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Go to a different shop and tell them your issue. Likely the first shop isn’t properly locking your wheel in place when putting it on the rack. Find a better place.


I have the same issue with my golf after a wheel alignment. Is this an issue that is major or can it be left?


As long as your tracking on each wheel is in tolerance and straight then yeah. This is just getting on my nerves I’ll be real


Yeah it’s really annoying me too. I don’t want to seem like a pain in the ass and go back to them again


Literally me 🤣


Worried they will think I’m a dick fussing over something minor. But it does really annoy you after some time..and it costed £50 (for 3 wheels, one had a seized camber)


It’s costed me £75 so far from halfords, just getting expensive and eating into my time now


It’s a UK national auto centre I’ve been to. Halfords.


That really doesn’t mean anything. All shops everywhere employ either great techs, or terrible ones. Maybe you’re getting one that does “eh, good enough” work. Or you’ve got some worn steering parts causing it to not stay centered. Getting a second opinion is never a bad thing.


Sure thing I’ll get it done, thanks.


Always have the same issue with my car. I have the alignment place sit me in the car during alignment, and when they want me to put the wheel straight, I turn it slightly to the opposite side that it errors on to compensate. So, if your wheel needs to go right by 0:06 for your car to track straight, turn it left 0:06 during alignment to land at 0:00 tracking.


Make sure they reset the steering angle sensor as well. I’ve seen sensors be off a couple degrees and the system compensates for it by slightly moving the wheel. Not 100% sure that VWs system does this, but I’ve seen it on many brands. Source: used car tech, work on almost all US available brands.


This is correct, VW tech here, resetting the steering angle sensor will almost always fix the wheel slightly off. Should always be done after an alignment l, but some people are lazy and don't always do it.


Can you do this yourself?


Not unless you had a scan tool


I'm picky about alignments when i perform them, I use a level and lock the wheel in place. If I'm not happy with how it drives after, I'll plug in the scan tool, look at measured values for steering angle sensor and adjust the wheel until that reads 0.00 degrees, then perform alignment. Bear in mind, as a flat rate tech, I don't get paid for that level of care. I get paid to get it close enough and send it, and often times get chastised by management for taking this approach. That's probably what you're dealing with.


Hmm maybe so, I’m just honestly so sick of this, been back 3 times. At this point I don’t even want to drive my car anymore, drives you mad


You should also be getting a print out with your before and after adjustment values on it


I saw the screen, deadass their printer wasn’t working 🤣🤣🤣


I know the feeling man, trust me. I've been on both sides. If it's been back 3 times and they can't sort it out, you may have some worn suspension components causing you issues. Front camber is also non adjustable on your car without loosening the subframe and prying back into spec. I'd suggest finding a reputable VW specialist to do a proper inspection. Whatever they find, ask for proof.


Funnily enough I’ve had all 4 shocks done, the alignment done right after it and all 4 wheels are sitting straight. They used their steering angle thing on the rig and showed me its dead centre. I’ve spent so much money on this car recently, mechanically it’s sound just small bits of maintenance I left for one go added up.


Noticing that you're in the UK.  I would think roads are slightly sloped from center to edge for runoff of rain water.  With you driving on the left, you would need to correct slightly to the right to counteract the slope and keep straight.  Maybe this is your issue?   Try and find a flat surface like car park where you can see if it does the same thing. 


Man I am sorry to tell you this but your steering is gay.


I mean it’s June, so it totally checks out


Shop did this to me. Drove a block, took it back 2 times before just asking for a refund. They obviously didn’t know what they were doing. They should fix it or refund you


It’s the droplinks and tie rods. Get your drop links and tie rods done. Drop links also known as anti roll bar links.


Already done them haha, brand new ones done with the shocks


Did they balance the tires?


I've had this issue a few times on our cars. Sometimes the alignment is actually still off, and sometimes setting basic settings for the g85 steering angle sensor clears the issue right up.


Any chance it could be the roads camber? Most roads will have a slight camber to the nearside, so if the car is aligned perfectly straight, you will need to steer slightly towards the center of the road to stop it from drifting. If you're not sure if that's it, trying it out in a nice flat car park would let you know.


The roads I’ve driven on are UK highways, some of the roads are relatively straight but I’ll give that a go - thanks!


Figured as much from the RHD, same here, so I can definitely confirm it happens and is normal. If you overtake, odds are you'll notice you have to hold it in the opposite direction by the same amount too. But yeah, definitely try it out somewhere flat before you spend any money looking into it, it's probably fine. Also make sure tyre pressures are all the same (and correct) too, that'd throw it off even more if not.


Legend, I’ll do this asap. Thank you so much


Found out that UK roads are designed to pull you to the left as it is. My rear camber is out causing a -0.03 steering impact


Dude I have the same exact problem with mine. It happened after I had to replace one of my tires. I haven't had the money for a rotatation or anything so I've just let it be lol


Dude my tires are new 😭😭 don’t scare me


Mine are pretty much new also. It makes long drives super annoying. Even though it's only slightly off, i started noticing on long drives I had to slightly hold my steering wheel to the right. Just barely, but enough where I felt annoyed that I had to hold the wheel so rigidly while going straight. Before I felt like I could just rest my hands on the wheel when going straight. Most mechanics overlook these things. As long as it drives fine and it's not a huge difference, they don't seem to really care lol


I’m in the exact same position, I did a 150 mile round trip yesterday and had to hold it a tad right to keep the car straight, after todays alignment a bit better, but just really annoying that the standard of work in most places is horrible and just done to a level where they meet a quota


Need alignment redone and specify to center steering wheel


Got an alignment at TiresPlus and my steering wheel is slightly to the left, I noticed after a day but I’ll have to pay another $120 to get it fixed so wait.


Mine was a rear camber issue, so my right rear camber bushing keeps seizing as they try to adjust it. They managed to get everything in tolerance and match on each side, with the right rear they compensated a bit of toe. Fixed my steering, but right rear has a slight negative camber now.


That's because steering wheel is on bad side bro.