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“Literally orcs” Looks inside Severe malnourishment 


Yeah like it doesn't look far off from photos of ukrainian troops starved in russian captivity, that was my first impression looking at the photos


And they both have clearly broken noses


Just to be clear though, if the post is true and these soldiers were recently captured, it means they were malnourished by the Russian system, not due to Ukrainian captivity. This is doubly so considering they have several healed facial injuries. The guy on the left looks like he hasn't seen a dentist in his entire life. It stands to reason they may have been malnourished before they even reached the front. But yes, they do look like starved Ukrainians in Russian captivity.


> it means they were malnourished by the Russian system, not due to Ukrainian captivity. Regardless, the idea of mocking them for appearing inhuman does nothing to further the cause of Ukraine. Also, for some pro-Ukraine to be mocking them for it only makes the pro-Ukrainian side appear inhuman.


hard agree


Could be one of those those troops they got out of Russian prisons


That seems likely.


I mean, I'm completely on Ukraines side, but they are pumping out false propaganda like the printing press was just invented. I don't take anything on face value in that conflict honestly. Now there is some amazing very clearly truthful reporting by Ukrainian journalists for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the post isn't exactly accurate


Not only malnourishment but they clearly have no healthcare either. They look like Russian prisoners who were conscripted. They’re basically fighting for a chance at freedom. I have a friend who lives in Russia. They have a friend that is in hiding who doesn’t want to be conscripted because that person would be if found. My friend I hope is okay because they are a lefty that dislikes tankies and their weird simping for their country which they recognize is not a good country. They want to flee. I fear for them every day I don’t hear from them that they are okay and I miss them


TIL severe malnourishment turns people into orcs


tbh NFT redditors are more like orcs to me


War and Bigotry are eternally linked.


War is hell. And there’s definitely bigotry in hell.




That was from MASH, right?


Yeah, but he fucked it. It's: >Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. >Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? >Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? >Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. >Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


Sorry man I didn't get it fucking right.




Try not to dehumanize enemy challenge (actually impossible)


It's impossible because it's a socially reinforced survival mechanism ( doesn't mean it's inevitable, but almost )


And because of Russian society's attitude towards Ukraine and its people and because of the actions of the Russian army in any area where it is deployed


Yes of course, it's the same reason why suppressed minorities can end up quite racist/ xenophobic due to their expirence as suppressed minorities, it's easy to hate a "colonizer" even if he or she is just a part of the populace who is colonizing even when said indivuals are allies to the suppressed








So as to not make a subhuman beast of *yourself*.


It should be hard to kill another human actually






This redditor got me quaking in my boots.


That's not what most soldiers tend to report historically, even from other very vicious wars. I guess it's easy on reddit though.


If you’ve ever been on the front lines, bullets cracking your ears, smoke flying from several different directions, napalmed air strikes eating away at every organic organism around you. Then you wouldn’t be speaking with such arrogance about such matters. Especially while sitting at your desk replying to a Reddit Post with Air conditioning while ordering food off of Grub Hub.


Nah, we got gimped with too many exposed weaknesses. smh at the middle ages for developing armour instead of trying to selectively breed it.


Because it leads to violence and hatred against said group for its own sake, not for actually opposing invading armies (see Japanese internment camps in WWII, German Americans being marginalized and even imprisoned in WWI, 3 gazillion other examples throughout history






"Dehumanising enemy" My brother in christ, dehumanise my ass, they bomb literal children hospital, not mentioning literally hundreds of warcrimes. You think anyone willing to affiliate OR not willing to run from the battlefield IS human? You think the shit they are doing is human? Fucking hell.


What if these two individuals were forcibly conscripted?


