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You should try banh mi con cu


Not Viet Kieu but I got the joke. Take my upvote lol


I know it’s pride month but yike no thanks. You sound like you’re experienced and you love it. I prefer thit lon.


I dont know if that pun is intentional or not but take my upvote man


Thank you. It is. My tieng viet mot chut but such words i know. Just like i know what the person is saying with con cu. Lol.


Ahhh what better than a cockmeat sandwich


the classic vietnamese without tonal mark


Lol I just learned this pun recently


You mean cú? Weird


U really don't know?


And I actually know that, just don't want to be to dirty-minded


Yeah, I've never seen or heard about an owl dish


Nah, it's not owl, cu in this means dick


I though its banh my con cac?


Nah, I prefer banh mi cho de


R u kidding me 🧐🤣


and banh mi lon ma may


eating dog is whatever eating those big ass chunks on a banh my should be illegal. I feel like this is thit cho that you just threw in a baguette


And the lack of shrimp paste on the baguette is just... disappointing.


I seen banh mi thit chuot in Thai binh last week


What the actual fuck lmao


chuot dong (field mouse/rat - idk what they are called in english) they are relatively healthy, clean and fat rat/mouse that thrive on the plant and crop, opposite those that live in the sewer, eating shit and garbage.


When people heard about thit chuot dong (field rat/mice) meat, they'd be like "ewww" and stuff but little did they know that those mice are actually have healthy diet and even more hygiene than most redditor. Lul




They actually tastes very good


I have eaten them. I can confirm. They are illegally good.


Wow 😂 how good did it look /10?


Pretty tasty. It is similar to rabbit but the skin is tougher. If you have a chance, visit Peru. I tried Guinea pig and Alpaca there. Guinea pig tastes really good and similar to field rats. Rich meat and tough skin. Guinea pig is traditionally consumed in Cusco, Machu Picchu area


Ah my professor said he tried it because it’s a specialty there. He said they taste like chicken. (Guinea pig)


Wait hol’ up. People actually eat alpaca?? I was curious about how alpacas taste like.


I tried alpaca stew and steak. Taste like beef but more fat and a little bit gamey. But not like lamb or deer or bear. Prob because most alpaca meat are from alpacas raised for meat. Similar to most dogs in Viet Nam imo. But I prefer Cui (guinea pig) haha


The dish doesn’t make any sense


Why though? I mean i know thit cho is kind more expensive hence contradictory to the more commoner food that is banh mi. I think with pate and the right sauce its alright? The people at the shop didnt bat an eyelid when i fished out the banh mi and asked them to help me slice the bread.


😯 Is this a serious post? If so this is the first dog meat bread roll I've seen


It is. Just buy banh mi go quan thit cho and put the meat in. I’m giving you business idea.


replace the pate with mam tom and you’ve got one hell of a sandwich


Crush up a trung vit lon and spring that shits on there would be the cherry on top 


damn right, then you just got vietnam in your hands


why is this supposed to be nsfw?


Because there always are people here who don’t like thit cho


do they prefer thit meow?


yeah but its wierd to assume they will be so disturbed by the mention of the issue that an nsfw tag is warranted, esp when the content isn't even remotely that bad


Yub, I was expecting a whole dog hung on a stand like chinese roasted pork


I gave up on dogmeat a decade ago, but this image would make me blind. You have just ruined the boiled dogmeat, or grilled one with that baguette. By the way, I once had pizza with stew dogmeat, really tasty. Stew - remember that. And the reason I have up is that I do not want to be a link in the criminal chain. Found out that dog farm was such a bad investment that the owners closed them all. The dogmeat in the market is mostly from thieves, or worse, the dogs were poisoned. Still remember the taste, but I got money for something else safer and not from that kind of criminal link. And if anyone dares to challenge my personal research, please show me any dogmeat restaurant (in Hanoi, where I live ha ha) with a gov quarantine stamp on the meat, just like the pork you buy at wet market? Oh, save your time, that does not exist.


So how many thieves and dogs can keep supply chain for a restaurent working in 1 year? Make sense 1st


https://www.google.com/amp/s/thanhnien.vn/khoi-to-vu-an-trom-hon-mot-tram-tan-cho-o-thanh-hoa-185886623.amp . This criminal chain got more than 100 tons of dog in the 2018 2023 period. Just an example. The real germ in that "industry" is that you do not need to raise the dogs - other people pay for it, you just snatch them.


