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Lived here all 45 years of my life. Highly recommend a daily Zyrtec.


My doctor recommended alternating between Zyrtec and Claritin every bottle, and taking it year round to really get the heat effects. It's helped me immensely.


I like this idea, mostly because you can become dependent on Zyrtec. I’ve been on it for years - if I miss for even a day I get extremely itchy. If I do more than a day, it’s maddening so I really caution those starting Zyrtec as an everyday thing.


There really should be a warning on the label that this can happen. It took me 2 months to ween myself of of Zyrtec. I was so itchy I couldn't sleep.


I totally agree. I tried a couple years ago, got three weeks in and couldn’t take it anymore.


Pretty much this.


Just so you know Claritin is for the birds. Either Allegra or Zyrtec, Flonase for the nose and allergy eye drops. Don’t wear your contact. By June you should be a OK. Also start taking local honey.


I think I read VA is one of the worst states for tree pollen. I lived in Maryland most of my young life, never had an issue, moved to Richmond 32 years ago and about 10 years ago, started noticing stuffiness and sinus headaches. Only lasts about a month for me. Yep, it’s bad.


Yeah the Richmond area sometimes makes the list of 10 worst cities in the world for seasonal allergies!


Omigod! I never had allergies before moving to RVA for school!!! And I’ve lived in NOVA my whole life!!!


Always had bad spring allergies in Baltimore growing up, but if I missed a day or two of Claritin, I'd be fine. Moved to RVA last year, if I forget my daily Claritin, I'm fucked.


I moved to VA from Pennsylvania 20 years ago and had a similar experience.  Never had an allergy before and not prone to sinus issues, but allergies kicked my butt.  


My story is almost exactly the same. Moved to Charlottesville from the Pittsburgh area 20 years ago in my mid 20s. I'd never had a single allergy issue my entire life before that, but they absolutely destroyed me that first spring and summer. I was sick all of the time, and ended up losing a lot of my sense of smell permanently in the process. 20 years later I don't get quite so ill, but they still give me big issues every year. Last week I was outside less than five minutes one day and my eyes felt like I'd been in an over chlorinated pool, my nose was beat red and I was horse.


As someone native to VA and being east of the blue ridge I highly suggest finding an allergist. The way the blue ridge mountains and foothills are situated along with the west to east jet stream and winds cause a lot of pollen to settle along the 95 corridor increasing the amount of pollen that happens local to your area. I started seeing an allergist 6+ years ago and it’s been life altering. No more sinus congestion first thing in the morning; no sneezing outside; no sinus infections. Two shots of serum every two to three weeks. Absolutely worth it.


Moved here 9yrs ago but allergies started only last year when Canadian wildfire smoke was here, this year pollen triggered the same kind of symptoms with extremely heavy cough, lost voice in just one day coughing so hard, seeing a specialist today for allergy testing, any pointers on what to expect, heard they poke several needles on your arm at the same time?


Initial testing requires what I basically call a "allergen road map" written up on your back by the doctor/nurse and then they take samples of all allergens in the area along with stuff like dust/dander/animal hair/food and scrape your back lightly with a plastic needle to see if your skin "reacts," to the allergen. Initial testing itches like madness, be aware of that. Once they have the "map," the doctor can formulate a serum for you to take via small injections on a time interval to build up a tolerance to the ones you react to the most. I get retested every two years and they adjust the serum accordingly.


As a longtime (35 yr) transplant to the area, this is normal. Each spring is met with congestion, burning eyes, coughing, etc. I occasionally use OTC medication on the worst days. But have yet to find any long term solution. The past three years (2022 and current) my body's reaction is far worse. Not sure why. Welcome to the area. Grab some Flonase and have a great spring!


I’ve been here since 2017 and definitely noticed the last 2-3 years being worse for allergies. Flonase definitely helps me but it increases nosebleeds which OP mentioned having. Worth the trade for me though.


Flonase sensimist and generic Zyrtec (365ct Costco) are my go-to. I’ve been using Flonase sensimist since it was only available as a prescription as veramyst. During allergy season I take it twice a day, just before bed helps me sleep better because I can breathe.