Uh, **yeah?** When's the last time you heard of another animal 🍇 [a baby](https://nypost.com/2022/05/17/ukraine-ids-russian-war-criminal-accused-of-gang-raping-child/) then sledgehammer it **for its buddies on Telegram?** 😅


A lot of Russian soldiers don't want to be there. Prisoners (perhaps political opponents, protesters, or random criminals) who were forced to be there. Minorities in different oblast/regions which doesn't influence the main opinion on the russian government. Some of them even were lured by Ukrainian drones to desert the Russians and come to the Ukrainian side to be free, but treason is deadly, they can be executed for that. A meatgrinder of poorer people for rich officers/ oligarchs.


The majority of them at this point are volunteers who signed up due to promises of very large signing bonuses and salaries.


Are you sure none of your friends or coworkers would not, in fact, volunteer for an"objectively justified" war your side "is definitely currently winning", if it meant earning four or five times your current salary?


Some of them absolutely would, hence why I don't do the dehumanization, because I know that some people who are currently on the right side of this conflict, would be on the wrong side had they just been born in Russia instead. Also if they did that and got themselves killed, well, I wouldn't be blaming the other side for shooting back that's for sure.


Not wrong, however, this situation is manufactured by a system that kept them deprived in the first place, exactly so that they could be easily exploited for whatever dirty work the state wanted.


And it's exactly why we hate the system instead. I would want to at least give these guys a chance at rehabilitation if Ukraine wins this war.


Oh sure. Except for the worst war criminals, most soldiers go free when the war ends.


Despair of the poor


Yeah my first thought looking at these guys was prisoner conscripts




Source for "vast majority"? Sincere question


I doubt such data exists.   Who is polling Russian soldiers to see if they want to be fighting in Ukraine?  Even if someone were asking, what soldier would risk punishment to answer honestly?


> Even if someone were asking, what soldier would risk punishment to answer honestly? Probably those ones that shot their commanding officers.


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A lot of


not to mention a lot of them would have fetal alcohol syndrome as well. I remember the videos early in the war where some people were filming their journey to the frontlines and it was bus loads of minority groups and most having fetal alcohol syndrome. Couple that with lack of decent food, and yeah those pictures is what you get. Not to mention the realities of war. In all the pictures from WW1 and WW2 most people look like they aged 20 years in the span of a few months, with deadpan expressions.


As a country, Russia has mind-blowing alcohol abuse rates, so that's not surprising at all.


Literally the ''Russians are subhumans compared to the superior western race'' from the Nazi playbook




bro what the fuck is wrong with you, you really gonna hand it to Hitler on this one? ''Hmm he was kinda right about certain slavs, though''




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This is the same way how the Nazi's portrayed the Russians, as stupid slavic barbarians. You can act offended, but this culture seems alive in the NATO community. Just a bunch of permanently online liberals who sate their thirst for blood by convincing themselves that Russians are not human.


Maybe if they didn’t post videos cutting pows heads off people wouldn’t called them orcs. They are proud of their inhumanity.


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Mods fighting for their lives in the comments...


I remember being called names for disagreeing with calling russian troops orcs due to its negative knock on effects in the beginning.


The hatred towards Russians is genuinely despicable sometimes Like genuinely the fact Russians aren't offered refugee status in places like finland is unfathomably racist(especially because it literally prevents people from escaping the draft thus giving more manpower to the invading army)


Eh. Maybe it's racism, but I'm kinda more of the opinion it's nat-sec and apathy. There's been a big spat of sabotage operations happening in Germany and in the East. Warehouses containing artillery shells going up in explosions, military factories losing power suddenly, and assassination attempts against the MIC leadership. A lot of people being found out to be Russian spies as well in the Baltics and Balkans. There's also been a number of Ukrainian soldiers who were sent to other European countries for medical care who've been murdered on the streets. Many of those who have fled aren't against the idea of conquering Ukraine, but rather against personally getting drafted to fight. Once they're safely out of the risk of having to fight, many go straight back to complaining about why the West doesn't force Ukraine to capitulate even harder. To have a noticeable drain on Russia of manpower to fight, that's going to take a migration wave larger than the population of a few NATO members combined. Take those with the history of places exactly like Finland, and there's no wonder they're not keen on accepting Russian refugees. It'd be like asking Palestinians to take in Israeli settlers to deny the IDF manpower.


