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Do you hear Shane O’Mac’s theme song in your head? If not listen to it… it will explain everything.


But they won’t even release those hidden models for money. They just leave them completely hidden for some reason


Wait until next year…and who’s not to say some of those hidden models aren’t planned for the by set of persona cards?


Nobody I know plays that stupid myuniverse mode with the cards. That shit is so lame


Unfortunately a lot of people do... then when 2k gets more and more greedy with the mode the people are in too deep playing, buying, and defending to notice that the game is deteriorating. Look no further than NBA 2k, Madden and Fifa with their ultimate teams too.


A lot of people do


As the games rolls through the year. Higher level card will get released. It's the same way NBA 2K does it.


What does that have to do with what I said?


They holding them for the next game so they can act like they gave you something new. But you had it all along.


I would like to take a moment and add. Fuck wales.




Or Ted DiBiase




Meanwhile, in the images on CC... https://preview.redd.it/qpb9qahkzqwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b84d91e394746cb21f19675cca50d3b11a6f26 And much worse stuff, too.


Never thought I'd see Scott The Woz here


There actually removing those


Tbf, the comment was 5 days ago, and I only found out about it yesterday. Either way, glad they're finally doing it, even if I wanted to use the meme of Scott the Woz more.


2Ks number 1 priority: Make Money They definitely have that priority in order. No matter how shady


I wish people understood that is every game developer ever. To think money isn't a part of all their endgames is naive.


Pretty sure everyone knows that


I mean, they should, but then stuff like this happens in multiple games a year and then people all "What?? Why?? Oh no, how horrible, why would they do such a thing?" and the answer is money.. it's always money.


Yeah I see you’re point and that is true about all game developers but some actually care and put effort into actual making there games work and making them better. A great example of this would be cyberpunk it was buggy as well when it came out it took some time but eventually it got to be where it is today because the developers cared. Same with rockstar games they spend years working on a game to make it better than the last. You know when there not milking a game for 10 years


While I agree, how do they lose money doing this? Some people exclusively buy the game to play with CC, or at least expecting CC to improve it. Doesn't this just hurt their reputation and thus their sales?


I argue that point with how they butchered NBA. It's atrocious what they've done.  I definitely dont think every move makes sense. But in their mind it does.


I find it very suspicious that there was a TOS update dated today (26th) and you had to re-agree with everything.


I was like what the fuck


I told you everyone that would happen…. fYI.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WWEGames/s/WSEZtlgFhL People like to downvote me for this shit but I can tell you exactly how this will all play out and how much worse WWE2k25 will be and how much will be locked behind paywalls next year.


People are downvoting you because you aren't some authority that everyone follows. You're just some dude on a video game forum.


Experience my friend, experience. And receipts are being saved.


Receipts are being saved lol...this dude is literally waiting patiently for a whole year so he can get back at all those mean redditors downvoting him. "Ha! I told you the game would hide content behind a paywall a year from now!" isn't the epic own you think it is.


Little buddy I don’t care about the downvotes… I do care about the “I told ya so” though and all the people being ignorant to what 2k is doing and some people don’t want to believe it. Downvote the shit out of my posts, I’ll gladly take it because that means people are at least reading it. I’m not a karma whore like some of the little kiddies on here are. I speak from experience, take my words however you want.


This whole response is sad. Damn. Video game forums are a special kind, I didn't realize. Best of luck, hope you get that validation.


Maybe you should listen to guys on forums more than the authorities


Yeah that's how he had people injecting horse dewormer and bleach during covid. Grow up.


I don't plan on buying 2K25, so much promise with persona cards and universe mode fixes and a persona card marketplace and nothing delivered and now banning creator after creator.


As the NBA2k community found out… 2k cares about money and that’s it. Unfortunately Reddit, discord, X, we are just a small percentage of the player base and they make more money off the casual than us so we will never get the change we want.


