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Cadborosaurus, reported to live in the bay. Plus of course, Sasquatch.


Caddy the Saurus from Cadboro Bay!


The name Sasquatch isn’t from any local dialect. It’s an anglicized version of ‘Sasq'ets’ or wild man, which came from the S’tailes people. They speak Halqemeylem, the Upriver dialect of Halkomelem. lək̓ʷəŋiʔnəŋ is a dialect of that - but there are differences, and there are five other Indigenous languages spoken on the island. If they have those stories of the wild men and those beliefs, then they’ll have their own names for that creature. In my culture he’s called Sabé, and they’re known for only showing themselves to truly honest people. They also have little people. We all do. They live around water. They’ll have their own names for that too.


Tth’amuqwus or Seskwach in Hul’q’umi’num’ around Saanich


The [SENĆOŦEN](http://saanich.montler.net/WordList/spirit.html) word list has ȾEU¸XÁL¸EĆ (pronounced kind of like thuw-hhel-uch) translated as "Sasquatch". I assume that's the same being as the Wild Man of the Woods? Little people are SIYȺYE¸ (pronounced like siyeyuh).


Likely! Because Sasquatch itself is an anglicized version of a word from another language spoken near the Fraser canyon.


The First Nations cultures have a lot of this sort of thing. Basket Woman (different names in different languages) is a giantess with messy hair who collects children in a basket to take home and eat. She makes a whistling sound and you can see her on totem poles with her mouth shaped to whistle.


Very cool!! I like that one!




Also known as Quamichan


I think that’s from up north around Alert Bay. Is that right? I had a friend who used that name for her and he was from there. He’s dead now, so I can’t ask him.


Damn I heard this story in elementary school, thanks for bringing that memory back!


Where has she been reported being seen? I love this kind of folklore especially in FN culture


it’s more of a thing to tell your children. i think she only comes out at night, so you tell your kids to be home on time or she’ll take you


Please don’t call it folklore. That’s a European thing. They have a different name for these sorts of stories.


What's the proper name for it?


I’ve been told to call them oral traditions. Different ones have different protocols. I’m not from the coast, my roots are in the plains. We have a word in my language(s) for it - âcimowin / Aen koonteur niiya. Storytelling is the same word for reporting or sharing of news. In my culture, we only tell some stories in the winter because the spirits are sleeping and they won’t hear us and get mad. On the coast a lot of important teachings and traditions are shared through their oral traditions and often through important ceremonies like potlatch. Some stories only hereditary leaders can know and share. When we rely on colonial terms like folklore we kind of remove the stories from those traditional contexts. It’s a form of epistemic violence that comes with colonialism. It’s harder for folks born in the 1990’s and back, because all of this was virtually absent from school curriculum. Now in BC it’s embedded throughout with those important nuances. It’s very cool! I work in education, albeit for my own people, but I often get to sit in circle with host nations and their knowledge carriers and I’ve learned a lot about their stories and why they’re so important to respect. Again I don’t share this to shut anyone down or make them feel bad. If you don’t know it can’t be helped. But now you do know and you can tell others when you hear it. Help reframe how those stories are understood or shared.


Thank you for this helpful and insightful response ❤️


You’re welcome ❤️ what good is knowledge if we can’t share it, hey?


Right, folklore implies just a fairy tale but indigenous stories have more power and significance. Like you said, speaking of certain spirits will draw them to you. Makes perfect sense that that would feel really dismissive in a society that already dismisses the culture. Thanks for the perspective!


It's nice of you to ask but I think they prefer telling people off for using a European word while we are all speaking a European language.


Come on. Actually read the thoughtful response given. “Oral traditions” are also ‘European words’, but it puts the concept in an appropriate context rather than relegating it to the status of fairy stories.


Thanks mom of hector ❤️ it’s LP 😉




Awas tuguye. Cute of you to assume I don’t speak my language. But you wouldn’t know it, so I’m using one you clearly understand to explain the issue. Folklore is like a fairy tale. It’s a European concept that fits well with fairy tales. These are different. Unique cultural context. If the explanation I gave doesn’t do it for you, feel free to carry on using outdated and inappropriate language to describe something that doesn’t belong to you, but does to me. I didn’t create the colonial system, but I’m forced to live in it and unfortunately that means being on the receiving end of stupid comments like yours.