Check the excel file below, CC column, kid. [https://nhachannuoi.vn/thong-ke-chan-nuoi-viet-nam-nam-2023-so-bo/](https://nhachannuoi.vn/thong-ke-chan-nuoi-viet-nam-nam-2023-so-bo/) once again I ask u, how many thieves and dogs can keep supply chain for years? how many years dat supply can? How big the area to hunt dat never depleted? Every family have dogs?


You can’t talk sense to people who are blinded by their love for dogs. There are no doubts dog thieves but how the fuck is it logical even to steal dogs as your only source of ingredient to run a business.


10 million, Ho Ly Phuc, that some hard working dognapers /s. But wait, where are those 10 million dog come from? Are they all pet, because a lot of dog lover crying that they are ALL pet.


Ọk, that data is not from the gov (I know that too well). Now, I hereby claim that the gov has not issued any registration/certificate to any dog farm or slaughter house - you could check the MARD about it. And that's why no dog farm owner could openly and publicly boast about his job. Too many issues. You are asking and talking about the "gray area" in Vietnam, where there is no such credible data because the authority got other priorities and give no sh1t about these tiny violations. Your question is just like this: how many prostitutes are women who consently join the industry, and how many are forced or kidnapped victims? Nobody could give you that data, but this is certain: prostitution is illegal in Vietnam but fighting it is not a priority so people could find a hooker easily with a mobile phone (my answer is like this).


?? why dont make a calculation to show ur right or wrong? How many dogs consumed per day in a restaurent?? Those are just some simple questions to think, basic math. Also another question: sell as pet and sell as food, which more profit, u can check snatched cats U realized ur viewpoint got problem, hah? So u avoid it and talk other problem? If u have trusted data, show and prove us wrong, dont bloh blah nonsense like dat KID


Dog lover like this share their braincell with their dog




This is one unholy combination


nah bruh, you're making this shit up


Probably real 'cause that herb in banh mi is literally "lá mơ lông" which is often eaten with dog meat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Just buy banh mi to quan thit cho and stuff the meat in


I dont know about others but I would recommend bánh đa (the round, crunchy type) with thit cho. They are far more common. If u wanna eat banh mi, try it with thịt chó rượu mận




[ Removed by Reddit ]


First time heard about this


Where Mắm tôm?


Inside, i spread on the vege then put the thit cho on top


Then again, welcome to Vietnam! 🤣🤣🤣


Why is there a whole ass stem in there? I feel like the ratio of meat to bread is way too much. lol I would prefer more veggies.


bro you just simultaneously erase and level up the entire vietnamese cuisine, congratulations!




yes i had bánh mì thịt mèo, thịt chuột


Is it chewy? Back when i was 4 i try to eat it but can't seem to chew through the meat.


Hmm actually ok. The skin was crispy. I was more worried about after taste and that is why i don’t actually like dog meat as much as say beef or mutton. But turned out this shop did it well.




One less rabies carrier


Why do you post this shit? Dog eating culture should seriously be cancelled.


It’s just meat. You vegan? If not you’re being a hypocrite eating other animals.


It’s not the same because humans domesticated dogs to live in our homes, work for us, trust us. Then humans betray their trust and kill them to eat, often cruelly in front of other dogs who will feel fear and terror. Additionally many dogs that are eaten are stolen pets which is unlike other meats.


Almost everywhere in the world people feel wrong about eating dogs. Northern boomers are so special.


bruh why cancelled it?


dude, did you try this?


That's new. I've ate banh mi with mice, squid, fish,... but dog meat is something that will never cross my mine if i have to choose an ingredient for my banh my


Crazy 😂🤣


That should not go on banh mi, how the hell you bite through that


It was difficult ngl but yeah, it was something I’ve been curious about for like a long time


I've seen in person the back of the kitchen in a dog restaurant. Man, that was a depressing sight after seeing and hearing some breeds like labradors and other muts whimpering in cages. But I'm not here to judge because I eat meat as well.


