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So sorry for the loss, but happy to hear she was able to use this for such a beautiful purpose in her final days.


So sorry for your loss and I think this entire community appreciates you sharing this, even though it's so painful to read. Being able to share these glimpses into the future and transporting us to another place is such a strong value of technology. This community can be full of people questioning the value of this type of tech, but it's nice to see how the magical nature of it can bring someone joy.


oof, I was not prepared for these emotions. I had to close my office door at work. I'm so happy your mom has someone there to care for her, and bring her joy as she finishes her journey. Please know you've got strangers on the internet keeping you and her in our thoughts.


thank you for sharing this <3


Being human we all have to endure these phases but how you handled it - loved it This is a true blend of being human and enjoying the products of human ingenuity. One of the main reasons I wish everyone a long healthy life - to experience the wonders of science


Condolences bro... I had a similar experience with my grandfather who passed earlier this year.


Maybe not Apple related but I always loved Tesla and my dad as well and when we moved him from the ceremony to the cremation we did it in a Tesla Hearse. I also worked for the T and he was so proud on that. He never made it long enough to see us buy one eventually. I bet he would have loved the AVP as well.


That is incredible! How did you find a tesla hearse? This hits very close to home as I’ve been working on iOS games for years and she was so incredibly proud of that as well.


In my country I knew they had one. So I just googled and turned out the company I rented a Model X for my wedding (a couple of weeks before) was able to arrange it for us on such short notice (it always is of course). He even offered me to drive it but I said I was ok as a passenger. We did one launch one more time with my dad in back at a traffic light 😅🏎️


It was really tough to see him arrive in it because I wanted to make a photo of it (which I did) and sent it to him. I felt that in my heart ♥️


Technology really is beautiful


Thank you for sharing this and sorry for your loss.


Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing, and for helping her get a chance to experience that


I'm sorry for your loss


I'm so sad for your loss. Happy you were able to have her experience a few more moments of joy and excitement. Thank you for sharing!


Condolences on her passing. 🙏 Hopefully, cancer is curable or controllable in the future. This reminds me of the content where someone is sharing their hikes into remote areas. I don’t have mobility challenges, but I’m grateful to experience the beauties of the world without having endure the physical challenges to get there.


Condolences for your loss, thanks for sharing this though I feel amidst all the tech fearmongering, it's an important and genuine example of the good that this sort of tech can do.


so sorry for your loss but your use of the avp is wonderful.


I am happy that your mother was able to experience the future one more time. I am sorry for your loss. My prayers go out for you.


Thanks for sharing how you were able to use the AVP to bring joy to your mom in her final days. What a beautiful way to connect with your mom. As someone who lost my mom when she was only 59 to cancer and as a 55 year old mom myself, I'm sure this was a priceless experience for your mom. Sending you positive thoughts during this very difficult time.


I wished I could have done this when my grandmother was still around. But the tech wasn’t there yet. I am happy to have this vicarious satisfaction, though. Stay strong!




Oh man. This really breaks my heart. So sorry about this! God bless your family!


I wanted to do the same for my dad. I hope your mom is at peace 💜


My condolences to you and your family! I know how hard it is to lose your mother. It’s been two years for me and my family 🙏🏾


You are amazing and caring.


My condolences to you and your family. That’s so glad to hear she had some great moments with the AVP.


Came here to say she’s sweet for humoring you… Now I’m crying though.


I’m sorry for your loss, but this post is beautiful. You definitely gave your Mom something special in her final days.


the most valuable function of vp


so happy there is one thing can bring her joy at her last time


Deeply sorry for your great loss, sounds like your mother had an adventurous soul.


Deepest condolences.


Such a gift you gave her. Filled with love. Thank you for sharing this very personal moment.


I know the pain you're going through but I love that you were able to give her some joy. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer last year (she was only 64). I would have loved to have had her had some fun with the VP. I will say that she recorded a video for me before she passed and watching that and looking at pictures of her on the Pro is kind of amazing. I actually sent Tim Cook a note on that since it was just so powerful. He (or more likely an assistant) responded and thanked me for taking the time to let him know the impact it had on me. So sorry for your loss. It's been about 7 months since my mom passed and I'm nowhere near over it and don't know if I ever will be. She was such a huge part of my life.




Solid post!