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At home




Smoking at public places is banned in India...it doesn't matter if you're a girl or boy if you want to be a law abiding citizen


That is why she asked for a place (read private) which allows you to, genius.


She didn't ask for legal places to smoke, if only you could comprehend


His name checks out dw


It is implied great sir, you obviously can’t do it at a place where you are not supposed to now can you?


Bean board ( visalakshi nagar, Panorama), Ironhill, Barista (next to aqua sports), Glutton's garage, Beach house, cosmic house, soma, salsa, Moon, Brewbuzz, V hangout and basically most cafes or restobars or hotels with a smoking area. These places are strictly occupied by smokers for the most part so you are absolutely fine from the prying eyes of judgemental boomers, illiterate millenials and those of gen z who did not have the brain cells to look beyond patriarchal societal norms. But tbh, they will keep looking and for the most part that is all they are capable of. Just develop a thicker skin and dont be sorry for who you are and what you like to do. Heck, even take a long ass drag and enjoy their insecurities go ballistic at your blissful face from that drag.


Well.. hello cancer.. from an illiterate millennial who happens to be ex-smoker


The stigma isn’t about cancer sir, it’s about a woman doing it. Everyone who smokes clearly knows the health risks involved.


For y’all dense self proclaimed righteous saints, she just wants a place to smoke where a lot of people do but which don’t give women the stink eye, like YMCA where dude smokes but women are stared while dudes are ignored. It is not about cancer, it is not about anything else. What is wrong with some people here.


You must be fun to hangout with


There is a fine line which stops us from letting our intrusive thoughts win. I think on reddit we can erase it and motivate other people to do the same on the outside. Yes, it’s quite fun, try it sometime its better than therapy


Why do I have a feeling I know you my great sire, prolly the grand risings of this day has graced us to come across eachother on this platform to ruin other people's Morales


Ya? I highly doubt it but then we never know such is the fun of anonymity. Keeps us guessing.


I used to do it at bean-board but for sake I would order something or other with friends. But now with less friends in the city I really can't go out and order something every time


Nee sex life dengaka ilanti sollu cheppav ley.


No issues brother i can assure you, but how would you know anything about that, it requires you to actually get laid for that.


Moron I'm in mid 30's. You don't say about me getting laid and shit. I've seen close friends having issues conceiving kids. My grandfather died of mouth cancer due to excessive smoking. Smoking is not the best of habits to have.


Yeah? Who asked for your expert opinion or trauma diary uncle? Smokers know the risks don’t get all preachy.


Here's the thing, it may seem cool now but it won't be so after a few years when breathlessness kicks in. I know it because I walked the path. If you want to find it out yourself then it's upto you.


I understand brother, no offence but i run a 10k in 45 mins and can play a full game of basketball but yeah the breathlessness is real and it’s a health hazard for sure but it’s a very conscious choice.


Smoking is bad it's a fact but I don't think smokers are that naive they know what they're doing is unhealthy and life threatening. But it is not illegal to smoke they have a choice and they took one. It is fine to warn smokers about the consequences since you were one but it's not nice to be rude brother.


" Nee sex life dengaka ilanti sollu cheppav ley." I see that your standards of respect and rudeness are quite high. Dont be a hypocrite. You reap what you sow.


Amma Nanna mundhu - stares undavu...direct cheppu debbalu.....


is this post real ? 💀


I dont think moral policing is happening cuz you are a girl who is smoking… its just happening cuz you are smoking period. Smoke in your own damn house like the rest of us lol.


Can confirm moral Policing is real in vizag. I have stayed in vizag for around 5 years and atleast 4 5 times I've experienced moral policing in a direct way. Indirectly, lol it's a daily thing.


Oh shut your trap gran!


People stare at smokers regardless of gender when they're doing it outside.


Not really, dudes just get a side stink eye but I have seen women get subjected to a full scan and even heads turned from every direction.






Smoking causes cancer


Smoking kills


Asalu emi aindhi ee nagaraniki


Ee madhye manchirojulu occhai 😂 🚲🥛


People like me stare at smokers irrespective of gender if you are doing it at public places. Better smoke at private places as we don't want cancer due to passive smoking.


