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It's so nice to see a project in the city posted on this reddit that everyone is positive about.


Thank you, thats what my goal is. Often we see posts about how worksites get in peoples way, or new projects that are "wastes of money". I have no problem with people expressing themselves, but I rarely see people going out of their way to make positive posts. Even when they do, people dont comment often, and the threads go under the radar. Tragedy and anger mobilize people in comparison, my post about Pickton BLEW UP.


Also we absolutely have rage farming bots active here


I dont know enough about how those work to comment. However I wont deny that grabbing my 🍿 and watching people bicker about inane things can be fun. My toxic trait?


I think most of us share that toxic trait ha ha


Five minutes after someone posted on the Esquimalt Facebook group someone was complaint about all the traffic congestion due to people going to the dock. People will complain about everything.


Hats off to everyone involved, some days they only had two guys working on it. I spoke with the person overseeing the project and they told me how the team that made this worked alongside a local expert tradesman, and they had never done it before! For a jobsite it seems like it would be pretty fun. Thanks to everyone involved for helping build our community!


I just spoke with a City Official, and the gates are coming down tomorrow! Just in time for the first hot weekend of the summer! For the past week each evening has had the dock filled with people, and tonights no different. Many people dropping by on paddleboards, kayaks, canoes, and even a few boats anchored off the swimming area. This hidden gem becomes quite the party during the summer nowadays!


Went for a swim this evening. The water is great! See you there soon!


Amazing! Is there an event of any sort?


We had VicWest Fest not long ago, and I dont believe there are big plans for the park this summer. Homestly though the crowd is big enough to make you think there was an event. All day on weekends and weekday evenings are packed when its hot out.


Me again, I noticed you included much fewer photos of the dock. Please add more.


Me again, just wanted to apologize again about the lack of dock pics, I normally hand then out like halloween candy. I was in such a hurry to capitalize on the karma farming for my Dock Post Trilogy that in my haste I forgot to copy and paste. More photos.


Understandable good day


Now let’s hope the people can keep it clean and safe


I agree, in fact just this evening as workers were trying to do finishing touches while working overtime, some teens were causing trouble. A lot of yelling and swearing, which is harmless, but they started to run up the gangway near the workers, and drag a kid who didnt want to swim into the water. They got yelled at by the official and recalled from the dock, but definitely just one of many future issues. Especially once alcohol is involved, I hope people are responsible this summer.


Oh yea I’m just waiting for the teens and 20 yr olds to get drunk and stoned at once doing it. (I’m 23 and used to do this in high school so I understand how dangerous it is) I just hope if people do it they clean up after themselves and are responsible


In the recent past it was mostly visited by people in the neighbourhood, and everyone is good about packing up. Garbages usually have full rims of cans for people who collect them, but are never full cans. I think this will bring traffic from elsewhere so who knows, I like to think most people in this city are respectful. However I have had many interactions at that park over the years with drunk beligerents, most are responisible but I have seen people get escorted away.


Well all we can hope for is the best I’m definitely hoping we can keep it as beautiful as possible!:)


The people of Vic West seem quite proud of their area and wouldn’t leave a mess if they discovered one. Not saying anyone from other areas would either. I’d frequent that dock late nights and have ran into some cool night owls and late night parties as well. Never have I met anyone with intent to vandalize or cause harm.


Is there still a beach advisory for the gorge?


Wrong part of the gorge. You're thinking of the Esquimalt Gorge park beach. It's more goose shit than anything else.


No it’s totally clean as of last testing. https://inspections.myhealthdepartment.com/island-health/water-sample-history/?permitID=D4BAB08B-A686-4FB3-AC72-D69E6D688DC0 Plus the advisory a couple weeks ago was at Esquimalt Gorge Park.


Looks likes Esquimalt Gorge Park is clean as well now, as of Jun 17: [https://inspections.myhealthdepartment.com/island-health/water-sample-history/?permitID=7D3A8738-A022-47C6-8296-FB74E2CBA4F5](https://inspections.myhealthdepartment.com/island-health/water-sample-history/?permitID=7D3A8738-A022-47C6-8296-FB74E2CBA4F5)


Who knows but people be swimmin 🤷‍♂️


This part of the Gorge has pretty good currents from the tides so seems to be fine when areas further up are under advisory.


Don’t be an idiot; if you can’t swim, stay home until you properly learn. :) There are no lifeguards, people around you will probably panic and it may take first responders awhile given the heavy traffic/limited space in and around that area. Otherwise, have fun and watch out for others.


I read Bamfield. I was very confused for a bit there.


Very commonly misheard, both are beautiful!


Time to test the waters and hope we don’t turn out like [Blinky](https://youtu.be/HHAD9rMvr8g?si=I1riAWrRxeGdcvNH)


Looks kind of janky