I only use Flonase when my allergies get bad, as I don't want to deal with the bloody nose or potential other negative side effects from prolonged use. I try to keep my other antihistamine use to a min just 'cause I don't like taking meds unless really necessary.


Ironically, I had some of by mildest allergy seasons during covid when I was masking frequently.


Welcome to Virginia!!! 😂


Good, So I’m not just crazy sensitive haha


It’s always bad but this year was extra horrendous. Definitely recommend the daily Zyrtec. Sam’s Club has a double bottle pack for like $15


As someone who lived in NoVA for 30 years before moving away and has done allergy shots 3 different times for a combined 15 years….the area is horrible for spring allergies.   Even just moving two hours south to Charlottesville a couple of years ago and the change has been massive for me.


Cville has been horrible this year! Everything has been yellow for 5+ weeks. It’s insane!!!


I still feel like I’m less puffy eyed than I was in NoVA. But I also recognize it’s completely anecdotal haha


For some reason I’m born and bred RVA and the allergies don’t mess me up. I lived in Denver for a year and man that second week fucked me up living at altitude.




I hope you read the criticisms too.


My husband grew up abroad and first lived in Alabama when he immigrated. He never had allergies until he came to VA and now the entire month of April is rough for him.


Virginia is always on the top list of worst states for seasonal allergies.


Yeah I've been living in Virginia for 21 out of my 27 years of life and as a child the allergies haven't seemed too horrible, and basically all through my teenage years I didn't suffer allergies. But for the past five or six years.. the Virginia ecosystem has been absolutely shredding my sinuses every spring.


Yep- I’m from this general area, but spent the last 30 or so years down south- when we moved back here 5 years ago, I found my allergies (which were always present but easily manageable) got WAY worse.


We’re the allergy capital of the USA. You can google that—the Richmond Metro area tops every list for allergies. I’ve lived in the Richmond metro area since 1975. I get allergies bad enough to require medication every year. I remember getting them in elementary school, and they’re actually slightly worse now (since about 2020). So, yes, perfectly normal. Get some Flonase and/or Claritin, should do the trick.


Same here. Never had allergies until I moved here. Definitely environmental. I take a daily Claritin and it's manageable


virginia only has one good season and it’s fall. winter is annoying, not snowy enough to be fun; spring is allergies; summer is too sweaty.


Eat various local honey. They will make you resistant to that specific flower/pollen that is allergy triggering.


I looked at my local farmers market they have local honey and bee pollen. I’d rather try that then an allergy shot for now :)


The advice I got from apiarists was you have to start eating the local pollen in late January or February for the best results.  It may not make much difference if you start this late, but it's still a nutritious add to your diet


I lived in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina. I never took allergy meds in my life until moving here (Nova) a few years ago. Now I'm on Zyrtec every day.


I grew up bouncing between Florida, Tenneessee, Alabama and Kentucky with nearly no seasonal allergies if any. moved to Virginia and ever sense I get my ass kicked once or twice a yea due to allergies


I’m from PA and experienced all the same things so it’s not just you. I found a humidifier for the bedroom during winter to prevent nose bleeds really helpful. And my allergies are always bad but this year it’s been sort of worse, I think. Try eating some local honey—it sounds weird but introducing a food made with local pollens can help ([source](https://www.popsci.com/local-honey-allergies/))—and some Flonase.


Virginia is crazy for allergies. I grew up in VA and had allergies all my life while in the Commonwealth. Joined the military, moved to Florida, Texas, never had any problems. Came back to VA, and allergies hit me like a Mack Truck. It’s just how it is here.


Welcome to Virginia! We have lots of lovely trees, that have MASSIVE amounts of pollen in spring. And lots of flowers, that also have pollen. And wildflowers and weeds that also have lots of pollen. There is something blooming here most months of the year. Once I was walking the dogs, and the sun was just right, that I saw a massive yellow cloud released from high in a tree. Like a pollen explosion! You are not alone. A former co-worker with bad allergies moved to Utah for a few years for a job, then moved back to Virginia. She said her allergies didn't bother her at all in Utah!


Grew up on Denver with zero allergies myself. I moved here and could not believe how bad it was. I take Flonase and got a Dyson air filter for the bedroom so I can sleep. I did some reading and the region is one of the worst in the country due to a whole lot of factors, and this year was expected to be especially bad.