Why do you keep acting like anyone actually knows who you are? It's obnoxious and I think *that's* why you're getting downvoted, not the very basic stance that "bad company will do bad thing"


Unfortunately, 2K only cares absolutely money. Just earlier, I was playing MyRise to try and unlock some arenas, yet my game keeps crashing. I shouldn’t have to relaunch the game multiple times just to play a match in MyRise. This is part of my frustration with their recent actions against Status and Marty. 2K has time to ban these creators, but can’t fix their game? It’s unfortunate that the AEW game flopped so hard. We need another wrestling game to rival 2K so that they’re forced to step up. It’s why so many sports games are so bad now. There’s no competition. EA knows if we want to play NFL football, you have to get Madden. 2K knows if we want to play basketball or wrestling, you’re going to have to buy their game. I fear it’s only going to get worse from here. 2K24 isn’t a bad game by any means, but it desperately needs patches. 2K’s priority shouldn’t be banning creators at the moment.


Yup you and me both, any edits I try to make to custom superstars results in a crash and a reboot. This has been happening for two months but clearly that’s not an issue for 2k.


Ran into that problem with myrise last year and this year had to delete the mens myrise save i had


There's another wrestling game that is supposed to come out. I believe it will turn the tide


Bro universemode is acting up on me every time I try to get in a match it glitch the game


I keep telling people. Ultra pro wrestling and wrestling code are the last hope. UPW really looks and sounds great for what they have planned. We still need to see more than just tech demos for wrestling code. But I'm hopeful to never have to play another 2k game ever.


What happened with MartyM???




I thought he was unbanned?


He wasn't even banned. His creations were taken down for a few hours, seemingly, and now everything is back and if you read his twitter he's right back to making stuff. But the circle jerk goes on none the less. People don't even know what they're mad about.


They're two very separate issues. Fixing bugs and things like that obviously should be a priority and it doesn't feel like they're very good at it. Community enforcement is another thing altogether almost definitely handled by a completely different business unit and also a hell of a lot easier. It's like anything else, any business has different people doing different jobs. Different jobs take different amounts of time and resources. As far as priorities, from the perspective of a game publisher, their priority is making money without spending too much money. My faction is their cash cow, so that's going to take priority over anything else. Also, because this is an annual release, it doesn't make sense financially to spend resources on patching issues that can be fixed in the next release. I'm not here to say that's right or wrong, in fact I think it stinks, but that's how it is. The only way to change that is to stop buying these games, and we all know none of us are going to do that. So does 2K. I really have no sympathy for creators who extracted hidden in-game assets and uploaded them to CC. They knew they were breaking the rules, they knew the consequences and received multiple warnings. I know we live in a time where no one is expected to be accountable for their own actions, but they have no one to blame but themselves. I shouldn't have to explain this, but if you break a rule and get punished it's not the fault of the person doing the punishing. It's the fault of the person for breaking the rule in the first place.


One of the things I find funny is that so many people think they prioritize myfaction. "They can't fix bugs because they're spending all their time selling cards" If you look at the LinkedIns of the developers, Visual Concepts' employees don't even work on that mode; it's outsourced.


Today's good to know. Thanks for the insight!


Exactly. I up voted this just so you know.


Yeah I'm not really understanding the outrage given the creators knew they were breaking terms.


I know alot of people won't like this comment but redditers are such a drop in the ocean when it comes to the amount of buyers of the product, and playerbase. We talk about priorities but the priority for 2k probably isn't a content creators banning that a few hundred people (at most) are angry about. The average player would have no idea who status is outside ofnclicking on his models. Most of them probably don't know he's even banned. If anyone boycotted the game over this, their sales of 2k25 wouldn't be affected in any noticeable way.


Yeah, i was going to say something similar. Reddit is a vocal minority. Also, just because they did one thing does not inherently mean they're choosing to ignore another. They have various teams. Whoever banned them is not from the same team working on Universe bug fixes or my faction cards etc.


