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I think Bron should win just wish it was at sunmerslam.


I want him to but it probably won’t happen making him the Canadian that wind


Yes we need more heel champions




if that happens, Chelsea Green has to win mitb so the toronto crowd is happy


Zayn's title run has been dreadful, they've done nothing with him. And let's not kid ourselves the outcome of this with Bron winning is undeniable, like gravity, a bald mans hair not returning and a guy with less than 4 inches not being able to successfully please women.


No - Gable should win the briefcase and cash in on Sami.


No. There should be a fatal four way at Money in the Bank where Sheamus wins. That way, he gets the one title that eluded him his whole career. Then drop it to Bron at SummerSlam


nah Sami will and should win. (sheamus & kaiser may help) Chad Gable wins MITB Cashes in to finally beat sami and Win his title but its a sour victory cause no matter what he does he know he never beat gunther and he never truely beat sami


Bron doesn’t have the mic skills yet but dude is hella fun to watch wrestle


That could work so we get og bloodline back and still have IC title matches


I don't but he will. I personally think he's overrated.


No. I think he’s too big of a talent and his legacy is too big. He should win by DQ and go straight to the World Championship. Edit: I also think he should ditch the spear and bring back the screwdriver.


I disagree. I think he should win it. Just not right now. His style doesn't fit the model of a strap holder, especially against a more experienced wrestler. Let his wrestling style grow then ill agree


Bron should win. Only way I see him losing is if gable and the creed brothers get involved but I don’t think that’s where they’re going with it. But I can see them setting up a Sammy vs gable for summer slam and finally putting it on gable. I think his story is ready for it, the man was murdered a couple weeks ago and he showed up. Deserves some gold lol


You could definitely make the case that Bron could be given the Intercontinental Title and it's justified. He's been booked perfectly, is killing it in his role, and crowds are getting behind him too. From a kayfabe perspective it makes sense too, since Bron beat Gunther long before Sami was able to. But just from a believability perspective, it's difficult to have Sami retain without there being bullshit involved. Bron looks like he'd steamroll Sami, and I think sometimes WWE just needs to commit to guys like Breakerr when they have momentum. As long as they keep booking him as they have been while he's IC champ, Bron will continue to ascend up the card. And Sami can take many many losses without being affected. And Bron already has multiple title defences lined up. I know he's not resigning but he may get 1 final match before his contract is up in July; Ricochet, Kaiser, Sheamus, Dragunov. All of those contenders already have a pre-existing issue with Bron that can be used as a foundation for a solid IC title feud. And we all know Sami is more than likely gonna be booked out for the rest of the year with Bloodline business. Bron should win. I don't think he will, I think they'll probably have Kaiser/Sheamus or possibly even Ricochet interfere so it ends in a DQ. And then at Summerslam Bron will win in a Fatal 4 Way for the belt. Which to be fair isn't a terrible route.


Why wouldn’t Bron resign?


I meant that Ricochet is not resigning


as much as I love Sami, yes ! Bron is unstoppable




Yeah, this dude is way too electric to not get a push now


Yes please for crying out loud I can’t stand Sami or his lame gimmick. Hes already buried the title enough time for make a new star




Agreed. It will be disappointing if he doesn't


Feel like it's too early to slap a title on Bron. IC title would have done a lot more for Gable's career.


Sami will lose the title at some point this summer and the rejoin the Bloodline after being asked for help by Reigns or Heyman


Hell yeah


I love Bron but I'm thinking not yet. Have him lose due to interference and it can lead to another feud. Loop back to Bron winning the title later in the year


The only way bron could lose is by outside interference


Bron either has to win the title or lose by DQ. It would be bad for Bron to be pinned by Sami.


Yes please. Sami was the wrong choice to dethrone gunther at wrestlemania anyways.