Lawson's bay drive in ig, you'll get stared at most public places. Maybe less outside restobars in rushikonda area and stuff


Bean board, ymca are my frnds go to


Gypsy cafe


Area 51 , it sez , i have seen many women smoked over there with confidence without any questions or stares ,


Railway quarters, Baga Kali ga untay evadu pattinchukodu, kani chapri gallu tiruguthu untaru 😂


you can come smoke in my home /s


Baga plan chesav mike


pakadbandhi ga


Climb up some hill, and there you go.


you made a wrong decision posting this query here. you can see many assholes lecturing you about smoking right here! just go to beanboard or your terrace or any place where you find mental peace..


Yeah man, poor girl, came for refuge and asylum became prisoner of war 😂


Might not be the best suggestion... but it's easier to ignore them or take a friend (that's what I did till I stopped noticing others stares) And my go to places are cafés which allow smoking in general Everyone's smoking... no one generally gives any fucks about others cuz they themselves know other ppl in their own circle




My house


Cafooze, bean board( visalakshi nagar and rushikonda ). These are the places I've been into and didn't see any guys staring over at girls smoking.


Inside rushikonda palace 😂


Tbh it's actually pretty slick to smoke on the terrace there


Smoking is bad for your health.


No shit!


Tea time near it sez


My house😂


If you are getting stared at, you are doing something wrong. If you are doing something wrong, dont think about getting stared at. Ya decided to be yourself and do you, why even bother about others at this point?


YMCA and rushikonda beach . Need any company kavala?


Move to Mumbai 😅


Tbh nobody stares anymore, perhaps you could just chill at fresh choice or gluttons grab a coffee smoke a few and bounce it's all chill now


Imma slide into dm's to get a coffee n smokes date maybe xP


I've got 24 dm requests I haven't still not opened any of those


😏 weird flex but okay, also i didn't really find time throughout the day to drop a text anyway been a busy week


First things first, smoking in public is illegal, if you are afraid of judgment at please stay home because they have the right to do so. That being said, I suggest you go pubs or rooftops near by, or if want enjoy a public space Sagar Nagar beach is pretty isolated and has an amazing view.


A graveyard! Since with a smoking habit you'd be heading there sooner than us anyway.


rolf everyone is so riled up!


Like little children lol


Any beanboard (except the chinnawaltair one), Area 51, brewbuzz, gluttons garage. You will not get that much of stares trust me.


Bean board used to be a spot I used to go visalakshinagar one when friends were all here.


Visalakshi nd pano are jst goated fr. Seethammadhara aint that bad too( its jst nearer to me)


Smoke as to what Cigarettes or actual weed .. . .., If you wanna try weed, count me in..... Might be a life changing moment if you smoke it once By the way am not from vizag but can come What say


Why do u care …If being stared at ? Isn’t this new age instead of Stone Age. People going on abt cancer … that’s her choice. Isn’t yours to make or to bash




Ohhh such a bliss it must be to be this ignorant and less knowledgeable 🙂 The risk of these carcinogens actually activating your tumor genes are minimal whereas smoking and passive smoking has higher chances. And before you argue on this, i am a doctor so i can actually give you lessons on this particular topic for hours.




Goddddd are you 15? 🫠 Babe you can be drinking just water, live in a container and still contract cancer, its genetic. Your family history plays a very important role. Smoking remains the leading cause of lung cancer in india. And its not just cancer, it can cause hundreds of other diseases. Why do you think they have a warning on the packet?


Trying to get perspective makes me 15? Get off your high horse already.


You're not trying to get a perspective clearly since you wrote such a huge ass paragraph trying to prove a very insane point. And i mean anyone who defends smoking or compares it to literally eating bhartas has to be either too young to grasp the concept or a dumbfuck. Choose yours love.


You are so wrong and so cold. I’d really like to know where you practise just so I can steer clear of you. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Trying to get perspective makes me 15? Get off your high horse already


Dont mind him he doesn’t have real patients, to be lecturing strangers on an online platform.


Please open a Naukri account and start using it Check everyday ,apply every job whatever they've been posted in.Naukri is not a fake portal.