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Go. Do not hesitate just because of wait times. You should seek medical help.


We were in the ER at VGH twice last week. Both were 6 hour wait times. The nurses announced this frequently and it was accurate. Keep in mind that's a 6 hour wait to see the doctor, they'll do other things prior (we got x-rays and pain meds) and it's very efficient. I say go, a head injury with nausea is troubling.


Whatever the wait time might be, I agree, OP needs to go in!


You’ll get triaged and they don’t fuck around with head injuries, you’ll definitely be seen with priority only given to active bleeds/chest pain/strokes. RJH ER varies day to day, they have different levels of capacity.


I had to wait 6+ hours with a freshly cracked eye socket and injured jaw 😞


Sadly, 6 hours is considered speedy service at this point. Friend was sent to the ER from urgent care with kidney stones and their wait time was 13 hours


Ugh 😣


You’d be surprised what they consider an emergency and what they don’t. OP’s around 24 hours out from the injury and his only current symptom is a headache that he didn’t have originally when he woke up and some nausea. They’ll take him seriously, especially if he has physical signs of the injury, but he’ll still likely have to wait a good while.


A head ache that comes on the next day could indicate he is bleeding inside his skull, and the blood is building up and causing pressure. He needs to go to the ER.


Never said he didn’t but I’ve been to RJH with a possible concussion before. If you go in the next day after hitting your head and say you now have a headache they’ll take you seriously because you hit your head but unless you went unconscious immediately after or have other symptoms they’re not going to triage you high priority. You’ll be seen but you’ll wait.


This is misinformation at its best! They triage by most life threatening. You have zero ability to predict how many and what degree of life threatening cases they have at any given time.


During my last stint at RJH, there was a 6 hour period where there wasn't even a doctor there!


Headache with nausea sounds bad. Do you have other concussion symptoms? I'd go to the nearest hospital. If you suspect concussion, take an Uber. Do not drive. They will probably just tell you it's concussion and send you on your way, you may not get a CAT or MRI. I sustained a concussion in December and went to San Pen (seen within 2 hours on a Tuesday afternoon) and didn't get any scans or anything. But worthwhile to have documentation if you need time off work. Which you may, if it's a concussion.


Those are my only symptoms which is why I’m kind of on the fence


It could be a concussion or it could be a slow brain bleed. You really don’t know until you get checked out so please go in. I’m a paramedic and if you called an ambulance with the same history and symptoms they would have no hesitation bringing you in.


811 is also a good place to start too if you’re unsure! They can’t diagnose but they can tell you severity and where or what to do


they'll tell OP to go to the ER


Has 811 ever said anything to anyone except go to the hospital? I have never called where they actually offered anything else.


Yeah. I’ve had a few stay home and watch/monitor for concussions


I'd go. Again, even if it's just a mild concussion, you may need to take some time off work and you want medical documentation. Brain stuff, it's not worth the risk.


i got checked out! it’s a mild concussion. thanks everyone for yelling at me to not be an idiot


Oh, I'm glad you're ok! Even mild concussion can be really disruptive. Please go easy on yourself for the next week's and months, expect to limit screen time and exercise and listen to your brain and body when it needs rest. You may have a disrupted sleep schedule, and be a bit off-kilter because of that as well, so get sleep when you need it. Also, not sure your gender, but concussion can mess with hormones and make you more emotional and disregulated if you're of the female variety. It's really hard to gauge how you are when you're in the midst of it, and I will say it took me a good two months before I felt like "myself" again. Looking back I didn't realize at the time how disruptive my concussion was, and I only realized once I felt fully better. So please be easy on yourself! Take care!


Thank you so much that’s so good to know! I’ve dealt with a lot of other medical things in the past but this is my first head injury, haha


You might want to warn those close to you and ask them to let you know if you seem a bit "off". Short term memory, rationality, emotions, ability to multitask. It's really hard to judge oneself. And seriously, don't feel bad or worried if it takes a couple months before you're back to normal. I thought I was mostly fine and it wasn't until mid-March (concussed in early December) that I felt normal and realized and fully appreciated how disregulated and wonky I had been.


I've had more than a few concussions. I can't recommend those memory foam pillows enough. They provide incredible stability.


It doesn't matter how long the wait is. Death is pretty long too from what I hear, so if ya gotta pick ;) Urgent care and a telehealth appointment would both be potentially a waste of your time if the doctor wants to do a scan. There's absolutely a chance the ER won't even order radiology if they don't think it's warranted (whether it actually is or not unfortunately), but if you're having nausea you need to be checked out. TBI's get worse with time, not better.


Head injuries and heart/respiratory issues are most often expedited. I went in with a heart issue and waited less than 30 minutes. Also had a cycling accident and hurt my noggin and was seen in about 15-20 minutes.


Once you see a Dr for your potential concussion I recommend seeking post concussion care by a physio or massage therapist to help with symptomatic relief. Acacia health in Vic West has a great team if you have benefits.


