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Bring on the next gen Usos! Papa Roman is handling his business right now. Until he returns, we could use some fresh Uso blood for this Civil Uce War!


No they need to chill. We have barely had time to become invested in the new bloodline


Hikuleo is coming at any time now. I don’t think Zilla should be involved yet though as he’s still green and has just 14 matches with nearly a whole year of experience under his belt to be rushed right onto the main roster for the sake of adding to it.


Zilla is too green, potential out the wazoo but he’ll sink in WWE the way he is now


Ava Raine as the manager, incoming….


All I ask is that they attempt to have a different moveset. Enough with the super kicks. Don't need them to be nonstop superkicking each other like Jey vs Jimmy at WM40.


None of the rest of the bloodline wrestle like the Usos, so I’m not sure why that would even be a concern


Jacob and Solo do also do superkicks but I’m fine with them doing it


I rarely see solo do superkicks jimmy neither


I thought Cody winning was supposed to put a stop to this crap? Let's just bring more Samoans so we can continue our little fast food storyline because we can't think of anything else. And it's going to lead to Roman coming back and burying everybody. Yippee what a payoff. Ugh


Rethink this.


No I think I've thought about it long enough and I just do not care about Roman reigns. It was fine for a few months but then they had to bring in the Usos to carry Roman and when that fizzled out they brought in Sami to carry him again and again and again. Yeah I get it the guy has leukemia but come on you're the face of the company you don't need to be carried anymore. I'm sure Joe the person is cool but Roman the wrestler just bores me to death. I know the pop that he is going to get is going to be earth-shattering but I'll probably mute the TV. Meh. Tired of the bloodline.


Just an awful take


Romans has always been boring but they where smart putting the right people around him to cover it. It was the same in the shield, He had Dean and Seth to cover for him since he just never was that good. Wwe always wanted him to be the top guy though for some reason and it didn't work last time and his solo run won't work this time when he switches to face again. Probably will get the support at the start with the closing of the bloodline stuff but once he goes full solo run that will wear off really quickly.


I don't care what the popular opinion of the IWC is. I don't care for Roman reigns. You can downvote me all you want. But on second thought I hope Roman really does bury them all, puts an to it once and for all Nexus style. No sell everything from DDTs to Canadian destroyers on the concrete, kicks out of everything. Superman punches and Spears to everybody. Sufferin succotash son I'm throwing logic out of the window. I don't care about the Samoan reign of terror anymore.


I'm a Bloodline fan, but hardly going to bash you for this preference. I'm married to a dude who hates the Bloodline and I still have that finger up in the air after one of their wins. We just don't debate it. I stated my opinion on Sami on a post last week and got down voted all damned day due to my unpopular opinion. We all have our fav and not-so-fav factions. If we all agreed it would get so dull on here. Thought you could use a lil support here!


Roman Reigns - Solo Sikoa "Main Event" Jey Uso - Tanga Loa Jimmy Uso - Tama Tonga Hikuelo - The Rock Zilla Fatu - Jacob Fatu Sami Zayn doesn't need to be involved


I feel like Jey fits better with Tama Tonga and Jimmy fits better with Tonga Loa.


if you watch Jacob's Debut, You can see Tonga Loa look conflicted about Jacob joining and that's kind of the same thing with "Main Event" Jey Uso


Well yes but both Tama and Jey were the first new member of there bloodlines and they were both called the right hand man


either way, Bloodline WarGames needs to be the end of this story Sami Zayn go off and focus on what he's focusing on Jey and Jimmy could reunite and Reigns can go on to face Rock at Wrestlemania 41 just NOT in the main event


Why do yall keep putting green ass Zilla in these? Stop it. He ain't ready


overhyped and overrated, TikTok hyping him to the moon. hope hhh doesn't fall for it


He's got potential, as most of that family does. But like damn let bro get a few years under his belt or at LEAST let him train at the PC for awhile


Gotta bring the threat before you bring the solution.


None of them. they should bring Truth Fatu imagine R-truth start aligning himself with The Bloodline, start thinking he is a samoan, then mistake Solo with Umaga and calling Tanga Loa as Camacho lol. and then he will sneak in during one to the sky pose just like he did with Judgement day


This is starting to look like a Samoan version of the NWO Wolfpack.


Bring back the TRIBAL CHIEF.


Zilla needs to go to NXT. He’s got potential but I haven’t seen anything in ring thats impressed me other than his power. He needs developmental because he’s only got 1-2 of experience. The other Samoans/Tongans have many years of experience.


