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You’re right


Looks younger as he's tided up his beard


I remember when he came back with the braids in his hair and beard and everyone would chant “You look stupid” 🤣


bit of stretch there bud


Sheamus is mah faaaavorite


Does he? He just looks more filled out through his face. I personally don’t equate that to “health”.


Being overweight fills out your face and makes you look less wrinkly. His face looks great but his body looks closer to Rikishi than Cena now.


Whalemus is a funny joke name ngl


No he doesn’t


The guys in his 40s. Fatter is safer than super lean at that point for a pro wrestler. Cutting can lead to serious health problems as you get older so him just staying at a bulking weight is not a bad decision at all.


Well that’s the thing, cutting will have you looking a little more aged, I’m finding it myself on my current cut, a little fat in the face actually keeps you looking a little more youthful


Is it possible he was cutting weight and stopped?


Must be the beard


Looks like he really took some good time off with his injury. Glad he is back in the swing of things.


Burger after burger after burger buried him


Got to meet him a couple of years back in Dublin, his physique is truly impressive


He's a vampire. Skin like that, you know he doesn't tan. Probably listens to celtic goth fusion.


What shaving does to a MFer


I want Drew and Sheamus's feud basically Drew roasting Sheamus with a fat joke every week like Will would roast Uncle Phil.


He's still in tremendous shape for his age.


Someone quit drinking


That's a fine looking fella.


Too many pies too many pies


good skin routine


Sheamus ROCKS! He's about my age, and most of us couldn't even dream of being in that good of shape!


10 years younger? Is he Benjamin Button?!


Sheamus body figure is way better then 100% of people calling him fat.


Shaving those mutton chops was the best idea for Sheamus. The thinner beard is a big improvement


Sheamus was always someone so careful about his physique, that’s why his weight gain it’s not a real problem: it’s obvious that he’ll work in the gym like crazy. I just hope he is okay physically and mentally


I don’t really care about the weigh. I just want the mutton chops. They look so much better than his current facial hair.


I honestly think it's so sad that he had to address people mentioning his weight online. He is still in better shape than probably 99% of the people who are criticizing him. It's disgusting that instead of congratulating him on returning after an injury and telling him we're glad he's back, that people are insulting him. Smh, sometimes wrestling fans are the worst.


are you a bot


Yep I'm a bot how did you know 🤫 ??


Bro was going nonstop ever since he debuted. He de deserves reprieve from having to look fit. I mean we had Brusn who was also kinda big but also strong when made his debut, Bray Wyatt (,God rest his souls) wasn't exactly skinny either but he could still go in the ring. Hell we've had Mark, Ma ke/Viscera, and Big Show. So for ppl too complain for a wrestler "looks too fat" is bullshit


he was lean before, being lean makes you look haggard.


He said he got an early call and obviously he wasn’t going to turn it down. He’s already lost some weight and will continue to do so the man is a freak of nature and incredible athlete for his age.


I liked the thicker chops, but he still looks great for his age


He is also 46 years old...give the man a break.


It's obvious that he was bulking and was brought back early


Yeah, all the comments kind of make it obvious that most wrestling fans don't really understand the work that goes into a body like that. Once you get that big, you really can't just keep gaining muscle without going on bulk/cut cycles. If you were a wrestler trying to stay big, you'd be bulking when they told you that you were off for a while and then cutting as the day of return approaches....then you get called up early and you're not as lean as you would've been otherwise. This isn't "he got fat in his downtime", this is how bodybuilding works.


I wish I could look like him, not even there at age 31. I'm proud of how I look now. Everyone has different ages and circumstances. But I'm not gonna lie, I would absolutely to look shredded and jacked like Sheamus at any age. I will never make fun of him, dudes been on top of his game for 15 plus years at his profession.


Shamus is fuckin awesome, I almost guarantee all these Shamus shamers could have their asses kicked by him on his worst day.


I mean THEY keep bringing it up so it’s not like they don’t want people to talk about it.