Either that or Bron goes berserk and gets DQ’d


yeah they need to get that title off walmart daniel bryan


😭😭😭😭 maybe dollar general


I think Bron should def be the successor and may be the reason they didn’t give it to Chad at ‘Mania, because he would’ve gotten buried under Bron who’s a new up and comer. Bron is on the fast track and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him in the main event scene this time next year.


Bron should beat Cody and sideline him and his boring ass


my craziest theory is Chad wins the briefcase before the match and then cashes in


It's hard to imagine Triple H allowing Bron to lose. There could be some non decisive way to get this to SummerSlam so he can win at SummerSlam, but if there's an outright finish, with a pinfall, I cannot even imagine Sami being allowed to beat Bron. I think it's probably more likely we get Sheamus and if he's gonna be ready by SummerSlam, Ludwig Kaiser interference to get this to a 4 way at SummerSlam so that Breakker can win on the big show. They probably want to crown him on the bigger show. Then again, maybe they want him to beat Sami in Canada for heat. Sami is not pinning him, that's what I believe at the end of the day. He will not pin Bron Breakker. He might escape with his title, somehow, but he won't pin him.


I think Sami should win so we can have a Sami Vs Gable at Summerslam. Have Bron lose by DQ


I think it’s too soon to put the IC on Bron. But it’s also too soon to have him lose. So I think they’re going to do it. I would’ve liked to have seen Gable win it and then have him and Sami continue their rivalry.


Sami is a non factor and his welcome has been worn out.




Shame Gable looses fucking 3 times just for this meathead to win? Absolutely not. Dudes done nothing but win squash matches. Fuck outta goldberg 2.0.


Loses* it is loses…. Not looses


I don’t think Bron should have gone for the IC title yet, but they’ve booked the match already so I don’t see an alternative because Bron shouldn’t lose yet. I think Dom should’ve been the next IC Champ. Maybe Liv can use her powers of persuasion to get Dom added and Dom can pick Bron’s scraps to get the title


Bron is the future and they see stars in him so, as long as they make him interesting and not Goldberg 3.0 I’m fine with it.


... I don't find Bron compelling at all




Crazy how I suggested that Bron could be defending the IC title at SS just last night and got downvoted to hell for it, but this post everyone is more positive. What changed, r/WWE?


Yes and Sami DOESNT need to join new bloodline.


No. What has he done on the main roster to prove he’s worthy of the championship?


So everything he showed on NXT doesn’t count? It’s still a WWE product. Through that he has proved that he is worthy. Two time NXT champion and one of the reigns was a year long? Yeah he’s worthy.


Problem is the majority of the mainstream audience don’t watch NXT so they don’t know much about him. So people will question why he deserves the match if he hasn’t had major wins on the main roster except for squash matches.


Considering they view NXT talent as less than main roster talent I wouldn’t consider it


Seth Rollins’s NXT championship reign was shorter than Bron and he and the shield still went on to nearly immediately win titles. Paige won the Diva’s title right after coming off of NXT.


He murdered ricochet


He should not only beat him but decisively beat him. Not squash per se but, decisively.


Make it happen. Then Sami moves on to help reigns & the usos in the bloodline civil war! Do it!


Bron should beat Sami, which would also free Sami up to join up with the (returning) Bloodline to take on the new bloodline


Sami is about to help Jey with this new Bloodline. He needs to be freed up and this is the perfect opportunities




I pray for when Chad finally wins the IC title, till then I'll settle for Bron taking the gold.


I think ol Chad has way more interesting shit coming up than the IC belt


They are pushing bron hard. It wouldn’t make sense for him to lose to Sami.


Would've loved for it to be sami vs bron vs sheamus vs kaiser. gonna be a fun match either way though


Whatever’s the fastest way to get Sami to stop yelling every promo. If that means giving it to bron I’m down


I hate to say this but yes. Sami is cringe i still wish Gable won it instead..


