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Oh my God, I work with this guy I'm pretty sure. Did he have blonde hair? I'm almost 100% certain it's him good lord.


This was almost two weeks ago. If he quit coming to work, it was him.


Yes, all the details match up. He got in a high speed chase and he is in the hospital. He is in his early 20's and his friend told me his head went straight through the rear side of an SUV.


It’s mind blowing to me that he even survived.


Just a typical motorcycle rider.....


I am the Brother in law of the driver of the SUV this idiot crashed into. He sent me the pic's of the aftermath. The Idiot totaled His SUV. Bike is in a million pieces. The Rider broke both his arm and was couching up blood. His ear pods where in the back seat of My bother in laws SUV (his head smashed through the rear side widow). I think they estimated the bike was doing about 80 when he smashed into the SUV. I have no sympathy for the dumbass. he probably fled over something as trivial as a speeding ticket. Now look at him. if he is alive, he has jail time and rehab to look forward to smdh ..he is/was just 22 years old, senseless


Any word about a gopro camera or anything? Some of these guys like to get into police chases and post the videos. I have a strong feeling this is the same guy I saw getting chased down Great Neck a couple weeks ago, it's the same bike/helmet/rider size. They chased him down Great Neck and across Shore Drive, he escaped into the neighborhood by the Delta hotel.


I hope he died so someone else’s life isn’t affected by his undoubted selfishness. The Tidewater region seems a magnet to this lack of responsibility for one’s actions. Law enforcement’s deterrent presence is sorely lacking, which is an enabler.


Law enforcement presence is far from lacking, we have one of the largest police departments in the country. The problem is, since we are the military capital of the world, we attract the best and the worst from all over, so we get saddled with a disproportionate amount of idiots that completely overwhelms the amount of awesome people here.


Law enforcement does nothing to stop people from speeding. People drive so fast around this area because they know they won't face any consequences. I've called the police so many times to report excessive speeding in my neighborhood because I worry about my kids and the neighborhood kids. Not once have I seen an officer on our street doing anything about it. Not once.


Because they have better things to do than park on your street and watch cars Karen.


That's a load of shit. I see cops chilling all the time. Not to mention, one gut gets pulled over, and 3 squad cars are on the scene. They just don't have the insensitive to hand out speeding tickets. I pay taxes that pay their salaries. And they do nothing to prevent speeding in residential areas even though it's reported time and time again.


I never said they don’t. Try comprehending what you’re reading. They have more important things to do than be a personal officer to a Karen. If your complaints were legit, others in the neighborhood would also be calling and there would occasionally be an officer out there. They just aren’t running out and setting up shop over one person calling, that’s not how it works.


You obviously have zero clue. Myself and 3 other neighbors have called the police several times. Once they came out and set up a digital speed sign. All it did was help slow people down for the week that it was there. Then it was gone, and it all returned to high-speed driving. One of my neighbors has already had a mailbox destroyed because a driver lost control. And there were 2 other accidents right in front of my house in the past year alone. There are so many kids in this neighborhood, and one day, someone is going to be seriously hurt. Stop making excuses for the police when you have absolutely no idea what the situation is. We pay our taxes. And their job is to serve and protect. They are doing neither.


I’m not making excuses, I’m just trying to explain to you that the world and the law exists outside of the stretch if road you live on. You don’t deserve to have resources dedicated to you just because you think you do.


You show me one single spot where the police are setting up radar and stopping speeders. They aren't. When a child in my neighborhood is killed or seriously injured ill be sure to remind you of your ignorance.


If there were one single spot, everyone would know about it and avoid it, which would defeat the purpose. That’s why they randomly set up in different places. The community as a whole is bigger and more important than your street. You’ll have to get over it.


If this is true, why are not the speed cameras activated and issuing automated tickets. If this were true, over time, it is true in other communities. A dramatic reduction in speeding is forthcoming. Either a tremendous amount of asinine drivers, scofflaws who aren’t paying tickets or continue to pay the fines. Which isn’t the truth. The speed cameras aren’t in operation. Virtually no speed traps by law enforcement, bottom line, regardless of how wonderful a police department you believe Virginia Beach is, you’re statistically deluded. One of the nation’s highest crash rates. To combat the military invincible mentality on Virginia Beach roadways, obtain necessary funding to do your job.


