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Make sure to vote for a President who keeps us out of wars, and you'll hear crickets chirp again.


Love it or leave it. This is a military town.


Freedom isn't free, it costs a buck-o-five. And also, that's why your rent and or property value was so low. The Truman is getting ready to deploy and shit is sideways overseas as always. This is just the steady battle rhythm of the times. When we had two carriers in the Gulf Oceana jet traffic had car alarms going off in my apartment complex every night. May I reccomend some high quality noise cancelling bluetooth headphones?


I’m normally fine with the noise, yes it’s annoying but I’ve gotten used to it mostly. It was just strange how they were flying on one particular night is all.


There was plenty of live fire at Langley the other day and night, too.


Try living by Langley EVERY 5 fucking minutes and I've been here at the spot I'm at for over 20 years and I'm used to it but for the past month or so they've been really freaking annoying with it going around every 3 minutes for what ?


Right, you can be used to it or expect it all you want but when it’s out of the norm, and flying really low and really often it just gets annoying. We all know people have jobs to do we’re not fucking stupid lol but when it’s abnormal it’s just like what the fuck is happening


Yeah I'm more concerned because it doesn't look like their practicing for the Air Show and it looks like they're flying in those defensive formations (idk too much about the military combat wise I'm just a military brat) with how often they're flying over and the how the formations looks.... but I also smoke a lot of pot so I could be paranoid lmaoo 😭😭


I lived in va beach for 20 years. Husband worked at oceana. I have never been so glad to leave a city in all my life! The jet noise is ridiculous and I do not miss it. I do know it's necessary though.


Imagine it landing in your courtyard


Since Iran launched all those missiles and drones at Israel I’ve noticed a higher frequency of lower flying planes, on the peninsula, at night time. My guess is they’re practicing for intercepting drones/missiles as that’s been an emerging threat lately.


Training for the Taiwan vs China conflict about to happen.


One time about ten years ago, two British chicks came to Virginia Beach and one of them was like “oh my god, you fly your jets like you’re going to war or something.” They had no idea how America Americas. We America hard in America


Actual answer: they typically do carrier landing practice down south at Fentress but Fentress was closed last night, so they had to do them at Oceana. Hence all the circling and noise


Boring answer. I'm just go with the worse case scenario that conforms to my doomer echo chamber.


Thank you for a legit answer lol, was genuinely just curious


It's just Maverick flying an experimental plane without permission.


Makes sense


When you hear a lot of jets flying overhead and then a bunch of helicopters afterwards. It’s usually a carrier coming home.


Just a few talons from young punks low flying 400 mph. Stroto tankers kc130 just cruising no big deal on the public radar. I'd be more worried about the cessenas circling your house. WTF is that all about


It's probably Marshalls with their DRT boxes or whatever they have 10 years on to Hoover up your and your neighbors Internet comms /S?


The jets that you think are circling around literally are. They either have orders they can’t land or must finish fuel/fly time.


This is a once-a-month post in this thread. God forbid they switch the runways to 32… just wait until the winter when they go to 14 for a couple hours.


fight club …


Haven't heard shit at my house.


Practice for China and Russia. The boogeyman is back.




The Raptors were out here today so I'm sure the Rhinos training got pushed out about am hour so they probably had to condense training or something.


Ahhhh ok cool


Actual flying or just engine testing? We live a bit farther from Oceana, but the sound carries far and I'm never quite sure when it's one vs the other. They could also be practicing for different weather conditions. It's not always calm and sunny at sea.


Yeah I get that completely but no they’re going right overhead


I also live next to the base and tonight has been pretty tame honestly. I would love to hear from you on an actual busy day. Edit: for the people down voting me. I can literally see the NAS Oceana perimeter fence from my front lawn. I seriously doubt you're closer than I am.


No it was definitely louder and more consistent last night. I live on the ocean front and it was unbearable


The frequency was just different. I’m used to them by now but it was like every couple mins for a good hour and a half. Idk. Was just curious lol


They are flying


They fly?


lol you chose to live by the master jet base. You Chose to deal with JET NOISE!