I’m just saying, I’d like to be that out of shape.


The thing is he still has definition in his arms and his abs. He’s still in shape and looks imposing


He still looks good,stop bodyshaming him folks




I don't think he looks that much younger but he still looks great and I'm glad he's back.


He still looks amazing ❤️ I made him laugh once in a parking lot.


sheamus is one of the best wrestlers of the modern era. legend. that being said, i don’t see how he looks younger. in my opinion he looks older.


I mean he can lose weight, people can't lose stupid ;)


4 time world champion ,5 time tag team champion , 3 time is champion, royal rumble, mitb and king of the ring winner, beautiful wife , great YouTube channel. Most people would dream having such a career. Can see him getting inserted in a fatal four way with Sami Zayn , gable , bb reid to win his first intercontinental title at clash at the castle


I mean you can look at Connor McGregor interview where he praised sheamus and knowing Connor he doesn't praise people easily so...


Doesn’t look younger


At least he can still go.


Honestly, some men are just built to look better bigger


Dude's just shaving his beard properly. He doesn't look younger for it though.


Perioood like why ya body shaming Sheamus 😭


It was crazy how much chubb he lost in one week after the first show Lol


Sheamus looks like my Irish uncle who gets drunk and calls me a yank.


People are insane man, he looks fantastic.


brainfried zoomers


Yeah I don't get the body shame. He has less fat % than the people calling him out.


People are blind to real life and expect everyone to be a shredded monster even after coming back from a possibly career ending back injury. It is a stain left by he who shall not be named's love for big meaty men.


Banger after banger after banger after banger!


Personally, no he doesnt. He looks older in some of those photos, but he still looks great. There’s no reason to attack him for his weight because I expect a jacked Sheamus any time soon.


yeah idk what OP sees but he looks older not younger


Agreed. He looks rested but not younger.


He looks like he shaved his beard different, and he is sportings a style more similar to his og look. That’s it.


Black don't crack


They all gain weight when rehabbing an injury becuz they can’t do so much cardio. HHH and stone cold was the same when they returned but quickly lost the weight


It’s called plastic surgery my friend. He just came back from an extended break. Not that hard to figure out.


definitely possible, funny that you are being down voted for it lmao


Sheamus aged like fine wine bro


Kinda funny cos probably 99% of the people making fun of him are fatter than he is


I prefer the fuller beard


All love for sheamus!


The brawling brute with his fist taped up is a better gimmick for him. But Shamus is still awesome regardless


WTF?! I wish I had that physique. People dumb as fuck.


I still can't believe that this much has been made of his minimal weight gain. He's a man in his mid-40s who had surgery, then came back with slightly less definition. That's hardly worthy of so much focus. I hope he stays healthy, and he has a memorable last run. Enjoy him while you have him, folks.


Extra weight helps fill in areas and smooth things over


People online can't seem to differentiate the out of shape standards for an athlete to an ordinary person. Even with that said, Sheamus is still in top condition than your average joe.


This is why I can’t get people thinking they can comment on his weight 😂 like they’re either dumb, stupid, or full getting worked


Exactly. Lol at an NFL lineman. Now tell him he's out of shape.


🍔➡️🍔➡️🍔 😂 nah he’s a good dude though


No he doesnt


He looks like brawler🤷🏿‍♂️


I'd kill to be in the shape that he's in. Everyone calling him fat is 100% in worse shape than he is in...lol. Sheamus is a good dude and I actually think it's great that he's been having fun with this whole fat thing. He's always been a great performer and I am glad he's back and I hope he has a good run.


The funny thing is, he's not even fat. He's just not in typical "Sheamus" shape due to the injury and being in his 40s. In a few weeks, he'll start to look more like he usually does. The "burger after burger" line was funny, though, lol


I wanna see him tearfully pick up a shillelagh and have him shout, “Yes! I’m still worthy!”


Which one is supposed to look younger?