Speed tickets don’t stop idiots any more than cameras stop idiots from running red lights. You’re putting way too much faith in over-policing.




Read of the controversy in other communities, where they’re being fought as deemed unconstitutional, yet, demonstrated a substantial reduction in speeding. I don’t buy your arguments in either case. Seems the issue in VB, is an unwillingness to acknowledge the problem and proactively address it head on. Why are speed deterrent campaigns not visible throughout VB, as the officers at WAWA revealed, you respond to incidents, but shy away from deterrent campaigns.


Still unconstitutional. You can't say it's better and constitutional because it isnt.


Why is it, weeks go by, Diamond Springs, Independence Blvd., Northampton Blvd., sounds literally like a racetrack!!! Lights change green, vehicles take off like rockets, constantly!!!! Without a police cruiser ever in sight. I’ve given up calling, precinct 3 is useless. Told to call when what I describe is happening (constantly), to call 911. Sit on hold 8, 10, as much as 12 minutes without a live representative. DO NOT TELL ME HOW GREAT VB POLICE ARE, They are enabling the problem through their inaction. FACT: asked two officers one evening at Shore Drive WAWA, “how do you deal with this foolishness? Addressing the gunning, wide open throttle acceleration at the Pleasure House light”? His answer, “we respond to incidents!” Meaning, exactly what I have observed, VBPolice is either understaffed or overwhelmed by the constant asininity of the military mentality. The solution, let them knock down fiberglass light poles to their hearts content. The travesty Monday morning, sends a clear message. No one including law enforcement gives a damn


Show me where I said they were great? I said they’re massive and have a massive presence, because they are and they do. They just aren’t in a hurry to go to the hood every time a Karen or Boomer calls with a speeding or noise complaint, because they get those all day. Trust me, I’ve been here my entire life and understand how frustrating it can be. But I have friends and enemies who are on the force, and they have to deal with way more bullshit than you can possibly imagine. To the point that if you knew the half of it, you’d realize how irrelevant (while still obviously serious) your complaints are. This city is flooded with some really stupid mfers.


Statistics don’t lie, why isn’t the investment in technology, working? https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/travel-verify/yes-speed-cameras-reduce-fatal-or-injury-crashes/536-bb8e5eb3-0702-4d03-84e7-913369595485


Why are you repeatedly using commas that aren’t, necessary? And statistics absolutely lie. Whoever backs a study only uses the data that supports the argument they’re trying to make. Also, you’re still pretending this chase was to avoid a speeding ticket, which is completely unsupported by facts.


That I believe and suspect it goes all the way up to the mayor’s office. Attempts to speak with, various agencies within, a total waste of time. Town council members acknowledge the issue, addressing it at meetings. For an unknown reason, no one appears to have an answer or are willing at the top to acknowledge a problem exists.


Most PDs are basically Trash Collectors


Make the boys & girls in blue, get out on Monday mornings, load the fiberglass light poles, the street signs knocked over on a usual weekend. They might just do their job, instead of sitting in convenience store parking lots.


I would imagine in the culprit's mind he could out maneuver the police being on a motorcycle but as others have said chances of making a mistake and losing control increase the longer the chase. When riding at high speeds and weaving in and out of traffic, dodging cars, getting closer and closer, eventually your luck has got to run out and unfortunately it did for this guy! I hope no one else got hurt.


I hope he had insurance in the event he hit someone else being stupid…


My house is right across the street from where he wiped out all I heard were sirens for like 25 mins straight it seemed and when I went to the bounce house event cops were still there


I muse, sirens; ambulance, fire, police are a Virginia Beach “Theme Song”. We all hear it far too often. The last 5 years and counting, increasingly, nonstop. Another respondent, this area is particularly rife with the problem. Are these military personnel, exhausting their commission check in one place? Forgetting these are public thoroughfares, a host to their enlistment, not a center to exercise their asininity. If I’m right, these are the servicemen and women we’re trusting to protect our country. They sure are not demonstrating an ounce of responsibility in the interim.