Ok ok you right. BUT in my defense I just moved here a year ago and didn’t know about it. I’m mostly used to it now it was just weird tonight


How can you NOT know? It's a pretty big area that looks like an airport on Google Maps. "Hmmm, there seems to be some sort of airport here close to where I am looking to live. I wonder how loud it is? I wonder if I could find something out by using a Search Engine on the Internet?"


I'm a Peninsulaite, and near Langley. Also retired Army Reservist, but that just means I don't anything about this stuff. Jet noise from Langley at night is extremely rare. Like once or twice a year rare. I would assume the same for Oceania, but what do I know?


Them F-16s are worse than any F-18. My mom bought a house near Langley. Worst idea ever but hey, she’s an “eagle keeper” and I’m a “hornet keeper” lol. Her words, not mine.


There are no F-16’s at Langley.


And I'm the guy who is getting downvoted, for some reason.


If there were 16’s here, you’d know it! These 22’s are quiet compared to them.


Hmm. The 22's are not actually very quiet. Oh well, I signed up for this.


I freaking hear M4 fire at the rifle range at night more than I do Jet noise. They just do not fly at night, for the most part. Now during the day, yes, it's brutal. And a lot of F22's vs. F-16's, I might add.




Lol im just genuinely curious honestly


Touch and gos on aircraft carriers 🫠


Fentress, ain’t no carriers out 😂


Touch and gos are regulary practiced out of oceana, bottom line. What are you talking about?


Duh. That’s the point.


Fentress is set up like a carrier…


Fentress is NOT a carrier. Lol regardless how it’s set up.


It’s in Chesapeake, not the Chesapeake bay or NC.


I said it’s set up like a carrier. I know all about Fentress/Oceana.


I’ll upvote you, because you did say it’s set up like a carrier.




I’m not reading a wiki about fentress. I’ve done deployments on an actual aircraft carrier. Fentress is a joke for everyone except people having to deal with the jet noise. Perks of being in the “flight path”


I guess you’re the only person “in the know”. Thanks for your service. Good talk.


I'm right by oceana myself. Haven't heard a single jet tonight....


You must also be deaf lol


I’m off birdneck. They were going over every couple mins or so.. stopped now. I was just curious lol I’m used to them but it’s never that frequent. At least ten mins or so between each flyover. This was barely a couple mins


Must be taking off only. Bc im right under the landing path and haven't heard a thing


Interesting. I’ve only been here a year and haven’t figured out which direction is which lol


Must be used tomit


Yeah I'm on Great neck and haven't heard a thing. Just the thunder.


Not used to it. I'm near lynnhaven which is right under their landing pattern approach. So if I'm not hearing anything, they must be taking off only and flying to a different base, or to a carrier off shore


They have diff landing paths. Lynnhaven is 1 of them off London bridge. Main path is off Oceana Blvd.


They have to train just like anyone else, probably doing night ops, or it could be the wind and they are using the runway that lines up with your house, or something happened and they needed to circle until the obstacle became clear. I’m an aviation mechanic in training so I can’t tell you from a pilots perspective.


here in central nc we've had bombers flying over all day long...prolly just running exercises out of ft liberty in our case.


Gotcha. Yeah I’m used to them, but it’s been non stop for the last hour or so. Every couple mins another one flying over. Never heard it like this before


I’m in the back of Shadowlawn, in direct path. Tonight was a bit abnormal with quantity and volume. It was pretty much one every minute (or less), flying low on loud approach for over an hour. Some days the approach isn’t loud at all, sometimes it’s quite loud but these were all low and all loud. Was definitely not the norm. Love the guys who always chirp these comments saying “you moved next to a master jet base, what did you expect!?” As if the person posting doesn’t know that or that that type of comment if at all helpful 🙄 I assume you’re near my area and you’re right, tonight was out of the norm. I too would like to have an inside source on what exercises cause variations like these.


Thank you!!! Lol I’m used to them going over just was weird every minute or so


Team aMERICA! fUCk Yeah! Comin in hot to save the mutherfuckin day yeah!!
