, only because gun control isn't banning guns Also I think Xan is like, slightly more towards the lib side of things, I'm pretty sure he has said before he's a socdem instead of a leftist


Gavin Newsom is a lib. He's a very clever lib who is good at speaking, but he is, ideologically, a Liberal. He is not a Leftist in any way.


>He's a very clever lib who is good at speaking I'd go a bit further and say he's *very* good at speaking. He's a slimy fuck, but I can't deny that he's an impressive speaker.


I don't like Newsom Either, but he speaks well and i'd infinitely prefer him over Trump


I don’t believe I’m the first to be in any danger. However, my politics are a matter of very public record and I don’t doubt that I’d end up on a list of some sort. More importantly, I’m a father to a daughter who I don’t want to end up as a handmaiden, I’m an uncle to a transgender niece who I don’t want to commit suicide when her care is outlawed. I’m also just a person who worries that using my privilege to stand up for those most at risk will put me more directly into the crosshairs of the Christo-fascists who will actually be running things


I mean I fear for democracy and lgbtq.. But for me personally I'm part of a union and I know I get great benefits like a pension because of my union So I really hope he doesn't fuck with unions


Scotus will be kneecapping the NLRB in the next court term, calling it now


Project 2025 is coming after union power. And fascists HATE workers' power of any kind. That being said, if he fucks with unions, unions better fuck with him right back ✊️


Yes absolutely. Trump will come for anyone with left leaning views.


Well I have basic empathy so even if I’m not being marched to the concentration camps I fear their establishment. I fear a nation as powerful as the United States with a fascist strongman. No one will come to liberate us.


Xanderhal is a dweeb. What rights is Newsome going to take away from him? Did he elaborate or is he just a grifter who didn't actually convert from the alt right?


Yes, and I don't even live in the US. I can't tell you how important it is to keep project 2025 out, for the rest of the world.


I'm sick to my stomach every day with the thought that Trump is going to win if Biden doesn't drop out and I live in Australia As one example of many, pretty much all even perfunctory climate action will stop if Project 2025 goes through. US leaves the Paris climate agreement (again) and starts messaging *against* climate action instead of for it, leaving the US's allies with no need to continue climate action and not putting any pressure on its adversaries to at least be 1% less ecocidal (for example US Solar/wind investment pressures China to invest just to "keep up" technologically). For example, Australia's proto-fascist instead of openly fascist opposition leader has vowed to leave the Paris agreement if he wins and pursue a nuclear fantasy and stop investing in renewables (the Australian public has always been VERY against nuclear and its politically, technically and legally impossible, its just code to prop up coal and gas). This is much easier if the US has pulled out and started being climate denialist again.


The climate apocalypse doesn't discriminate. When did xanderhal become such a loser?


What rights would Newsom take what the fuck Is it really just guns? Trump would cause a decline of America ruining everyone's way of life, 10% tarrifs on everything is a kill shot to the economy I have to watch his stream because this is profoundly stupid and I know both communities misrepresent eachother but if he really said that that's turbo fucked I'm a white cis male that's straight as shit, and not only am I worried for others, i'm worried about America being demolished by ruinious policies, like, even if half the things Project 2025 list come to reality, it destroys the country on the world stage, weakens our economy, weakens our education system, and gives Russia permission to keep it's tendrils in our government


I’d be very surprised if Xanderhal actually said this.


it was in a recent stream, this one [https://youtu.be/ps7XfT9Sp-w?t=10792](https://youtu.be/ps7XfT9Sp-w?t=10792) at roughly 2:59:52


Yep. And we can’t even say “well at least the trains run on time” because WHAT TRAINS??


Yeah idk what the fuck Xan is on about, must be gearing up for a “why I left the left” shift. Obviously terrified cause the shit Trump is gonna do is absolutely gonna affect me as well. Even if I’m not as target as minorities, I will still be affected by cutting regulations, slashes to government spending, increased censorship, etc.


Yes and I'm not even from the US.


I’m terrified for my family, for healthcare, for my chances at ever owning a home or retiring or having children and a family of my own, for the pollution and rising temperatures and natural disasters. I’m not terrified my identity will get me targeted, beyond my identity as a leftist that is. But there’s so much more to fear too.


I have friends who would get taken out. I don't want that. They'd get me eventually on sentiments and personal beliefs.


errm climate change and neofeudalism?