He is looking proper Irish. The Whiskey does it.


After burger after burger after burger Yeah you’re right though. Whiskey will do that


I legit don't know which image is the one where he's supposed to look 10 years younger.


He’s not even fat. People on Reddit are fat. Dude is in better shape then 99% of folks


I know. Fat for me is like Otis, Ivar and Bronson Reed. Even Solo.


Solo isn't in that category with those guys at all


He’s not in shape.


He's in pretty decent shape for someone that's 46 and has been battling spinal stenosis since 2019 and most recently had a shoulder injury. Body shaming has no validity anywhere, unless someone refuses to get in shape and in case we know that isn't the narrative. Even then body shaming is kind of shitty.


I can just imagine how you look. You are either obese or super skinny. Its always those type of dudes tha comment the most




He is in better shape than 99% of people saying he is fat


Dudes in good shape. Maybe not up to par with what he once was, but coming off a injury at 46 yrs old, yeah he's in good shape


Neither are you lol


He got the shape of those old school ufc. There tons of muscle under that flab fella


Fat, which he isn't, has nothing to do with being "in shape". I know fat guys from wrestling and BJJ that could out work me, and most folks in the gym, when I was training with pro fighters. It's okay to not be totally versed on athletic things, though. This is a pro wrestling sub, after all....


Man looks legit strong now. That layer of body fat over those ridiculous muscles he's got is the kinda thing that legit fighters and powerlifters and strongmen have. He looked like he could lift a truck before, now he looks like he could lift mountains


Says the fat guy 🤣🤣🤣


Better shape than you I bet


Then you’d lose that bet.


Post a pic so we can all see how you're in better shape than Sheamus. Honestly I'm surprised you haven't already to make us eat our words.


I would, but I can only post links. Proof sent. Now please feel free to eat crow.


Dude your entire comment history is Yu-Gi-Oh, video games and wrestling and tests line a 35 year old virgin. STFU until you prove anything you fat neckbeard


I have hobbies…what a crime against humanity.


Why you jerkin yourself off?


Nah, youd never have the balls to actually prove it.


I already won


He is a professional athlete, he is in better shape than literally 99% of the population of the world.


What is your definition of “in-shape”?


The eye test will tell you.


you are a brainfried/ pornfried zoomer


So you’re blind then?


Like he said, he can lose the weight. Something the majority of people calling him fat in the first place can’t do because that’d require them to leave their mother’s basement and touch grass.


Until he loses the weight, those people are valid in their criticisms.


Except not really, because I can almost guarantee most of those people are not in their mid 40’s and coming off an injury that’s had them laid off for 8 months. And no, spraining their wrists while wacking off to anime porn and or straining to get the last Cheeto out of the bag isn’t an injury.


😂 100% agree I love this.


lol thank you.


Post yourself :)


People who see that as 'fat' are delusional.


He’s not even fat though? Put on some weight sure hardly looks unhealthy


Ehh I personally think he looks noticeably older, but not in a bad way. Like he said, he got called back to WWE before he was able to cut down after his bulk. Give it a month and he’ll be ripped. But even so, he looks fine now. People are just stupid lol


He got his baby fat back! 👶🏻


If gaining weight makes me be in as good of shape as Sheamus I'll start eating burger after burger right now!


after burger, after burger, after burger lol i can’t stop saying it. i love sheamus


Drew really has been on a run full of quotables. Best work of his career imo


Agreed, he's easily my favorite heel right now


If he doesn’t have a shirt with this, I’ll be sad.


All he has to do is get in the gym again. Big deal if he's gained weight He's in better shape than all of the ones criticising


He’s not. People like you make this blanket statement when criticisms hit your feelings. You do realize that a lot of people watching wrestling like going to the gym and maintains a pretty fit lifestyle, right? I’m in waaaaay better shape than this current iteration of him.


nobody cares, people like you are weirdos, you think everyone else is as obsessed with you as you are with yourself, insecurity seeps through


Good for you, bro 👌


Pretty sure he’s been regularly in the gym. He just needs to cut for a bit and he’ll be fine.