Don't run and you won't risk dying in a high-speed chase. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Or maybe cop shouldn’t chase for speeding?


Or maybe you shouldn’t drive / ride like an asshat.


I agree with this, but this assumes that’s what caused the chase. It could’ve been something far more serious.


You better not have. We don't allow high-speed chases here, their against policy cause that how people fucking die. Like random civilians when the running car or the cops going 90-100 and physically cannot stop in time, and yes the cops have killed people children and pets chasing someone. It's insanely dangerous.


As others said it was VSP, but back in 2009 a VBPD cop ran a red light and t-boned my friend. Cop admitted he ran it because he just didn’t want to stop at the light. There was no emergency nor did he have his lights on. My friend ended up dying in the hospital a couple of weeks later. Last I heard, cop took a vacation and came back like nothing happen. No idea if he’s still with VBPD today though. Will never trust or stand up for VBPD ever.


They really don't give a fuck and refuse to investigate shit. I called about an extremely intoxicated driver that I saw almost hit three people, pop his trunk to back out of a parking spot, and make absurd claims as he was driving to my workplace and the place next door. I got his license plate called the cops and they showed up 5-10m later. Gave them license plate told him which way he went when he finally left. He ran it said its a rental so he can't do anything. So homie got away drunk as a skunk and I can only hope Noone was hurt.


What is there to investigate for your claim? If the tag is a rental AND the rental company provides who rented it, how do you prove who was actually driving in a court of law? And then how do you prove that he was intoxicated after the fact?


It was the state police, they can chase anywhere, different policy.


sounds like it was VSP. not sure if they follow VBPD policy in this area.


All E1s and up no credit, no problem, we'll put you on a motorcycle today!


This! This is exactly the problem. You don't see this crap in other areas. Along the 95 path from DC to here is the only path I encounter this, and you see more and more of these motorcycles the closer you get to the HRBT. It's a terrible circular prey becoming the predator situations! The dealerships prey on the kids, and then the kids become dangerous wild animals on those things! I saw a guy blow his motor once just after passing me, and I thought, man, he's going to blow his motor! Another time, a dude tried to do a wheelie right next to me on S. Lynnhave right between Brookwood Elementary and Plaza Middle school, I might add, but he leaned back too far and fell over. Dummy messed his bike all up while trying to show off for nobody. If it was for me, I was in a minivan with my whole family, so that's pretty bold. Hmm, maybe it was for my husband! LOL!


I saw a guy do a wheelie for me on little creek road about 10 years ago. I did the "rev" hand signal and he lit her up it was amazing to see


I’ve driven commercially 4.5 million miles, never witnessed the degree to which I have since retiring here. Invincible, adolescent minded military mentality, assuming based on the statistics here, higher brass doesn’t give a rats ass what takes place in proximity to their installations.


Maybe he was trying to impress his inner sense of self and what you witnessed is the sound of one hand crashing.


Saw someone post a video of him from what looks like not long before that crash. Not even wearing gear. 😬


That was the craziest thing to me. If you’re the type of person to run from the police, you already know you’re that type of person, and you should be covered in gear head to toe every time you ride.


My daughter’s dance recital was happening at the Wave Church right at that time. My 7 yo got to witness them trying to save the rider on the side of the road. We didn’t know what had happened but I assumed the bike ran the red light. It was an awful scene.


The times in which we live. On the local roads 8 hrs 5 days a week, the last 5 years since trump, the anger, aggression, resentment behind the wheel has never been like this. I’ve been commercially witness to, over 51 years. I know of what I speak


Fucking called it before I got here. This is why we don't chase.


I saw the chase down VB Blvd. he was weaving in and out of cars at high speeds. I just hope nobody else was hurt. That’s just self destructive.


The hight of selfishness


Id bet he wasn’t on a Harley. Rice burner for sure!


