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Hard for me to comment as my app is a Safari extension ([Enhanced YouTube](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/enhanced-youtube/id6477453560)) so it gets almost no attention, but it’s getting a steady number of downloads. It’s definitely a low number, but I’m surprised it’s constant.


First I’ve heard of this extension. I’ll check it out! Edit: oh my god, it fixes YouTube on VP! Well worth my 2 bucks!


I LOVE this extension so much. This is the best way to watch YouTube


love your extension!! are you planning to improve it? bug fixes / 3d video support / etc ?


Any particular bug you’re noticing that needs fixing? 3D support is not something an extension could easily provide from what I understand.


sometimes it sorta crops the video I'm watching and I can't get it in true full-screen, thank u though it's an awesome extension


Hadn’t heard of this one before. Just bought it. Thanks!


I think it’s great. It sure helped a heck of a lot for me. But lately I haven’t been using AVP as much as I used to because Hulu doesn’t have an app and it’s darn hard to watch if you want to skip commercials it’s a pain in the neck, I even have a keyboard but half the time is disconnected from Safari anyway I love using AVP to watch videos and YouTube and do a lot of reading online online of technical articles.


Disney app for Hulu?


That let's you watch Disney OK, but not all of the other channels


Do you have no ads plan?


Yes I pay the top end plan with no ads


For Hulu as well? https://help.disneyplus.com/article/disneyplus-en-us-apple-vision-pro#hulu


Holy smokes I never knew it did that. I’m gonna go try it now.


Best of luck!


Bummer unfortunately it only shows the movies that were created in Hulu. It doesn’t show all of the regular channels. I use Hulu as my only television access like for the News and the local channels and things like that.


Yeah same boat here. Was hoping to be able to watch live tv w Hulu in the VP but no luck.


Trying it out now! Impressions so far (on 2.0 beta): * I accidentally resized the installation instructions window and it looked pretty broken at some sizes * I miss being able to double-tap on the left or right side of the “fullscreen” video to rewind/fast forward a little * I like that fullscreening is not right next to the scrubber (I often mis-tap and scrub to the end in regular YT) * When I tap the fullscreened video to show play controls, a circle button also appears behind the “…” circle button on the top left. Not sure what it is but it looks broken. You can see it (faintly) in this screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/z9owns5br59d1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=624b8a3b4593bc35b1931670c413b98a1f9f862c


- I think visionOS 2 has better window sizing controls for SwiftUI, I’m not sure I’ll be able to adopt it early though but noted - I should make that an option as it’s something that bothered me due to inaccurate activations. Unfortunately I don’t know if I can leave that but prevent tapping on the video from pausing it. - Welcome to visionOS 2 where there’s a new button there and I can’t know that so my button now renders below one of the system controls. I think I’ll move that button somewhere else.


Brother, it’s the single most used thing on my Vision Pro for the past couple of weeks! Thank you so so much for making this!


Before finding your app YouTube was excruciating with how often I was selecting the wrong target. Your app took so much frustration away, thank you for your work!


Thank you for commenting! Hadn’t heard of your extension till now. Game changer! YouTube just went from useable, to a pleasure to use now! Thank you 👍


Yes I love this extension, thanks for building it!


Does the app work with YouTube tv?


I don’t have a subscription to test but I heard it does


Thank you all for the kind reviews! (Also feel free to leave a review in the App Store 😁)


The extension breaks the ability to do the new “full screen / watch the video in environment that Apple added in VisionOS 2 Beta


Odd, it works fine for me. The visionOS controls appear on top of mine, so you can still go full screen and then choose an environment using the top left corner button, to the right of the exit full screen button.


Odd, it works fine for me. The visionOS controls appear on top of mine, so you can still go full screen and then choose an environment using the top left corner button, to the right of the exit full screen button.


I built Splash Reader, a comic book reader for CBZ/CBR files. Doing well, much better than I thought. I am annoyed at the amount of glitches and problem vision os 2.0 introduced. Worried that the already hard and time consuming development will now also have maintenance added to it


You need to quantify "well" somehow. It could mean almost anything.


It’s all compared to what i was expecting. This is my second serious app built as side project, and the only one I had which is paid, so didn’t really expect much. I sold more than 300 units so far. And since Im on Apple small business plan, i pay only 15% fee. So a little more than 1.6k in proceeds. For the time commitment, it’s not worth it. But I like it, it scratches an itch that I don’t get at work, and the response from users is awesome so far. Overall, love it. Feel free to ask any other questions


VOS 2 beta has been pretty unstable for me. I get it, it’s beta, but I’ve been surprised how often I’ve had bugs.


for what it’s worth iOS 18 beta is pretty unstable too


I'm a customer! Have really enjoyed it, though getting comics onto the AVP has been surprisingly hard. Would love native Google Drive support.


