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A couple of factors here... 1. Logan Paul, is extremely not liked. I don't think WWE realizes it. 2. The Solo Sikoa part happened later in the evening when some folks may have have earlier bed times.


I think it's because he's more of YT draw then Cody Rhodes & Logan Paul


Bc it's an ongoing storyline that's more interesting than logan paul randomly picking a fight with Cody. It's not Solo people are invested in, it's the state of the Bloodline.


Does anybody actually care about Logan Paul?


Because Solo is awesome.... He never got to show it because his previous gimmick was to just stay quiet and stoic all the time... NXT Solo had charisma and a lot of character


Because nobody gives a shit about Cody’s filler opponents and they’re not even trying to make people care. Logan challenging for the title as US champ is asinine and we all know Cody is going to hold the title for at least a year because transitional champions are largely a thing of the past for god knows what reason.


Because the Bloodline story is still infinitely more interesting than Cody.


Because Solo and the Bloodline are interesting. Its obvious Solo has taken over without Roman saying anything and is making decisions on his own behalf for the bloodline. Romans return is gonna be goated.


People thought Reigns appeared or was heard in that segment.


Not sure how solo is pulling any views. Boring character, terrible actor, and i’m sick of the blood line.


Because Logan's a piece of shit and nobody actually likes him.


He may be one, but you have to give him props. He’s a better wrestle than you or me.


He's not a wrestler, he's a glorified merchant who brings in revenue from his disgusting drink


Have u seen he’s match’s??


Yes, and I always see him either throw a hit that OBVIOUSLY doesn't connect, and generally fumble moves done to him. He's really not good. I can't claim to be good by any means as I just started my training six months ago but goddamn...what I've learned and what I see from him just makes me sad for the future of the sport.


Bloodline story is still incredibly intriguing, while Cody hasn't had a story anyone has given a fuck about since he completed his story at Mania. Believe it or not, wrestling is and always has been about story telling for the vast majority of fans. Bloodline is the A story for the fans.


Yes the dumb thumb can do no wrong


Because Solo is very interesting . It’s as simple as that. Don’t let this small community on Reddit skew your opinion/perception on Solo. He’s a gem


Despite what the subreddit armchair Heads of Creative will tell you, the Bloodline storyline is still cooking for the majority of the fanbase. IWC is quite tone deaf at times


Roman Reigns pops a rating like no other in WWE. Look at the tv ratings when he isn’t mentioned VS when he is. Same thing with a lot of social views.


Paul Heyman. That’s why.


Because it's the bloodline story


Because the video title has Roman Reigns in it, That's unfortuntely how the Youtube algorithm works.


Solo has a story, Cody and Logan doesn’t. Simple.


Logan has great athleticism but I have a hard time taking him seriously


That’s the purpose of his gimmick and it works, that’s why he keeps being showcased


That sounds like a cop-out. “No, no. You don’t get it. My cringey mic skills are all part of the bit!”


Because Roman reign name is in title, they want to know any news related to him and he is more popular than cody and logan Logan paul is popular but most of his fanbase is not here


Logan is more mainstream


the bloodline has an active storyline while logan vs cody is random af.


Paul Hayman meme face. Gets em everytime.


Bloodline will always be the A storyline.


i'm not the biggest roman fan but at this point i have to agree to this. it has been going strong since 2020 or lol.


It's not solo it's Paul


Easy answer noone cares about logan.i like cody but couldnt care less about logan.i personally watched the solo clip cause thats actually interesting and adds story progression.i didnt bother watching the cody logan segment cause its kinda meaningless.its a throw away match for a saudi show.if u havent noticed saudi shows are kinda random nothing matches.almost non cannon matches. If logan was around more and fleshed his character and style out more i might care.but hes just a rich douche.zero layers.the belt would do way more for la knight.title might actually matter.but when u pit the belt on someone who doesnt matter the value of that belt also doesnt matter.and by proxy ppl couldnt give 2 craps about any segment hes in.even if codys in it.lol


Roman's name is in the video title. Roman more popular than all of them 


lol if you think roman is popular than logan effin paul idk what to say. it's because the bloodline actually has an ongoing story while cody and logan was another random promo setting up a random champ vs champ match (which i hate. didnt they learn anything from wm38?)


