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I think Netflix will get the PLEs after Peacock but ABEMA in Japan keeps the PLEs and the library because CyberFight (NOAH) is planning a partnership with WWE!


Peacock has one more year of its contract in the US. After March 2026, it’s anyone’s guess


I'm from a country that doesn't have Peacock. We still have the WWE Network here but they're planning on shutting that down by the end of this year before Raw goes to Netflix. I wonder if Netflix in my country and other countries without Peacock will get PLEs.


Outside the USA, Raw, Smackdown and PLE's will be on Netflix


That's awesome to hear.


In the US, they will remain on peacock at least until the peacock deal expires


All events hosted at my house. "Knockdown drag out fireplace to kitchen battle royal!"


I wish everything would be on Peacock.


More cursing and no more short on time, segments cut short.


Hopefully when it all goes to Netflix it’ll be in actual 4K instead of the 720p we’ve been getting for 15 years.


Wait is it legit broadcast in 720?!?


It’s definitely not 1080p since it’s not clear enough for that.


That explains so much


They’ll still be on Peacock in the US, at least until that deal expires in 2026. If my understanding of the Netflix deal is correct, all other countries will have PLEs on Netflix as soon as the deal goes into effect. After that, I would assume they sign a new US PLE deal with Netflix, but that’s just speculation at this point.


Not all countries. They need existing deals to lapse first. In Australia, where I live they are tied to the cable provider here until the current “multi year deal” signed in 2022 expires. Once this is done, I expect Netflix Australia to carry WWE


Wait so is Raw staying on Kayo/Foxtel in 2025 for us or is it on Netflix?


It’s on Foxtel for 2025 I believe.


Ah ok, better for me although I'd assume it wouldn't of mattered Thanks


They have a deal with Peacock for a couple more years. It feels pretty likely that they’d probably sign the rights to Netflix when that deal is up.


But what about the countries that don't have Peacock and still have the WWE Network? They're planning on shutting the Network down by the end of the year. I wonder if Netflix in those countries will get the PLEs.


I’m not entirely sure how it’ll work for other countries. I’m not sure how global the Netflix deal is.


The vibe I got from some of the language in the announcement is that everything will eventually move to NF once deals have run out elsewhere. I’d assume Raw will be a sort of test flight


For 2025 we still watch on the COCK!


i’d like to imagine they would move to netflix with them, but i could definitely be way off.


They should go to MAX and cuck AEW out of a streaming deal 🤣




WWE going to a Netflix is a mistake and a half. Nobody seems to realize how horrible their security is. Several of my friends canceled their Netflix accounts, because they were hacked ten plus times, in a one-year window. If WWE were smart, they would put all their properties on Peacock, which is a far more secure platform, and keep their deal with NBC Universal. Raw, SmackDiwn, NXT, and PLE's remaining on Peacock in the US and theor own streaming service, which they should have, never, closed down to begin with... WWE Network.


Netflix has had one major security breach in its history in which login credentials were leaked. If someone were to have their account hacked 10+ times in a year, it’s almost assuredly due to how they stored/who they gave passwords to.


Your friends might just be careless. I’ve had a Netflix account for literal decades at this point and have never had any issue


How can cops, who have been well-reputed cops, for two decades, be careless? Especially, when they have to handle evidence? These friends are more careful than 90% of CIA analysts. So, no... this is not a friends' problem... this is a Netflix problem.


I don’t think bringing up them being cops is helping. Police mishandle evidence all the time. Security professionals are notorious for not being secure about their own info, similar to how a lot of doctors don’t take care of their health. Either way it’s odd that I’ve never had a problem nor has anyone I know, but everyone you know has had issues. I wonder why that could be. What’s your guess bootlicker?


Again, the reason is that you don't hear about it, because Netflix's legal team **COVERS... IT... IP...** and **LIES... ABOUT... IT...** to make themselves seem legit. Theu aren't. If tens of thousands of customers are complaining, that should be enough to tell you how bad Netflix is.


So Netflix is showing up at my friends houses to shut them up? How do you know about it?


They do, by using the official company "security tem" putting out official press releases, to cover up complaints of data breaches. That is what big companies do, to not lose their customers' confidence. By covering it up, at the corporate level, they can keep their customers' confidence levels high and keep their subscriptions.


God you’re dumb


Peacock isn't available outside the US, I'm pretty sure it being on Netflix bypasses exclusivity in certain countries, i.e. BT is the only way to watch live weekly shows and its a really steep price.


I'm pretty sure the WWE Network is, **STILL** active outside of North America. They should put their content there.


Yeah, but they don't have the rights to air the live content on the network, and seeing as they're being paid a fuck ton to air it on Netflix and they won't have the cost's of running the network, it makes sense.


I'd rather them pay the costs to keep their own network running, and hire their own security department, and cut ties with Netflix, before we start seeing, **LITERAL MILLIONS** of wrestling fans **WORLDWIDE** getting their accounts hacked. Netflix is a joke and a half, when it comes to security.


like someone said, i doubt theyre going to turn down all that money because a few of your mates got their accounts hacked.


If WWE were smart, they would do their research and find out that, YEARLY, 10s of thousands of accounts get hacked and realize that Netflix' security is garbage. Theu would take their money back, to protect their fan base, and, he'll, go.to Disney+. Disney plus is, infinitely, better than Netflix.


You’re not understanding that all corporations care about is money. They don’t give a shit that a few people out of MILLIONS had their account compromised.


Netflix has had more than "a few accounts" hacked. One summer, I think it was two or three years ago, where tens of thousands of reports of Netflix accounts being hacked. It still happens, to this day, but Netflix covers it up and lies about it. They have such a good legal team, that no one dares sue for having their accounts hacked.