All i see are two starved and tired proletarians who would really rather do something else right now, like having a normal, not-based-on killing people job and eating dinner with their family.


Also wow the NAFO guys really are the NSDAP born again. Just nazi WWII era propaganda "ewwww, look at those ugly barbaric slavic subhumans".


I can understand Ukrainian resentment for Russians (although it doesn’t make it good). It’s the people who are nowhere near Ukraine joining in that’s weird to me


It is not weird, they're just racist and air it this way


>Russians conduct wage war and rape, plunder, and ethnically cleanse Ukrainians in occupied lands for a decade. >B-b-but wont someone think of those poor contract soldiers, who fight out of their own free volition in an illegal war out of money and a genocidal, ultranationalist hate for their neighbors. You sound fucking ridiculous.


As a Russian I can confirm I'm an Ork, and I eat grilled humans for breakfast!


Nah I ain’t for that, though my exception is if they are. Regular Soldier, as in they volunteer and renew their co tract with the army. At that point you’re knowingly going to combat to kill Ukrainians.


They just need a good night of sleep




So racism and dehumanization are ok depending on the context? Interesting. (And also some THOROUGHLY lib shit, I might add.) Edit: of course you’re a fuckin Zionist to boot. That tracks.


Just about everyone in the twitter thread are not actually Ukrainians just foreigners looking at pictures of injured, malnurished POWS calling them sub human.


I see it all the time. I can almost guarantee this user does as well but doesn’t take issue with it for much the same reason they seem to be willing to dehumanize Israel’s victims. The older I get, the more I entertain the validity of the whole “scratch a liberal” cliche. It’s incredible how fast their humanism gets thrown out the window.


Bro just look at my comments


I had a guy today arguing that "russian identity" is inherently evil, so we should destroy russian culture and create a new russian cuisine in order to prevent authoritarianism. he admitted he didn't care for population's rehabilitation at the end, and that he cared way more for getting a revenge


Misandry IS bad. "All men are inhuman" isn't justified by being raped. And I can say that as a rape victim. Fuck off with that lib shit.


Wanna hear something that isn’t at all surprising? This user is a Zionist whose account is full of pro-Israel/anti-Palestine rhetoric. Edit: looks like dude left a comment attacking me for checking his post history then blocked me. Just wanna say that I was curious to see whether other views of his aligned with the callousness of this comment. Lo and behold, it took me all of 5 seconds to learn that he’s also a proponent of ethnic cleaning. It turns out a willingness to dehumanize one group of people tends to go hand-in-hand with the dehumanization of others. What a shocker.


Of fucking course they are. What brings these goons to this sub?


Part of me thinks Zios should be banned from the subs. A line’s gotta be drawn somewhere, and wholehearted support for settler-colonialism and ethnic cleansing is as good a place as any to draw it.


that's so refreshing to hear sensible takes, no kidding




Vaush has dumb takes sometimes.




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Beauty standards all the way, they look like average guys. Plus I love how faceless all the "fellas" are


Not beating the allegations here


There have been a lot of allegations.... which ones are you referring to?


People were upset at vaush for saying to not call russian soldiers orcs, because it was racially and ethnicity essentializing and racist, libs countered by saying it was ok actually because they weren't orcs for how they looked, just because of how they behaved, which obviously isn't true, as shown by the same person saying that they (clearly malnourished soldiers with broken noses) looks like orcs


The spectre of Banderism is hauting the vaushite community with the help of its banner bearers (libs)


Maybe if Russian soldiers didn’t flaunt their warcrimes on telegram channels people wouldn’t think this but they do. Rape and murder and robbbing is their way and they don’t even try to hide it. The reality is, if your a Russian soldier armed and on Ukrainian soil and your not going to surrender then a Ukrainian bullet is the only thing they deserve.