Wrestling is popular than logan and roman reigns is the wrestling, do i need to say more or u got it?


Ur a kid if u believe internet follower hold s candle against someone who appears on tv. Ofcourse Logan is popular but his fanbase or the kind of people who watch are not at this side of the internet Roman is more worldwide than Logan is. You ask people from asia or europe who logan paul is and they will answer that he is a wrestler


this is ridiculous lmfao. logan is literally in the all time most popular ppl list. roman is just a wrestler. logan is an internet personality. you ask the same ppl who roman is and only active wrestling fans know about him. and i live in asia and here most ppl know logan paul as a social media influencer. why do you think they keep having the prime logo on their mat even tho they know we as fans hate it?


You have a very long way to go >Why do you think they keep having the prime logo on their mat Because Logan company has paid them to have that sponsor. soon u will see some other company too lol


keep worshipping roman when the facts are all over the place lmao. logan doesnt need wwe. roman does. let that sink in. and i speak as a guy who is fan of neither of these ppl. keep downvoting my comments bc you cant stand the truth lol


Logan sucks


I mean, Heyman is a draw too! The number I times I’ve clicked on something just because that ugly mug is on the thumbnail is countless


I just skip because of Logan Paul. I bet many others do the same. I just dont see it having any entertainment value, doesnt get you very far if you have a talent that is there just to annoy people. A little annoying might be good, but skipping cody just to avoid logan tells alot.


Because Cody vs Logan is a match no one asked for. I think the match will be good because they are both good performers. Even Logan, while he may be an asshole, is a good athlete, and can put on a good performance when he needs to. All that being said, there was no prior build to this match, and I honestly think Logan is only in this match because a lot of the superstars don't like going to Saudi Arabia, and they needed someone who wouldn't care about having to go there. But the Solo clip is the continuation of an ongoing story. One of the longest running storylines the WWE has going right now, and they have a lot of people curious to see how the story is going to evolve. It's something people actually were waiting to see before Smackdown aired this week.


Everyone loves to go to saudi. It pays way more to them than any other event which they do(even wrestlemania)


I'm pretty sure there are multiple stars who have refused to go for a variety of reasons.


Because everyone knows Cody can't be touched after the biggest WM main event in a long while. He ain't dropping the title at least till SummerSlam. So, there is less interest in his new story as of now. And using Heyman in thumbnail and Roman in title, makes people think that there might be new development about Roman. You know, the guy who was the face of the company and has been mysteriously away since WM loss. Not one of those 700k people clicked on the video because of Solo.


Because he’s our Tribal Chief now, you need to acknowledge him before he catches you without your index to the sky ☝️


It’s because The Bloodline story, the most compelling WWE was and is currently telling for 4 years. The Bloodline story has transcended wrestling booking, becoming akin to modern tv show/series like Succession, GoT, Breaking Bad, etc. But, regardless of that, I would also like to appreciate Solo’s progression in his rebuild phase. He’s not the mute, silent spoken, and dangerous enforcer anymore, now he talks a lot more, slowly incorporating and blending his “Street Champion” persona from NXT with his “Tribal Heir/Chief” persona, creating this psychopath, manipulative, and power hungry “Interim Tribal Chief” Solo. Well, he learned it from the best, which is Roman after all lol. Anyway, I can’t wait what’s next for him and The Bloodline!


Because The Bloodline story is the longest story in WWE and views have been building up for it for 4 years.


Acknowledge Solo ☝🏽


Paul Heyman. It was never about the Tribal Chief. It was always about the Wise Man. Views never matter since CM Punk and R Truth get the most.


Probably cause people would rather watch a video that has Paul Heyman and mentions Roman Reigns than something with Logan Paul.