After they teased tension, I think the bloodline will break into three parts. Reigns & Usos, Solo, Fatu & Zilla, G.O.D & Hikuleo


And the Rock over seeing them all?


It’s weird that the Anoa’i’s are getting this much attention in the WWE when before Roman everybody who signed after the Rock was relegated to cannon fodder


And roman is the least talented out of all of them


because the only samoan after the rock that had abs was Roman lol


He covered them up for 7 years though


Umaga had a good first year - but proceeded to be jobber to the stars after that. Not great but better than rosey I guess


Manu is even worse than Rosey. he join the legacy and was kicked out only after 2 months


Zillq sucks to be honest I don’t get why everybody sucks his dick


Right! Probably bc all the praise booker t has given the dude, if im not wrong he hasnt wrestled even for 2 years and from the looks of it hes terrible at selling , its cool to not sell sometimes but ive seen clips where they hit bro and stuff and he just gets up and “rages”


worst part is it seems like he's believing his own hype. him splitting with booker t speaks volumes about his work ethic


He’s working back with Booker and even apologized for his behavior


Sometimes I feel like I’m getting gaslit when I see all the praise for Zilla lmao


Lmao so much pages on insta glaze the dude hes nothing special. Solo is a wanna be umaga and zilla is a wanna be solo 😂 hes not ready for the big leagues


Zilla is NOT ready


How so


I’ve wanted Zilla for a while so I wouldn’t even complain, the guy as a singles in GCW is one of my favorites.


You know if I was on nxt I would be pissed off so much


Who deserves to be called up over Jacob Fatu in NXT lol


Jacob is one of my favorites I'd rather he fun through nxt than listen to anything solo has to say then move to the main roster to take over as leader


Jacob was leading a whole different company (MLW) for years and they have tv, why would Jacob even need to go to NXT?


To show up Solo a do something he couldn't do


But that wouldn't work with the current storyline. Obviously, WWE has faith that Jacob can go on live TV immediately, as he had experience with it, while Solo didn't have when he came into WWE. Same reason AJ Styles and the Good Brothers didn't need to go to NXT before their main roster debut.


Yeah I know I just wish they would do something different at this point because we been dealing with the bloodline story 4+ years and is this new bloodline gonna get belts if so we are back to square one with one with them hording all the belts Because Cody beating Roman should have ended the bloodline story and the new one should be call something different in my opinion


The Bloodline is a reason to watch Smackdown and has been the best long term story telling in forever. Crowds want Roman back, when before Mania he was getting booed. I don't think this updated Bloodline need belts, they are more dangerous than the ones that came before them, and commentary is telling us that, especially when Tama, and Tanga were showing apprehension when Jacob came into the fold on Smackdown.


Yeah I understand they are a draw but go after different people the cody story ended at Roman at this point solo is try to prove he's better but will never be but Jacob on the other hand can be because of his better moveset and how good his charisma is and to be honest there only maybe three things keeping me from 100 percent stopping and I use to love wrestling


Who is to say that Jacob wont come in and fight for the Head of the Table against Solo?


Perks of being from a legendary family


Yep the nepotism is high in that family no matter what


What's wrong with the next gen being hungry and wanting to follow in footsteps of parents they admire? If they were screw ups, we would be bashing them for not taking advantage of their privilege and opportunities.


I'm waiting for their sister, HAWK Tonga to debut




Samoan are everywhere


Feel like zilla has a lot to work on especially outside of the ring


Inside too. He’s had like 15 matches…


I’m disappointed that they have all these Polynesians under contract and none of them do the spot where they can’t be head butted. Whichever one of them does that spot first I’ll be their fan for life.


They've been doing this spot fairly regularly. Everyone that tries to headbutt a Samoan takes the worst of it. It's not a highlighted spot or anything, but if you watch, you can see Orton trying it, KO's done it a few times, and I think Cody did it not too long ago. And every time, it's no-sold by the Polynesian and the other dude acts like he just headbutted a brick wall.


One of the usos I believe jey did it against kaiser Iirc


Orton did the spot at Clash when they came to help Cody


Solo had this in the match vs Owens and Orton at backlash. Seems you are his fan for live


Bruh Jacob Fatu ate a superkick and no sold it?


That’s not the exact type spot. You described a straight no sell. The spot I’m talking about is when a guy headbutts a Samoan and hurts himself because the Samoan’s head is so hard. It’s an old school spot that they did in almost all matches with Samoans/Tongans up until the mid-90’s. Someone else pointed out that Orton did it which makes sense considering how long he’s been around the wrestling business.