Hey! Appreciate the support and feedback! I know :( This is the top most thing on my backlog. Just a busy time at work + v2.0 bugs + cloud support isn’t simple. For more feedback and feature requests, please utilize our Discord channel (https://discord.gg/E2wrR9tHht) or [email protected] I check all these on a daily basis


I built [Space Screen](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/space-screen-stream-cinema/id6499279520) which gives you a large screen to stream stuff on in 3D/ Immersive environments. Users can purchase different environments like a movie theater, etc to watch things in. Money: App made around $770 but after how much I spent on the assets (3D models, Skyboxes, etc) I actually made less than $300 in profit. Not counting my time, I just enjoy building things. https://preview.redd.it/jgkoq7ili49d1.png?width=1956&format=png&auto=webp&s=61fe8b5999955bddff7ca648216e6823434d6d97 90% of that was due to a Reddit post here a while ago. I have not made any more posts besides that one to avoid spamming the sub. I have since pushed a large update and have another update with new environments ready to go but VisionOS 2.0 literally broke that because I was an idiot and updated to VisionOS 2.0 on my AVP D: Pain Points: 1. Review process is absolutely painful. Took a month to get the app approved. 2. App Store is of no help. Week after week it is the same EXACT apps featured on the app store and your app will only get featured if some website made a post about it or its an app made by a larger publisher. 3. Tools suck - Lots of my users have been asking for dynamic lighting but even with WWDC 24, the way they added it you can only use it if you're using a direct video source. My app uses a webview/ "attachments" and therefore I cannot give this feature to my users. Will Things Change? - If you want to build things for notoriety, money, or ANY reason other than you enjoy tinkering/ building new things, look elsewhere. I have faith in Apple, if they just improve the tooling further it will be great, otherwise using Reality Composer Pro for 3D immersive apps remains an absolute pain.


Thank you for being the only person who gave an honest answer without being so vague! I like seeing stats like these. Very informative!


First, thank you for the most honest and frank reply in this thread. Second, as I’ve mentioned to you before, I don’t think your pricing model is optimal. You need to charge a flat fee, perhaps with different tiers that give the user access to less/more of the environments depending on the tier, or even a monthly subscription with different pricing points based on the number of environments the user wants access to. The way you are charging on a per environment basis I think puts a lot of people off, including myself, because it seems expensive and not worth the value that you’re getting. It’s literally just a question of optics, you can pretty much charge the same amount that you are charging currently, but do it differently so that more people actually purchase.


On price: Completely understandable but I'm at a point where I'm pretty conflicted. I cannot lower the price and upset the folks that bought at the higher price and at the same time I get that if you want \_all\_ environments it will def be pricey. With subscriptions, I'm def hesitant after reading numerous 1 star reviews on other apps as people are rightfully fed-up with everything being a subscription. If it was a live service of sorts, I get it but to just let people access a 3D environment I'd rather people just own the thing out-right. Now what? 1. More free environments incoming, I have one already done. 2. Possibly adding "packs." Example: Theater pack to get all movie theater envs at a discount (nearly 80% of units are for these), cheaper than getting them individually. In all honesty, only other person that reached out to me in regards to pricing besides your feedback was an email that pitched this idea and I think it's worth trying. 3. Adding a "Try" mode - Requested by a few other folks and was in the original roadmap but got shafted due to a bunch of bugs I had to fix. Overall, many thanks for the kind words. It's my first paid app and in all honesty most requests I've gotten have been for dynamic lighting and seat selection rather than pricing. At the same time I completely get it. I hope what folks get from my post is that devs need more support from the Fruit Company, whether that is more variety/ rotation of featured apps on the app store or simply the tools we need to build things.


Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful reply. I suggested the concept of paid packs in the thread you announced your app :-) I still stand by that suggestion (I interchangeably refer to them as tiers). Here’s my original reply: https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/s/a7Aq8ysDAN >Having worked in the app space for a long time, I humbly disagree. The pricing for an app like this should be super simple. You need either one price (say $9.99 as the sweet spot, for the initial pack, and then additional packs for additional fee in the future) or charge $0.99/month. I don’t think the idea of purchasing individual environments within a single-use app works on AVP. As for me, I would have happily paid $10 for the initial pack, but I’m not willing to pay $9 for only one environment. Funny how consumer psychology works :-) Anyway keep up the great work and it sounds like your users are enjoying your efforts!


I’m building one that’s a port of my iPad app. It’s a challenge because I want to take advantage of the new paradigm, but with no experience I keep going back and forth between ideas. VisionOS 2 is opening up a lot of good possibilities and improvements for me so I’ve started to target for that. I’m not sure how the app will do…but it’s a fun platform to develop for and is the most interesting thing I’ve done for quite some time. I hope I can make a bit of cash from it, but tbh I’m just building my app because I enjoy it.


