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You’re the only person who really cares about your vitiligo. Remember that and don’t let your insecurity over it prevent you from being social. People will ask about it, you’ll explain, and everyone will move on.


I agree. No one cares. I've had vitiligo for the past 40 years. I have it on parts of my body that are very visible--my face, neck, hands, arms, etc. Over the years, I can count number the times I remember people asking me about it on my two hands.


Yeah I’ve only been asked like twice, it also helps how it’s been seen more on social media and I feel that’s at least educated people more or also made it more normal.


Depends on where you are, of course people notice and may be prejudice towards you. Maybe other people with vitiligo have jobs and social circles where it does not matter but I don’t think it’s right to be dismissive of how you’re feeling and what you experience. You can get treatment asap if you want before it spreads. We often have vitamin D deficiency and underlying health problems that should be addressed.


Hey mate! Australian vitiligo social relations and demonstration officer here (meaning I also have vitiligo) There are some really great comments here that you should take on board. People, and especially people that you are romantically interested in, are going to be much more interested in your personality than anything else. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is the fact that almost everyone with vitiligo has it on their genitals. As a young man I was worried about it, but turns out no one gave a shit, like at all. There is even a sub for people with vitiligo showing off their wangs and vajayjays. If it bothers you maybe seeing others proudly showing off may be helpful. The other thing I would say to you is that I am convinced that the root causes of vitiligo also cause depression and anxiety. It's definitely a social thing as well, but I do think it's biological to a degree. What I'm getting at is be as healthy as you can, eat right and exercise, meditate or do yoga, look after yourself because you deserve it. It is easy to let one thing in life define you, but that's a mistake. You as a person are a mosaic of many things, vitiligo is just one piece of a richer whole. Take care.


Thanks for your comment, bro. I will listen to your words, officer


The other thing I found personally is that doing something about it made me feel alot better. I changed my diet and exercise patterns to be healthier, not the pseudo science, eat celery or our special snake oil crap, just watch what you eat and do regular exercise/meditation that works for you. If you want to ask any questions I'll answer as best I can.


can you tell me a little about the diet? what does it include? did it help you fight vitiligo?


I just stopped eating junk food and paid attention to what I ate. Did it help my vitiligo, that's hard to say because I'd have to know what it would have been like if I didn't take care of myself, if that makes sense. I would certainly say I felt better about myself. I really got into yoga and meditation, that helped me with my stress and negative feelings. I have done UVB therapy with tacrolimus. I did that for a couple of years. That was effective on my face. I would do UVB therapy again but the tacrolimus was bloody awful, it made me insanely itchy. So, in short there is no silver bullet cure at this stage, but you really can make a difference to how you feel about yourself. Teenage years are tough regardless and feeling different doesn't make it any easier, but believe me you think about your skin waaaay more than anyone else. I'm absolutely sure that you will find your way.


I am very pleased when someone answers my questions, I begin to feel needed, thank you


No worries 👍 this is such a great community and you should use everything at your disposal to be all you can be.




"Diet" as in eat in a healthy manner you loon.


Would you please tell us more about how the root causes of vitiligo cause depression and anxiety? Thanks!


I've had vitiligo for 25 years, and in that time, I've experienced and seen the same issues in people with the condition. I did some psychology at uni and saw studies that showed a strong correlation between vitiligo and depression and anxiety. Vitiligo also increases your risk of developing other autoimmune conditions, like Hashimotos thyroid disease, etc. It seems only common sense that if these conditions come in clusters of comorbidity, then whater drives the disease pathway of one is likely to drive the other. For example, stress is a known factor in vitiligo, so if you reduce stress, anxiety, and depression through yoga, for example, then you are effectively treating two related problems. Hope that makes sense, and BTW, I'm not a doctor.




I was diagnosed with vitiligo around 18 yo. First spots on both my eyelids. They turned pink in the sunmer, guys asked me why I was wearing eyeshadow🌈. Next spots appeared on my private parts. I was depressed too, ashamed to get naked in public showers, sauna and first time sex. It took me years and years to get over that. In hindsight I would have wished myself back then the confidence I have now. It would have made my life a lot easier. But it took me years and years to realize that nobody cares. I wish you a faster proces but you have to experience it yourself.