You will be triaged with higher priority for having a head injury, especially if you're vomiting. I would recommend going to VGH though, because they have a neurology unit.


#Don't wait Like some people are commenting, the best time is now!


Why are you here waiting for responses? Time which should be spent at the ER.  Here's mine, go immediately to the hospital. RJH and Vic Gen are in the top 10 hospitals in Canada, out of 1,300+.  You should be waiting for our responses while in the waiting room.  Go.  If you have a blood clot and not know about it, would you go? do I have your attention now? Go! We are not specialists, they are all waiting for you at the ER.


Might be a long wait but go anyway. You need to get checked out for concussion or potentially something worse.


I mean, there’s gonna be a wait but I’d take sitting in the waiting room all day over an untreated head injury that could be a concussion 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely fucking go.


Sorry to swear but if I was your gf or wife, I'd be the one driving you there against your will right after lol. Do not screw around with head injuries love.


Go to Saanich Peninsula - will be seen sooner.




Honestly it’s hit or miss but every time I’ve gone there in the past year (multiple visits) we’ve been out of there within 2 or 3 hours. In one instance transport was required to VGH and the hospital arranged the transport and we were seen there on priority basis. But as others said, triage will determine how fast you get seen anyways.


Yes or parksville but get some one to drive you


There is no hospital in Parksville. VGH or NRGH would be the other large acute care hospitals on the island.


Go now. Better safe than sorry.


Go to the hospital asap. Head injuries are not to be taken lightly.


Concussed! Be careful, no jiggling, no jostling, not having a Care Card or travel or travel insurance means you’ll be paying. (Don’t want you to panic and feel worse).


Go to vgh. If it's an intracranial problem like a bleed etc, all neurology and neurosurg services are at vgh. And yes, you 100% need to be assessed with those symptoms. Please don't drive yourself. But go right away.


Good news! They implemented a clinic for non emerg visits. Greatly dropping wait times I believe. After hour and half had already xray and met with Dr.Wolfe and on my way. No idea why hasnt been put through previously and hope they keep!


What is it called?


You engage with triage as usual, they will generally direct but if dont ask about it.. They will check over again and if deemed low priority and easy work will send to clinic...


Wait time is not first-come-first-served it is based on the severity of your complaint. When I was having seizures I had a wait time of 15 minutes while people were complaining about being there for hours. A bump on the head with days later nausea could be an emergency. You may be in the OR before you can catch your breath. So GO!


pro tip set your alarm for like 2am on a weekday and go then, way shorter wait times


Go to VicGen or Jube. You have a head injury you will beat out at least 1/2 the other people there. The only concern is whether you have medical insurance. If not prepare to pay out of pocket.


The wait times were around 4hrs yesterday


Go to the ER


Took my Mom a few weeks ago for severe stomach issues. They took blood, saw Dr., sent for cat scan, saw Dr again, appropriate treatment then sent home. In and out in 5 hours. Unfortunately it really is a crapshoot on how long it takes, and it can suck sometimes but don’t let it deter you. It is just how it is, and left untreated could cause real harm. Keep us posted.


Whatever the wait time is a head injury is serious and should be seen anyways. Please go!


This is Canada. **The wait time depends on how urgent the need is not how many people are in the wait room.** Head injury within 48 hours is a fairly high urgency, especially with nausea. I would say this is a very good reason to go to the ER as soon as possible as bleeding in the brain can lead to permanent damage or death.


Go to er. Head injury and nausea isn’t something to mess with


Take water, phone charger snacks you think you can stomach a book or music if you think you can manage it. They will give you a warm blanket if you get shivery but take a sweater anyway.


Glad that you got some good news. Hope you feel better soon!


Go in. You'll get tested. Most of the people in the ER are the frequent flyers. You may have to wait a couple hours but you'll likely get a CT.


You might die dude. Go to the ER.


I got hit by a truck while riding my bike two summers ago and went to jubilee. I was lucky to get away with just a concussion but the ER doctor completely dismissed me because I wasn’t bleeding externally. He said in a condescending way “so why are you here then” when I told him what happened. He said because I’m not bleeding and nothings broken to just go home. I had bad whiplash and major concussion that got worse over time from the accident


Wow. That doc was an ass. I’m not even a physician (have worked in healthcare though) and my first thought would be possible internal injuries, especially if nothing external is apparent. Be your own advocate. What seems logical and reasonable would be your guide. It’s sad it has to be that way but we’re at a point where we can’t hand over our entire trust to one individual when it comes to our health.


I ended up having to go through vision therapy and start wearing glasses because of it. Thankfully no internal bleeding but that was my 5th concussion and I was so out of it that I couldn’t think clearly enough to advocate for myself.


☹️ That is horrible! I hope you’re doing better.


Go in. This is probably a good time of day to go (instead of late evening).


Go to the er. Yes you will likely wait. A long time. My dad had acute pancreatitis and is 75 and he was forced to stay in a waiting room overnight. But he eventually was seen. If you have insurance that’s great otherwise you will get a bill after your visit to the hospital since you aren’t Canadian.