I don’t care if they bring 20 in, as long as they are distinguishable from each other and have their own characters and personalities


I’m more interested in how they branch out after this whole civil war storyline. Once it’s over we’re left with like 8-10 Samoans on the roster


GOD will be future endeavoured for sure


Didn’t you see the family tree The Rock showed on the screen? We are only 5% of the way in


I mean we still have Naomi and Nia still in the mix


Most are retired, and or passed away


Bubba Ray was still not wrong about the 97 cousins thing.


So is WWE just signing every Samoan and Tongan wrestler that is available?


Nah. We good on Samoans. The Bloodline is about to become the next NWO and I'm not here for it.


Bloodline Red and Black.


No thanks


Zilla should be like a one time thing first, special guest partner for 5v5 Survivor Series, he still needs development


You need some Samoan presence at NXT :D


A lot of people are saying there are too many Samoans/Tongans in the Bloodline story. Right now, we have Solo, Tama Tongs, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fatu. If you include, Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and The Rock, and presumably Hikuleo, thats 9 of them. Now, if we look at the LWO/Legado Del Fantasma story, there are 9 of them, plus Carlito and Dirty Dom for a total of 11. Do people feel the same about the Latinos as they do the Samoans, or does it feel different because they aren't current main event players?


Adding Zilla would make 10


TBF tons of people are complaining about the Latino vortex right now.


Difference is that many of those stand out a little as individuals instead of just being relatives


Hell no, I couldn’t even tell you who is in LWO besides Rey Mysterio, Dragon Lee and Zelina. Let alone Del Fantasma. The new Bloodline members are memorable and interesting


You just mentioned a good portion of those but they either have interesting moves or personalities that set them apart instead of being Umaga knockoffs. Problem is with any group if you add enough people that aren’t distinctive you can water down the whole group. If you have three more dudes all acting like Solo Sikoa they just become generic. If they all have the same moveset they all become boring. One final thing- the LWO isn’t all related.


I mentioned three because those are popular wrestlers? All of Bloodline aren’t related either? You’re either misinformed or you’re just being a dumbass.


I think Solo’s crew has enough guys. 4 is enough. Now we need Roman to return with both Usos and Samoa Joe.


Omfg Samoa Joe lmao so random.


Why tf would they need or want Samoa Joe




Can’t we just say “enough” with all of Rocks family ?


For the most part it’s just “family” not family.


nah we gettin hikuleo and zilla before gta 6 😭


My personal guess... We will see them as part of Roman's return.


Is this starting to get into 1998 NWO territory where there’s going to be too many members.


I'm sorry but the NWO had too many members by 1997. Hogan, Hall, Nash, DiBiase, Bischoff, Big Show, Macho Man Randy Savage, NWO Sting, X-Pac, Vincent, Buff Bagwell, Konnan, Dennis Rodman and many more members just a mere eight months after Hogan joined Hall and Nash.


Bloodline: Solo-ed Out


These guys make sense though. NWO had an NBA starting lineup and Mike Tyson for some reason


Sure, but when is enough, enough? Are we going to be able to spotlight all these guys? How soon do these guys just look interchangeable? Is anyone that’s Samoan in the business deserving of this spot? I would be very careful on how many new characters they bring in at once under the same storyline, because eventually something needs to be next for these guys.


The thing is that these are two very different groups. Solo's group is with his guys and then you have Roman and The Uso's which are no longer part of the bloodline.


Bloodline Wolfpac


Exactly. Just like the nwo Wolfpack which was never really part of The NWO.


It’s already getting to that point


I’m fine with these four. They have two singles and a tag. Anything more will be too much.


Yeah I do t think hikuleo should sign n defo not Zilla


Before GTA6


Can someone destroy the Gauntlet mob spawner already. Cody Rhodes needs food badly


If they bring in any more they might as well change the name of the show from Smackdown to Oops all Bloodline.


Love a good captain crunch blue box reference.


Solo flaunts his gloves. Tama Tonga acts like he’s sneaking up on prey. Tonga Loa stands still gritting his teeth with wincing facial expressions. Wonder what these guys will do.


We need Journey Fatu before Leo or Zilla


Are they not realizing these guys all just kinda blend together? How many angry Samoan characters can you have? Too many is the answer.


Hope not. That’s entirely to many people for this storyline.


I need zilla on my tv






How big does any faction have to be?


There must be a large Samoan WWE audience. Too much Paul.


I think you mean too much, Dwayne.


Too many Samoans. There’s plenty right now.


Do we really need all these boring Samoans on the roster?