He was literally fine by the time Drew told him it's "burger after burger after burger." I'd say he was 10-15 pounds heavier on his return than he was during the Burger Promo, and he's probably down another 5 pounds since then.


Chad Austin Theory Says: "Just cut bro, it's easy 👌... I cut by going to sleep at night. I go to sleep looking like Rikishi and wake up, losing 125lbs, with abs. It's simple, bro. Just do it


i think he looks older, but the excess weight makes him look hot


It's so stupid. He still looks like the final boss of an Irish pub that you don't want to fuck with. Nothing wrong with Sheamus




you look like a walnut whip


I imagine the majority of the people body shaming him would be uncomfortable posting a picture of their body because they're in way worse shape and somehow paler than him.


Red head fat guy here. I am 1000% in worse shape and paler than him


Tbh, I put wrestler’s bodies to a higher standard than my own because my livelihood is not based on me looking like a gladiator.


"Because my livelihood is not based on me looking like a gladiator" Jesus someone takes life and other people's lives seriously.


life isn't serious?


Well, Sheamus has a highly coveted, high paying job. One requirement of that job in the current era is you have to look like a fitness model unless your gimmick is to be that fat strong guy like Samoa Joe. It is therefore justified IMO that I can say something about Sheamus’ body even if my own is in a worse shape. People who have no idea how a computer works may expect computer proficiency from an IT worker. They can still be right in their comments even if they do not know more about IT. Not that I actually care how he looks. “Your body is worse” is however no logical response to somebody commenting on Sheamus’ body. It is in fact one of the logic fallacies (as hominem).


Yokozuna and Rikishi would like a word with you


They have very specific gimmicks though. They are literally named after two sumo titles. Yokozuna is also from the pre-attitude era. Focus on fitness stems mostly from people like HHH, HBK, who looked like fitness models. Rikishi is actually in part mocked for being fat (e.g. his Stink Face trademark). So he does not get away with it. Very few people would want a body like Rikishi or Yokozuna. So they also indirectly get judged on their looks.


“Somehow paler than him” im dying rn 😂


am i the only one that thinks he looks much older?


That’s what I was thinking. Shid I love Sheamus regardless and will always support him, but he doesn’t look 10 years younger at all.


I just dont think he looks even a little bit younger.


If I really look at some pictures, he seems to have less forehead wrinkles but that could be the pictures themselves. Heck maybe he did get a little Botox. Most celeb men have. Except HHH, that dude had forehead wrinkles deeper than the river Nile at age 30.


forehead wrinkles are masculine


Its mainly the shorter beard revealing his clean skin. Plus being a bit chubbier helps, when you’re lean af you look like a ghost


I'm just glad he went back to using "🎶 TOO MANY LIMES 🎶"


I remember when he originally returned with his ‘old look’ in 2019 I was half disappointed to see he didn’t bring back the classic beard with it. This style definitely suits him the most and yeah, makes him look quite a lot younger 💯🔥 Crazy what a simple beard trim can do for a man.


I always thought the same thing about it


yeah i always knew there was somethin off about it back in 2019, he had the hair but it still looked incomplete Turns out it was the damn mutton chops 😭 something about that slight goatee and the perimeter lookin beard that just pairs perfect with his old hair


It’s the beard. Nobody looks good with a pencil beard. Thick is all in. He saw the Tribal Chief become the most mid looking guy on the roster to the best looking guy and all it took him was a beard. He wants in on that and like every man, he looks way better with a thick beard. I’ve never seen a man not look better when they grow a beard out, it’s like long hair. It’s a cheat code for men when done correctly.


The thick beard is the older pictures….he looks younger with the pencil beard.


Beards are the make-up of men.


Beards really a turn on for you?


Am I in the wrong sub?


Just asking. You sound like you really like how guys look with beards.