Speaking my language mate. I find it hilarious that people will comment "they won't fix bugs but they'll ban creators" -I don't think they realize how much worse the game would be if the people who ban creators were in charge of bug fixing lol


What’s the status openly admitted he broke TOS and Marty I believe is unbanned. I agree though the crashing is still occurring often for me during creation on PS5.


I see this sentiment a lot: “They have time to ban users but not fix the game.” I’m just curious, is it that you think banning a user is difficult and time consuming, or that fixing a game held together by years of spaghetti code that no one has a fucking clue what to do with is easy? It’s not that I’m supporting these users being banned, nor am I not upset that the game is a broken mess (I’d personally love to be playing it, but I’m not doing so until they fix it). It’s just this idea that either of these two things have anything to do with each other seems ridiculous to me.




Plus, the team who bans people isn't the same team that develips the game, i don't know why people don't understand this


I really think a lot of the people on this board think 2K is a username for a single guy and not a full blown company with potentially hundreds of employees across different departments.


Well taking the time to ban CC’s (regardless of the time it takes) rather than having all hands on deck to fix their broken game seems ridiculous to me


It takes 5 minutes of time from a customer support agent, who makes minimum wage, to ban someone. They are not suddenly going to become a software engineer with in-depth knowledge of a 30 year old legacy codebase.


Who says they don't have all hands on deck to create a massive patch? You're just assuming things. Massive patches take a long time to work on, especially with their current spaghetti code. 1.06 was just a quick hotfix, the real patch will be the patch before the DLC drops and it'll probably be 20+gb.


Also, how is it that specifically 2k and EA sports games are the only developers who create yearly releases who have their games release in a shitty state constantly? I just bought MLB the Show and on release that game rarely if ever is littered with bugs the same way WWE 2k is every year. Call of Duty releases every year and is a game “held together by spaghetti code”, yet the game is at least functional every year. So what’s 2k’s excuse?


MLB The Show is the only baseball game out there which means it has high sales and a high budget and it's been the same since at least MLB The Show 11. Call Of Duty is and always has been a titan in the gaming industry so their budget is always massive despite having the same boring gameplay since the PS2 days and shitty storylines so what's their excuse for never changing anything? WWE 2K is 2K's lowest selling franchise, therefore they get a very small budget every year so the devs can't afford to completely remake the series and are forced to yearly releases with the code all scrambled.


That's not true at all. WWE isn't 2k lowest selling franchise


Call of Duty gets criticized every year for a litany of bugs and badly played changes. We're currently in one of the worst received entries the series ever had.


Kane 98 attire is with the half sleeve is ONLY WOMEN ONLY WTF .....


I'm doing the same exact thing. This is the last installment for me unless we actually get a game without all these weird bugs and broken things. The game just crashes when it feels like it and it drives me nuts cause I bought the WrestleMania version of the game which wasn't cheap. Can we please have a completed game on release. Something that looks like it was thoroughly tested. That would be so awesome.


Same, I also bought the Wrestlemania version. Big mistake.


2K doesn’t care about the customers bc they know they can just release the same broken product without fixing anything every year and people will buy it. The only way to get them to fix anything is if everyone just didn’t buy the product and boycotted WWE 2K25


That's true and the best strategy but 2k fans need their wrestling fix, so we know that's not gonna happen. They need the corporate more than the corporate needs them.


Even online sucks it doesn't work half the time


Wow, love the guys who are backing the corporation. You guys must be fun. 2k has been under fire for their over reaching TOS a few times. They aren’t losing out on money, or having their game performance affected by these creators. Without dedicated creators, their game would be boring after the first few weeks. White knighting a corporation is ridiculous, and really shines a light on what is wrong with the gaming community. Backing companies that actively work against gamers best interests. Buy some more card packs guys.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Will never understand corporate shills lol


It isn't white knighting. The world isn't simply this or that. It's realism instead of an emotionally charged reaction that's based on something being taken away that you liked, even though that thing was breaking rules.