I find Logan's matches entertaining, but Cody bores me so I don't really care about whatever generic babyface shit he has to say. I'm not going to watch a promo segment this far from the PPV since I know nothing will pop off. Bloodline shenanigans are always funny or dramatic at least. Also Logan is probably a mediocre person, but as mark henry pointed out it takes a certain kind of person generally to want to go on the road for years and be worshiped by millions, and that kind of person usually isn't a saint. I'm not going to crucify logan if WWE can let a confirmed racist like hogan in, a wife beater like austin can not only sit at the top of the card, but he can get his wife fired, etc. He entertains me on tv, I'm not here to judge his personal life. Otherwise I would like very few wrestlers.


I mean to each their own about Cody, I feel like opinions on him are divided but I've seen more people dislike Logan. I really don't care about Logan Paul tbh, but at least he respects the industry, he works hard, and he's marketable. I was just offering an opinion as to why people watched the bloodline video more, which I believe is because of Paul Heyman and Roman. I personally went back to watch the bloodline video to dissect it more and see if there was anything I missed when I watched it live.


Probably cause people would rather watch a video that has Paul Heyman and mentions Roman Reigns than something with Logan Paul.


Shhhh the megadraw is talking


If we talking YouTube then don’t forget about the dislikes on the Rock video☠️.


It was understandable but now all things are alright


The power of the tribal chief and how much of a draw he actually was




I like unhinged boss elect solo


Because everyone is waiting for the Tribal chief Face turn


Logan's not a draw


Well you see Roman Reigns earns more than any other wrestler by Pual Heyman just mentioning his name he is the biggest draw in the whole world rn


I actually like Solo turning into a mob boss


No one gives a fk about solo, their watching Hall of Famer Paul Hayman. Also, Cody is pretty boring and Paul just makes me not watch at all.


Logan’s only getting clout because of Saudi. Basically we already know Cody is keeping the belt for a year so he can face the rock at WM. Bloodline is the sequel nobody asked for but still interesting.


Rock himself said he will come for him with or without the titles and plus i dont think they'll do cody vs the rock instead of roman vs the rock


I thought, the question was how come Paul didn’t talk with Roman, when even he was mentioning it during draft.


It's all the South Koreans hate watching it.


Cody is boring 🥱 Bring back my GOAT ROMAN ☝🏽🩸


Nobody wants a Face universal unless they can pull it off like Cena. Cody is weak as fuck and a sub par wrestler. 218 pounds of boring.


It's an actual story instead of throwing a dart to pick Cody's challengers.


and a frikkin unification match! that means cody would have to lose to a midcarder while he's still champ to seperate the belts again, like in the seth rollins double champ situation but then he was beaten by cena.


"Bloodline" is still the most over story on the show lol


Is it a surprise really, it’s the most popular WWE storyline since Austin/McMahon. It will always overshadow anything else on the show.


South Koreans hate watching?


I didn’t even know SK liked wrestling.


I don't know how big it is over there, but I do know they hate Solo There was a post on here or SC a while ago detailing how much South Koreans hate Solo Sikoa. Like winning a vote on "Worst Wrestler of The Year" by a landslide hate.


Cuz the caption has Roman reigns name in it and people love the tribal chief I could give a shit about solo lol


it's notonly roman, the entire bloodline is committing to the storyline. it's okay to like roman but give other ppl credit. besides bloodline actually has a storyline. cody just finished his.


Well that not true some of them that don’t have Roman reigns on the titles still gets so many views


Bloodline bro ☝🏽🩸


It says “Roman Reigns tells…” so people probably thought Roman is in it


Because fuck Logan Paul


Because cody vs logan is stupid af


cause solo just got two new members to his team he's got the new shiny toy of the month for people to lose their shit over till they get bored


In that top shot Cody looks exactly like dusty from afar.


Cody looks exactly like his dad but with a jawline. That’s it


I’ve never really seen an exact resemblance until this angle haha idk why.


Damn you're right. Wonder if they're related.


Bloodline story > A predictable match that will almost guaranteed end with dq or count out.