Fair enough!! My mistake!


All good! You don’t know, until you know. If you’ve never had to think about it, you wouldn’t. That’s how settler states operate. Doesn’t make you a bad person so don’t sweat it.


I’m Metis too so I’m learning every day!


Taanishi cousin ❤️❤️ that’s great!!! Have you heard of the series Shadow of the Rougarou? If you’re into cryptids you should watch it!! It’s on APTN Lummi


Marrsî ❤️ I haven’t but I’d love to watch it 🥰 series like that are my favourite. I recently got into Rez Dogs and love it 😍


Love Rez dogs!!! Shadow of the rougarou is Métis specifically and they speak Michif in it. So cool.


She's JENI (pronounced "cheni") in SENĆOŦEN.


That’s a language that needs to be more widely known. Thank you. I will never look at a Jenny the same way:0)


Look at the YouTube channel “Hammerson Peters”. He discusses indigenous peoples folklore in canada a lot, had a video playing recently and he was talking about VI but don’t remember anything as I was cleaning. Fun channel for any Canadian tho! Also Canadiana on YouTube!! I recommend Canadiana’s video about the twin sisters mountain in Vancouver also!


I really enjoy his channel, even if he is a bit monotonous.


Hammerson Peters** sorry to be pedantic, also a big fan of his content!


THANK YOU I’ll edit my post! 💖


No worries, he’s an amazing content creator, I’ve watched almost every one of his videos. I especially enjoy hearing about the local folklore of Vancouver island. While not related to the island, his series on tales of the great Canadian fur trade is absolutely fascinating and is a must watch for anyone interested in this sort of thing!


Agreed! He’s great. Hard to find good channels focused on Canada so he’s definitely sooo appreciated!


https://www.timescolonist.com/islander/what-happened-to-granger-taylor-4669648 Not a cryptid, just an interesting VI story! Found out about it from a British YouTuber. Kinda felt it suited your theme of interest.


There's a CBC docs on him called spaceman [https://gem.cbc.ca/cbc-docs-pov/s02e12?cmp=DM\_FEED\_GEMCARD\_spaceman](https://gem.cbc.ca/cbc-docs-pov/s02e12?cmp=DM_FEED_GEMCARD_spaceman) In the documentary his mother receives a letter from someone confirming that he's been taken by aliens, and it was sent by another airplane restoration guy who has an NFB documentary - [https://www.nfb.ca/film/defender/](https://www.nfb.ca/film/defender/)


Please don’t call it folklore.


What do I use instead?


Oral traditions. If you scroll up I provided a more detailed reason why I’m moving today so I can’t spend much time responding my apologies!!




You’re welcome ❤️ have a great day friend


>Thanks! You're welcome!




There's a the gorgeous as well. Same idea but in the gorge.


There is a legend around these parts about a mythological duck that is half banana. Something called a Banuck I believe.


lol, I think I've heard some tales too


Were they Ducktales?


I am NOT going to raise to your bait!!!




Only during full moons in July...






I swear I saw a giant gnome on the side of the highway near [Nanoose Bay](https://www.google.com/maps/@49.2736855,-124.2381549,3a,75y,253.26h,80.52t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1scpbNsbLFmJn-jGiUYhv04g!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DcpbNsbLFmJn-jGiUYhv04g%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D253.26%26pitch%3D9.480000000000004%26thumbfov%3D90!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


Weird, I swear I saw one on Blenkinsop!


Definitely a cryptid!


I've seen it in Piper's Lagoon


Howard the Gnome is now living on Blenkinsop at Galey's Farm


Little people. Not gnomes.


