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Everyone loves cheese and bread and eating junk food all the time. This has nothing to do with him being a man, part of being an adult is managing your own food and health. You can't control if he acts like a child, but why are you acting like his mommy?


This 🙌🏼 I’m sure most of us would love to eat a cake for dinner every night. But as adults we must behave as such and take care of our own health. The fact that he has to get his girlfriend to cook him a decent meal is just sad.


He's absolutely going to be one of those old men who refuses to go to the doctor unless his wife makes the appointment and treats him like a tiny baby. Unfortunately I've dated guys like this and they never grow up. It's a complete libido killer with time.


This is his own fight, you can’t fight it for him. You have already offered your help and have helped several times, if he doesn’t want to help himself then there is no helping him.


there is no such thing as men and women's diet we all eat the same thing, he aint gunna change a single thing unless he wants to you are wasting your time.


Why do you cook for him? He does sound like a child if he can’t even cook a meal for himself. Tell him to slowly cut down on certain foods. Being healthy doesn’t mean cutting out foods entirely. He can still enjoy “unhealthy” foods every now and then, but have one instead of ten lol or make lower cal alternatives. As long as he’s eating in a calorie deficit he will loose weight. Also eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring and eating salads all the time.


I feel like trying to lose weight when I’m not cooking for myself would be really hard. So I’d tell him to start making his dinners honestly


I agree with the other comments about it just being an adult thing you need to do regardless of gender. Prioritizing health is just a thing we have to do. But something that works for me if I really am just needing that greasy cheesy pizza or something is having a big salad or plate of broccoli first then having two slices of pizza instead of 5 and I'm happy. Life is about balance. Can't completely get rid of bread and cheese I would rather be dead lol


The issue isn't his gender, it's (albeit common among men) likely lifelong psychological issues around food groups and potentially a low-level eating disorder. This sort of thing needs some gentle therapy, not a well-meaning girlfriend, to sort out


I think the whole issue is that you’re not dealing with a man, you’re dealing with a child. He’s a grownup. If he wants to lose weight you can certainly support him by including *his* active choices in your joint stuff, eg cooking joint meals with less oil or whatever. But here’s the thing: Nobody has ever made a significant and lasting personal lifestyle change without *making a significant and personal lifestyle change*. If he wants to lose weight, he needs to put the work in. If I were you I would put the onus on him. Let him own his own shit. If he doesn’t engage, you can gently but firmly tell him you that you can’t change enough to change him. When he is ready to match his activity with his goals, you’ll be there.


I’m not sure why everyone is giving relationship advice rather than actual diet advice lol but here are some things you can do if you are in the US as these foods are easily available there. First calculate his TDEE. I’m assuming you’re doing all the food prepping, so this will help you figure out what calorie budget you should aim for his full day of meals to be around and you can plan from there. For burgers and hot dogs you can make a much lower calorie version by swapping out the bread with keto bread (tastes almost the same as regular cheap bread imo, not going to be like artisanal bread though). Use low fat mayo as a condiment along with ketchup and mustard. Use lean ground beef for the hamburger patties and shop around for hotdogs at the store and look at the calories to find a good option for you. If you skip the cheese on the burger you can make a pretty good and filling one for around 350 calories. He should be able to eat 2 of these in a meal and stay under his calorie goal while still being satisfied and full. You can make baked French fries (or air fried if you have one) for much less calories. I also really love carrot fries in the air fryer even as a non-diet food. Absolutely delicious to me and very little calories. Pizza can be challenging because thin crust and less cheese is the way to go for lower calorie but it’s not as filling. There are low calorie pizzas out there if you search online though. Another meal I love is a burrito or wrap made with keto tortillas. The mission low carb ones are really good and super low calorie, so if you make one using lots of meat, low fat sour cream, skimp on the cheese, etc you can make a really low calorie wrap that he can eat more than one of. I also like chicken Caesar salad wraps. For sweets get halo top ice cream. Very low calorie and tastes really good. Yasso bars are also really good and low cal. You can also experiment with frozen yogurt mixed with berries and drizzled with honey. Veryyy good and low calorie but a pain to make. I think they sell something similar in stores though. You can definitely fit some of his junk food into his diet while still having him lose weight, but it’s just gonna have to be less and portion controlled. And he will have to do the work himself too. But losing weight doesn’t have to be all salads and no fun foods so I think making some small switches might help the process. It’s best to make it a group project for you two instead of a diet plan you create for him. You can show him the TDEE results for his age/weight/height and then you two can discuss what foods he wants to keep eating every day and come up with ideas on how to fit them in. That way he’s part of the process and knows what’s going on. Or you can just serve up some keto bread hamburgers and baked fries without telling him it’s any different but long term weight loss requires a personal effort or he’s just going to snack behind your back and whatnot.


I suggest a sugar replacement for food and also drinks if he drinks sodas(coke zero instead of normal). Also switching to oil spray instead of oil. These 2 things alone should have a high impact. For meal preps I suggest [https://www.youtube.com/@TheMealPrepManual/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@TheMealPrepManual/videos) and just going over with him to what he will like. For every pizza/cheesburger there are tons of videos out there with like 70% of normal taste but way healthier so just search "low calorie pizza/cheesburger" etc. If he has a sweet tooth I very much recommend to get ninja creami if you can afford, it's truly a game changer. Lastly go to a walk with him every other day, it will help contribute a lot to losing weight. Good luck!