Logan Paul sucks.


Bloodlines has been the focus of Smackdown for the better part of the last couple of years… it got people invested


People hate Logan. And the new bloodline is a beast.


Solo and The Bloodline have been far more compelling than Cody Rhodes, not to put him down. I can’t wait for Solo to sing the National Anthem at WM41.


Storylines help.


Cody isn't a draw


Because Cody is boring af


Finally people realize this


I’m so happy to see Tama Tonga that I’m watching Bloodline first, then Cody.


I think it's because Solo is currently in the middle of a big storyline going on, while Cody is just being "the champion" and being challenged by "someone else" in a typical champion run.


Cody isn't interesting. Just a guy in a suit who never says anything witty or memorable. At least Sikoa has some bite to his persona.




which would be what exactly?


Nasty, ornery tough guy who doesn't take s#&t from anyone. Fans identify with that kind of stuff. By year's end. Sikoa will be a fan favorite and Cody will get booed every time he grabs a mic.


“tough guy” i guess that losing streak doesn’t mean anything to you, y’all have been saying this for years lol there’s a reason the wwe is afraid that jacob fatu will outshine bozo sikoa he’s a tasteless nobody who beat john cena and then amounted to nothing


He isn’t a crybaby bitch


no, instead he’s a boring useless character that doesn’t do anything besides lose matches and walk around with the same mean mug


Except he draws more than the blonde nepobaby


as if youtube views compare to having an entire arena singing your song lol solo doesn’t make it past try outs without roman


Well, what do you want to talk about?


Two simple words, “Roman Reigns” Anyone who has that name in their title will always get views


Exactly I said that comment already also. If it just said Solo says new plan etc.. it wouldn’t have gotten half the views. But throw in Roman reigns and the bloodline in it and it’s clickbait for sure




Better story


Tribal Queef click bait in the title


Because people wanna know what’s next w Roman and the bloodline. Most compelling story and it didn’t end w wrestlemania. We want to know what’s next.


“Roman Reigns” lol


Solo = RATINGS. Put the title on Solo now!


Which one? Intercontinental maybe or some tag team title. He is not worthy of anything else.


I imagine its because more people watched the Cody and Logan segment live


Because Cody's story is pretty cold right now, I don't think anyone sees Logan as a legitimate contender for someone who will take the title. Solo's story right now in comparison is much more interesting


Because in the grand scheme of things, Cody isn't the biggest attraction in the company (currently), it's probably Punk and Randy. But in terms of people who aren't active, throw Roman in the title because he's the biggest attraction right now.


Cause Logan sucks


You spelled Cody wrong


I won’t watch anything with Logan Paul.


The clickbait title in the Solo vid


I mean it's not clickbait when Solo literally says to Heyman that Roman said he calls the shots in The Bloodline.


So if I posted a video titled "Undertaker tells fan that he's going to face the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin at WrestleMania" and it was just me saying that to someone else, it wouldn't be clickbait...?


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Agree, the title makes it seem like Roman was actually on TV.


Paul Heyman is getting views\*


Roman’s name in the title getting views*


Came here to say this ☝️


Cody finished his story. Did people really feel like there would be any more meat on the bone after? His promo’s since mania have not been good and have been very dull. He’s also clearly a for the kids character now.


I like Cody but I sort of agree the story is finished and unless he’s against rock or Roman again or even Seth those are the only real contenders and everyone else is just filler




I think his promos have been preety decent tbh


I have skipped every Logan promo and match. I get he’s a big draw for a large portion of fans (and I’m sure the WWE internal data validates that, and I respect and know that he’s incredibly good in ring given the short amount of time he’s been in the industry, but he has extreme “go away” heat for me.


The Bloodline has been the most over storyline since 2020. It’s WWE’s most popular thing going. Cody’s story was popular, but it gained A LOT of steam because it intertwined with the Bloodline story. It also lost some steam because he finished the story. He did it. So he’s going to have the second most popular stories until he feuds with Randy, LA Knight, or MJF. With all their family members, people want to know what the next chapter of the Bloodline is.


