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Not all romance is sexual. You don't have to fuck someone into the night to love them forever. Sure, it's great, but if the two in question don't want to, they don't need to.


Isn't he also aro though? Like, canonically? Either way, canon sexuality or romanticism has never stopped the unhinged fandoms... look at the Dekugo shippers from MHA, they sent death threats to the mangaka to try to force him to make the ship cannon... Also, everyone is entitled to their own fantasies. As long as they're not causing any harm (physically or psychologically), then who are we to stop them.




If a character is gay, no they aren’t If they have a spouse nuh uh If they don’t feel romantic feelings in the slightest ignore that Shipping is for people to make their own characters with the look of their favorite cartoon character


I personally just operate on the grounds of every character is bi/pan for the purposes of fanart and shipping. Though if their sexuality is confirmed, I do think it's fun to play with that. But I also don't think you *have* to stick to it as a rule. Fanart doesn't replace Canon I mean, if fanart all had to abide by Canon, there'd be a lot of cool concepts and what if scenarios we would never get to see. I think it's only disrespectful if a character is confirmed x but you act all bitchy about it and act like it'd be better if the Canon changed to reflect something else.


I've seen the show multiple times & haven't seen any concrete proof that he's ace other than just not showing any interest in any character which, contrary to popular belief, doesn't mean that someone is ace. It's possible to be able to exist without showing a sexual interest in someone at every waking second.


Both Vivzie and his VA said he's ace


I know ace =/= aroace but I thought Alastor was confirmed Aroace?


He was previously but the statement is retracted because viv is scared to upset shippers. and doesn’t want to re confirm. I’m mad at viv rather than shippers because viv won’t confirm he’s aro. I don’t like the Al ships but I can tolerate them more than I can tolerate viv not giving us aro representation


I mean going by ‘you can’t ship someone with someone else because they’re oriented this way’ was a valid argument, every single ship to ever exist wouldn’t exist. I don’t participate in this myself, but it’s funny to sit back and watch people get mad about cartoon characters being drawn together.


She did, then the fandom was at eachothers throats, so you’re pinning the blame on someone who wants to avoid conflict.


If people get mad at a character for being aro then they’re the problem. I get she doesn’t want conflict but this community is clearly not friendly to the aro community if they can’t even handle a charcter for being aro, and it sucks because this community is really lgbtq friendly.


You think people think him being aro is the problem? No, it’s some of the people, that just happen to be aro, that don’t like people shipping their representation at something else, but the other ships are completely fine?


I’m aro I don’t tell people to not ship him. I did for a little bit but realized it was stupid and wasting energy cause they were gonna do what they want . If you didn’t understand what I was saying I was putting blame at both sides. It’s not just some people who are aro it’s some of the shippers to, and question do you understand why aro people get mad at people for shipping their representation? It’s because they are on of the least respected parts of the lgbtq community. I’m not saying them getting made at people for shipping is okay I’m just tryna get you to understand why they do it. Also It’s a two way street both sides of the coin have people who get upset about it. Don’t put the blame on one side that’s just incorrect. I put my distain at viv for not confirming it yes, but that’s because the conflict is going to happen at some point. She is going to have to confirm at some point. It’s better to face the storm early so you can get the bs over with. It’s a conflict that will die down.


But I understand.


I’m glad you and I are able to have a civil discussion about this without it going into bickering and arguing


It’s like bro, they’re drawing come to life. I feel like people just bicker for no reason just for the fact.


sometimes yea. I do really understand why my fellow aro’s get upset. We get told “we’re just not trying hard enough” if we come out to people or “we’re just lying” and can very easily loose whole friend groups that are lgbtq because we came out as aro. So when we get representation in anything it’s like a miracle so I think some people get really attached to it just because how little we get represented. From what i’ve seen. Being ace is slightly more accepted than being aro.


I’m glad you explain your side without going crazy like some people on here, I respect you for that.


People are gonna ship whatever character they want with whoever anyway. Canon sexuality or relationship status has never mattered to shippers.


The only ones that care about shit like this are other shippers. So basically they think their ship is better/ more canon, and should be swiftly ignored.


