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Issabella and rotbone. Those 2 are pretty hard to get. I was gonna say maugan ra but idk if the new saim hann mirror campaign made maugan locked from req pull pool until you unlock it from the campaign or not.


I got my kid to do my recent 10 pull and he got Issabella and he was confused why I was so excited. The kid has the luck of the Irish for sure. Got Sarquael too, but you do not see him mentioned very often.


I would be over the moon if I pulled Izzy.


Sarquael is pretty good in TA. Overwatch, returns fire when attacked (that one catches people out), and his active is great for crowd control, or hitting that pesky Sho'Syl hiding behind his friends.


I paid for the pathway for asmidai so I was thinking that ability might be handy too thanks for that


Apparently Maugan is in the pool but I'll have to check


Still in the pool


I started tacticus and then rerolled recently to do it better buying izzy and got rotbone and abbadon in early pulls. Having the healers for imperial and chaos teams has made my progress much easier.


I got Maugan Ra without having unlocked the Saim-hann Mirror, so he's still in the pool.


Is Bella even in the pool before her deal comes to the shop?


She and yarrick can only be in the scripted 10 pull if their offers were purchased or have expired already.


Yeah that's what I though. So your 'epic/legendary' buff would be expired at that point anyway. Ie, don't look for Isabella if you're rerolling, as she's not an option :)


I got yarrik in a 10 pull yesterday and it was a normal 10 pull


I didn't say they can't be in normal 10 pulls. I said for the *scripted* 10 pull at the beginning of the game (where the first 9 drops are the same for everyone), Yarrick and Isabella are only possible in the 10th slot if their new player offers have expired or have been purchased.


Re'vas shitcans every mode apart from campaign.


Calgar is #1. Then Maugan Ra. While he’s no Ragnar, Ra is still top tier against Screamer and Szarekh if you’re taking a multi hit team. Revas is probably the next best (she only features in a top 5 spot against Szarekh these days).  There’s no need to pull Isabella, if you skip the Yarrick offer you can wait a day and the game will give you an offer to buy Isabella. If that’s the only time you spend money in this game it’ll be worth it.


You can't pull Calgar until you've beaten indomitus mirror, sadly


rho, tan, actus go hard throw in a sho and you have the strongest meta team by a mile


This dude. I've got them all gold 1 to 3 and all going to atleast D1, and d3 but much slower after D1. They are the meta. Rho needs full abilities tho, they all sort of do to be "the meta" but rho hitting with every ranged attack, and 3 shosyl drones and 4 tan gida bois it's absolutely wild. Go watch some videos, they are the GR meta


lol love all the downvotes but people really dont understand a full Rho team does 1mil damage compared to the next best teams barely breaking 600k but hey just means less competition at the top.