I moved here from Georgia 12 years ago, allergies were not a thing for me there but everyone else in the family suffered. Here I have allergies in spring & fall, the last 3 years or so have been the worst. I use pataday. My spouse seems to have much less allergic reactions. Our youngest always had horrible allergies in Georgia. He moved here last March. He was fine last year, but this year is killing him. He's using Claritin & sinus wash. He said it's worse than in Georgia. He's contemplating allergy shots.


Almost everyone in VA just snorted/LOL'd, because things like every car getting a yellowish tint and puddles being rimmed in yellow is totally normal to us and wrecks our visitors..


Welcome to Virginia, where your allergies have allergies.


I grew up here in VA, I've never had a problem with allergies (my transplant Dad does). I lived in Albuquerque for a few years and every year came down with what I thought was the flu. Turns out I'm allergic to sagebrush pollen.


Grew up in Connecticut and moved here 20 years ago. Same as you, I never had allergies til I moved here. I take Flonase and Zyrtec daily. Good luck!


The springtime pollen is always bad, but this year has been PARTICULARLY bad. There also hasn't been any rain to wash it away. I wouldn't judge your seasonal allergies in the area based on this year alone.


Civies that built out most of northern Va planted male tress only, bc fruit bad, tree ejaculate good


They did this everywhere in the US, only male trees because god forbid they plant females and produce fruit for people to eat… it’s a whole other issue


Heh, so theyre all dense. Good to know


Yep, my former allergist (was renowned nationally until he retired) told me NoVA is the worst area in the country for seasonal allergies, which is why there are so many immunologists here. He said most immunologists want to come work here because there's guaranteed constant business. He said his best advice to people with bad tree pollen allergies was to move away from here if they could, but of course he wanted to help all the people who didn't have that option. If your pollen allergies are not too extreme (I know you're suffering but it sounds like they're moderate) then it helps to do testing to find out which exact pollens you're reacting to so you can be especially careful with not hanging out around them too much, and then immunotherapy can help a lot too with moderate allergies. You can also wear an allergy mask or, for more protection, an N-95/KN95, when you have to be outside during bad times. Pollen is at its worst from right before dawn until 10am, and you can also check the pollen counts in the area every day, so you know how many precautions to take. Also, this time of year: rinse off your hair before bed even if you don't fully wash it, don't wear your outdoor clothes inside on any furniture, make sure to thoroughly wash your eyelids/eyelashes when you wash your face every night, get gentle eye drops like theratears to help rinse pollen out of your eyes on the go, don't leave your windows open, use a HEPA filter in your HVAC if you can, get a HEPA air purifier for your home, and ask your doctor about using a steroidal nasal spray. Eating raw local honey every day can help somewhat too. Oh and if you have side effects from Zyrtec, try Xyzal, which is a very similar drug but is often tolerated better by people who get Zyrtec side effects. There are a lot of different reasons why the pollen is so bad here, but it's definitely a well known thing. However, these past few years have been *especially* bad, so you're also experiencing unprecedented levels of pollen even for this area. Signed, Someone who has spent many, many hours with allergists since I was a kid and was given all these tips directly from them


Yes, I was told by my allergist this is why he works here because it's great business due to allergy/sinus sufferers. That's crazy to hear that but he did say this is the worst area in the country. HIGH, humidity, mold, algae and pollen trees, not to mention, this area here used to be swamp.


For sure, mine loved to talk about the swamp thing too! I'm also allergic to a lot of molds, and the humidity here makes dust worse (dust is my worst allergy), so this area SUCKS for me. Unfortunately, it's also one of the areas with the most medical care options, especially with the NIH nearby, so I can't move away because my husband has a complex, rare medical condition where he couldn't receive quality care anywhere else in the country! For now, at least. It's tough because we both have medical issues that might improve if we moved away but then we also wouldn't have access to the experts we need for our care, since it's not like our genetic conditions would go away entirely.


Try getting some local honey and add it to your diet. This will help your body to adapt/adjust to the allergens.