What’s the app?


What new possibilities of visionOS 2 have got you excited?


The most annoying thing about visionOS for me personally is the lack of a normal screenshot feature. I don't think it'd be worth a ton of dev time, but adding a basic web browser and a basic video player with a screenshot function (and a keyboard shortcut for it) seems like a low-effort development idea with a lot of niche appeal for heavy visionOS users.


Apple Vision Pro has a screenshot feature, what do you mean by “normal screenshot feature”.


the built-in function takes a screenshot of the whole OS with foveated rendering. i generally just want a screenshot of the web page or video at full resolution and without any perspective. i want a flat screenshot option instead of the perspective screenshot of the built-in tool.


Ah, got it. Yes. That would be nice. It is a 'computer' after all so we should be able to do things that we can do on our computer workflow.


Not a developer but as a user there are way to many iPad apps I’m using because the developer hasn’t made a Vision Pro version and there are a handful that I can’t use because the developer blocked the iPad version. Currently it’s frustrating but I’m hopeful things will begin to head the right direction by the end of the year.


The worst iPad app is Discord. SOMEHOW it’s the least responsive iOS app on the VP. The only app I’ve had consistent issues with and I pray Discord builds a native app.


I agree, it's annoying to use...


Wanna name any apps specifically? Maybe they see this comment and start developing or another dev sees this as a gap in the market


I’m undecided if I should buy an AVP as I love the concept, but most apps I use are for iPhone and iPad, and I don’t understand if they would be available on the Vision Pro. The Vision Pro store shows only about 30 ipad compatible apps or so, is that how much we get?


I think you can look around yourself in the store to see if the app you want has a native version, an alternative, or is even an iPad app opted-in. I love my VP, but this is an enthusiasts device first and foremost. I mean, it’s $4,000 bucks (after taxes, and depending on the version you get); it’s not something most people will want at that price point. It’s also a fairly new market; wearable AR is in its infancy. It’s also VR, but even that market never really blew up, as much as I enjoy VR stuff myself. Using the VP as a display for Mac is cool, but often I prefer to just use the real world display and not see it through a headset. YMMV, but if you’re not sure if you want one, maybe the answer is that you should keep waiting. The next version is a couple of years away most likely, if not more, but it will almost certainly be leaps and bounds better, as is the case with every first-to-second generation apple product transition. Hopefully FOV increases. A cheaper alternative would be the Quest 3. Not as good in any way (except for comfort), however, it’s much cheaper and will give you an idea of what the AR stuff can do. Also it will give you access to a LOT more games, if you’re into that.


I do have a Quest 3 but to use it for anything past gaming, I just can’t recommend it. When you say I can look into the store, what do you look at to know? Cause I’ve seen some apps have the Vision tab, but am I to assume that anything without that tab won’t work on the AVP?


They could have solved this issue by allowing every app for iPad on the AVP, *and with the specific requirement* of something along the lines of "Your review on this app will hold less weight because it is not designed for AVP. Additionally any sales are final." This is a rough idea, but they could have built upon it. Maybe even have a review section *only* viewable for AVP users (alongside the regular reviews). I may be missing something, why were some apps not allowed to be on the AVP? Was it security, reviews, money? All of the above?


I want to build an educational fungi app but I don’t have any idea where to start ☹️




Thank you!! I really appreciate you taking the time!




how did you find freelance work for vision os?




Would you be willing to share the name of the freelance site? Thanks!


[AdBlock Pro](https://adblockpro.com) is doing pretty well, but it definitely wouldn't sustain the company if visionOS were our only platform. We saw a big peak in downloads on the Vision Pro launch day, and there’s been a consistent trickle since then.


Represent! Just please try to make it work around YouTube’s stupid restrictions now 🙏


I love your Home product so much that I purchase your regular product on every account I own, home, family and work just to encourage the ongoing development team. Please keep that Linux server version alive, it brings a lot of goodwill and halo effect you may not realize.


I have one app up, a multi-platform timer app for both exercise and productivity timers: [https://apps.apple.com/sg/app/timerninja-activity-timers/id1591804917](https://apps.apple.com/sg/app/timerninja-activity-timers/id1591804917) Very few downloads from VisionOS though (about 1/10th the volume of Apple TV which is surprisingly my biggest platform)


My 2 apps aren’t the best, but only 25 people have checked out each one so its hard to gauge the market.


What are your apps?


ImmersiShare has more than 5000 unique users sign in total. About unique 200-500 users daily. Considering that app did not get exposed by App Store. Mostly here. It is not bad, but way less than I expected.