I got it around the same age. I was depressed too and I missed out on a lot of fun due to being depressed. I’m 40 now, married and have a wonderful life. I realized people really really really don’t care about your skin, they might be curious, but once they walk away, they won’t think about it for one second. I wish I realized this earlier!


Did you face any problem while finding the partner? Did you guys talk about possibilities of passing genes to the next generation? It bothers me at times and as someone in their thirties, I am struggling to find a partner after discussing my vitiligo


I don’t suffer from the condition but I can assure you nobody cares. Sure someone might notice and glance at you but unless it’s their first time seeing someone with the condition they’ll more than likely look the other way and move on with their day. I know a few people with with the condition. I was first exposed to someone with it In elementary school. My after school program counselor Jennifer had it. As a kid your curious so you ask questions so I did and she told me she had a skin condition and that was that. Never looked at her any different. I just accepted her for who she was, a great person. Sure you might occasionally run into a kid that’s curious and wants to know, some might even be a lil blunt and “rude” but most of them don’t know any better. You might also run into the occasional asshole “adult” that might give you a look or make a snarky comment but that’s 1%. I assure you the majority of people don’t care about it and have already been exposed to it in their lifetime. I suggest just taking time to accept the fact that you gave the condition and it’s not going to go away. Learn to love yourself. Find people that support you. Hell if you think you need therapy then try that but your also a teenager. Those are some of the hardest years where you feel most self conscious about yourself. Your still trying to figure yourself out. But I feel in a few years time you will wonder why you were so insecure in the first place. I hope this helps. Remember, Love Yourself. Your beautiful.


Thanks for your comment ♥️ Yea, i wanna think, that people dont care about it.


I'm not sure if this helps or not, but there are people with no vitiligo that meet all of the superficial "beauty" standards that are also super depressed. There's always something to stress about. Even the "perfect" looking people have depression and burn out. Hell, there's rich & famous & "beautiful" people that are unable to find any happiness in their lives. It's truly just a mindset. You are beautifully special and there are even people that wish they had something unique about them like you do. I know it's hard, especially during teenage years, to see the big picture... but like others said, most people are worrying about their own issues to care about you - we're all going through something. The best thing you can do is work on self-care and self-love... as this will help you carry yourself with confidence, which is actually one of the most powerful antidotes for most of life's problems. Best of luck to you and know that you've got a whole community in your corner and that everything does truly get better as you get more experience in life.


I have vitiligo blatantly across my face and I chose 15 years ago to stop caring about it and it was the best decision of my life. Also, my partners have only ever encouraged me to express it and not hide it. Enjoy life!


I was around your age when I got vitiligo. And I’m not gonna lie I hated it I always asked myself why me, but I noticed that the older I got nobody really cared about it. I haven’t had any issues with dating, or making friends so just know people won’t question it. Especially nowadays when it’s become more ingrained in both movies/television and social media. Heck they even have a Barbie that has vitiligo. Did you see the last deadpool? One of the characters has vitiligo and it’s like her trademark. There’s also a model Winnie Harlow and she has vitiligo too. Just know that you’re not the only one and you have a support system on the internet. Yes it’s tough but you’ll be okay and if anyone has any questions just know they’re curious.


I recently started using reddit and yes indeed, I'm surprised how friendly the community is here. I haven't seen any hate towards me. Reddit users, you are the best, thanks for being you


And not just Reddit even on tik tok you’ll find people


I completely empathize with you. When this started on my face, I was heartbroken, but there was nothing I could or anyone could do about it. In the long run, it is better to accept for what it is. Vitiligo does not define what your personality is, it maybe one aspect of it, but its not you. Noone would remember you just because you have vitiligo, they would still remember for what you make them feel. There is definitely going to be some body dysmorphia but I think it is better to take care of your skin than actually think that vitiligo marks you. It took me a very very long time to take care of my skin, 18+ years and I would advice you, that this is just a superficiality, at the end of the day, this is all on the skin, it is non-contagious, it does not affect you physically.


Try to treat it, it might work. If not it's not the end of the world. It took me a decade to accept mine (on my face), now I forget I have it until someone asks me about it (which I don't mind at all). Im happily married, so just know that it will only affect your dating life if you let it affect your confidence.


