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Does anybody know where you're supposed to be able to find what the final project is supposed to look like in detail like lanes and what not?


This is a VDOT project, the city has nothing to do with it…


Ah, so it’s out state representatives and senators getting kickbacks from Allan Myers. Got it.


To the guy that posted this. Seek help. Please god please just look at what Virginia Beach as a whole looked like 40 years ago. Almost dirt roads. In your article started 2019. 2019-2024 40 years.


Idk why the article says it started in 2019, that’s flat-out lie. This project has been ongoing for 40 years.


Bruh you clearly are missing the point. Virginia Beach will be under construction forever. And the article says it because you’re looking at a site filled with misinformation and then trying to join a conversation about why laskin road sucks.


It's ironic how most people who are pro government and pro taxation usually point to how taxes go to pay for our roads.


As someone who worked for Allen Myers a good year and half I can confirm that at least laskin road was a total money laundering scam lol.


If the city actually listened to feedback they'd know how much people wouldn't want them messing with independence after the Hiltop fiasco. Every example they have has them taking property around the intersection for it.


They said last October they would be done by April of this year. They've made minimal, if any, progress. The only explanation at this point is full on corruption. It's disgusting.


The press made that date up and had to retract.(I’m not kidding)


What about complete incompetence? That’s a good explanation too, maybe.


It's a combination of both. Hiring friend of a friend you heard was good at doing these things but that person takes the money and gives you back half while fully half assing all construction. My brother is in the contract industry and after he put in a bid for a job, the city rejected it initially but then he was contacted by an assistant that they could pay him more if he was willing to return a portion to this other company who would be helping him (that company was just a shell company with no employees) .... He's since moved to another state.


Wealonized incompetence by the government. The ones at the top rolling in with their contractor buddies and cam hire bad employees as an excuse for incompetence


Don’t be so hasty, I understand the frustration, but bear with me. If they had more than 3 people a day, everyday, they could knock this out.


Best they can do is 3 people every single day, no more than that it's too expensive. Every single job needs 15 people that day for safety reasons. Meanwhile the 3 guys just getting paid paid paid.


Right but they don’t.. at least half the time there isn’t even 1 person out there working on it


72 degrees, beautiful, no rain, perfect day in the middle of the week to get some work done.... all construction zones completely empty and it's MONTHS.


"New Milestone Incentive to Expedite High-Impact Sections of Project" So we pay people to do the work, they don't do the work on time, so we pay them an overtime bonus to make up for all that time when they weren't working. 😵‍💫


These projects are paid by the actual work completed, not the resources used to complete them.


I believe that whole area is a budget place holder


They should have left it alone. It’s such a hassle driving down that road now


40 years later…and still not done. I call BS on being finished by November. Something will come up prolonging it again.


Probably going to blame it on the previous administration because of the elections.


It will *never* be finished!


No it won’t. There will always be something.


Great, I can’t wait for them to finish and then immediately rip up the brand new pavement, and patch it with the absolutely worst section possible just like Virginia Beach Blvd near First Colonial Wawa and now Oceana Blvd near Harpers Road 7/11. They build new roads and then immediately fuck them up.


None of that is final pavement.


You could lose a filling on that stretch of road, it's unbelievable.


Do you know the scene in Cars where Lightning McQueen sped through [hideously repaving](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/17fve7c/did_lightning_mcqueen_pave_butler_street/?rdt=61976) the road???? And Tow Mater drives on it, shaking so hard he just might fall apart. That section was so laughable before they smoothed it, it looked AND felt just like that scene, omg. I can’t believe anyone walked away from that job looking like that.


The city isn't doing this latest project, this is all a state funded and managed project, for better or for worse.


Allan Myers at it's finest. Just look at any other project they've done in the area. Over budget, shotty work, change order after change order for work they "discovered". How some of these contacting companies get the bid just boils down to how much they gave council members campaigns, who they went to school with, or who is in city planning.




Coming from the tristate area, Laskin Rd gives me strong "mobbed up construction company doing no shows and getting kickbacks" vibes.


Remember the bridge that collapsed due to a fire underneath it... That was fixed in a week or something. Meanwhile Virginia.


It’s almost like emergency work gets emergency funding and accelerated completion.


There was an earthquake in Alaska. Destroyed part of a highway/ramp, fixed in 72 hours. WTF VA Beach? [https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/8/18128983/alaska-earthquake-roads-fixed-anchorage-damage](https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/8/18128983/alaska-earthquake-roads-fixed-anchorage-damage)


Highly agree. I never even see them doing anything! Just unused excavators and cones.


I work out in Laskin and they say they're gonna be done by November now? I think that means they're for real not getting all of the feeder roads. There's no way, unless they work at turbo speed now lmao


This project was never going to get rid of all of the feeder lanes on Laskin. You probably don’t want to hear this, but removing the rest of them is a separate project. [P. 65: Laskin Road Phase III - Projected construction from 2032 to 2034](https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/virginia-beach-departments-docs/budget/Budget/Adopted/FY24-to-FY29-Adopted-CIP.pdf#page=65)


You've got to be kidding me 🤣


OH GOD, for real? We're doomed.