I am terrified, but mostly not for myself. Also I can’t believe Xanderhal said that what a little weasel.


Being white doesn’t mean your not a target, it just means your not the first target. So yeah I’m worried about my social media posts and free speech ffs.


Did Xan really say that? What rights? Are we really doing m’guns vs exisiting?


Well I am a student of history. Granted it's military history, which does look more appealing to conservatives, I'm still on the chopping block. As an anime fan, they'd pull the ye old "degenerate" card. When they start trying to pull some shit against autism, hell no. I'm not taking any chances.


Even in my most selfish of states, I am concerned about a Trump presidency. I was raised conservative evangelical and I’ll probably become suicidal if this whole Project 2025 takes off. I can’t go back to living like that. Trump also can’t run an economy, so I would expect to be in a worse financial state under Trump.


I am certain I have been on lists since my Earth Liberation Front days and the Battle for Seattle. I am plenty concerned.


Yes. The idea that he won't damage the lives of white cis males is silly. I worry for myself, my loved ones, the vulnerable folks and the future. It's no apocalypse. We'd all survive. But it will accelarate the destruction and further damage our futures.


Disabled, so yes.


I am not very afraid for my own safety and I recognize the profound danger for non-cis and non-straight people. However, I work for a non-profit organization in refugee resettlement as an English teacher. I am terrified for my students and clients, and also for my job writ large. There is a strong possibility that many of the people in my charge could be deported under a Trump presidency for nothing other than seeking safety (usually while brown).


For myself? Not really, I'm not the target. For my friends? Extremely terrified.


No but I don't live in America. If I did, I would be shitting myself rn.


I'm a dad, so yeah. Their future is already pretty fucked, and another 4 years of a Trump administration ain't helping.


I literally work in left-wing electoral politics. I'd be the second up against the wall.


Immensely. Most stressful election of my lifetime.


As a federal employee not wanting to be made schedule F, I am but I am more concerned for my daughter's future.


I’m not concerned for myself personally at all. However I have a young daughter, I recognize my good fortune, and I’m not some heartless prick. I want better for everyone.


Well yeah, I am a fucking atheist with college education lol, and I'm pretty open about it. Gonna definitely be on some right winger's hitlist if shit ever hits the fan.


I’m 25, I’m a white male and while I’m bi I am extremely straight passing. I’ve been in 2 queer relationships and one lasted 3 weeks and the other no one in my irl life knows about it yet (it’s long distance, I’m in Louisiana, they’re in Texas, it’s a 5/5&a-half hour drive), I’m in this one right now. I have trans friends and other queer friends, including my own cousin (23 yo female, though she’s bi in a straight relationship so I don’t think she’d be in much danger) who I’m concerned for. I’m terrified for the trans friends, especially one who I haven’t spoke with in a while but she moved from Florida to Indiana last year, who I’m very worried about. Wonder if she in particular will have to do what another one of my trans friends did (up and move to Cascadia). I’m most worried for my partner, who has mental health struggles and lives in the middle of literal nowhere Texas, but right now I’m in oil field shop work because oil field is damn near the only decent paying job that’s available to me locally (as my degree hasn’t opened up many opportunities in my field, in part due to switching late and being hesitant to go out of state for summer internships when there weren’t great opportunities in my field in state). I’d love to move to somewhere like Belleville, which is in Illinois, relatively left of center, has a decent cost of living and has decent access to St Louis, but idk what kind of work I would do there, since I damn sure wouldn’t want to continue oil field work even if it is shop work.


Pretty concerned cus Trump is just an idiotic wrecking ball who will ruin everything. Also Xan has had some…interesting takes lately. When he called Kyle a grifter I was like 😮.


I'd add to that category of Christian, as anyone who isn't is also an enemy of the right wing cult. Hell, even the right kind of Christian; Catholics are obviously next. Even if I'm not part of the persecuted, that the persecution is being done at all, sanctioned by a self righteous authoritarian idiocrasy, is a fucking horror show. The very system of checks and balances meant to protected us from this has been taken over by feckless sycophants speeding toward their own obsolescence; the power structures they are meant to protect aren't needed in a dictatorship. As an aside, I feel cis is part of straight. Am I wrong? Meaning you're straight if you can't claim any part of LGBTQ+.