I wish but I would want jey to win it instead of bron (just my opinion)


Yes, because we need Sami to reunite with his bloodline family for war games


Yup Bron is hot rn


100% Sami hasn’t mattered since WM39


I am for Bron winning


Take it from Sami then build a feud with Sheamus while Sami takes some time off and introduce Gunter into the fold and just have 3 powerhouse human beings making the IC exciting again.


Of shit please can this exact thing happen?


No Bron shouldn’t defeat Sami. The only person who should beat him would be sheamus


Maybe not now, but I could see him as a champion later this year.


Can’t stand Sami so I’d be cool w literally anyone taking it off him


I'm personally all for a redo of the Ultimate Warrior title progression. At least Bron can wrestle.


After the past 2 weeks, what makes us think that Sheamus or Ludwig aren’t gonna interfere… it’ll be a non finish or Sami retains thnx to outside interference


Ig the only reason I dont see outside interference is bc its a big 5 ppv, and an interference finish feels so weekly tv that itll be disappointing to have that finish


I can't stand sami, but in the same breath. It's too soon for bron to win


Funny I can’t stand Bron, he’s literally the same exact character as Goldberg which we’ve seen 100 times already. So boring.


Except he can wrestle more than 5 minutes


True I’m just talking about the character and the expressions and moves he does, it’s just boring to me I watched Goldberg for years and years and even that got stale


Yep, unless you want ricochet to come from the dead and interfere in the match.


If Their Match Would be in Summerslam Then I will Agree But If It Is On Money In The Bank Then I Will Disagree 😞


Only if this means Sami is going to hold the WHC in a future hot potato of the title. At some point WWE has created enough main event talent that it’s believable for parity, where the title is traded bc on any given day anyone can be beat.


I do miss the days when titles when constantly change hands for a bit just straight chaos, enough of these legendary title reigns




I mean I really like Bron, but Sami ain’t losing in Canada. That being said, I think Sami wins by DQ because Bron beats the absolute shit out of him and the match gets called off.


Lol yall still havent learned yall lesson about hometown title matches...


I mean yeah it happened to Drew twice, but I just don’t see it happening


And bret






Have the match thrown out due to interference from both Sheamus and Dragunov, which can lead to a Fatal 4 Way at SummerSlam. Then you have Sheamus pin either Sami or Dragunov to win the last title he needs to be a Grand Slam winner and have him move into a fued with Bron, which is when you put the belt on him.


Yes and free up Sami to be the honorary UCE again


Yeah I agree, Sami really doesn’t need the title anymore and Bron clearly has momentum and would be the perfect IC champ at the moment


Yes. It continues Bron’s push to eventual main event status and frees Sami up for the forthcoming Bloodline war.




Squash match. 40 seconds. Ultimate warrior style.




Gunther title reign died for this


Sami is probably not losing. Je just won the title off one of the best Intercontinental champions ever. He needs more storylines and matches before dropping it.




I want Bron to win because he's pushing up so hard. I love how explosive he has been since it came on stage. 


Sami beating Bron would destroy Bron's push. Bronn is being built as this new age Brock Lesnar, he's a tank destroying everyone. Sami has a beer belly and looks like he has no muscle


I agree. He's like a younger version of Brock Lesner. We haven't seen anyone like Brock in a younger version for years. 


I'm okey either way, but I rather see Sami drop it at Summerslam. Maybe have two matches where Bron loses first, but clean, but then goes to terrorize Sami until he gets a second chance and wins


I can see that


Bron getting the title now is a waste. He has heat because he is explosive and it’s fun to watch him destroy jobbers. He needs to overcome a little adversity and chase for a bit, develop his ring savvy and it will make a big difference.


Yes he has been on a rampage give him some Intercontinental gold not no stupid NXT gold real gold


He needs to start from somewhere. This will lay a good foundation for him is what I think. 


Don't care, Bron Steiner when?


I agree tbh


He will I have a feeling the Sami will be involved in the bloodline storyline


No Sammy needs to keep his title!


