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I just asked this question yesterday to my gf hoping to find the answer


Natural Bridge has an attraction that combines dinosaurs and the Civil War. No idea why.


Umm, that far down in God's country, they call them Jesus ponies.


This right here. lol!


Those are the vintage planes that killed all the dinosaurs. So kinda memorial of sorts.


This is the answer Calvin's dad would give


The guy that owns the place, Mr. Yagen, told me it was because he likes them. The museum started as a place to keep his vintage plane collection. Think big boy with expensive toys.


Knew Yagen personally, this is the right answer. He just likes dinosaurs. It has nothing to do with the planes. But then again, maybe he see's his line of work similar to finding dinosaurs. There are a handful of the planes that have been restored found in strange places. I don't remember which one, but one was pulled from a swamp that it crashed into. If Yagen could revive dinosaurs, I'm sure he would have by now.


Several fit that bill…I believe that his P-39 came out of a bog in Russia with a cannon round through the windscreen and the pilot still in the seat…


The P-39 was recovered from Queensland Australia. It was fully restored and is in flying condition. The P-63 was recovered from one of the Kurile Islands northeast of Hokkaido Japan. It was determined to be too badly damaged to restore. You may be referring to the P-40 which was recovered from northern Russia.


Thank you for the update. When the fighter factory was based in Suffolk I had a chance to explore the hangars out there and saw the cockpit but couldn’t remember what aircraft it was. Saw a nice A-26 too…


The A-26 is still under restoration. There is an SBD Dauntless that was recovered from Lake Michigan that is being restored in New Zealand. Sometime later this year we are supposed to receive a real Japanese A6M5 Zero. Every year it's something new at the MAM.


Sounds like the one I heard about. From what I heard, the swamp helped preserve the body too.


This is the answer. I used to work on the Flying Proms out there every year and that's what anyone who asked was always told.


They're dead, they can't hurt you. 


While no record of bones have been found in Virginia we do have footprints in which means they did live in parts of Virginia. Also Dino’s are cooler than air planes.


Pilots pass through time portals on occasion and these dinosaurs must have followed one home?


There you go…asked and answered


Please watch the appropriate episode of "The Twilight Zone" if there's any confusion on this issue.


That’s a good episode. The Odyssey of Flight 33, episode 54.


A question I have had my entire life living here but never asked haha


The scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.