I see Paul Heyman, I click. I see Logan Paul, I probably keep scrolling.


Same with Cody right ?




I mean Cody and Logan is there and you scrolled cuz Cody is boring af.


Obvious bait is obvious. Nice try.


You’re the one who scrolled past your boy obviously Cody is boring to you. Cry about it. Cody fans are good at that


It’s very likely because “Logan Paul” is In The title. He is not a very well appreciated person


For very good reason.


I mean solo has something going on story wise


Don't get me wrong, Cody vs Logan will be a banger. But I really really wanna know what's going on with the bloodline and if there's a civil war brewing


We respect our Tribal Chief ☝️.


People genuinely don't like that Logan is in the WWE.


Because Cody isn't the most popular thing going in WWE, and his main event was carried by Bloodline and The Rock, as well as run ins from Jey, Seth, Cena, and Undertaker.




Sure thing bud.


This is absolutely wrong LMAOOOOOO


Wait for the Cody slander now. Its obviously Roman reigns in the title. He has been gone since Wrestlemania, obviously everyone would click seeing his name on the title of a video. It only took a month for reddit to turn on Cody Rhodes.


Cody is boring


Reddit been slandering Cody for about a year now.


It happens every time. This guy deserves the title. Then a month later they want a new guy. All they want is change. If it was up to Reddit every title reign would be 3 weeks.


Also, Solo doesn't babble every week like Logan and Cody. Lol


“Roman Reigns tells solo”


Because Solo is still involved in a storyline and Cody v Paul is just for a PLE?? This isn’t new booking


Roman in the title.


Bc IWC ≠ casual/live audiences. Aka, ICW ≠ the opinion that matters


I literally feel like I'm just watching to make sure I dont miss Roman coming back pissed at Solo...


Then you can stop watching. He will only return on the go home episode of Smackdown before summerslam.


Heh, why would I stop watching? All Smackdown is currently is story building for Roman. I'm excited for his return.


Everyone wants to know where the hell roman is and what’s going to happen to bloodline


Roman is at home with the kids


Because we want Roman


As much as people loved for Cody to finish his story, as him as a Babyface, he's been quite bland since becoming champ.


Yea, he’s had some really bad and boring matches. Right?…


Because Paul.




Agree 100%


This is the correct answer


Nobody wants to admit it


Roman is HIM


Because people are more invested in the 4 year story that'll probably stretch for another 2-3 years


Well, we already know that cody will hold the championship for at least a year. This case was the same during roman’s reign, but at least his storyline was interesting. In the case of cody, I find it boring, there’s no plot twist and all, it’s too predictable. We already know that he is winning the US championship in the next ppv. I will say it again, it’s too predictable, so of course Cody’s promo is not getting much views. Edit : it’s my personal opinion


Im so tired of people having the belt for 30 years why doesnt wwe take risks anymore


I agree, all depends on how the plot is going


So what do you want the title to change all the time? It ain't the Attitude Era anymore. Now I agree we don't need more title reigns like Roman, Rhea, or Gunther, but Cody needs at least a 6 month title reign. It wouldn't have made sense for him to drop it within a few months after ending the reign he did. Long term storylines wouldn't make much sense with constant title changes. I don't even think being predictable is necessarily bad, if it is executed well. Even though the build sucked, AJ vs Cody was a great match, despite the predictable outcome. Plus unpredictable moments lose their impact if they happen all the time. Not everything needs a surprise twist. That shit needs to be saved for the right occasions.


