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Why did they put a picture of Goldberg on the toilet on the cover


Battleground is close contender, barring one time PPVs.


Battleground 2017 was a banger


Performance wise? Probably Ratings wise? Literally *half* of the 10 lowest attended and watched PPV’s of all time are a part of the In Your House series, with the 11th lowest PPV being the first In Your House with only 7,000 attendees. It could be argued that it’s one of the worst performing series in the WWF era and arguably company history


The one that had Goldberg beating the Fiend may have been. I quit watching WWE until the WrestleMania where they let fans back in the building after the pandemic because of that match


Taboo Tuesday was a mega-dud


Any show main evented by Bray Wyatt makes a strong case for being the worst of all time. The WOAT, if you will. Equal and opposite of GOAT.


ain’t even a question


100% yes. Back to back to back dog doo doo


Yes, without a doubt the worst thing in the time I’ve been watching (after not watching for 27 years).




Balor vs Andrade is slept on


Recency Bias there were plenty of bad ppv's in the pg era and even going further back in the 80's


They aren't saying there wasn't bad shows before this. They aren't even saying it is the worst overall card. I think the point they were going for was that was never a good "super showdown." Every other pay per view have had good shows and bad shows, but this one was only bad.


No. Goldberg winning was great in 2020. 2019 had Braun vs Bobby which was a pretty good match. Aj vs Samoa Joe in 2018. The takeovers in NXT are technically the worst shows produced but if you don’t want to count that I guess the over the limit PPVs were all pretty terrible


Bait used to be believable


Some other gems from his comment history include: “Daniel Bryan and CM Punk ruined WWE” “Ilja Dragunov is so bad” “Bret Hart sucked” “HHH books for the marks” Like imagine having opinions so bad that you make Vince Russo seem like a genius in comparison


Definition of low life


The Bret hart one was bait lol . The other ones are 100% true


Actually the Bret one is the truth he is nothing but a crybaby.


That doesn’t change the fact that he’s one of the best technical wrestlers to EVER lace up a pair of boots, plus, I’m pretty sure we’d all be ‘crybabies’ if we went through what he’s gone through


Look at everything Bret went through between 1997-2003. Owen, Pillman, Davey, Stu and Helen Hart dead. Several close friends in the business including Mr. Perfect, Hawk, Elizabeth Rick Rude, Yokozuna, and Gorilla Monsoon. Goldberg ending his career. Montreal Screwjob. Stroke and divorce from his wife of 20 years in 2002. And if we go back through all of Bret's history, he had his other closest brother next to Owen, Dean, Die in 1990 from Bright's disease. He has had prostate cancer. Bret has had one hell of a life filled with some terrible tragedies and experiences, he's earned the right to be critical of Goldberg, Hogan, and Montreal.


Well yea he’s a crybaby but I wouldn’t say he sucks lol. He was just such a mark for himself it made it hard to root for a guy like that. But sucks isn’t the right way to describe him . Overrated? Absolutely lol.


No bait lol. Supershow down wasn’t great by any means but they had matches and booking that made sense at the time and for what the shows were. The OTL ppvs were all pretty terrible and like I said idk if we count NXT takeovers but they were also all pretty bad.


Never has an event deserved to be canceled more than Super Show Down.


I don't think so. The 2018 event felt like a legitimate attempt to bring a WrestleMania-level show to a country that wouldn't be considered for WrestleMania. The 2019 show was a decent event that gets shit on for having a horrendous main event. One horrible match doesn't make a show a complete failure. And the 2020 event was a solid show that the IWC craps all over because they're still crying that The Fiend lost to Goldberg, despite it making perfect sense from a storyline standpoint.


I still think the Goldberg vs the fiend match was perfectly booked tbh. Like I can’t imagine that match going any other way . The IWC just like to cry about everything


The Fiend was Bray Wyatt's alter-ego created to destroy everyone that Wyatt had been hurt by but couldn't beat. He destroyed Balor, Cena, and Rollins. But Goldberg was someone Wyatt had no history with, had never been hurt by him, and never even faced him before. Thus, The Fiend had no particular power over Goldberg, it was just another monster to slay, which is what Goldberg did best.


Also people tend to forget how protected the fiend was in that match . Bro got hit with like 4 spears and a jackhammer. Goldberg had a pretty protected finisher and the fiend kicked out of it . Again people are just whiny


Wrestlemania 30 to SUMMERSLAM ‘22 was the single worse creative period in WWE history.


remember hhh vs undertaker at super showdown for 40 mins?? Vince has lost his mind.