Man. For me the most terrifying moment is when I was woken up in early morning before a big event in the countryside. Animals were slaughtered in the back in the early morning. I still consume meat though but try not to be wasteful.


needs more grill marks, can still hear it howling


Bit chewy for my taste and Dogmeat aren't that good without dipping sause.


I put the mam tom in the banh mi lmao


That gonna quite messy.


for me, it's not a good couple. Thit Cho for Mam Tom but Mam Tom is not for Banh Mi


Yeah but the only sauce the shop has is mam tom so i make do. Should have brought some normal banh mi over and switch out the meat.


tried it once, really dont recommend it. Dont know if it was the chewy texture or the flavour in general but thit cho doesn't pair that well with banh mi, banh mi + mam tom + thit cho is even worse


Yeah i was saying banh mi and mam tom is weird. Mam tom is overpowering. Might do better if i brought the usual banh mi with fillings and switch out the meat and replace with thit cho. I think personally i didnt like thit cho. Just an idea for the longest time and i wanted to see how its like. I am not a fan of thit cho after taste.


Bro just eat regular meat


This is the first time I know about it


Should have used "rựa mận" instead.




Caí gì mà ghe quá >< ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


tai sao m an thit cho


Maybe next time you should try banh mi lon


Thit lon my favourite




Post it with out the nsfw


You have trouble viewing it?


Nah just sayin it aint worth the nsfw tag


Not the best combo imo but you do you. I want to enjoy my dog meat sans the bread.


Why a foreigner posting about bánh thịt chó💀😭


Foreigner can post about pho bo?


Lol no it's just weird, I got a heart attack when I realised i accidentally ate dog meat, i thought every foreigner has the same psychological reaction😅


There are google reviews for quan thit cho and you see even westerners are willing to try. It’s just such a southeast asian thing to always think they are being woke and eating dogs or cats is bad while eating cow and chicken is good. I mean really stop pretending to be westernised and ‘modern’. Meat is just meat. Of course not ok to cook your pets.


Nah, u make it a bit wrong They only care animals can and cant eat for they double standard moral. We simply just seperate pet and cattle. Which raise to love and which raise to eat.


Who tf put dog meat on banh mi bruh. I only ever ate them seperately


Me. New business idea.


Honestly i would try it out of curiosity


I mean yeah that is what drove me to try. Im not at all a fan of thit cho because the after taste is ew. But curiosity. In fact i didnt finish the meat. Today i had more normal banh mi thit heo (not thit lon)


Looks tasty ngl


I have people wishing death on me lol. So woke. I mean, how do people think it is more morally superior to ask someone to die than eating dogs? Hahaha. Meat is meat. If yall so deluded to think all the meat served by quan thit cho is from stolen dogs then people can sell you magic stones.


The word "Woke" has lost all resemblance of meaning these days...


This would be nice


Northerners lmao Degenerate


Remind me again. Vietnam war is over for how many decades? Still on this South better than North shit lol. When a northerner told me once that the southerners look down on them, i didnt believe. Thanks for proving it. Imagine looking down on your own people. No wonder still behind Thailand.


Only brainless people eat thit cho, iam vietnamese thanks


Many other meat/protein options out there..


So? Who are you to dictate. Unless i’m telling you i am eating a meat that is toxic to health fundamentally. Otherwise it is a meat that can be eaten and is absolutely nothing wrong if it is nobody’s pet. Someone already brought up a very logical argument of why the stealing of pet for quan thit cho isn’t a sustainable model. If the animal is kept for eating, what’s the difference from eating other meat? Even westerners eat dog. In another comment i posted a quan thit cho as an example where one of the reviewer is a westerner. So stop thinking anti eating dog is some kind of modern western view and that it will make you anything less of a Vietnamese. I feel a lot of asians tend to want to appear less asian and more western by opposing dog meat.