See, thats the thing, EVERYTHING is predictable and hacky in WWE nowadays especially when it comes to Cody. Because they dont know how to write interesting stories they have wrestlers do random shit. They have “friendly feuds” like naomi and bayley and aj and cody. Maybe cody should lose the belt in a suprise match to set up something big. That way we might see him actually EARN it instead of being entitled like he has been


Earn it? how about losing his match at Mania 39, beating Rollins and Brock in feuds. Having an all time classic against Rollins in the cell with a messed up pec. Winning back to back Rumbles. Being one of the best merch sellers and most over. of course it's predictable with it being early in the title reigns. Just changing titles for the hell of it makes zero sense. Where is the storyline in Cody randomly losing it? Yes I agree the feuds haven't been great. But just him randomly losing it to AJ and gaining it back would make zero sense. Besides it's not like past eras were always unpredictable. Remember Cena Wins Lol? That happened more than not. Which made it bigger when he finally lost. That's why we remember guys like Punk, Lesnar, or Bryan beating him. Wrestling is not gonna be unpredictable all the time. The Rumble this year was unpredictable. People thought Punk or Gunther had a shot. Or Rock if he was in it. When Rock tried to butt into the Mania main event, that made things less predictable. Especially with his TKO board position. Hell even at Mania 39 most people thought Cody would win. Especially after the Usos lost the tag titles on night 1. People even thought Damien would lose his cash in. Gable's heel turn wasn't the unpredictable part, but how it was executed. Some unpredictability that happened recently wasn't good. We all expected Jey to lose at Summerslam last year. What we didn't expect was for Jimmy to turn on him two months after both of them turned on Roman. It made no sense. Cody and Jey randomly winning and losing the tag titles last year was odd. All of this just lead to a lackluster Mania match between Jimmy and Jey. Booking just for the sake of unpredictability makes no sense. Storyline needs to come first. I can give you more examples from the past of how this unpredictable booking idea isn't perfect, but comment already turned into an essay.


You are correct about unpredictable booking being stupid sometimes. But in the case of Cody the reason I say something should happen is cause if it doesn’t we will be stuck with boring ass promos from Cody and a bunch of random matches like Cody vs Aj and Logan for about a year until he drops the belt. There is a reason why the bloodline which i feel is stale is more relevant than the main champion of the product at the moment. Also this is the thing with Cody: he isnt a main eventer they are MAKING him a main eventer. They are literally doing all they can to push him to the top unorganically like they did with roman, hence why he beat seth 3 times and brock twice, he didnt really earn shit from the beginning they “finish the story” thing SCREAMS entitlement, if Cody was a draw, he would’ve never had to leave WWE 10 years ago and screw over AEW to push his self back up, he would’ve just gotten a push in WWE. Think about it he is the son of a legend and still couldnt get over on his own until he started doing this “finish the story” gimmick- also its done now so why should anyone care


He left WWE because of his shitty booking and it worked. He went from being forced to be Stardust, to being able to develop his own persona. He is champion right now because most of the fans buy into him. Whether you think it is "forced" or not doesn't matter, most of the people wanted him as champion. I don't look at him leaving and coming back as making him non main event worthy. Drew also did the same thing. Went from 3MB to worthy main eventer. Yes some mistakes have been made, but your opinion doesn't match the masses. That's why he is getting the push he is. We Want Cody trended when Rock tried to butt his way into the Mania main event. If his push was forced, nobody would have vouched for him and The Rock vs Roman would have gone on as planned. People like his presentation and enjoy his matches. They just have left some things to be desired in the promo and storyline department since he won the title. Roman Reigns in 2015-2018 is a forced push. He still got pushed with no crowd support. Just because you aren't personally a fan of him, doesn't mean the push was forced. And yes he needs better storylines and feuds, but again, doesn't change that people wanted him as champion. Actually let this play out. WWE is more into long term story telling. We are in the early phases of Cody's title reign. Where the bloodline has had years to build. Plus Cody isn't the first babyface to struggle a bit as champion. HBK in 96 is pretty comparable to this situation. Doesn't mean HBK wasn't main event worthy. Boyhood Dream vs Finish the Story. I don't see much of a difference. Plus Cody was already over when he returned. Before the finish the story narrative.Now if they book Cody like Cena in 05 and 06 where he had feuds with JBL, Jericho, HHH, Angle, RVD, and Edge, things would improve. Although even Cena struggled a bit at that point.