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And that day he learned about pressure vessels, and why you don’t mess with them.


Nothing puts the fear of bodily harm into me like pressure, I work with something that generates 5-digit PSI 


I used to work with 11,000 psig cryogenic Hydrogen in sampling manifolds the size of a suitcase with temporary connections. Scariest part of my career by far, and I've been in a steel foundry with a gas leak. Funniest example of how tense everyone was; we were at a CNG station where when they pull the nozzle off, the oring releases pressure and it makes a pop sound. About a dozen of us were watching this 11,000 psig Hydrogen sampling process on the other side of the station when the CNG pop happened, and we all jumped out of our skin at the same time.


Hah you reminded me of something. I was testing something in the workshop to like 30k or there about. I'm standing at the test rig which is outside the sample chamber and as the pressure gets to stabilisation pressure a guy snuck up on me and smacked his shifters off the rig. I almost died. Everyone around was aware and were rolling about. My feet left the floor. Literally. But I seen the funny side haha


I once walked outside my house to get dinner and some kids threw a big firecracker out the car as they drove by. I somehow jumped or rather hurdled so high my feet came up to my shoulders and I ran inside. Thought someone shot a gun at me. My brother and his bitch ex-wife laughed their asses off.


If you are in a country with gun laws like America... I honestly don't blame you. It wouldn't happen in Scotland so would have to be something else as no one carries guns here


I live in Norway, with much stricter gun laws than the US (but still a very high guns per capita number, because of hunters and the home guard etc) and shit like this would definitely scare the bejeezus out of me as well. Loud unexpected noises require a whole different level of equanimity.


Yes I'm in America. But I've never lived in a bad neighborhood for that to even be on my mind. It was legit just fear response from being taken completely by surprise.


Fair enough. I used to work on rigs and boats. Things go bang and clank randomly all the time when you aren't in the offending work area. You get used to it but... You are never fully off guard either. Ive noticed lately that things catch me now as it has been so long since I was on one


Nah, we’re just conditioned in America man, and we don’t even realize it. There’s plenty of videos that came out this last year by international folks talking about Americans visiting them and hearing loud noises and thinking it was a shooting. This is what we’ve been taught to accept is normal. Thanks, lobbyists 🫡


For sure, conditioned is the right word. This did happen like 15 years ago, but things haven't changed much on that front, besides probably getting worse (or covered more in media).


Aye. Us Celts stab people more often than shoot.


Shifters off the rig?


Shifting spanners. He hit them off the testing rig which was pipework inside an aluminium box. It was mainly air pipework and gauges going to the pump inside the test chamber if I remember correctly so it made a hell of a bang when he hit the rig which I was operating! Haha


For the Americans, spanners are what we call wrenches, because we use them to wrench things and apparently the (w)rest of the Anglophone world uses them to span things, whatever that means.


I'd have slapped the f outta that guy for bringing such fear into me. And then apologized.


That sounds fucking awful. I remember doing some dodgy medical transfers in the Caribbean and Africa with horrendously unregulated oxygen cylinders and.. fuck me. Not good.


If it's any consolation, you know that you won't hear the bang that kills you


So as I understand it (or perhaps misunderstand jt...), psi is absolute pressure, and psig is relative pressure which subtracts atmospheric pressure? So let's say you have a box that is a vacuum, and inside thaf box you have a bottle that you've filled to 20 psi. If you then pump the box full of air to a pressure of 10 psi, does that mean the bottle now would read 10 psig? And likewise, if you pumped the box up to 15 psi, would it now be 5 psig in that bottle? Edit: cleared up some really weird and random typos.


Psig is gauge pressure, or positive pressure in a vessel, so at atmospheric pressure the gauge reads 0. 10,000 psig is a 10,000 psi above atmospheric pressure


My work has a natural gas car. Every time we use it and fill it I'm terrified. It is so disconcerting


Are they that dangerous?


Not at all, just terrifying when you're not used to the sounds they make when filling up


No more than gasoline cars. They use composite-overwrapped pressure vessels that get inspections and are replaced at regular intervals. They are well suited for CNG. I've worked with CNG vehicles for years and I've never seen a tank failure. The rest of the fuel system can be annoying, but the tanks are extremely safe.