I watched that match and I legitimately don’t remember anything from it. I don’t even remember the finish


lol and I forgot the other matches on the card as well


I only remember The Shield match, and the Daniel Bryan vs. Miz match that only lasted 2 minutes or whatever.


Daniel Bryan vs miz ONLY LASTED 2 MINUTES! first time I heard that lol. and ngl the shield "reunion" shi they tried to do in 2018/19 was messed up and imagine drew, dolph and braun teamin up to make a faction no sense. Vince was wildin lol


And the faction of Dolph, Braun, and Drew was loosely named “The Dogs of War” 😂 Then later on this team faded away and Drew became Shane McMahons henchman


lol vince's booking lucky we got hhh to save us


Battleground was dogshit


Yeah, that show ran for five years and had only two decent events, 2014 and 2017,


Decent is being very generous. 2017 was a Punjabi prison match with Jinder vs Orton.


That's one match, not the whole show. Battleground 2017 also had the best tag team match of the year. A bad main event doesn't ruin an entire show.


Thats one match, not the whole show. A great match doesn't save an entire show.


The rest of the show was solid, if unspectacular. If the excellent match and terrible match cancel each other out, the show would still be "pretty good". I'd say definitely the strongest of the Battleground cards 


Battleground 2016 has the shield triple threat and Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn which were very good.


The Australia one was still good. Saudi ones sucked. But last Crown Jewel felt a lot different. And we have a good card this year too.


The difference with the Saudi shows is that they've decided they're no longer going to exist outside of storytelling canon and are actually going to matter, so they're more than just televised house shows for an extremely wealthy and indifferent audience now.


Remember Greatest Royal Rumble when Braun won that belt and the trophy that meant absolutely nothing? Or the casket match between Rusev and Undertaker that had zero build and then was never acknowledged ever again?


I was coming here to comment that with the other person who was arguing that the shows never existed outside of canon. Sure, there were a few title changes, but by and large the international shows under Vince were that kind of GRR malarkey.


The only thing that from a Saudi show that I remember mattering long term is Shane winning that “Best in the World” tournament which was then used to get him more heat as a heel.


Yup - they forge small storylines for those shows that are immediately forgotten within a few weeks, and the title changes that happened seemed like little hotshot switches that cheapened a previous PLE/PPV or just made the title a prop in another story (or both, if you're Bray Wyatt).


They never existed outside of storyline canon, WTF are you talking about? And the Saudi shows always got amazing cards compared to the US PPVs taking place before and after them.


Up there with Great Balls of Fire


Bad Blood


These were like non-canon events. Saudi shows have come such a long way. I remember Crown Jewel 2021 like it was yesterday. Such a classic show with almost all matches being awesome. 


I believe that even the people in Saudi Arabia who make the show changed before it was the sport minister in Saudi than it became the entertainment minister


when did the rock's brother join wrrestling again


Even the name sucked.


Does In Your House count? To me those were the worst group of PPVs as a whole.


Over the limit was terrible like every time they did it . I feel like throughout the 3 of them there was like 3 good matches across all 3 shows which is terrible


Weren't they also significantly cheaper than the typical PPV?


Yeah they were like $15 vs the typical $30 ppv


There are some real stinker IYH PPVs


They always seemed like a premium RAW or a Saturday Night Main Event caliber show rather than a real PPV to me.


I’ll never forget watching Fiend/Goldberg whilst playing Modern Warfare on my PS4 and laughing uncontrollably at Goldberg being him. This was when I decided to stop watching because that was when it was just a load of horseshit.


I quit watching too until after the pandemic


I ordered a Fiend hoodie in full confidence Fiend would beat Goldberg and it arrived as the event ended with Goldberg holding the Title up.


I mean with that terrible name you have to put on subpar cards. When I first heard the name, it sounded like a bootleg NES game featuring Bulk Kogan


It sounds like the fake event in the John Cena prank call meme


Should’ve went with the OG name if WrestleMania and called it the Colossal Tussle


seeing these posters makes me uneasy, 2018 - 2019 was the shits in general but this and the crown jewel events of the same years to me is peak „vince does whatever the fuck he wants“ and i’m very happy it’s over


I was about to say the same thing. Those two years were so bad that I thought WWE was gonna go under within a decade. So many take for granted what we have now, legitimately, Raw and Smackdown crowds in 2024 are louder than PPV crowds in 2018-2019 (excluding Wrestlemania and even that's close)