Of course


I witnessed this chase. When I drove by the crash site they were doing chest compressions on the motorcyclist.




It was wild, I can’t even begin to imagine why anyone would flee on a bike, when you know the window for fucking up is very small, and the risk is very high.


I dont think logical thinking is common with this one.


100% agree. Especially with the typical VB traffic.


“I hope it ends comically” hope you’re not talking about wishing this guy wipes out and breaks his neck


Not OP, but I did. You dont win smart prizes playing stupid games. 100mph in Vb is a stupid game.


If he would rather risk his own life than simply stop for the police why should we care? He fucked around and found out.


Literally who gives a shit? The rider doesn’t care either or they wouldn’t have put themself in that position.


I don’t wish death or serious injury on anybody. Of course there is extreme risk on a motorcycle in a high speed chase, but I have seen them on tv end various ways like running out of gas and trying to run on foot, getting stuck in traffic, losing the police in a parade, etc. That being said, anybody stupid enough to do that knows the risk, and while I don’t wish harm on them, I find it hard to be sympathetic too. They know what they’re up against.


Are you sure it’s a guy? We drove by when they were on a stretcher. All we could see were the legs and they didn’t look masculine. Either way, what an idiot! Glad no one else got hurt.


I was less than 10 feet away when the chase went by, definitely a guy.


Wow! Sorry you had to see that!


My friend's dog is very sick please give me ketamine.


Lol wtf




sir yes sir I'll get the ketamine right away


Virginia Beach PD actually have a "No Pursuit" policy when it comes to motorcycles. So this kind of situation doesn't happen, and there's no collateral damage. This guy was chased by State Police. They didn't care who gets hurt in the process, and will chase anyone until the ends of the earth.


a state trooper almost crashed into me on 264 by independence about a month ago when he was trying to chase a motorcycle in the far left lane. i was livid. the cop had to have been going around 100 mph in the right lane by all the merging traffic and he swerved around me because i didn't see him while i was merging because of how fast he was going. he was only a few feet from hitting the rear left of my car. i would have been seriously injured or killed if he had hit me. i believe the cop chasing was doing way more harm than the motorcycle was ever gonna do. he should not have pursued. it really pissed me off because if the motorcycle doesn't pull over, there is no way a ford explorer is even gonna catch him. risking so many lives to not even catch the motorcyclist.


This is like a catch 22. Then maybe more people buy motorcycles and speed.


As they should lol don’t run


Innocent people get hurt in high speed pursuits all the time , and not only be the runners cops going that fast also can't stop in time and have killed people and children. So yeah I'd rather we stick to no pursuit policy.


I thought any Virginia police (state or not) could only pursue if the person running was wanted for a felony like murder, kidnap or armed robbery.


How do they know if that’s the case if they won’t stop to id? Try thinking it through next time


Hadn’t really thought about it, I assumed it was in the situation where they pulled over but once the cops ran the id; the warrant came back, or maybe the suspects got away from where they committed armed robbery and the police found. lol


thats for high speed


Nope. Each agency is free to make their own policies on when or who they can pursue.


Oh, good to know.


A bike turned in front of me yesterday and if I hadn’t slammed on my brakes they would be dead or an organ donor and thankfully no one was behind me either. I have a dash cam and would have been exonerated had I hit them.


This is crazy, I saw the same thing on Dec 9th 2023. I'm pretty sure the motorcyclist died. Never saw a single news story about it. (Remember the date cause I saw the Admirals play the first time that night)


The rider actually ran into my buddy Sam. The rider broke both of his arms and was coughing up blood. Messed my buddies ride up pretty bad too. He was leaving his girlfriends house and ran right into the back quarter panel of his SUV.


yeah, I am Sam's bother in law, he texted me the pics, I have zero sympathy for the motorcyclist. do dumbass things, get bad results. Now Sam is without a Vehicle because of this idiot. Probably Fled over something he would have just gotten a ticket over. Not worth it


I hope he had insurance to fix your buddy’s ride…


Thank you for your sacrifice Sam




It did. He wrecked out by Wave church.