Not wanting to eat dog does not make me want to be less Vietnamese than I am nor does it at all... I am western but I am also very very proud to be viet. So not trying to act more western I am western. Who are you to dictate how much or less of a viet I am simply bcus I don’t advocate for eating dog ….Pretty much everyone’s got it covered in the comments already. You don’t need me to explain. Dogs are pets, friends, hunters, aids for the disabled & blind, can be trustworthy companions, can be hard workers, protectors, livestock protectors, rescue dogs, police dogs, family to some, therapy dogs, military dogs, search and rescue dogs, cadaver dogs where they track and locate dead bodies, fire dogs, sport entertainment dogs etc and on top of that, depending how they are trained/raised they can be very loyal and trustworthy🤷‍♂️ People would get more out of the dogs I just listed rather than making them food that taste bad most of the time as you said yourself with the aftertaste. The difference between dogs and “ other meats “ you mentioned is that those other meats were meant to be cattle. A Dog is a man’s best friend as they say it.


I got a pet chicken, you bloody make sure you don’t eat my friends.


This is super gross! 🤮


K*** yourself


[https://maps.app.goo.gl/feuP9JDdN23n3XU17?g_st=ic](https://maps.app.goo.gl/feuP9JDdN23n3XU17?g_st=ic) Go see the reviews. Got westerners eat dog. So get lost. You think you’re so modern and western to hate on eating dogs to the extent of wishing death on people. Hypocrite.


K*** yourself


Can’t even spell it? Go back to school. Even westerners think its ok. You think you are so modern and woke. Lmao.


K*** yourself


If you eat dog, fuck you. Plain and simple, I don't fuck with you.


Eat chicken ok?




oh no, it looks terrible. Do you have the address of this place so I can avoid it?


Do you need the address, really? I mean your mom works there.


Which one?


u/tyrannictoe my friend sent me this banh mi thit cho


Hey, why does I see Princess and Cupcake in this picture?


this post is about to get nuked by PETA, soon.


Does the OP realize that “Thit Cho” means dog meat?


Not sure. I thought it means roasted meat.


The real question should be, WHOSE dog was that? Probably somebody's. And this is why dog meat is a problem.


Someone else in this post already explained why it doesnt make sense for a eatery to rely on catching dogs just to supply meat. Go read it with an open mind. I heard about stolen dogs being cooked but usually it is for household.


Right. I hadn't read that, cheers. That does make more sense.


Looks gross af, and thats before i even realized its a dog… you do realize its most likely someones pet they poisoned and then stole… often torturing them before brutally killing them bc they think it makes their meat taste better… most vietnamese dont agree with this and will beat and kill the dog thieves if they get caught.. glad you got to experience some backwards ass scum culture though, hope you get all the likes and engagement you wanted


U do realise it is not sustainable to steal dogs to cook in a restaurant? You need constant source to be a source of ingredient. And what happens when there are no dogs nearby suitable for cooking gets caught? Business cant run? I’m well aware that there are people who steal dogs and bring them home to cook but its different from f&b. Look it up in this post someone else explained why that common argument about stealing dogs dont hold up. Yeah most vietnamese who thinks they look woke and modern and western to oppose dog eating while actual westerners having tried it and like it (refer to the google review i shared in this post in a comment). Dogs are animals. No animals should be higher in hierarchy of not being eaten. Unless you’re vegan otherwise you’re being hypocrite to eat chicken duck pig whatever. Those animals dont want to die to be eaten by you too.


Fun fact, vietnamese eat dog meat because of the influence of china when they invaded us. Also we eat dog meat due to the famine in 1944 - 1945, people start eating them because they are easy to catch and a lot has been running around. In addition, it is a religious or superstitious thing, as dog meat is believed to get rid of bad luck.


do they go well together? I find eating thit cho with herbs is the best way to enjoy the richness of thit cho.


Hmm. I find thit cho revolting to be frank. But it surprisingly went well. I mean, it’s meat. You can put beef or pork into banh mi then why not thit cho. I gather from Vietnamese i know that there isnt banh mi thit cho because Banh mi is a commoner food while thit cho is expensive. But imho mam tom and banh mi is weird.


from what i understand, banh mi and thit cho doesnt alway go together is mostly because thit cho is chewy as fuck (well at least more than pork) so if you put a big chunk of it into banh my and bite it, there a high chance that piece of meat will gonna drop instead of being bite in half. Banh my in vietnam is literally pair with everything cheap or exquisite


Man obviously thit cho can be offensive to some but that looks fire. I would get a bite for sure




Banh lo dit ra


Just a stupid Northerner thing, that is why the rest of the country hate people from the north, this is also one of the reasons