Tens of thousands is a literal drop in the bucket to them. Again, they simply don’t care.


It doesn't matter if it's a "drop in the bucket" to the company. It is still a **VERY BIG** legal issue. If they want to be a **REPUTABLE** company, they need to make it sure it doesn't happen **AT ALL**. If I were Netflix, and I wanted to have a legitimately, good reputation, I would.find a way to ensure my customers' accounts were, **FULLY**, secure.


Welcome to the real world, kid.


I'm not a kid. I've been watching wrestling for, nearly, 30 years. I believe I am, more-than-likely, older than you. I, also, know how much of a joke Netlix is, security-wise. I had Netflix for two years myself, had my account hacked 20 times. And, I had a password that should have been nigh impossible to crack.


Dude I’ve had Netflix since 2007. I haven’t changed my password a single time and I haven’t been involved in a Netflix data breach. I was hit with BofA, Sony, Navient, Pandora, and I’m sure a few others. It’s just a thing that happens. Does it suck? Absolutely, I don’t wish that on anyone. My wife had her SSN stolen almost a decade ago and it’s SUCH a pain in the ass. But again, this is part of the real world. Your assumption that everything everywhere should be 100% totally secure is patently unrealistic. I’m not coming from a hostile place, stranger. Just a realistic one. Our opinions are vastly different and that’s perfectly okay.


And, I'm not being hostile, either. But, I can tell you that in four years of having Disney+, the 2 years I had WWE Network, the 5 years of having Amazon Prime, the 3 years I have had on Spotify, and the three years I have had Peacock, I have not had a data breach. Buiuit, 2 years on Netflix, for myself, 20 data breaches. I'm sorry what happened to your wife, that's horrible. I know two people, from own family, that that happened to. But, if there is wla will to get everything fully secure, there is a way.


Nothing changes until at least 2026, then they'll probably do something stupid that will make them just a little bit more money than whatever the most logical thing to do would be


But they have to do something. WWE Said they will shut down wwe network so ppvs should move to Netflix too. Where would you watch it otherwise?


Wherever pays them.


I’d love for it to go to Netflix so I can save myself a subscription fee. Plus the Peacock app is kinda terrible


PLEs will live on Peacock until early 2026 (March, I think). WWE is under contract to them until that time. Streaming negotiations will come up before then. I personally believe that Peacock will outbid and retain streaming rights for WWE. 1.) WWE and NBC Universal have a business relationship that dates back decades. 2.) WWE would be very wise to spread their content across various platforms, rather than have all revenue coming from one source. If Netflix were to tank, WWE would be in a world of shit. 3.) Live sports is highly in demand from streaming services. Even though the platform lags behind others such as Max, Peacock has upped their game in that capacity. WWE is their live sports cash cow. If they were to lose the streaming rights to WWE, Peacock may as well shut down operations the next day.


I think NBC loses the streaming rights. NBC is about to pay 2.5 billion for the NBA & will show 100 games. They're currently in a 5 yr 1 bil deal & Nick Khan said he wants more money. NFL is Peacock's live sports cash cow.


I bet NBC universal peacock gets first jab at PLEs for 3 to 4 months, and will still retain video library of all older broadcasts. Netflix will probably keep the "current" season or 2 but you know they don't have the deep pockets NBC has.


Well no, they would open it up to the highest bidder and be fine.  


I do not believe so! Netflix is going all in because in every other market, they’ll be airing the PLEs. Netflix is essentially paying to be the sole broadcaster of WWE product in the long term, as the deal seem to include every market as the current deals expire.


I don't think Netflix has the cash to compete with peacock if it becomes a bidding war. Peacock doesn't necessarily have to win, they just have to make winning too costly for Netflix.


Did you really say Netflix doesn’t have the cash to compete with Peacock? Peacock is owned by NBCUniversal, which also owns USA Network! If Netflix really couldn’t compete with NBC Universal, RAW would still be on USA in 2025. But Netflix went all in with WWE. Peacock cannot offer what Netflix does, which is worldwide distribution. Seriously, think about it!


All PLEs are going to air in The CW like NXT.


Peacock contract is until 2026, after that probably B shows free on NetFlix, A shows $75 on PPV, WrestleMania $100 on PPV.


That would be financial suicide.


Not a chance in hell they’d ever go back to the PPV model.


Sounds like the old UK channel 4 model


Armageddon 2000 *intensifies*


I remember invasion being free


Same, I'm certain there was a rumble too. Maybe 2001?


In the US they stay on Peacock for now, but outside the US everything is going to Netflix once current deals end, and the expected outcome is Netflix will make a play at taking over the Peacock deal when it comes up


I'm wondering how the PLEs will work on Netflix in Canada. As of right now, I can watch the main shows on Sportsnet but have to upgrade $15 more per month to get PLEs too. Curious if Netflix will make the fans upgrade to their "top tier" instead of basic or whatever it is.


I wouldn't doubt the ad tier is supported. They could use the extra time to run ads like Peacock does. Depends on how they plan to implement their revenue stream.


They’ll be on peacock… damn why are wrestling fans dumb bapa


NBA is coming to Peacock


It’s just RAW that means: not smackdown, not NXT, not PLE’s… etc.


Only in the US everywhere else everything is going on Netflix


And on which official website have you found that nowhere to found information?


https://www.sportcal.com/features/deal-focus-wwes-raw-moves-to-netflix-from-2025/#:~:text=The%20agreement%2C%20beginning%20in%20January,widely%20reported%20as%2010%20years. Seems a legitimate website but not 100%


That’s the closest we have gotten to it being ‘official’. It’s just weird everywhere else it’s only advertised for RAW.


They won’t know until the deal ends with Peacock the year after. Same with Smackdown. But I can’t see Netflix not wanting to get it all