Feel the same way, I honestly hope the modding community gets a bug squisher so we can use 2k23 as a permanent Game


Why bother spending time fixing bugs when you can spend that time banning your customers 🥂


Status didn't create content. He hacked into the game to upload stuff 2K hid. And he made intergender capable female wrestlers which is against ToS.


Oh. No wonder he got banned. So no I don't sympathize with Status, that was dumb and he knew the risk and what would happen if he got caught.


He was also given several warnings to knock it off.


See ya next year 👋


It’s like $70 software. Grab a snickers.


No shit. People have too much free time.


idk how many of y’all play NBA 2K, but that shit is even worse. it’s the most money hungry game probably to ever exist, hasn’t given a single gameplay related reward in the season passes, and literally promotes gambling in MyTeam, where some creators have spent thousands for certain cards and didn’t get them. there’s no more auction house for cards like every other team building mode, you can ONLY get certain cards by gambling on packs. 2K is the worst company in all of gaming, but since they have monopolies over the market for basketball and wrestling games, they’re only gonna get worse since they have no incentive to make better games


Blame said content creators in NBA 2k for why it's loaded with microtransactions. Not to mention, they do have to make money outside of just game sales to run the servers but yall not ready for that convo. I agree that it's scummy the way they price things but 1. They gotta make money off the game for there to be a reason to sell it 2. That money also has to be spent upkeeping servers to allow ppl to play online 3. Money also has to go to employees who make the game or else once again, no game It may suck, but the rise of online gaming is what caused a lot of this shit tbh. They learned what ppl are willing to spend money on and then also try to see where they can push that limit on that too, it's not even just 2k, almost every developer and publisher in the industry does it now


You do realize that 2K is a company, not a person, and there are mutually exclusive teams of people handling this. I can absolutely promise you development work isn't being held up because programmers are handling CC moderation. Those people probably aren't on the same team much less doing the same job. There are multiple work flows happening at any given time. If you think the company is focusing as a whole on this it only shows how wildly out of proportion you've blown it all. Again asking if we can just get a megathread for this so we don't have people repeating the same poorly informed talking points over and over and actually get some game content. If you never heard of Status before this week like me than this is already no news.


But they aren’t moderating CC which is why there is porn (even child p which is beyond disgusting and illegal) still up to this day. If anyone is misinformed it sounds like it’s you, stop licking 2k’s nuts.


I've scrolled through like 60+ pages of CC and seen nothing. Other people have commented in other posts that stuff they have reported has been taken down. I really feel like you are looking for it, finding an example or two, and screeching from the rooftops how your carefully sought data point reaffirms your theory that 2K is doing absolutely nothing, instead of acknowledging the real possibility stuff gets missed and will get caught eventually. You aren't the first person to assume I'm a shill, bootlicker or asskisser because I'm capable of acknowledging anything pragmatically instead of instantly getting pissed off that the dude who has acknowledged he broke TOS on socials got busted after posting his own evidence.


You are dumb, 100’s of people in this very Reddit have reported the same thing. It’s there, everyone can’t be lying dude. Do you work for 2k? 😂


You sound like you're desperate to make a point op. The do you work for them bit is an immature take.


2K do have their priorities in order though. It's clear that they don't care about the fans but they are very interested in their number one priority and that's making massive amounts of money.


I even saw a post about 2k will talk about all this soon but no time period when they will


Oh they do. It's just clear they're not the same priorities as ours.


I completely regret spending money on this game. Safe to say I will not be buying next year.


NBA 2k players: "First Time?"


At this point I don’t even bother buying the actual game lol. I download the game for free from steamunlocked and other pirated websites and they work just fine, and if I want community creations I can just download Goldberg emu. I don’t give a shit about myfaction and online mode anyway.


It’s 2K. Once they made money off VC points it was game over they weren’t the same again.


As if the removal of quick grapples and the treatment towards the modding community weren't enough.....