This seems to be further north on the Island (and on the mainland as well) -- the sisiutl. It's a two-headed sea serpent -- one head at each end. It's supposed to be able to change its size dramatically, and its shed scales can be found on local beaches. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisiutl https://onlineacademiccommunity.uvic.ca/myuviclife/2018/03/14/visiting-the-komoks-first-nation-the-i-hos-canoe-and-the-importance-of-culture/ https://spiritsofthewestcoast.com/collections/the-sisiutl-or-sea-serpent-symbol I thought it was interesting that holly leaves are one of the few things that can injure a sisiutl. I think holly was unknown here until colonization -- and it's an invasive plant. https://www.hollysocam.org/PDF/articles/TheHollyTree.pdf?page\_id=1030


The Cameron Lake Monster is a fun one. The Thetis Lake Monster was also a thing at one point.   I also had fun combing through the NRC’s historical archive of UFO reports for Vancouver island. Other than that and other ones listed. Heres a craft to make Cammy the lake monster if that’s your vibe.  https://playinpa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Cammy.pdf




And the Cameron Lake Monster too: https://www.visitparksvillequalicumbeach.com/blog/is-there-a-cameron-lake-monster/


This place gives me the creeps. My family and friends rented a cabin there in 2003. The water was weird, I was only 13 and I couldn’t stand swimming in it. I can’t explain it. I sat on the dock and watched everybody. My cousin and I walked from the cabin to the train trestle one day, it was a gorgeous sunny day in August. Walking towards it it was like the world around got quieter, duh, we’re in the woods. But we started to realize that we couldn’t even hear birds, and it seemed darker and quieter the further we walked. I think we made it to the trestle and it was just … EERIE. We both felt it, turned around, and started running. Right back to the sunny cabin on the water. I also found a fully responsive awake chilling bat in the afternoon in the sun one of those days too. I put on oven mitts and went to pick it up and my mom started hollering at me - “A healthy bat wouldn’t be awake in the middle of the day!” so I missed out on my chance at rabies. It’s just a weird place. My stomach was in knots the whole way up and the whole trip.


I fish there all the time. Haven’t been eaten yet.


[Mesachie Man](https://www.lakecowichangazette.com/community/a-strange-being-lurks-in-the-cowichan-wilderness-926414) near Cowichan Lake: > The old tale of the Mesachie Man barely lingers on in the annals of history or let alone in the memories of a very few. In today’s world the knowledge of the tale is likely non-existent but at one time there was a belief, by some, that the ‘strange being’ dubbed the Mesachie Man actually existed in the vast wilderness of the Cowichan Lake area.


The origins of the early legend, according to Trevor’s recollection, were somewhat unclear although their father Frank and his sister (aunt) Nan apparently believed that the creature was half man, half gorilla that had somehow escaped from a sailing ship, off the West Coast, and perhaps had been destined to become an exhibit or sideshow somewhere on the notorious waterfront of Seattle or San Francisco. Whether there was a plausible explanation in support of the legend is unlikely but there was documented information, in the form of a story told to Frank Price, Cowichan Leader reporter, by highly respected native Nitinat Charlie of a fierce inhuman monster who used to roam the mountains around Kaatza (Cowichan Lake). He was called a man but had many characteristics of an animal, with claws, hair and the head of a bear. As the legend grew, the local natives were said to have become much in awe of this creature and avoided areas, such as Mesachie Lake, due to its proximity to Robertson River, the route the monster was believed to have taken in his escape from the West Coast.


I don't even believe in ghosts but have been in Ross Bay Cemetery after dusk and that place is haunted as heck. Also, the peacocks in Beacons Hill make terrifying noises, very eerie when it's foggy. They may as well be cryptids as far as I'm concerned.


Ross Bay is fucking brutal. The first time I ever went in on a full moon to see the blue angel statue I heard this ungodly woman howling that literally chased me out. But I’m twisted, so after a year I went back in. There’s a Madonna like statue (I call her that anyways) by the Sisters of St. Ann. During the day she is very sweet, and the way she’s carved seems to have eyes looking in the distance. So here goes another full moon and I decided to go hang out with a statue (to be fair I used to go a lot). Madonna is full on silently SCREAMING and illuminated by the full moon. Her eyes looked wide and were staring straight down on me, looking at me like “Why the hell are you here?!” screaming away. And then I heard what was likely a vagrant moving through the bushes, muttering and finally yelling “LEAVE. GET THE FUCK OUT.” I ran and hid in the shadows behind one of the mausoleums absolutely terrified. Once I heard the footsteps stop I ran back to the road. Had a crow follow me in and out of the cemetery 3 times one time too in the middle of the day, crowing at me. I ran across the road and back, went further into the cemetery and he would follow. Victoria and the island is absolutely crazy. I could write books about the eerie incidents I’ve experienced here. I saw the golf course ghost in April 2013, driving through with an ex at like 2am. Had no idea what we saw til I found the story months later. I worked at Rogers Chocolates in 2010 - that place is HAUNTED.