Yes absolutely. Both for my friends that will be more severely affected and myself. These people are also clamering to persecute their ideological opponents (as the nazi's did.) Everybody outside of the extreme far right should be concerned. "First they came for the socialists"; remember that you can be to the right of Biden, who they consider a "communist", and still be considered a "socialist".


I'm a religious minority (Wiccan), so I'm very worried what will happen to people like me. I know 45 himself doesn't give two shits about Christianity, but all the lackeys he plans on installing certainly do.


Yes, I work in Quality Assurace at a Cancer Therapy Startup. If there’s no FDA, our product won’t be approved and there will be massive layoffs.


Make no mistake, as self proclaimed leftists of any flavor, we all are on the list for literal internment camps (a quote from P2025 and Trump himself.) Most of us lack family structures and safety nets, it wouldn't be hard for them to take any of us away in the night. Everyone should be very **very** concerned about the neo-McCarthyism at play here. They want to track down anyone left of hunting the homeless for sport and silence our votes & dissent. But realistically, I've never met any trans folks who aren't also leftists with real praxis, that's the real reason why rightwing zealots are after us (and more specifically, LGBTQA+.) I love all of you and if I disappear in the night remember "they can kill a revolutionary but they can't kill the revolution." No peace.


If that's what Xan said, it's pretty stupid. But he doesn't speak for all left straight white cis males. People of a specific demographic aren't exactly a monolith. As a left straight white cis male, I'm terrified of a Trump presidency. At this rate, I'd vote for Biden's corpse. If Trump got into office with all this new power who knows what he could do. Also, I have no idea what he means by Newsom "taking my rights away", but that sounds incredibly stupid.


You're never white enough, straight enough, cis enough, able to hide being a leftist enough.


we all handle our fear differently, some of us cry to the world, other hide, some delude themself all will be well, etc.


Horrified for my marginalized friends first and foremost, but you know that already. I, personally, am actually impacted by the dissolution of the rule of law and broader government practices as someone going into a legal career. The corruption of the Supreme Court and Project 2025 bode poorly for lawyers in civil service that believe in legal ethics. Beyond that, Trump is shit for the economy, and will make things worse for everyone on a financial front. I’m deeply concerned about it, it’s why I’m so loud about being pro-Biden. Did Xan really say that? What the fuck?


Absolutely. I have a government job which I could lose under his administration if the Heritage Foundation, etc, gets their way.


I shave my head, so I'm not looking forward to the loud 'n proud Trump-supporting neo nazi fellas thinking I'm with them. If he wins I'll definitely have to look into getting a new haircut. Oh yeah, and I'm also not looking forward to America becoming a totalitarian theocracy. That bit seems bad too


im super concerned. its not gonna stop with sexual minorities. it never does. they are coming after everyone's rights. my wife and i dont want kids, but the right wants to take away our birth control. i want the ability to publicly discuss my views, but they are shutting down places of discussion and banning books. it doesnt matter who you are. they are coming for your rights and eventually, for you as well.


Yes, i have LGBTQ+ family members and friends. Also I'm not rich and I'm Jewish so that might personally fuck me over. A second Trump presidency is a worse case scenario for so many things, it's a little terrifying.


As a scientist and someone who cares about facts and having expert options matter, Trump terrifies me. A second Trump presidency could seriously limit my future employment opportunities (on top of everything other commenters have mentioned).


I'm not personally concerned, at least in the short term. If a Republican autocrat actually wants to kill every leftist in America, they're gonna have a shit ton of work on their hands. Things could change though, and I'm grateful to live somewhat close to the border.


I'm a nearly middle aged white man in a deep blue state. The reality is I'd be fine under a fascist dictatorship as long as I kept my mouth shut, but I'm also not a selfish asshole and I care about people who are not myself, which is unfortunately, a decent chunk of self-abosrbed white guys of all ideologies. But yeah, a certain amount of 'both sides' are the same, is coming from people who either will be comfortable or think they're comfortable even if Trump wins, and think 4 years of Trump is worth of course, the Tliab/Cenk ticket that will surely win 500 EV's in 2028 once all the youths come out for them, or whatever.