I'm a bit skittish each time I have to pump my bike's tires above 100psi


let the intrusive thoughts win: hit the valve with a sledge hammer!


That's stupid, who would do that...but what would happen?


I mean.. the button says "Don't press", but buttons can't write or read.


only one way to find out


I used to work on oilfield service rigs. You get pretty comfortable around a lot of dangerous stuff out there, but you *do not* fuck around with pressure


Don't mess with electricity or hydraulics.


Or spring tension


Let's generalize. Don't mess with anything that has potential to rapidly release energy.


Like wolverines


You're not wrong.


Just to give some perspective for those who may not fully understand why it is so scary: How do you find the fuel leak on a 40k psi fuel rail? Slide a piece of cardboard behind it and look where it's got a new clean cut. Consequences for accidentally putting a hand or finger in front of the jet? Guaranteed losing fingers, most likely your hand, quite probably your arm, and if you don't make it to the hospital in 20 min, you're probably dead. Everyone knows about the pressure explosions, and pressure cuts are also well known, but what everyone forgets is what pressure pushes into you. Pretty much any fluid under pressure other than water is toxic. So not only will it cut you but fills you with a surprisingly large amount of it, basically mainline under pressure directly into your body. In deisel school, they showed us some medical cases in class showing a few people who put their hands in front of pressure jets. By 20 min, their limbs were balloon caricatures


Ah, high pressure injection injuries. I get warned about them at work because we use hydraulic cutting equipment with oil at 720 bar (roughly 10k psi) 


Friend of mine from our hacker space was watching a model steam engine being pressure tested. He asked what pressure they tested them to and the guy told him. He then did some back of the envelope calculations and said "so if that ruptures now it's like 2 hand grenades going off, right?" and the test guy said "Yep, that sounds about right" and my friend slowly backed away towards the door.


That is unit dependent 😉 Yeah the autoclave stuff that goes to 100k is pretty chunky. I used to test some of it and when you get a leak you can't see it. I wasn't particularly keen on accumulation vessels and removing parts from a live system either. Pump needs new seals but job is ongoing... 25k in the system... 🤔😂 Got to hope the valves work 😂


how much pressure can a butthole hold?


Based on the research I did with my ex, quite a bit!


I'm just picturing someone with a bike pump just going to town. "*Checks pressure* that's a fair bit alright"


if **PLASTIC** of all things can't contain the pressure, it's *probably lethal by that point*.


It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye


Then it’s a game of find the eye


lol Your comment reminded me of this show I used to watch as a kid back in the late 80s on WWOR TV Channel 9. (NJ/NYC/CT area) It was called Steampipe Alley hosted by a very young comedian Mario Cantone. He had a game segment called “Eye In The Pie” where he would dress up as Sammy Davis Jr with an eye patch. The game consisted of a couple of kid contestants that had to find Sammy’s eye hidden in the pie while Mario Cantone did impersonations of Sammy Davis Jr. Very politically incorrect by today’s standards, but I loved it! lol


Wow! I could only find the [holiday version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFH5Ljgmr2Y), but you weren't wrong. That's some quality entertainment.


Who greenlit this lol


It's all fun and games until someone wins the coveted Darwin Award.


It's a very painful lesson. Let's hope he learned from it and becomes a scientist one day.


Tbf, I think most adults here wouldn't be able to resist popping that if given the chance


Yeah but most of us would know you gotta chuck it from a roof or fuckin send er like a hammer toss 


The explosion was so strong it set off a car alarm.


a dog did the same in a similar video, was chasing the keg and it fuckin exploded, setting off car alarms. dog went stiff but there was a follow up video showing he was alright afterwards.


[this](https://youtube.com/shorts/mZTeLS8BfVc?si=kKtr0xQzehtutcxN) is the video of the dog. Couldn't find the follow up unless [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/WzuYWHLgSk8?si=LTdzf7aF9e05kcve) is it. Looks like a different dog though based on the missing white patch on the head


The "dog skipped death and went straight into taxidermy" comment blew my sides farther than the keg.


Dog's fine, here's the owners IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvSxE12tYeB/


Well, it appears so. All is well then


Yeah, not the same dog.


scared the spots right off of him!