Yes, but I would have them do a finish where Sami somehow wins. I'm thinking Bron knocks himself out while knocking himself out, too, but he lands on Bron, and that infuriates Bron, who pulverizes Sami, and we get another match between them at Summerslam, and that's where Bron wins the title.


I think Sami will win by DQ because Bron just absolutely kills Sami


I don't think he should win. Too early for such a push, especially after Gunther's historical reign. I'm afraid that fans will not take to him that easily as that would be another guy being shoved down our throats and it would also lower the title that, for me at least, feels on par with the top two titles in the company right now (thank you Gunther). He should get screwed over by someone, get a good couple of feuds at Mania and then we can maybe have him dethrone Priest or Gunther for the WHC. The big one can come in a few years time, once he settles his mic skills a little so that we have a complete package. Also, he looks generic as f. Nothing that can't be fixed.


They’ve already taken to bron tho


No. Bron needs more stories before he gets hot-shotted to a title.


Absolutely not. Bron is being over pushed to death at the moment and it doesn’t feel like he’s organically over enough to be IC champ at the moment.


Idk if its over pushed its just a good push right now. Tons are loving his work and its entertaining seeing him destroy everyine


Sami has gotten himself over with the fans. Having said that, he should not have been the one to dethrone Gunther. Yeah, Bron should win the title.


Nah jey should beat him


sami should be in the world title picture esp at this time if gunther/drew/punk is set to win the title. some top tier matchups perhaps


No he just got to the main roaster and hasn’t Beat anyone worth while yet. He is good in the ring but terrible on the mic he still needs work.


No. But he should be made to look savage in the match.


Not in the first match - no


1000% yes sami shouldn't have won it in the first place.


I'd say it's a slam dunk.


I’m sick of Super Sami. I want Bron to pin him after one (1) spear.


Honestly he should take it in an monstrous squash match that lasts less than 2 minutes if he's to take it and run with this monster persona they're building around him. He should then be turned face , the crowd absolutely love him. I'd write sami off tv for a while until after summerslam and let him rest up, maybe returning to aid the Heyman led bloodline at survivor series


Big fan of Sami but Bron has to squash him. Just rag doll him around the ring.


Roman is about to have a redemption arc when he comes back and apologizing to Sami is one of the things he must do. So, obviously Sami will lose the title, but he will still be elevated to one of the main storylines.


I said they have to make bron destroy Sami. A bit like brock vs cena summerslam. Just make him look like an animal


Bron taking the IC title off Sami basically makes Sami available for the Roman’s Bloodline vs Solo’s Bloodline feud


Which they absolutely should be doing...


I think yeah he loses cause he might do bloodline civil war 2.0


He should destroy him.


Probably. Sami is essentially keeping that title warm for the next up and comer. That’s the cool thing about Sami. He puts people over, he’s always featured in a halfway decent (or excellent) storyline, and as entertaining as anyone else on the roster, minus Truth lol.




Yes, then kill everyone that challenges, until Gunther stops the whc and come back to try and stop bron beating his record.


I think people forgot about wanting gable to win the ic title but they were more focused on him presumably dying in kayfabe a brief period of time


Bron should lose early because his ultra violence hasn’t been contained yet. Then spend 10 minutes destroying Sami for some sweet heat. Also explains away his failing to win world title on his first few attempts. And his eventual winning will be a face turn.


I think Bron should lose this one via roll-up / interference / Bron getting DQ'ed or something to protect both guys, then he absolutely obliterates Zayn in their future rematch a la Owens vs. Zayn for the NXT Title. Then Sheamus beats Bron and completes the Super Grand Slam.


My biggest issue with Bron is his gimmick needs him to be continually fed. I don’t want to watch him squash the roster and whoever is backstage all the time.


Honestly, perfect time for a squash match. Would be really funny.