dude I’m scared shit-less and I feel crazy because literally *no one* around me in my life is (I’m in Ohio) Granted, I might be an oddball given I’m a cancer survivor and have chronic damage / pain so I have a very keen suspicion I would be some of the first groups on the lists for camps. However, it should scare tf out of everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or race, whatnot. What happens now affects the path of rest of the century, i go so far as to say the rest of humanity. People voting for trump might as well just take their own guns and shoot their kids themselves , it’s *genuinely* that bad. been seeing this ever since I was a little kid to be honest, the sky has been falling for decades. The problem most definitely *does not end with trump*


um… yes. I care about black and queer and marginalized peoples. I would argue that if they don’t seem personally concerned, they’re disingenuously concerned with politics


Yes I am, obviosuly I have more friends who are poor, gay, etc. but it goes more beyond that. I’m of a relatively upper middle class family and I know that if my democratic rights are taken away I’ll never be able to see the improvement I want in society. Democracy is fundamentally the most important aspect of civilization and the trump presidency and supreme court will threaten that structure in our society


Maybe I’m just ignorant and naive or hope-pilled or whatever, but I am a gay white cis man and honestly I’m not TERRIFIED of a Trump presidency. I hate the idea of it, I think he’ll be awful, I think things are gonna suck for a lot of groups for a while, things will get harder for a bit, and we’ll have a lot of work ahead of us. But I’m not bought into the idea that in 4 years we’re gonna be living under an authoritarian facist dictatorship where trans people are thrown in camps and gays can no longer get married and police all have a “kill all the black people you want” license. Things will suck for a while, but we’ll survive, we’ll move past it. And chances are based on lessons learnt this election if Trump does win we will be getting a younger more progressive Democrat candidate next election and they’ll likely be in for the full continuous 8 years. (I’m fairly confident in this because the DNC isn’t gonna want to repeat Biden and the “Biden replacements” are all decades younger, it’s extremely uncommon for the same party to get back to back presidencies outside of reelection so once Trump is out we’re basically guaranteed a Dem, and after Trump’s second term we will have gone 12 years without a continuous two term presidency so chances are that will be what we get). And so we’ll have a strong opportunity to backtrack on a lot of the shit conservatives are gonna do in the next 4 years and setup better protections to ensure they are less capable of harm moving forward. I’m not downplaying that shits gonna suck, it will. But it’s not gonna be the end of the world, America isn’t over, we aren’t a few years away from a Holocaust of LGBT+ people, black people aren’t gonna be thrown back into Jim Crow era racial persecution, and there’s enough moderate conservatives as well as all the liberals and progressives to ensure if Trump did try to establish himself permanently it wouldn’t be successful. Way too many people are so doomerpilled about this that they sound EXACTLY like conservatives did when Obama became president. We’re in a really rough patch, it happens, it’s not gonna be the worst thing that’s ever happened to this nation, we will be survive, frankly most of us won’t see any difference in our day to day lives beyond what you’d expect out of any bad presidency.


As a cos white straight gooner I don’t want porn to be more banned. I already live in Texas and this shit is fucking stupid. All my conservative coworkers love porn and vote trump so I think this is hell and people will vote against their own interests And what an awful take from xan.


Yes, if even for the environmental crackdown alone. As much as intersectionality and such get brought up when it comes to money and "privilege", we cannot afford a house either folks. We might have certain advantages, but on average we are just as poor as you guys.


White, cis, married, veteran here. And yes I am incredible worried about my well being as well as others. I know I would be the last in the firing line and could easily fly under the radar but it doesn’t matter. My concern here is not about myself and was never my concern to begin with. I have many friends who are not white cis dudes and my concern is mainly with them. I have to be their main line of defense due to myself being a white, cis, male, combat veteran. If things get bad my job will be to protect them by any means possible by using the advantages I have due to my social position. If that means having my gay friend come live with me so be it, if that means traveling to get someone across state line who is deemed some sort of non essential I will do so because I have the best chance of success. Do I need to legally buy a firearm so I can legally sell it to a friend for their personal defense? Okay, no problem. Etc etc.


I live in the Midwest. I wonder if I have to get a gun sometimes. A lot of the people I meet at work are so worried about civil war. I wonder if they will start one from fear. Most of them are just regular tradesmen. They have heavy personal arsenals. They have convinced themselves that they should be legitimately afraid for a myriad of reasons. (None that makes sense or are based in reality)


Yes its bad either way


I’m in a relationship with someone on a work visa, am friends with LGBTQ folks, and have family in Poland (who Trump would be willing to let Putin invade) of course I am fucking afraid of another Trump presidency. I may not get affected directly, but I know people who will and that’s enough to affect me.