They grew legs and ran away.


Of course it was a jack russell terrier.


I clicked on the link without context and laughed so hard thinking it was some kind of surreal meme or something. I really hope that dog is okay though.


Definitely different dog. Considering its head was basically in contact with the “keg” (that’s a big fucking bottle not a metal keg) it likely took way more damage to its little dome than that kid did to his face from a couple of feet away. At the very least it went into fencing response, which is pretty severe head trauma.


The kid had nearly the entire bottle propelled into his face. He was falling over out cold when the video cuts. For the dog the bottle flew a different direction. Looks to be just a shock trauma response.


I don't know much about pressure, but I bet the dogs brain got a heathy dose of shockwave being that close. I actually do wonder if the dog died as that kind of pressure too close to the head can easily kill.


I don't know much about pressure either, but its like when your mom sits down in her favorite chair and every building on the entire block collapses. Pressure really is crazy and that dog is definitely dead


[Well, it isn't.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CvSxE12tYeB/) It was just stunned. And that's another crazy thing about pressure, you really can't predict what it will do to you.


Someone linked the owners account above. Dog is fine.


Lol that explosion looks like it's from a videogame with the keg completely disappearing.


And the little dummy still plays with kegs too, albeit with the pressure let out of them.


Just like the founding fathers intended


I've never seen a plastic keg before.


Seems like a bad idea after seeing these videos.


Not a bad idea actually since plastic has a lower mass than metal. If that was a metal fitting that kid would be gone. The real issue is the keg left lying in the open under huge amounts of pressure 'seeming' without a pressure release valve. Whoever left that there essentially made an IED and should be prosecuted just as such.


If it were metal it wouldn't have ruptured is the point.


Single use disposable kegs are dumbb




Even modern propane gas tanks (of the composite variety) use plastic these days. Granted, they're also reinforced with a layer of fiberglass, but they're also under a lot more pressure than a beer keg is.


It's not just shitty russian plastic kegs. Plastic Kegs America kegs have been exploding for ages. One killed a guy at redhook. The adoptive resistance is because of very real concerns and a history of shit plastic kegs as well as the cost from single fill kegs. Yeah, stainless is more expensive... But I'm still filling 10+ year old kegs and the maintenance is changing cheap gaskets every 3-4 years and cents worth of chemical cleaners between fills. Hard to compete. Looking up prices, the break even point is between 5 and 6 fills. I'll do that three times over in the first year. Meanwhile, there haven't been any reports of stainless kegs exploding. When they fail, they fail at the gaskets, or some have a carved ring that pops. Unlike plastic kegs that turn into pipe bombs.


We used these single use kegs for one-way distribution, like when a keg was sent overseas for an event or competition. Sometimes they’re also used for wild ales with live yeast/microbes to avoid cross-contamination. This is in America, I hear they’re used more generally outside the US


On May 22, 2024, in Tomsk, Russia, a 10-year-old schoolboy sustained severe injuries when a beer keg exploded beside him. The incident unfolded in the courtyard of a residence on Kosarev Street, where security footage captured the child approaching and picking up the keg before swinging it. Upon striking the keg against the ground, it detonated, causing significant harm to the boy. He was rushed to the hospital where medical professionals diagnosed him with an open head injury, along with lacerations and a fracture of the upper jaw.


Where is this snippet from?


It’s from this thread on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/U2Ku2lH1K1


I can’t believe I fell for this lmaoooooooo


Yeah i saw that thread earlier too. They locked the comments quick lol


>when a beer keg exploded beside him Gotta love the passive voice.


That's not passive voice.


At least he didn't lose an eye


When I was a kid, we would sometimes find calcium carbide rocks lying around, thrown away by a welder. We would collect it, put it in a plastic bottle and add some water. That would cause a reaction as a result of which aticylene gas would be produced. If there was still enough carbide, the pressure will rise in the bottle and it would explode. But sometimes it was too depleted, so you had to smash it to the pavement to help it a little. I wonder if these kids were doing something like that.


A keg killed someone like this at red hook brewery some years ago


I remember this happening. I was working at a brewery at that time and it shook us all for weeks. Never even crossed my mind as a possibility until that happened.