You can go ahead and get rid of solo. All these new guys coming in are better than he is


From WWE to WSE.


What's with the Samoan overload? Won't be long before they need a separate show just for the samoans.


Both will probably end up In nxt, everyone jumping the gun


When will it be enough? If we're not going to have a Bloodline civil war, then all of this recruiting would be for nothing


We not getting Zilla for at least another 3-4 years. We all love him but he literally JUST started wrestling


All Samoan Wrestling Entertainment


Half of the active Bloodline is Tongan and one of the two pictured is Tongan.


People keep saying Sami, but Sami has washed his hands of the bloodline and unlike Jey and Jimmy, he has no obligation whatsoever to them


One heartfelt conversation with Jey and he’s back in.




Kindly stub your toe or eat bad sushi if you are my true fan 🥰


That’s exactly what I mean yea, he’s bound to come back out of the fact that this is his actual family


Exactly. The plan for a 5v5 is clear, the only thing we don’t know is who is gonna join Roman and the Usos


They can do 4 on 4. It's been 4 on 4 War Games. Haku's other son can join Roman & The Usos


I think that solo will rejoin the original bloodline


Sami helping the OG Bloodline again and KO freaking the fuck out about it would be fucking great though


Only if KO goes on a rampage and finally gets to go over the Bloodline. Dude has spent 3yrs making them look good but lose


how many kids did rikishi have damn


1 for every Stinkface give.


Just 4 boys. 1 of them doesn't wrestle


Hikuleo is the son of haku and the Tongans brother. Zilla is Umagas son.


He did it… for the rock


Long term booking


He did it with the Rock.




Hold on a minute playa


The bigger and better talent, bring em on. As long as they’re bringing something to the show. I’m for it.


Which one is which, I honestly don't know either way 🤔


Hikuleo, brother of Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa (Left) and Zilla Fatu (Son of Umaga) (Right)


Wow ok that's cool, thanks for the reply, the one on the right looks like a beast


Who are these people? More cousins of the Rock?


Hikuleo(the tall one with long hair) is the brother of GoD and the other guy is Zilla Fatu- the son of Umaga


I don’t think we’ll get Zilla for a while. They might sign him soon, but probably keep him at the PC for a while like they did with Ava. The difference being he actually has wrestling ability


Zilla got kicked out of booker ts promotion btw


They made amends and he returned recently.


I see lots of you are saying The Rock. He ain’t coming back for a long while! If at all. He’s Hollywood again. That pays wayyyyyy more and eats a good portion of his time. He came back for a quick little stint. That’s all I expect of him. As for Roman’s return, anything is possible with his new contract. Basically prob just going to do PLEs and a few rare appearances on smack down. Curious too see what angle he will have. The bloodline looks out of control. Will he come back to fix that mess?????


Rock literally said to ESPN the other day he’s planning for Mania 41 lmao. He was one of the catalysts in getting Mania in Vegas. He setup a match with Cody. He will be in Wargames because the Bloodline story still ends with Roman v Rock lmao.


I’ll laugh at that too. I just read the article and he said he’s thinking about the match but has deff said it’s not a guarantee. Lots can happen in a year. So don’t over sell what you want vs speculation. As far as Wargames, that idea and again just an idea from Rakishi as a possible scenario. Again I’d love too see the final boss in a match. IMO it’s just a pipe dream too keep the fans on there toes with the excitement. Like you are showing. Save this post or add me up if you want and we will see what happens. Oh and yes the one thing that’s a fact is he did have a say in bringing wrestlemania to Vegas cause he’s on the board. That is true.


You are in that group of weird wrestling fans. You’re like “DONT GET ME WRONG I WOULD LOVE THAT… but it’s not gonna happen.” As if Rock hasn’t said a million times “long game”. He’s on the board for christs sake. I bet you were the WORST when Punk came back. Either enjoy the product and stop shitting on everybody’s ideas, or stfu and go watch something else. Fans like you ruin wrestling and god I feel bad if I had to sit by you at a live event lmao.


That’s sound like a CM Punk tantrum. Priceless


Even if he's not IN War Games, if it's Bloodline vs Bloodline??? He could easily be involved, even by showing up to stare down Roman after the fact, when Roman's side won. Unless he stares down Cody and works to a Cody/Rock WM41 main event..... but I'd rather see Rock/Roman


Yeah I just don’t see anything but Rock/Roman at 41. They almost risked it all for it this year. I would think you’d have Rock/Cody at Summerslam because he’s already training like mad for that MMA movie. Regardless anybody who says Rock isn’t coming back or won’t be at WM41 is delusional.