I’ll admit, I’ve been a 2K defender for so long because I grew up with nes/snes wrestling games, so by comparison I was a happy camper. But banning users who make the game better is the last straw for me. I always would buy the deluxe edition on pre-order. Those days are done. I can’t support a company like that. Focus on fixing your bugs. Ridiculous.


They were warned to stop breaking terms of service. Why is this 2Ks fault?


Move on.


All I’m going to say is 2k in general doesn’t care about there fans I mean hell look at nba 2k24 for example on top of this game


I can do anything to my superstars and female superstars as well 🙂😁 it doesn't make any crash on my game WWE2K24 but sometimes crashes, peace out ✌🏻


I bought this year's edition because I didn't get last year and I wanted war games. Because of the recent events I will not be buying anymore 2k games. Someone should start a petition.


We could but it looks like 2K is starting to cave..they’re feeling the pressure


I'd like to start a universe mode but every year has issues. I buy the game specifically so I can create my own version of wwe and every year universe is broken. But thanks for banning people that better your game, its good to know I spend money and it goes to good use in you bettering your own game. Lol


What possible indication of cave do you see


They unbanned MartyM and Status so they did cave..try harder to troll bot lol


Yeah leave the ad hominem kid troll stuff at the door. What cave? Did they bring back the content? Say they can break those rules going forward?


Just go to your consoles respec5ive store and vote it one star, the only way they'll change is if we force them too.


and online doesnt work and hasnt for years now it's ridiculous


I said fuck this game and started playing booking sims. So many good in depth ones out there.




Pro Wrestling Sim on Steam and Federation Simulator is a free browser one that's pretty good.


He has been unbanned and had discussions with wwe games


Also I noticed that when your game does a mandatory update it deletes all save data from the prior to that update


The woe in Cody Rhodes’ entrance is barely heard at all, and he’s the goddamn cover athlete. 2k will always pretend to care and they never actually will. This isn’t new.


Weirdly enough I've never seen any porn on there. Idk if maybe I'm searching in areas that don't particularly have images but ya.


I know I made the right decision when I decided to pass on 2k this year. I got sick of spending top dollar for a recycled product with little to get excited about from year to year. Now they don't even try anymore. FCK that shit


I can't even play my faction online cause it always crashes mid match.


You know the people moderting CC are not the same people fixing code bugs right?


I try to play online with my buddy and it always separates us. It's full of glitches. I'll reverse and it and doesn't count or I'll do a move and him or the character will no sell it. I'm so confused at times. Sometimes it won't even start the match. There's been times where I've done a special ref match and I'm the ref and it makes him play against ai and no ref in a dark arena lol


i’m sure there only priorities consist of fucking the consumer and making money in no particular order


To be fair, It's a lot harder to debug and patch games than it is to ban someone, but I agree with the sentiment.


This is a dumb argument to call "fair" and you should delete it


It's literally true though. It probably takes 1 button press to ban an account. It takes hours and hours of work for devs to find out what's even causing a bug let alone then finding out how to fix it and then having to try passing the patches through each platforms pipeline.


Doesn't mean they should be actively antagonizing the people who still play their game. If they don't want someone uncovering hidden content they should delete it instead of dressing up last year's game


I said that I still agreed with OP's sentiment aka I'm firmly on the #FreeStatus train lmao. In my opinion all game models should be made unlockable in some way whether it's through MyRise, MyFaction persona cards, or even the in-game store (the one that uses "money" you earn from playing exhibition matches). I understand that there's some hidden models they legally can't give us officially in which case you're absolutely right they should delete them instead of keeping them around bloating up the game for whatever reason, but there's no good reason why we can't have people like Samantha Irvin or Adam Pearce as fun unlockable superstars when they're already in the game.


They breached terms by using mods, hacks and exploits. What are people struggling to understand about this?


Because many others have done worse and are freely using the service with no problems. They also targeted only the ones that have high download rates, because they didn't actually care to fix the problems with CC, they just want to make an example out of public profile people.