yeah I think people need to really return to the bigger picture here. Even though there are absolutely innocent Russian people in all this back home, genocidal colonizer nations, particularly fascist ones sorta bring the hate on themselves. Same reason I don't hate entirely on pissed off Palestinians, Syrians, etc. Ukrainians are allowed to be pissed off and resentful too, even though generally I would hope that no oppressed group ultimately falls into a general consensus of essentialism about X county's civilians within it. I can't honestly think of any oppressed group though who actually are a majority in that kind of bigotry anyways. People are people. But yeah idk Russia like the US and Britain, have brought a lot of hate on themselves as nation states, and yeah, I mean that'll naturally roll downhill to the very enactors of said atrocities which absolutely involves the soldiers, no matter their personal internal monologue. Russian soldiers have had a lot of time now to consider whether to surrender or flee. Massacring entire villages along with the most vulnerable populations while laughing about it is evil, and I don't care how much they were bullied into doing it. Chances are that all nazis were bullied at some point. Are leftists supposed to care more about the nazi's feelings than the feelings of those being culled off? I think not. Offer them therapy after they choose the right choice to get the fuck off the offensive line. The whole "Ukrainians are all Banderites" shit gets tiring real quick when Ukrainians in fact deserve autonomy just like anyone else leftists support in march and protest, and to be honest, I can't think of many more ethnic umbrella groups like the Ukrainians, who have suffered under a colonial thumb of terror for so long. We're talking half a millennia. Even pre-Black Hundreds and even then that was a pre-cursor to what became known as the modern nazi movement. Not sure why nobody on the left will talk about this but it's the truth. Russia's always been a pretty terrible perpetrator in genocides, long before the colonial Americas even got to leave as much of a mark as it did. Wish westerners had this taught in schools.




"They can have a little ethno-essentialism, as a treat"




"they wonder why we call them Orcs", guess who is "them" in this scenario


Calling an entire people ''orcs'' isn't a great thing, ethno-essentialism or racism isn't a good idea even if you are under attack. Portraying a lot of people as literally subhuman is not a good idea.




You are copy pasting this comment eveywhere.


What is ethno-essentialistic about calling someone who attacks you an orc?


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If you're in the field, constantly getting shelled, sleep cycle out the window, haven't seen hot food in a while and showers as an afterthought. Ya you're gonna be seething every fucking day.


*guy who has been starved and living on the front lines of a war for weeks or perhaps even months, may be from a Russian prison* Orc!! Putin is Sauron!!! Russsios are orc!!!!


These are just average looking village alcoholics. Nothing to do with being at war. Many drink Samagon or have been drinking rubbing alcohol since they were 12. Mix that with working in unregulated industrial or mining job while smoking 3 packs a day and this is the result


Extremely sad life for them, damn.


They can always surrender or they can fertilise the sunflowers. I’ll say my sympathies for the Ukrainians, like the children who died when that hospital was struck by missiles.




Ah fair enough




And usually the people who deserve most dehumanization like the propagandists, officers, oligarchs, authoritarian politicians gets least punished for it. They'll likely still have luxuous lives in mansions, champagnes, swimming pools, etc. While the soldiers, usually poor people or prisoners or minorities get forced into the meatgrinder.


NAFO fellas are one of the worst kinds of people i've seen yet. Literally got hate boiling in their blood


A lot of them are white kids sitting in an AC room in their Midwest suburbs getting excited to see war and suffering I'm anti-Russia and pro-Ukraine but they are generally no better morally than the invaders they post, most of the posts I see from them are basically gleefully giddy about gore and death, just psychopaths on the right side of the conflict


Alot of them are also very pro Israel, its just campism for the west




Because what people are saying about Russians being orcs isn't far off from what Russians say about Ukrainians to justify their warcrimes against Ukrainians and what Nazis said to justify the Holocaust. Like you're an atom away from pulling out a phrenology guide.