Happened in Copenhagen 2 years ago as well. RIP G


He'll never approach a bottle of kombucha now.


Youngest and fastest to blackout from a keg tap.


I Feel bad for the kid but..... he has no idea what he found and just decides "Hey I'll fuck with it! I'll try and break it! Smash it!" He fucked around,he found out,he learned a valuable lesson.


Shoulda done an underhand throw instead of overhand smash. Rookie mistake lil hooligan. He'll learn.


This is why in America we give kids guns for their own safety. He would be fine if he just shot it from a distance.


Doubt an underhand would break the keg


Throw it high and away. Hopefully the landing will be enough impact


Best plan is to overhand throw it off of something tall if we really trying to break this keg safely as a kid


This guy throws.


Haven't you ever been a ten year old hanging out with friends? Their dumbness all feeds on each other and gets multiplied.


And thankfully... There is zero video evidence of my youthful shenanigans. 😎


I know? Does nobody remember being a stupid fucking kid? There’s a comment a little further down saying how ‘satisfying’ this video is. Lol. Hey, as a dipshit kid I might have thrown around a big bottle of shit I found on the ground, but at least I knew go leave a space after a comma. Fucking Redditors.


I mean people/adults do just as dumb of shit all the time. At my previous workplace, we had an acid cleaning bath for a metal parts cleaning process. Now it wasn't a very strong inorganic acid like hydrochloric or nitric or anything, but a dilute organic acid - it was the same acid that's predominantly found in wine and at the same concentration. I don't know if it's because one of the previous engineers said that about the acid being found in wine, but the production staff that had to mix the acid from powder with water, rather than use the pH meter or paper that my department supplied them to verify the acid mix was the right concentration, they decided to test the strength of the acid via a taste test (i.e. judging that the acid bath was the right "sourness"). I mean for the concentration we were using, it wasn't going to hurt them from a chemical burn perspective. But while the acid is found in wine, we sourced the powdered form from an industrial supplier and it was not a food-grade chemical. Who knows what else this powder might have come into contact with, because we sourced other acids from the same supplier that came boxed together (and one of them destroys the kidneys if consumed even in small quantities).


Probably thought it was just a normal container, and the worst that could happen is splinters or shards. It's easy to analyze something when you're watching a video online and already know the result. And it's just a kid. Implying a kid getting brain damage is a “valuable lesson” doesn't sound like you feel bad for him.


I found a glass beer bottle in the woods as a youth, and tossed a rock at it from a good 5 feet away. It also must have been under pressure, because it exploded so violently from one rock that a shard gashed my leg.  Kids are ignorant and not thinking about perils beyond the ones we are familiar with




Fuck! Dude got smited


Anger not the beer gods!!


I keep seeing this referred to as a "keg", and even another video of the same vessel. Is this a regional thing? I've only ever seen metal kegs


I wanted to ask this too. That looks like a really large/wide plastic soda bottle. A keg is usually all metal, like a barrel. Edit: Oh.. I looked it up. Its called a [Petainer](https://www.czechminibreweries.com/production/brewery-components/preparing-beer-for-sale/filling-lines-petainers/)


Now my question: How stupid is this kid? Did he know it would likely explode, and just throw some plastic bottle on the ground (in his mind)?


Plastic beer kegs are popular in Europe now, as they weigh nothing when empty compared to metal ones. Makes them much easier to change and to lift back out of the cellars of pubs. For stuff like ales that aren't particularly carbonated they work just fine.


They're fine for carbonated beers, too. I have sold plenty of lagers out of a keykeg with no issues at all.




Someone didn’t watch the dog video


This is like that video with the dog but worse


probably saved is life from a future death


Pretty sure we’re all fucked when it comes to future death


I gotta go ahead and imagine that that didn’t feel particularly good


We used dry ice at a factory in qld and we used to put it in a coke bottle with water and throw it in a wheelie bin and it would blow up. Except one day it didn't. It blew up hours later when we had forgotten and wheeled the bin out to tip it un a skip.


lmao i did this with a sprayer bottle when I was a kid so i can not judge. I kept pumping that shit up until it exploded. I am lucky i didn't get hurt as often as i probably deserved LOL


It's the way she goes


What kind of beer keg is this? I've only ever seen big round metal ones...