Exactly this.


Because the game has much bigger problems that are affecting everyone and there's been radio silence about addressing them. Also, as has been repeated to death, you can find hundreds of TOS violations right now that are going unpunished.


Irrelevant. They breached TOS. Status even admits to the fact in his latest post. They did it repeatedly and fragrantly. Others doing it doesn't negate that.


You're contradicting yourself. How is one person breaching TOS irrelevant when someone else breaching TOS is?


It's irrelevant to the argument. It isn't a defense to say "yeah but x is doing this" when you're guilty of the same or similar actions.


Because porn stays up and other fucked up shit. They’re selectively enforcing the tos.


So? That doesnt negate that they are still breaching TOS. Next time you get pulled for speeding, try saying "yeah but loads of others are doing it too." See how you get on.


You're right, it doesn't negate it. But I really feel they should clamp down on all the literal child porn. Also, you can't reach out to Status or Marty and say "Hey knock it off"? You just go straight to perma ban? IDK, seems backwards.


They did tell them to knock it off. Status said he got multiple warnings.


Explain all the porn that is still up and also on 2k23


Then report it. There isn't a person whose entire job is to sit on community creations and look at every piece of content uploaded in real-time. They take stuff down on monday-friday. If there's something explicit up after 3/4 days - sure that's an issue. In this past weekend there was hundreds of new pages of content made.


The other thing people aren’t taking into consideration is that it’s not just one or two accounts uploading all the porn. You ban one account that’s uploaded porn and by the time you’ve done that, there’s already a bunch more uploaded. There’s a lot of perverts out there who get a kick out of shit like that.


People say he deserves the ban but don't care that the devs give us shit servers, crazy


I agree the servers are terrible but here's a legitimate question... If your lowest selling series has to be made every year, would you really spend a shit ton of money on new servers for a dead series that will never draw in more players?


People never think about the fact that it costs money to run a game online tbh, and the less money it makes, the less priority servers hosting online features have as to where they put their profit


Especially in this case where the WWE games make shit money and sales. People also never think about the fact that wrestling has been dead for so long now in terms of video games. The sales aren't low because the games are bad, the sales are low because most players grew out of wrestling a very long time ago.


I wouldn't say a few million is shit in terms of revenue, maybe when compared to sports titles that have more demand currently like NBA 2k, whatever FIFA is called now, etc. And I'd argue more that the reason the games don't sell as well as they could is more because the fan base of the games became a lot more hesitant to purchase the newer releases after the shitshow that was 2k20 (and also 2k battlegrounds). It seems 2k19 is still very popular in this subreddit and a lot of ppl constantly ask if they should just keep playing 2k23 instead of buying the current one. If anything wrestling has started to make a comeback it seems, I see it pop up more on other social media platforms randomly than I used to. But anyway, I think 2k20 made ppl really question if purchasing a newer WWE 2K game is worth it because of how bad that game was. That and the legends roster (main reason I bothered buying 2k24) is another major factor for people


A $4 million dollar revenue average is pretty bad in today's video game climate. 4 million can barely be used to make a game these days. The WWE games never get past a million players, it's been that way for over 20 years. 2K20 has nothing to do with it because 2K22 sold more than 2K19 did. Wrestling isn't making a comeback in the slightest, that's just your algorithm.


Except the 4 million isn't used as the budget for the next game... I also think wrestling has made a comeback to some extent if Netflix is willing to shell out $5 BILLION for a deal with WWE for streaming rights. If it wasn't trending upward in some way, I don't think it'd be worth so much, especially given the fact that Netflix has struggled in recent history


Their yearly sales do in fact go to their budget for the next game. It's their least sold on going series and 2K gives VC a small budget to work with every year which is why MyFaction was implemented to make more money. Wrestling is big across the globe and always has been but not in terms of video games, Netflix isn't concerned about their game sales, just the product of their TV and universal ratings that will bring them profit.