I've lived here since 1997 it's terrible. It's gotten to the point that it's unbearable to live here due to constant allergies/sinus issues as it's impacting my daily life. If you plan on living here just know that you will have to live being medicated at all times, this is throughout the whole year. VA used to be swamp, always humid there is mold and algae, not to mention all the trees in DC that have been planted by arriving Diplomats. Good luck!


Moved here 35 years ago. Went to my Dr during the spring thinking I had something horribly wrong with me head. He examined me, and said it’s allergies. Welcome to Virginia


Everybody is different but I'll put what works for me here. Flonase in the morning, squirt in each nostril. Good for the rest of the day and it almost works instantly for me. You'll have to blow you nose about 5 minutes after using the Flonase but then that's it.


North Floridian moved to the Midwest and I get absolutely annihilated by allergies. Zyrtec over everything like others have said.


I am also a GA transplant. This happens. Your body grew up exposed to a specific set of allergens. You've moved to a new place with slightly different allergens. You've developed a reaction to something up here due to the new exposure. Sorry, but welcome to the club. If you are curious what you are actually allergic to you can see a doctor (they will tell you exactly what you are allergic to), or you can track your symptoms and what pollens are currently spiking (less specific, more of a best guess). The OTC allergy meds are pretty effective. Make sure you rotate allergy meds every couple of years as they become less effective when continually used. Also, don't take Allegra with citrus fruit juices as they can reduce effectiveness. Fun fact, everyone can develop allergies at any age to anything.


You aren't acclimated to the pollen here.


> At first, since I’m prone to sinus infections ... Frequent sinus infections are a sign of something not right. Get yourself to an ENT and have your snoot checked out. I had pretty awful polyps and structural problems in mine for most of my adult life and had a lot of allergens getting parked up there because and sinus infections there wasn't a good avenue to get it out. An afternoon of functional endoscopic sinus surgery later and life's a lot better. I do have to do a nasal rinse daily and use a squirt or two of Nasacort, but that's kept my allergies in check. Also, don't let your allergies run amok. It's how you get nasal polyps. DAMHIKT.


Yup, I never had allergies before moving here. Spring is cray.


Yep. Virginia has all sorts of high pollen trees since they look “pretty”. I recommend Allegra. Zyrtec (and the related ones) can cause serious rebound issues if you stop them after using them a while (as in the inside of your palms will itch horribly, And I mean inside the skin). Azelastine is also great which is now available OTC (but generally cheaper as an RX). Allergy shots can work well for a lot of people too, I’ve been on them for a few years now and my allergies are notably better.


Rag Weed and Tree Pollen.


You think that’s bad. Try Tidewater.


Allergies are demonstrably worse everywhere ([source](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/04/health/pollen-allergies-getting-worse/index.html#:~:text=Blame%20climate%20change&text=Rising%20temperatures%20are%20also%20allowing,more%20irritating%20and%20worsening%20symptoms)). Last year the vet said they've had a record number of dog allergy visits last year. I take Zyrtec daily, but when my eyes itch or my nose is extra runny I have to take benedryl at night. See an ENT if over-the-counter options don't work for you.


This year is especially bad because we haven't had a solid day of rain (real torrential downpour) in maybe 4 weeks. So all this pollen hasn't been washed out. This is an abnormally bad season - that being said - been in the area for about 35 years this is one of the worst I can remember. I almost always get a spring and fall sinus infection. Wearing masks can help a lot.


It’s the states welcome gift to new residents. Winters you need cold mist humidifiers. It really does help.


Welcome to VA!


Moved here from Georgia. Had to have allergy shots for 3 years and sinus surgery. Unfortunately, it's pretty common. Get a neti pot, air filters and embrace allergy meds and Flonase.


I grew up in Central Virginia, moved away for about 10 years for work and came back about 1990. Never had any problems with allergies or pollen. I’m 63 now and in the last three Springs I’ve been hit with what seems like an intense hayfever. Last summer went to see an allergist at UVA, who tested me and said I wasn’t allergic to anything. This spring has been particularly debilitating. I’m gonna have to try this Zyrtec idea.