Daily reminder that ace =/= aroace. Asexuals can be in romantic relationships!


with all do respect i think people know this. It’s just the fact he was previously confirmed to be aroace. Viv fell back on this because the community went into uproar. Shippers and non shippers alike. so he is aro ace it just won’t get confirmed to prevent problems with the community.I personally don’t support this approach but to each their own.


A ace?


As long as people respect the fact that what they’re doing is non canon, they can do whatever the fuck they want.


For now


Does that mean I can ship Vaggie with Angel?


Only if it’s a super cute polycule with Charlie. And they cuddle every night.


Man I ship vaggie with me. She's so baaaaaddd




Go for it


We ship enough straight characters in gay relationships who gives a fuck at this point just let people ship what they want


Idk I'm on the ace spectrum and I get really uncomfortable whenever Alastor is in ships because it just feels so out of character.


That's...kind of the point?


Don’t make me point to the sign https://preview.redd.it/49ftrxxgrx5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1365484f1fbd07525ba795903f8a7d9bef4c5cb I would have cropped it into the meme but i can’t remember where the first part is from


It’s from the Simpsons


Thanks! I have a meme to go make now! https://preview.redd.it/aem3w40ciy5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b4b01346de28da509bb06fb306b654f73e9b53a Here we go!


I don't mind the idea of Alastor being in a relationship. It's when they make him horny and/or sexual that I think it's weird. And yes, I know he's Ace, but parts of Fandoms really like making characters the exact opposite of their sexuality; if a character's straight, the Fandom makes them gay. If they're gay, they make them straight. If they're Ace, they're horndogs, etc.


I agree. Shipping is fine, but I always prefer if the characters stay in character. And on the second thing, I think thats just you noticing the ones that differ from the actual character. All kinds of shippers ends up in all kinds of ships.


Idk if this is just a me thing but it feels really off and kinda disrespectful to the creator of the character for not respecting a character’s relationship status. To a certain degree it’s ok, if said characters are known to be looking for someone but hasn’t settled on a specific person, but when said character is already in a clearly permanent and happy relationship, or is happy and want to stay single, I feel like those wishes should be respected


The creator said that the fans should go crazy with shipping, including Alastor. It's not disrespectful to her.


Ah, in that case I take back my previous statement, if the Creator out and out said “go nuts” then the previous statement does not apply


Even if the creator didn't say so, shipping isn't disrespectful.


Yep. There's another comment here that says the same


Ship and let ship.


I can’t believe people care so much. It’s a drawing of a male demonic deer. Who cares who this fictitious character is paired up with?


You'd be surprised how many would place stock in such a thing; raging at people over a fictional character is a lot easier than, say, volunteering at a soup kitchen. Truly, they're quite bothersome.


Chat, this is somewhat fine but charalastor is bad


I love how this and both the comment going against it got downvoted




I mean I guess its okay as long as it isnt like proshipping or toxic on purpose


"Proshipping" just means "shipping anything is fine because it's fictional and not real". Another term is "anti-anti", according to Fanlore: [https://fanlore.org/wiki/Anti-anti](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Anti-anti)


I dunno just speaking my mind


Yeah, there are always fans who seem to not realize shipping is all in good fun, and that typically, the first thing it does is roundly ignore the cannon. You get nonsense arguments against it in every fandom as a result. It's been going on since the days of Kirk and Spock getting shipped together long before the internet even was a thing.


I say as long as it's not problematic or toxic have fun do your thing


Even then, toxic or problematic elements do have a place in fiction. As long as the person making said content isn't glorifying those elements, there is value in fiction that explores problematic or toxic relationships.


Also ace is short for asexual and aro is short for aromantic


From what I've gathered Ace can be in relationships just not intimate ones am I correct?


Not quite. Studies have shown that at least 50% of asexuals self-reported having sex and intimate relationships, despite feeling little-to-no sexual attraction. Your Mileage May Vary.


Huh? So i guess those cases would be the reverse? I don't think Alastor would be part of the fifty percent


I was merely responding to your comment of "asexuals can be in relationships, just not intimate ones" by pointing out that asexuals still engage in intimate relationships.


I agree- ppl can ship who they want!


When the creator themself has said it’s okay, it’s okay


​ https://preview.redd.it/gitcifdtqs5d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f4726975ebd7828b8ac61b3dc4825be8ccbc80f [Original tweet from 2018](https://twitter.com/VivziePop/status/1073699733808410629)