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Saw it last night. Had planned to talk to you guys but ended up eating way too many edibles before the movie and by the end had to get out of the public space. I just want to say that seeing you in person, you are very tall Sam. I knew that, but it was still very impressive. Your mom seemed proud of that.


Sorry you got too high!


All I can hear is "Doug! We're too high, we can't help you!"


I was thinking you have nothing to apologize for, but maybe seeing The Civil War on Drugs on release at 10 years old warped my delicate brain and caused me to get too high. Apology accepted.


Sam! We're too high! We can't meet you! SAM WE'RE TOO HIGH


I should've walked up and asked "am I not being cool right now?"


All I gotta say is congrats! I wish I didn't live in Ohio lmao so I could see it


Ditto! I'm in the Southeast, loving the chatter; congratulations to ALL the beautiful boys 🥰


Same here lol


For someone who couldn’t make the screening, how can we watch it?


Still trying to figure that out. Hopefully we get interest in distribution. Even though people refer to it as released, it’s not released in the sense that “Furiosa” is released. Make sense?


Hows that looking, now that the festival is wrapping up? Are you allowed to say? Any nibbles from anyone for distribution?


Caught the first screening, absolutely loved it and thanks to you Timmy and Darren for hanging around after. Hope you guys enjoyed your time in NY. Just wanted to say congratulations. Also loved your appearance in that almost Friday sketch… nothing will ever replace WKUK but those guys are the closest thing to scratching the itch for me


one of the few online content creators that fully understands what’s funny, perfect timing, and amazing production


Sam's cameo in an Almost Friday sketch got me watching the rest of their stuff and I'm SO INTO them now. I can't believe with the production quality and acting chops they have they're not MASSIVE by now.


1. How are all the boys feeling now, post-release? I imagine plenty of bittersweet emotions in the air. 2. I know this is on record as being the last WKUK project, considering the circumstances, but are there any plans to continue the WKUK brand in some capacity? It would be cool to see it used to encourage a new generation of sketch comedy, Channel 101 style. 3. Congratulations guys!


#2 is an awesome idea. My 11-year-old got into sketch comedy because of WKUK (Space Potatoes, Happier With Your Mouth Open, etc. We're not at Pussy Salad yet). He's also gotten really into animation over the years. By the time he's an adult he's going to be looking for platforms to publish his stuff and this would be right up his alley.


Anyone seeing it for the first time tonight, I am absolutely envious that you get to experience it for the first time. And anyone still on the fence, you’ll definitely regret not going.


I’m moderating the qa!!! Can’t wait to chat, literally my favorite film this year


Oh my god I’m reading this and realizing you thought you weren’t meant to come when you are 100% on my schedule as coming for the q&a Filmmakers come to bbpd screenings all the time, you were misinformed! bummed :( But you guys were actually the last feature screening of the festival!!! So that’s really cool (And if you need someone to moderate a qa about Mars you know where to find me)


What a dream job you have


Congrats guys! It was awesome seeing it last night.


I’m so sorry for ever calling you Sam the MAAM. You absolutely are Sam the MAN. And I’m actually not being an ass here.


gotta ask, did you cry during any of the screenings? did any of the crew cry? also been wondering, what's the most common reference that a fan has made when talking with you?


I saw it Saturday and was blown away. The indie style of the animation definitely adds to the comedy. Definitely peak Whitest Kids. It also made me pretty introspective, definitely deeper than what we’re used to. Hope you guys get a sweet distribution deal soon so I can see it again.


Are creators not allowed at the popular demand screening?


I was told it’s discouraged because it’s for people who couldn’t get into sold out showings


Congratulations for making it. When will it be available outside of the US? I really want to see it but I'm in Europe.


Do we get to see Uranus in this film?


We missed you at the last showing!


I can't wait until it wins its Oscar