Go to dermatologist and find a way to stop it from spreading or some creams really work to repigment. Don't listen to these people saying to you, you need to embrace it or no one cares about your vitiligo or they don't notice, it won't work till you're older, best thing you can do at that age is to treat it


No one will care or notice it as much as you do. Your perception is your reality. You can decide to embrace and celebrate the things that make you unique. …also therapy!! 💕


I have started a very strict diet and my growth has stopped it’s still early but before the diet I got a spot on my hand for the first time and it hasn’t changed since I started the diet. I am losing weight and feel healthier than ever it has helped me cope with the vitiligo


Don’t underestimate this. While diet may not make it go away, a healthy lifestyle will fight depression in a very real way.


I was 15 when I got it no one cares I hardly think about it now it’s apart of me and out of my control I’m 32 now


Its honestly nothing to worry about. If someone actually is malicious about it, they aren't worth your time. Most people will ask and beyond that, won't care.


I was in my 5th grade when I started developing this skin condition. P.S. It is not a disease that can harm your body. It is just a skin condition because your cells have stopped producing the pigment melanin due to various lifestyles and eating habits like vitamins and minerals deficiencies. I can understand how you are feeling. But probably because I was very young when it started, I couldn't understand emotionally how I felt at that time. Going forward, I accepted the way I am and am now living with it for 20 years now. I don't give 2 fucks about what people think or say about me. I enjoy my life the way I want to. I have my friends and families to support me. Had no problems with the relationships that I had. My exes told me that I looked like a cute dalmatian, lol. So cheer up 😇😇


thanks for your comment, however I don't see how this can be accepted. I hate taking pictures, I hate mirrors, I hate shop windows and car windows. I can't stand my body, and it seems to me that nothing can be done about it.


I was in your shoes. I was 16 when I got told I had vitiligo. I’m not gonna lie, I cried as I left that office. But with that being said, 2 years later, it is almost forgotten about because of how rarely it’s noticed. On occasion people ask what it is, but other than that, it’s as if it’s gone. No one cares as much as you do in your own head.


And where do you have vitiligo, if you say that people mostly don't notice?




I first got vitiligo when I was about 16 too. It had way too big of an impact on my social and self perceptions. You notice it far more than other people do. And for other people, it’s just a kindof ‘oh okay’ and move on situation. This ties into something called the ‘spotlight effect’, where everyone thinks that everybody else pays attention to them. They don’t. They are worried about their own insecurities and social anxieties. The faster you realize this, the happier you will be. Once you are comfortable and confident, you will realize that it really is just in your head.


I hope once i will understand it


It takes time. If you’re concerned about dating, keep in mind that everyone has a lot of anxieties at your age. Vitiligo doesn’t help as an added anxiety and you may channel a lot of these anxious feelings into your perceptions of having vitiligo. Any feeling of difference can become a source of anxiety for not fitting a perception of normal when your a teenager. Into my 20s I kindof just stopped thinking about it, focused on fitness and work and dated alot - more than the vast majority of my friends. At that time I really realized how much time and energy I wasted being anxious about it when nobody else really cared, including prospective relationship partners. Channel some of your energy into fitness would be my number one recommendation.


I roughly understand what you are talking about, but it is very difficult for me to imagine that this can be ignored. It seems to me that all the eyes of this fucking world are looking at my spots.


Look up the spotlight effect. It definitely factors in but I totally understand the feeling. There are very good treatments now as well, especially for the face which responds really well to immunomodulators or JAKs. It’s fast moving with the new treatments in the last few years. If you are really uncomfortable, there are really good treatments available.


I was depressed also. It doesn’t help to hear from people who aren’t experiencing the helplessness because your feelings are valid especially at your age. It’s a process because you have no control over what your body is doing right now. My Derm suggested therapy for me. I considered it but didn’t go. People can be dismissive and say things like there’s a model with it and she is cute. Again not helpful. What helped me was trying to control it . Light treatment and topicals. I also read as much as I could on the causes and upcoming treatments so I could have hope. I have repigmented my hands but more came so I’m at it again and now my thighs getting that light too. Keep reaching out thru this sub because we are here to help. Some of your peers at school will care some won’t but in the end it’s about how you feel. Keep talking to people who love you and understand. It’s a disfiguring disease .. we have to admit that. Then decide if you want to treat it which takes commitment money and parental support. Lastly control your stress. Breathe. Stress makes it worse. Prayers.