I'm in a bunch of Palestinian telegrams as well as Ukrainian ones, and they use similarly dehumanising language about Israelis- do people in this sub also feel this is inappropriate? Or like, if we assume the comments we can see are from non-Ukrainians then that's one thing, is it okay if these people were assumed to in fact be Ukrainian? Just trying to work out what exactly the message is here.


Yeah that shit is never ok. People are people, even if they do bad things. “Orc” also feels particularly bad because it’s literally an irredeemably evil ugly fantasy race that it’s morally completely ok to genocide.


Israel themselves actively encourage that tho Maybe they don't mean in a negative context, but they definitely have a desire to be seen as "markedly different from the rest of us," they really are just "opposite day Nazi propaganda" It's not even a recent phenomenon, the insidiously popular "Stalag pr0n" genre shows it was around a long time, and needed friggin government intervention to stop embarrassing themselves publicly


This *absolutely* applies to Russia too though


Yeah honestly I have no fucking idea what these people are on about. I have family in Russia and there are literally butcher shops with cut up pig (signifying Ukrainians) with little Z ribbon flags stuck in them. Russian social media is full of Russians imitating Ukrainians dying while laughing, and Ukrainians living in Russia are frequently attacked on the streets. And this kind of eradication of Ukrainian culture and casual racism from Russians towards Ukrainians has been happening for much longer than what's been going on between Israel and Palestine (no matter how much anyone tries to trivialize the very culturally distinct identities between said people despite some shared characteristics), although that in no way diminished my support for the Palestinian people because what they are going through is horrid too. There are so many Israeli people who are against what their state is doing. I hate how easy it is for people to buy into such bullshit. Genocide is genocide. The shrapnel entering the skin, the homes being brought down to rubble, the starvation, the de-limbing and beheading Ukrainians feel is the same pain Palestinians feel. Not really sure why dying to soldiers is seen as any different by these people. Ukrainian women and children have been sold off into the sex trade by Russian soldiers, babies exported out of the country. I don't know what to tell these people they think this is some kind of game or something. There's a reason Palestinians in 2022 were holding up supportive signs in protest against Russia, in favour of Ukraine. They know that we know how they feel.


[Russia definitely hasn't reached the embarrassment stage yet](https://twitter.com/sumlenny/status/1707407873603428717) Also they lack the religious/inherited lands aspects for that extra special push. There's no 3000 year old territory claims to bring up. Russian claims on Crimea are more like "a president we didn't like gave you this autonomous region as a supposed gift, but **we actual Russians** never approved and want it back." Wholly separate tiers of fanaticism.


Literally this. THANK YOU. It's really frustrating being a Ukrainian on the left sometimes because although yes unwarranted dehumanisation of civilians who aren't engaging in the war whatsoever is never good, people in this community have really seemed to swallow some kind of pill that makes them think this is some kind of essentialist thing with Ukrainians. It's not. Try living under the thumb of Russia's fascist colonial genocidal state terror for half a millenia and then realise actually in fact how much restraint and empathy Ukrainian people actually have for the day-to-day Russian. Like jesus why are other oppressed groups never talked about but it's always the Ukrainians who are supposedly the only ones who are prone to bigotry. I swear we're always too swarthy for Russia or any other nazi state, but always too white for western leftists to apparently have any humanity assigned to us. Jesus. Honestly this is just sounding a lot like a second wave of the Azov and Hamas discourse to sway internal feelings about this continued eradication of people. Russian bots certainly don't help the situation of people pitying Russia defenders either.


those people are called anti-semitic by mainstream libs, while the same people likely support this


I just feel kinda sad for those two Russian soldiers. Like yeah Putin is evil and this is what he does to his own people, sees them nothing more than just tools for conquering Ukraine. 




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Generalization can work in both ways.