Sami is a much better sympathetic face when he’s being crushed under someone’s boot, the whole ‘I’M SO STRONG AND LISTEN TO HOW LOUD I CAN SCREAM ABOUT HOW I NEVER GIVE UP’ thing is getting really old. Bron winning here and completely destroying Sami in the process is the best direction, it will generate huge heat for Bron (who WWE clearly want to be seen as a heel), and allow Sami to come back for a big match at SummerSlam as an even bigger face.


What if Sami Zayn: That doesn’t work for me Brother !


Yes frees him up for og bloodline


Why? What cred has Bron accrued?


Sami needs to barley retain then have Gable cash in on him the same night


If there’s ever another mid card cash in, Triple H needs to be fired from WWE and be erased from its history.


Mid card cash in can work if there’s an emotional story line behind it.


I don’t know if this is happening BUT it’s fun.


Kind of a boring answer, but I’m just here for a good story. I like Sami, he seems like a good dude— I met him a long, long time ago in his NXT days (I wasn’t even watching wrestling) and he was my in when I started getting into it. I like Bron! But I don’t know if he’s the guy right now— just because I don’t see what the story is. But not opposed to Sami losing it to anyone specifically as long as it rules.


Yes Sami is not the same


Yes please. I’m honestly tired of Sami.


Beard trim and a hair cut


Nah fr though


Give the title to Bron, fire Sami


No, fuck the barking dog


I upvoted to return you to no votes


His gimmick is literally, OMG he's strong, OMG he spears! Small Braun Strowman. Sami deserves the title way more than this guy.


No Sami literally has not had the title long enough and he needs to have a lot of good story lines especially with how much the fans love him


Not even that, he took the title off of one of, if not, the best intercontinental champions of all time. It’s almost like having Cody lose the title at Backlash… how do you go from beating the best to losing to a main roster newbie. But it would definitely put Bron on a broad spectrum of greatness and put him on track to be the face of the company. (In Cena/Reigns position) so there’s pros and cons to both.


Yes but not yet. Interference probably happens and I can see it being Sami, Sheamus, Kaiser and Bron in a Fatal Four Way at SummerSlam. Bron can win it there


Brown should smash him like lesnar smashed cena at summerslam 2014


I need Bron to split him in half




Is there overlap between people who wanted Tiffany Stratton to win a belt already and people who want Bron to lose at MITB?


Chances are he'll win one of the World Titles next year. Until then, sure give him a secondary to help build him up. 


Absolutely not.


Absolutely. With the way Bron has been booked he has to win. The last thing I want to see is Sami getting destroyed for 20 minutes and speared 15 times and still win with a single Helluva kick. That's what we're gonna get unfortunately.


Bron Breaker needs other title, but some day that




Yes but make Sami Zayn fight hard. Bron Breakker has been built for awhile so for him to lose feels kinda bad. Might be like getting his moment cut off and he sinks


I feel like someone screws Bron to stop it from happening so soon.


If they make Ricochet interfere that would be interesting.


Imagine both Sheamus and kaiser💀


yeah I have a feeling there trying to set up a fatal four way at summerslam


yes he’s a steiner


I mean I feel it should have been Gable, but instead they wanted to give us Gable vs Sami with the same outcome over and over again.


Nope! He’s still a rookie. Needs more time


I still agree to anything like that. Let new guys win mid card titles. Even if it‘s for a short time but remember when Carlito won his first Title on his debut? Instantly made this guy someone. Bron needs this, for me, he‘s like Braun in small.


I don’t get the appeal of Bron…Gable should’ve beat Gunther.


I imagine shenanigans with others like Gable and maybe even a guy like Reed, Bron winning the title would be cool but how you getting the belt off him anytime in the next year? At least in a way where people online won’t bash it for being lazy or something.


Triple threats exist for this very thing.


Yes and it should be a Brock type squash over Cena at Summerslam


No, I want Gable to take the title first.


Not on the 1st go. Need Bron to get angrier.