>I even saw Xanderhal state that he'd consider Trump over Newsom - "Here's the thing though Trump would take your rights away, Newsom would take my rights away" *what the fuck is that supposed to mean*


I'm bi, but in a passing relationship, and I'm horrified. My fiancee isn't very politically aware (we agree on the issues, she votes dem, just doesn't pay attention to the news or understand how bad things are), so I had to break it down that should he win, we need to be ready to take the kids and run for the hills. While I could scrub my social media up some and hide behind my record as a former right-winger and infantry vet, I'm not taking chances, if questions of my loyalties come up, I'm either running if the opportunity presents itself, or taking any fascist pigs I can with me once I know my goose is cooked. I genuinely am in favor of left-wing militias and would be more than happy to lend my talents as both a medical professional and former infantryman to them, but I'm afraid it's too late and there are no such groups where I live in bumfuck rural USA


I'm not even in the US, and I'm concerned, just because of how Trumps foreign policy is going to be emboldening Russia, and because of how massively it's going to hurt worldwide efforts of combating climate change.


I’m concerned for my friends and family who aren’t, but if they start persecuting political beliefs then definitely






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OMG Xan was clearly joking. The context is that Newsome is one of the most antigun politician in america and that Xan likes his to shoot the guns that he owns on occasion. He was even laughing when he said it 😒😒😒 Jesus Christ


I think Xan is just a bit of a reactionary, he's been glazing Biden like crazy lately and his reactionary takes to the JustStopOil people were pretty gross, he said he hopes they get prison time/the death penalty (I know he was exaggerating.. hopefully) but he's still repeating the same takes I see other libs/centre right reactionaries spew


Biden glazing isn't reactionary. Reactionary means that you look at the current state of things and uncritically make appeals to an  imagined past like "Man, weren't thing better in the past... we should definitely go back to the past where thing were better". Both Vaush and Xan say that Biden is the most progressive president since FDR (in terms of policy) and that's why they're both intent on voting for him (assuming he makes it there). I wish Biden could have passed more  progressive policies too but to say "hyping up Biden is a good litmus test for a reactionary sentiment" is short sighted at best. Personally I think that that word should be reserved for the Steven Crowders, the Jesse Waters, My Grandpa and Fox News hosts of the world (I missed Xans takes on Just Stop Oil so I'll leave that topic alone... maybe I'll look it up and come back to apologize lol idk 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️)


As a forty year-old, pansexual, cis-het presenting male, y’all gotta stop with this. Quit with identity baiting. This is the most toxic shit I’ve seen. If Xanderhal says something stupid, call him out and call out his dumb statement. Don’t attach it to whatever you assume or perceive their identity is. Most normal people ARE concerned with this shit. But even if they weren’t, literally everyone’s life will get worse with another Trump term. When you isolate demographics and present questions this way, it comes off as if a cis white male leftist and you aren’t even in the same frame of reference. Or as if the “cis white male leftists” don’t have the same stakes. Individuals who identify with things can still be wrong, stupid, or bad faith. My slant on leftist politics always skews towards class analysis, simply because a lot of identity shot is solvable that way. And to be clear, this does not mean O don’t support civil rights agendas and such, but that isn’t the way this is framed. Xanderhal in particular I’ve seen advocate for LBGTQ issues regularly, so I find using him as a proxy for this based off of one (giving the benefit of the doubt because I don’t watch his content often) dumb remark is kind of odious. He is a twenty year old. Young people say and do dumb shit all the time The left is so willing to through out the baby with the bath water.


Sorry, yes, if you're a 20 year old saying something dumb in a Discord or at a convo at a party, OK. But Xanderhal is putting himself and his beliefs out there, and if he's acting like a moron, I don't care if he's 20, 30, 50, or whatever.


That’s not at all the point of what I said. I said hold him accountable for the incident, don’t extrapolate it into “cis-white leftist men” or Xan doesn’t care about LGBTQ issues. Not every “cis-white leftist man” agrees with that take. It is unnuanced rage bait.


Can’t make jokes anymore because the leftist purity testing is off the charts. So sad.