Doesn’t Moana start filming this summer though? So doubt he’d even be able to make an appearance at Summerslam. I think his “bloodline” will lose at wargames and that’ll be what brings him back around the rumble to build to Roman/Rock


Well, to be fair to any naysayers? Had he not come out already on ESPN and straight out said that he was getting ready for 41 and that this was just the beginning?? I would be right there with anyone else, saying that at his age and with other things he has going on with his movies or football league?? There's no way... But that's just cause he does this so often! He comes back for a second, says he's home, and then leaves. Hell, even I was saying on Twitter that when he came back and asked where he should sit after Raw? When he asked if it should be at the head of the table? Even I was convinced it was still a one and done. When he came to Smackdown? I said it was two and see you in a few! I guess even with all this debate, we just get to sit back, hypothesize, and wait.


He won't be in the War Games match. He'll still be filming Moana live action I see him returning on the 1st RAW on Netflix & he may pop up on SD that same week


Wasn’t he also injured filming that new A24 film?


He got some cyst burst in his arm. He’s already lifting again. He’s fine.


Yes and he’s gotta protect himself and can’t be doing anything physical (like wrestling) while he’s under contract for these movies he’s signed on too. Plus he’s on the board for TKO and he’s running the UFL football league. He’s got a shit load on his plate.


He'll likely come back around WM time. Plans have been for Roman vs Rock at WM.


I’m all for it. Be a great match. I just don’t have the confidence in the Rock coming back. He left WWE in 2004 and really never came back till this last stint. That’s what a 20 year absence. Again tho it would be a good main event for Wrestle mania. I just wouldn’t gamble on it


He and Roman are going to headline WM. There is no doubt


How come there's no doubt? Just curious since I'm not as invested in the product as I used to be


He’s on the board for a reason and they’ve got him on an agreement. I’m be more worried about Roman than the rock. They’re going to figure out that the rock is the next Vince. He’ll cut promos offsite from the “boardroom” and create external interest in the WWE then come in and work maybe 3-4 shows and main event. People who doubt it are stuck on the old way they’d do wrestling. The rock isn’t a wrestler anymore. He’s a draw.


Yeah but are these assumptions or have you actually read/heard it somewhere?


There is huge doubt tho. He’s got like a ton of movies in the works. I’m not trying to be an ass and discredit you. I’m all for the dream match. https://www.cinemablend.com/new/Rock-Movies-List-Upcoming-Films-Starring-Dwayne-Johnson-133037.html


Not saying he will be back. In fact, like you? I think he won't be..... at least not any time soon. But to be honest? You can't dismiss it so easily (or at least I wouldn't) On that list of movies?? At LEAST 3 or 4 of those have wrapped filming already, 1 is animated and only needs voice-over work (which I think is also done already), one is likely to need very little physical activity seeing as Disney isnt exactly known for high octane, fast paced action flicks.....and the rest?? All say TBA. So conceivably? They MIGHT stay in developmental hell for a bit, allowing him to make enough dates to build to something, even if it's a glorified squash match as he does a job for his cousin to look stronger than ever, as Dwayne heads on the way out.


I think it is likely going to happen. Rock even said he's "going away for now" but will be right back. I'm sure he's going to want to do this sooner rather than later. He isn't getting any younger.


Came back for Cena x2, Punk, and Awesome Truth...


I can see Hikuleo before Roman & rock’s return because he left new Japan and we have rumours he’s signed. Zilla I’m less sure of because I haven’t heard anything. Side note since he’s the tallest member of either bloodline I could see Hikuleo being the breakout star or at least they’ll try to protect him. They’re trying to create this next generation of star soon and the bloodline underlings of today are a good start.


These Samoans coming to wwe and taking the jobs of hard working NXT folk 😔


Speaking as if they aren’t hard working




Meh. The story has run its course and without Roman it lands flat. Pushing it now ruins the last 3 years of lightning in a bottle we had. Unless this ends with a hell of a twist and not the Higher Power Dwayne angle they are pushing nothing will pay off for anyone.


Imagine having no knowledge of anyone (clearly) and calling Tama Tonga who has more experience and means more the wrestling history already than half the wwe roster a “greenie”. Just say you don’t know shit about wrestling outside of wwe and move on.


GoD are more experienced than a least half the roster, there class


Trick williams is better than your favorite wrestler


My favorite is Bianca. It will be wise to Backpedal buddy.


Too many cooks....


Two Os. I got worried there for a second. Thought I saw a second C.