It gets worse each year. Find a allergist or endocrinologist I cycle through different allergy medications, after a while they aren’t as effective. When it’s bad and bad, sniffles and wet eyes and dog is struggling. Flonase and Zyrtec or Claritin or starts with an A nasal spray- fall there is a horse chestnut 🌰 tree that stinks so much when drops its seeds/ nuts (semen). no Benadryl unless I want to sleep or nap. Why isn’t there a micro-dermal patch.


Look at a U.S. map of pollen levels…that will answer your question


Omg I just moved to Hampton Roads from Georgia and I feel like my allergies are so much worse here. Which seems weird because everyone says how bad the Georgia pollen is. Zyrtec didn’t do anything for me. Flonase works but I don’t like being on it for a long time because then I get too dry.


I never knew what allergies were until I moved here. It’s so bad.


I absolutely cannot breath it’s awful :)


Yeah the pollen can get really bad here. Take some allergy meds!


Most likely allergic to traffic and concrete. Recommend a dose of coast or lake water and follow up with mountain air


I moved from Florida to VA 20 years ago and after about a year I had real bad allergies each spring and fall. Nose hurt like hell, felt like I was swallowing knives, and occasional headache. I had never experienced this before and coworkers told me to just take allergy medicine and even some steroid shots. I just resigned myself that a couple.months each year I'd have to do this to ease my suffering. About 8 years ago I had some friends mention eating local honey as a way to help based on their doctor's recommendations. Fortunately I knew some people who raised bees and lived nearby so I bought some honey and tried it out, eating a very small spoonful each morning. I can't deny that it could be a placebo effect since I don't think there is any hard evidence or study to support it , but since I've started eating the honey my allergies have been easily managed. I rarely take any allergy medicine, and when I do it's usually just for a day or two and I haven't had any throat or nose pain like I used to. Considering a jar of local honey is like 8-10 bucks, lasts about 8 months, and doesn't have any negative side effects , it doesn't hurt to try. I've been told you want honey that ia sourced within 50 or so miles of where you live. As a hobby it's gained in popularity but I'm sure you can find some that is pretty close to where you live at a loca farmer market or nursery.


I only got them after being for about 12 years. I've been here 20 now, and this year has been tue worst. But it really hasn't rained all season, so it's been much more difficult for me.


Yes this area is highly interested with pollen. Just one of those crappy areas around this time of the year


I take two allergy meds on my doctors advice. Singular in the morning. Xyzal at night. Flonase during peak times in spring and fall. And my allergies are STILL a struggle. Anytime we travel anywhere else, my allergies are significantly better.


It’s really, really bad here. I’ve lived down under, in France and England, and now here. Here is the worst. Also my Midwestern dog developed allergies here, and now needs allergy shots for $160 a month.


My partner thought she had bad spring allergies until she got an allergy test. Turns out she doesn't have pollen allergies but instead is just very sensitive to air particulates. Doc recommended some sort of nasal spray to use when it's bad. We've since moved to the burbs from the city and it's much better for her here


It's gross, but I started nasal irrigation twice Dailey. Once in the am, once in the pm. It works so well- just be sure to use distilled water and clean the container well often.


Alternate daily cetirizine tablet and Flonase spray. Went from migraines everyday to sometimes itchy.


That’s just Virginia’s little welcome call. Lived here all my life and have taken allergy medicine for most of it.


I'm just built different I guess since I grew up here because I basically have 0 allergies


Very normal to have allergies. My wife has to get shots.


My allergist told me as a kid that he saw hundreds of military families who lived all over the world and never had allergies until moving to northern VA. It’s the perfect mixing bowl of all the things. Get tested. Get allergy shots and resume your normal life.


My son's allergist told me that we have trees of both the north and the south here, so about double the pollen.


SWVA here. Flonase. Flonase is the only thing that helps me. Every Bradford pear must die.


As you age you can become more susceptible to pollen allergies that you previously had no issues with.