To everyone defending the bans, I have a question. Why do sports games get a free pass to be bad products?


Because the devs are forced to release those sports games in less than a year. Sports games have never gotten a pass for being bad or copy/pasted. Madden, NBA, Fifa, and now MLB have all been getting massive complaints from their massive fan bases for years now.


Just because people complain online doesn't mean the games don't get bought. High sales IS giving the game a free pass. If you incentivize bad development, bad development will continue. This is why people say "vote with your wallet"


Check their yearly sales for the WWE series every year. The player base is much smaller than you'd think because wrestling has been a dead sport for a long time now. They don't sell millions of copies like NBA, NFL, MLB, Fifa, and UFC.


The two things aren't related. 2k should do a better job. Sure. But I also have no sympathy for someone who did something obviously against the rules and then got the logical punishment for it.


The point is it shouldn't be against the rules. Stop dickriding


There's not a single online game in the world that wouldn't tell you not to subvert their code and put it out to the public. Not one. Companies don't just go "Oh you hacked our game to make it perform in a way we didn't want it too, oh well." That just doesn't happen. That's the cost of having online services, you have to follow certain rules. That's why the first thing you see when you boot up the game is the rules you have to agree to. "Stop dickriding" what are we, nine years old? Jesus.


I disagree If I buy the game, I own the game to do what I want with it. The modern emphasis on online gaming and thus, the need for TOSes, is going to kill gaming as a whole, we are already seeing it with corporations firing tons of devs. Anti-consumerism is bad, TOSes for entertainment products is anti-consumer. Again, stop riding corpo dick.


If I buy the game, I own the game to do what I want with it. * Didn't LowTierGod say the same thing with Tekken 8? I'm serious it's funny how some people in this community flip flop so much. Also, while I agree, that's just the way it is now and gamers (well no, fake gamers because the real ones saw this coming long time ago) supported this back 13+ years ago when there were people out there (real gamers) making youtube videos warning them about the path 2k and other game companies had took but no one listened (except me) now it's gotten out of hand and now it's too late to change it. Well the only option now, deal with it, or stop playing these games altogether. Because you're right, this is one of the things that's gonna kill gaming, but look at who allowed this to happen? Look at who ignored the warnings and allowed it to go this far? I don't sympathize with you.


Attorney here, everything you just said was utter nonsense. Complete and utter nonsense.


"AtTorNeY hErE" Not asking for appeals to authority. I'm asking for freedom being restored to the games industry


Ah the ol discredit by mixing capital letters thing. My point still stands. You don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing to 'restore'. You have always been purchasing a license to play a title. Which means you are still under their terms of usage. If you want complete freedom, make a game.


They don’t. 2k sucks, I complain about this game 99% of the time, but 2k was well within their right to ban Status.


2k and people defending the bans need to make it make sense. We can ban Status and Marty but leave the porn up. Same for 2k23. There's porn on that game that was NEVER taken down.


Someone should do the Drake meme with banning Content Creators but leaving Porn up.


The thing is (idk about Marty) but Status does break their tos simply by modding, which imo is bullshit. He uses files in the game and uses them to make the game better there’s people uploading literal CP and they do nothing?


I've said this in discords before, if they don't like him making hidden content available they shouldn't hide it in the first place


With stuff like hidden arenas it’s so dumb because you can easily add that to the backstage brawl map


Yall have the attention span of kittens, youll be back for 2k25


So, who's not buying next year game Ok ... So stfu!!! I'm serious..done with NBA and WWE. This the last year. Until we make them pay moneywise, we can't say nothing. They've had 3 tries 2k22 , 2k23 and this bs.. and have yet to impress me. I use to loved universe mode. It's alertly spit on the ground to them. They care more about dumb my faction and GM. I could do without. Don't buy the game or wait till a month or two. If you have that big of a hard on for .they need to feel some kind of Pressure