ImmersiShare is awesome thank you


We have a team working on Richie’s Plank. Currently, half of potential performance is lost to video passthrough, even when dial is in full VR. Only current way for us to utilise the whole system is by not having any passthrough at all, hence no passthrough plank setup. Apparently ability to switch after app is launched is coming. Fingers crossed.


https://preview.redd.it/vykuaje5t99d1.png?width=2736&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b2398f2913fddad49da991a6124aa8e8df85d7e I have multiple apps, I don't get a lot of download, But I'm hoping for the future this will change!








Can you point out which one you think is AI?


Correct, I used to do the icons myself or hire someone, super good icons will require a lot of money, and sometime you will hire multiple to reach to what you want. In top of that you will have a lot of time arguing with them. To be honest I see the icons as good as it can get with my budget, on top of that I'll have a piece of mind. I'm a software engineer. So its hard to do coding and design. I have a subscription for a lot of design resources website like freepic and adobe. On top of that creating 3D content is costly so the apps you see in front just for the 3d models the minimum I paid for each game/app was around 350 USD. I think my app are good. Here you go promo codes for two apps, try and tell me what do you think: Little Creature - Baby journey E737YA3AXNKJ Crazy Chicken - Vision 7YHPANX7TMNT


Currently have 110 active monthly Vision Pro members subscribed to my 8k 3D 180 immersive experiences. This is all just from promoting on Reddit. I’ve partnered with an app to bring these experiences to users through streaming bypassing the current download requirement. The app will also have the ability to live stream spatial video from an iPhone/Vision Pro as well as watch all spatial and immersive 180 content with up to 5 other random or friended personas. I’m expecting my numbers to pump into the several thousands of Vision Pro subscribers with such a well funded app. Color grading the 1 hour 40 minute Osaka Japan experience as we speak :D


Following you now so I can watch for updates about the new app.


I recognise the name from the visionos subreddit :)


I’m getting one or two sales a week on Clipster. I have a few ideas I want to implement for updates but unless that number picks up I can’t really justify it.


It hasn’t set the world on fire and numbers are obviously much lower than our iOS app. But almost everyone who sees it is amazed. It’s also a good starting point to consider future work later


I try focusing on Web AR for Vision - i think it will boost WebAR in General and making our ar projects available via a Click on a Button is just amazing - our Tool pausAR Viewer Supports Apple Vision pro alongside iPhone iPad and Android Phones. https://www.pausarstudio.de


Zero responses so far sums it up




Still waiting to buy a MacBook Pro so I'm better able to use Unreal Engine. I helped make Xing: The Land Beyond for early VR platforms, hoping to do something of equal or better quality for AVP. However, the current state of Unreal Engine on AVP is not great. Last time I worked with it apps would crash 30 seconds after startup everytime. Plus, we don't get AR yet with Unreal, still only full immersive. After trying the Disney What If game, that's really changed my mind on how important AR mode can be for gaming experiences. You get the opportunity to introduce players to mechanics or characters from the comfort of their original space, and then bring them into the full immersive action gradually. I'm really excited about the gaming potential of this device from the Unreal perspective because of the graphical fidelity possible, and immersion level by letting the player see their own arms in a game. Half-Life: Alyx quality combined with the immersive UX of AVP should be the standard Spatial Gaming bar. I have a few proof of concept projects, one I'm working on is Bioshock/Dark Souls inspired dark fantasy game set in a gargantuan ancient maze. I don't want to skimp on the quality of the experience, so it might be something that first comes to PC VR and later Apple. But I also don't want to miss out on early mover advantage, so there are some smaller scoped projects I'm hoping to launch first. One of the smaller scoped projects would require AR so I need to finally just say screw it and learn Unity, or try to code it natively with Swift. I will say, the What If game definitely woke me up to realizing developers are going to make some amazing things for this platform. I don't want to be left behind!


My app is in the process. Recently I checked the comment amounts of certain app to see if there're growth happening. I am actually kinda worry about this thing. Or people wouldn't like to comment so often?


I wouldn’t worry too much about much. I’m looking forward to getting one in the near future. This is the first time I didn’t buy a first gen product from Apple. I expect the user base to increase in the near future with international sales starting and then with gen 2 and 3


Yes. We all buy the future that Apple brings us. But since we are a small business, we have to make sure we can be alive to see the future. It's so hard to run without steadily gain customers from vision pro.


Understand that. Hope you can hold out.


Will do.


It is interesting. Many users are complaining that there are no apps, but otherwise it seems impossible to get some Downloads if you published an app. And I think that the app is the best way to learn the countries of the world and understand the proportions: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/geomastermind/id6503365412


App discovery for new apps and the App Store leaves a lot to be desired, to put it kindly


building an app business is basically like a lottery. dont count on it


I think there should be more user to come..