I worked years is a restaurant. You have systems with the usual metal ones, which worked here with another pressure source to get beer from the bar, and the other ones with the plastic kegs. Usually that system just work with inbuild pressure mechanism and cooling on the way to the bar. Problem always is summer: since those plastic ones never needed to be cooled, the pressure in them can be quite high. If you switch them, and miss a bit with the new one... Well, hope you have a 2nd pair of clothes. They didn't explode, but you get an involuntary beer shower


That's such a kid response that I can't particularly blame him


Say it with me.... Kids are fucking stupid.


so what did you learnnnn


That irresponsible adults cause harm to naive children.


I don't know why that was so satisfying


you guys are fucked in the head


A kid gets fucked up and your saying it was satisfying? Are you okay, mate?


Lil bro dropped like he was on liveleak


It's honestly sad how little empathy humans have these days.


*Watches child suffer life changing injuries* “Wow. That was soooo satisfying ☺️” lol


Go see a therapist dude wtf.


My wife wants to know "WTF is wrong with you?"


Tell her the internet is full of psychopaths like this, keep safe.


the hat flying off was pretty sweet


Thanks for the abrupt cut to the horrible image


Damn, that sucks. Hope he didn't lose his vision over this but that doesn't look good.


That’s a growler at best. Kegs are metal and carbonated. This is pressure from fermentation.


Vessels wins. Flawless victory.


Anyone got alternate link after this post was removed?


This got removed? This site is going to shit.


It's funny how people are shitting on the kid instead of blaming the asshat who left a fermented keg lying around.


Well, Russian news outlets were more generous about details - the kid pulled it from personal trash container site (don't know how to explain, but every business in Russia have to have their own trash containers, which would be placed according to city planning, so business owners don't decide where trash containers are pkaced), he also played with the bottle for 10 minutes or so, before it popped. Anyway, mother of the kid is going to sue the beer shop.


Nosy plastic kegs tend to contain pasteurised beers, so second ferm is unlikely. The keg will, however, be pressurised as we pump gas into the kegs to get the beer out.


Sometimes I wonder how we even made it this far as a species


you'll shoot your eye out kid


Reminds me of that one dog


Bet he won't do that again...


The beer was angry that day, my friends...


fucking sad. this head trauma will haunt him for his whole life.


Am an adult , would of maybe done this, if I had not seen this. :D


If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough


If you're going to be dumb, you gotta be tough


FAFO Welcome to life's fun little lessons, kids!




The carboy hurt a car and a boy.


As soon as he picked it up I knew someone was getting hurt.


They learned early in life that alcohol can be dangerous


Learned that all important childhood experience of Fuck Around and Find Out


Ummm play stupid games , win stupid prize ?


Fuckin idiot...


Ma boy learned a hell of a lesson, good for him.


Camera guy* yeah let just keep filming and don't say anything.*


The bottle claims another victim


"Oh cool! A thing! I'm gonna destroy it!" Beer keg: Are.you sure about that?!


That’ll learn him


He done got whopped in da eye! Seriously though that keg had a wicked left hook.


In Soviet Russia beer smashes you


The kid in the orange coat has ice in his veins. Same pose the entire time, 0 reaction.


hey, it was my turn to post this! ☹️


achievement unlocked: pleasant childhood memories


U know what its good he might have learn a thing from that


He must hate beer for the rest of his life.


Oh look the millionth post of this video.


Whiskey from then on.


Lucky, boy is alive


Don't fuck with pressure vessels. EVER!


> kids stole a beer keg FTFY


I laughed Poor kid tho


That did some damage. I hope he hasn't lost his sight or got brain damage from it.


lol guess he won't get conscripted later or he'll be promoted for early life experience in explosives


Doo doo doo doodoo doo doo, Doo doo doo doodoo doo doo, POP!


I had no sound on while watching this video, yet I definitely heard a thud when it broke and hit him.




damn rip in peace kid


BOOM! ... Headshot!


OMG I’ve seen a video of a dog chasing a keg like this a land explodes exactly the same way! Poor doggie.


I won't lie, I laughed at that