Yes, do it Make sure you have your insurance info and maybe check in with your provider.


You’re concussed. Go


I'd go in with those symptoms. You'll be triaged accordingly and if you were to start feeling worse it's much safer to be there than home alone. I went in April and again in May for urgent but not emergent needs and was seen in 6 hours both times (one vic gen, one RJH) with testing and meds etc in that period while I was waiting for the doc.


Vic general is usually faster, if it’s an option. If it’s not, go to the jubilee. You should go. Be prepared for a wait, but head injury with such symptoms may have you in faster than most Go. I doubt you can read with your symptoms but maybe make sure your phone is charged and you have headphones so you can listen to music or something. Wait times can be hours, but that’s from my experience with injuries that can wait. Head bonk with headache and nausea is likely much faster treatment then what I have personally experienced. Regardless. Go.


Go to ER now. It isn't perfect, but it sure isn't the USA.


fair but at least the us has walk in urgent care 😭




Is that if you have $$ to walk in? Hope you feel better soon.


I went with a concussion a couple years ago and got seen pretty quick, like under an hour. Go go go.


Go to vic general. Is the trauma centre and neurological


Even years ago my stepchild with a similar head injury was never seen. After 6+ hours, they were sent home with a paper of what to watch for over the next few days.


Jubilee is usually less waiting than vgh. I was there recently and overheard doctors wondering why more people don’t go to the jubilee


Not sure . But I know an elderly person who slipped and fell and her back was sore. She waited in emerge for 8hours.


Emergency has a lot of people that come in from the outside due to an emergency that bump everyone else. It takes time, but you'll be seen. If you walk in, they will assume you are not a dire need emergency. If you are brought in, it's generally more of an emergency (although not always). Sadly the ER department is packed full of people who don't have ER requirements, but have no other avenues to see doctors. I saw a few weeks ago someone in there because of itchy scalp.... no joke.


Glad you added the "not always" to the being brought in part. I was in a car accident last November and they took me to the VGH with a broken arm and needing stitches due to my thumb and forefinger being split open and I sat there for hours!!!! From the time I arrived in an ambulance to the time I left. It was just about 8 hours.


Yah, if you are brought in and it isn't a major emergency you don't get to jump the line. Most people who are brought in from Ambulance are an emergency though. A dick move is to go to ER and talk about having shortness of breathe and other critical heart attack type symptoms.


I went to VGH with chest ache and very high blood pressure. Had an ecg, blood work, ultrasound, and met with a doctor in under 30 minutes. You’re neither a doctor nor a nurse. Go and let them decide.


I went last week for a minor issue (possible broken finger) and was out of there in 4 hours. Before I left, I made sure to bring a pack of things..like a drink, snacks and a phone charger :-)


I realize my anecdote is also just that, an anecdote, but I've gone to the Jubilee er three times for relatively minor incidents and never been longer than a couple hours. Regardless, it's your head, don't gamble with your brain.


Call 811 and get assessed by a nurse and then make a decision


What’s worth waiting for: your possible death due to untreated head trauma or the peace of mind that you’re ok? That’s the way I’d look at it.


Glad you’re alright omg!!!


It's hard to say how long you'll wait. Emergency works on a Triage System where those who need the most immediate help are brought in first. If you have a boo boo on your bottom, chances are they will take in the person actively having a heart attack before you. That said, go to Emergency. Whatever the wait time is doesn't matter.


(Not a dr) The risk is a subdural hematoma on the brain. And that can be life threatening. It can also not be evident right away or for up to two weeks. Best get it checked out. If nothing today but then you show up in a week slurring your words - they will know to act quickly. AND they can give you advice on how to deal with the concussion you probably have and/or refer you to someone for concussion care. There are things you can do to ensure that that bang does cause long term problems for you. Or you can see a gp if you have one?


I had the misfortune of needing a few ER trips last week. Waits were 10-16 hours. You'll be seen, but you'll have to wait a long time if it's not immediately urgent, and the doctors there only really treat emergencies so I wouldn't expect much in the form of diagnosis or tests. I'd get up super early tomorrow and wait at the urgent care clinic. Welcome to Canadian healthcare.


Holy fuck wtf, go to the ER. That you are even wondering if you should go is sufficient indication of lack of judgement... go get your head looked at.


If you can, head to the Saanich peninsula hospital. Considerably shorter wait times for almost everything because no one knows it exists and its main user base is elderly people who are low priority.




I would go to the General or SPH instead as the Jubilee is going live with Powerchart and there are some delays related to the electronic health record activation.


You’ll get in but it’ll probably take a few hours unless your triage shows something odd like breathing trouble, low oxygen, or extremely low BP or something else that seems like you may die in the next hour. Typically they don’t really do anything for a concussion but still worth getting checked out. I would say based on your symptoms they don’t seem like your concussion score will be high enough for them to do a CT scan but I’m not a doctor.


This might not work anymore but you could try going at like 3am, it's usually a lot quicker if you're ok with waking up in the middle of the night