There are a few people I've heard about who are very... Aggressively protective of their loved one's graves if you encounter them, shall we put it. Shout out to whoever decorated a grave in the middle of the cemetery with solar lights. I had to cut through during the big snow a few years ago when walking home from work late at night (the traction was better... The sidewalks by the road outside were pure ice and I'd already taken one hard fall). When I spotted those lights it was like seeing little ghostly faerie lights through the trees, in the middle of a bunch of snow-covered graves. Definitely added to the ambience.


I'd have a hard time believing that any strange noises or voices weren't just a homeless person on drugs TBH


The hauntedness is a feeling. The humidity, the heaviness and stillness of the air. And... The vibe. The only time I ever felt that before was in a railcar ins railway museum outside Revelstoke. That car was also haunted. And again, I do not believe in ghosts.


My family has a plot there... No new burials (we're not *that* Old Victoria) but room for cremations. So whenever I'm there I'm somewhat conscious that I will probably wind up there someday.


Oh you're just getting to know the new neighbours then.


? I used to live right across the street from it and would cut through it , yes even at night, to get home. Never felt anything dangerous


Idk, feels haunted to me! Bit not sure that "haunted" qualifies as "dangerous". 🙃 Tho last time I was there past dusk my phone died, I had no flashlight, and was moderately concerned about finding my way out. Plus, owl attacks?


Not cryptid. But Folklore. Listen to the podcast: Lore Episode 158: A Grain of Truth


A pic in the official city archives https://archives.victoria.ca/cadborosaurus-2


Cryptid for sure, but not mythical —> adorable micro-snakes: https://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wld/documents/sharptailed_snake.pdf Protect them!!!




woah didn't know those existed. Cool.


I heard from a couple people who live on the long beach rez, as well as one in the itatsoo rez, who said while walking home late at night they encountered sasquatch, a tall, man-like, longer arms, very strong smell (not a bear smell but it's unique own smell). could be them pulling this white person's leg, but this was not said with the twinkle and mouth twitch if a joking story. if you like to hang out on the logging roads after dark you're more likely to run into drug / weed runners than cryptids but maybe you'll see something cool like a wolf or cougar.


I remember reading, based on the number of sightings, that one of the highest populations of Sasquatch in North America is up-island, past Duncan


Awesome! Good to know!!


“Sasquatch Discovered: The Biography of Dr. John Bindernagel" - it’s a book about John who moved to the Comox Valley as the North Island has high sightings. He did a ton of research over the years. He also has a website that’s still being maintained- http://sasquatchbiologist.org


Also, unrelated: One of the highest consumption rate of bathtub moonshine.


There can be only one explanation: Sasquatches love that bathtub whiskey


Rutley the elephant


Nuu-chal-nulth have sea serpents off the west coast. It’s on family crests.


The Woman of the Woods, Dzunuk´wa.


Affordable housing is one of the mythical beasts that reportedly was seen here once upon a time.


Sad truth


Victoria has actually the highest density population of house hippos in Canada.


And I STILL don't have one?? No fair!


We have giant house cats that silently stalk the forests looking for the weak!


That's different than the local cougars, or...??? lol


If you look into sasquatch some of the first nations legends around it talk about how the ly chased a clan of bigfoot up into the midisland


Thetis lake monster: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thetis_Lake_Monster


Pond Kraken in Swan Lake. Lake Kraken in Elk Lake. Beware of those tentacles!


Anyone seen any skinwalkers?


Apparently Alberta has one. I feel like they're more in the south of North America. Maybe our Sasquatches keep them away 😆


Right! Lots in the USA. I never even thought of that! That’s gotta be it. I think I’d much rather encounter Sasquatch than a skin walker.


Agreed! Afaik sasquatches aren't inherently evil. Skinwalkers will fuck you up for the fun of it!


Duncan apparently has the largest concentration of big foot sittings in the world


Coincidentally, the rate of alcoholism is equally high.


Okay. Ghosts are not overrated btw, but they are not what I'd call cryptids anyhow. We, of course, have sasquatch, but I have also seen reports of little gnome people around the centre of the island. edit: I just saw someone already mentioned these.