Damn, that’s right near my house. Considering the only protective gear he had was a helmet, if he survived it, he’s definitely not in for a good time.


Oooof skin crayon 😖


He did so far. He was unconscious. His future isn’t much brighter than his past was.


I was going through the Hampton Roads bridge tunnel the other day when a motorcycle was driving down the center between the lanes at high speed while doing a wheelie the whole way


I hope he didn’t make it home


Sounds very intelligent.


Not all cops are idiots!


Um, I think you’re confused. Cops were chasing the idiot on the motorcycle.


I was making a joke. My bad.


I don't think they were chasing a cop


get used to it


Funny because the MC drivers usually don’t get “used to it” when they wreck or get hit because of nothing but their own fault.


Yet we're supposed "watch out for them". Nah. 90% of them have no respect for themselves if they ride like that.


I’d like to know what his employment consisted of? Are there others so minded, who come here, believing they can do as they please, without consequences.


90% of motorcyclists? Or 90% of the motorcyclists who get in police chases?




I rode a motorcycle to my engineering job every day for 6 years…and I’m not a flaming asshole. When people’s ability to drive kept decreasing due to cell phones and GPS devices (“Oh, I don’t really need to THINK about what lane I need to be in. My GPS will tell me when to turn…”) I stopped riding.


> You don’t get a motorcycle because you think you will casually commute to your accountant job. You get one because you are ever so slightly an asshole and intend to ever so slightly drive like one. How do you know? I originally got into motorcycling for efficient commuting. Sorry I’m not an accountant.




Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? My first motorcycle I got 45mpg, compared to my truck which had 16mpg. It’s way more fuel efficient. Originally this was in CA where lane splitting is by the books legal, so I saved 30-35 minutes of traffic each day. And it doesn’t rain much there. In VA lane splitting is not legal, so I don’t get to avoid much traffic. Sometimes I can squeeze by for right turns in places where a truck can’t. But I still have better fuel and parking when I ride.


the latter. you don't tend to notice the chill riders who like having skin on their bones.


From my POV, motorcyclists in general. 1 out of about every 10 I see, and I don't look for them I just pay attention to traffic, is respectful of traffic. The rest seem to just do whatever the bike lets them do.


If your perception was anywhere close to accurate, motorcycles wouldn't be legal, and traffic around here would be much more exciting.


So you know what I see? Gotcha. Looking for the hidden camera today 😂


Yes, be defensive when faced with the reality of your perception. Never improve, but always deflect.


More like sarcasm vs defense, but you be you with your sixth sense.


That’s a ridiculous generalization. There’s a lot of irresponsible motorcyclists here, but saying 90% is quite the exaggeration. I am a motorcyclist, so of course I am biased. Based on riding here, it’s typically the sport riders that ride recklessly. Cruiser riders are usually pretty easy to get along with and probably make up 60% of VB cyclists. Lots of sports bikers in Norfolk and many act like fools on the 64 and 264. My experiences have been mostly positive riding here. The only close call was about 4 years ago on the 264 at night where a kid merged from the middle to left lane and came about 12” from my handlebar before I yelled at the top of my lungs. Other than that one incident I think people notice me and I never weave or pass recklessly.


I had an 05 r1 flashed and tuned and I still rode with common sense. Also alway at the back of the pack I didn’t care what no one said. I ended up getting t-boned last year only going 40 by someone trying to shoot through an intersection . It’s like we just can’t win at all. We ride with some decency and still get looked at as reckless.


I respect you for that! I'm exaggerating for sure, but I definitely see more weavers and dippers over riders. I wish you safe travels every time you decide to ride.


lol bullshit. 90% of them you don't notice because they're just in traffic with the 90% rest of people. most people are just people.


The craziest part was, he was well over 100mph and wearing shorts and a tshirt. If you’re gonna be that stupid, at least be smart enough to wear protective gear wtf?


The people who don’t we’re protective gear don’t usually have anything worth protecting…


I'm not sure that's how stupid works


But he thought it looked cool


There's that lack of respect for ones self I mentioned! 🤣