0% chance either of those are Ukrainians




Those are not things I've said or believe. If you want to box against the ghosts who said that please don't do that as a reply to me. All I said is that the people you called Ukrainians are certainly not.




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Why do these pictures look like CGI?




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Eww they're ugly! That means they're evil!


This is what the fashion arc has done to us.


Their dental care is bad, which means they must be eeeevul, now we sound the drums of war


Sadly, Britain's proved the world operates entirely the opposite


No it’s rape and murder which makes them evil.


Isn't it what cartoons and movie teach us?


>see post in VaushV talking about racism towards Russians >look in comments >half of them deleted because of bigotry We should talk about this more often. This seems a really efficient way to get the racist bloodlust libs banned out of the community.


Yes, do the anti-rich bigots next


If hating the rich makes someone bigoted then this sub is a klan rally pal. You should maybe go back to the NAFO sub where freaks like you belong.


That’s surely the main issue here, not the 2 year old genocidal war crime filled invasion but people insulting Russian soldiers. This sub called cops pigs all the time time but called a ruzzian soldier an orc and this sub acts like it’s the same as being a raping murdering Russian soldier.


See, that's what I especially don't like. Vaush and his community spend 2+ years being like "yeah Ukraine should be supported the west is backstabbing them by holding back weapon shipments." And yet when we ask NAFO wankers to stop posting execution videos and pictures of emaciated captives while talking about orcs we're suddenly Russian assets? You're delusional. The NAFO addiction to snuff sharing and racialization undermines everything you claim that war against Russia stands for. If criticizing that is somehow not loyal enough to the cause then you are just a freak who needs to get medicated. Also I'll call every cop a pig to my grave. Cops aren't taking part in a war and I don't talk about them as a race like bloodthirsty liberals do with Russian soldiers, I'm not sharing videos of cops being tortured in violation of the laws of war and jerking off to it like you freaks do with Russian soldiers. The best thing that NAFO types can do for the cause of Ukraine is to cease existing so that the average person doesn't associate righteous Ukraine support with gorehound perverts and racists.


What torture videos? What execution videos? The ones where Russians murder POWs? You want people to stop exposing Russian warcrimes? You know it’s the Ukrainians themselves posting their own combat footage showing invaders getting their just desserts, it’s just NAFOs amplifying it on twitter. You think Ukrainians shouldnt be proud of their resistance against fascism? To show that the famed terrifying Russia army can be stopped and that they are not all Spetnaz killing machines and are rather feral alcohol ridden alcoholics who think nothing of shooting civilians in the back or raping them.Those guys in those photos weren’t tortured by Ukrainians or executed, they’re emaciated because of russias lack of care and support for its soldiers, they’ll probably look better after Ukrainian captivity. Ironically this is good for Ukraine because an entrenched position full of well fed and looked after is harder to take than one full of emaciated half starved drunks. People associate Ukraine with fortitude and determination in the face of monsters who want to eradicate their culture and people. The bloodlust is from Russia who have left mass graves all over Eastern Ukraine and who even encourage torture and rape on their state media TV channels.


I can take an few hours drive to the hills of eastern Kentucky, stop at a random gas station in the middle of nowhere, and probably run into people that don't look so different. A hard life wears on people.


A few more rounds of posts like this and we might actually draw out all the little racist libshits. Good post OP.


They just look.. poor. Thats what happens when you’re underfed, haven’t bathed in forever and you’re barely scraping by. I see people that look just like this working at a podunk Midwest gas station. Also might have something to do with the fact that they’re on fucking deployment!




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I guarantee the people who believe in this kind of jingoist nigh-skullpan measuring filth would –to a man– take great exception the assertion these two malnourished people are victims of the russian state's actions in a different way.


I wonder how the average Russian views an Ukranian now.


The one on the right really does not look human he looks like he is AI generated like something about the reflection on his skin makes the picture of him look AI to me...


*russian soldiers