Live in Virginia for 43 years, allergies are just par for the course. My doctor has me on a daily Singulair and an as-needed nasal spray (Flonase). I also have asthma, so that's part of my problem too. :)


Idk if I've just grown out of my allergies, or if I'm just having the complete opposite experience as everyone else... Moved to VA from AZ in November. To be fair, I've only had a little under half a year of experience. But my allergies have been worse in AZ so far. In AZ, I had allergies for a couple weeks in both April and October. My main symptoms were runny nose and a bunch of coughing. As a kid, the coughing was bad enough so that, during each of the couple weeks, I could barely sleep during the night and had to stay in the living room on the couch (dad was a light sleeper), as, for whatever reason, sitting up vs laying down made the coughing lessen a bit. Getting older, my coughing fits would become less extreme, but I would still need to carry cough drops around everywhere I went as I was still prone to coughing fits. I guess I'll have to wait until October, but so far, I've had almost no allergies. A few sneezes, but that's pretty much it.


This spring has been so bad with pollen. I’m barely allergic to the stuff and even I was itchy cuz it was just caking every surface outside!


Yes. Daily loratadine, here.


Wow, that's how I have been feeling living here, which is why I finally decided to move out. I've been seeing doctors over 15 years, no one knew what it is. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea (even know that's not the issues), then I developed asthma, allergies/sinus congestion at EXTREME levels to the point that is impacting my daily life. I've tried zyrtec, Allegra, claritin D what's interesting is that I traveled to Miami 3 weeks ago and had 0, repeat 0 problems despite the fact that brought my inhaler and all necessary medc. I found out my diagnosis, it's the environment and the area here, which my allergist described as being the worst area for allergies/sinus / arthritis issues. It's is constantly humid (look it up actually this morning was 100% humidity), there is lots of mold/algae, and to add to that extreme amount of pollen which you can see on your cars. Luckily, I've been fortunate to find this out because I travel a lot workwise and alao because my dad is in the medical field who see 90% of patients with majority complaints allergy/sinus problems. Every time I come back here to this area, it takes literally 1 day for the symptoms to start. Additionally, this used to be a SWAMP. Look it up. I wish you all the best.


eat local honey it'll acclimate you to the local allergens


I was reading recently that this doesn't actually help with allergens.


it's literally composed of the pollen of all the local plants ..worth a shot 🤷




B-b-b-but my last crystal session with an astrologist said that honey and essential oils will cure my seasonal allergies! Why you gotta bring science into it?!


But was Mercury retrograde?


I’ve been on the lookout! I’ve also heard bee pollen tablets help. I went to the farmers market near me without much luck though


Yes! Moved here last year and my family has been struggling. It’s crazy here.


Yup, its best yall just move back out. Especially ones from florida.


Well I lived here in 90s and my and wife’s families are here so…..we’re staying for now. Trust me, VA isn’t the most awesome State. PS: not from Florida


That was mean of me, i apologize. Im going through some personal shit. I love my home Commonwealth of virginia, mountains to the largest estuary on tbe continent, and all the rivers in btwn makes this as beautiful as anywhere in the world.


No worries. Too many bugs here lol


Nothing here going on except allergies, mold, and crazy humidity, and to top it off, it's soooo expensive that people are moving out of here.


I’m from Georgia, and April in VA is just awful for me.


I grew up in WNY, never even knew what allergies were. It took a couple years but suddenly I had the worst allergies I had never experienced lol. Had them every year after for about 6 years. Then one year when I started a small mowing business I decided I wasn’t going to take any allergy medicine, wear no mask, and just let my body get inundated with allergens. It was a miserable spring and summer. But ya know what? Haven’t had so much as a sneeze from allergies since and that was 4 years ago. Idk if this is what actually worked but thats how it happened 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you haven’t already, you might want to get a cheap humidifier to run in the winter( at home).


I had one that sort of worked (it’s now broken) but I’ll definitely be getting another for the upcoming winter.


I was born in Danville, when I was around 10 we moved to NoVA, all of a sudden I had a ton of health problems and whenever I went anywhere outside of NoVA they got better and after moving to the valley 2 years ago pretty much all of the health problems I developed are gone. NoVA Is the largest garbage pit of VA my biggest advice is to get out, nothing good happens in NoVA


That's 💯 true. It also happens to me. I have crazy joint pain here and insane allergies from all these environmental factors here. One would think they are actually sick, but in actuality, it's the whole area here and doctors make tons of $$ from it, speaking from a dad who is in medical field.