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It's definitely better on PC. It's still entirely cross-platform in terms of online and community creations, furthermore, there is no limit as to how many items you can download from the suite, whereas with console I think there is still a daily limit. Additionally, if you have a decent enough build, the visuals will trump what the Series X and PS5 Pro will give, as well as a consistent 60fps experience. There is a vast graphics settings page within the settings in order to cater the experience to your build. Finally, modding! Custom themes, textures, arena's etc. There's an avalanche of tutorials and resources out there to achieve those mods too you just have more freedom, just make sure you create a back-up save! EDIT: I made a mistake, WWE 2K24 is NOT cross-platform for online, only Community Creations.


Some of the reviews complain about bugs. Would you say this is a big problem


It got bad press after release because of an issue where people who had 3 days early access would lose their progress once the game was live, but there was a clear message upon launch warning players of that. They released a patch pretty quick, I just backed up the save, updated the game, then all was fine! In terms of in-game bugs, I would say there are less than there were in 2K22 & 2K23, they're improving every year. There are some lighting issues in custom arenas, but that issue comes and goes. The AI can also fluctuate, I had to manually turn down how often they reverse finishers in the settings because it was insane, and that was on Hard not Legend! Aside from that I'd just be splitting hairs, I love this game! Side note, the ECW DLC comes out Wednesday!


Thanks for telling me


Just amended my comment, it's not cross-platform for online, only community creations, my mistake.


Thats fine


I mean, how much do you tend to use universe mode as that’s the most broken mode currently. I strictly just use exhibition for my “universe” just to avoid the hassle of all the edits I need to make, the story creating is so limited in Universe mode I simply think stuff up in my head.


To be honest i dont think i ever played universe mode. Is that the one where you make your own wwe events and stuff


Pretty much yeah. If you’re not intending to play that mode I’d say yeah go for it. Though I’m not aware of bugs in other modes as I literally only play exhibition now after the showcase


I'd suggest to wait for a sale because the game just has way too many bugs and out of principle should not be bought at full price. I preordered and while I enjoy the game and am not impacted by most of the bugs, if I were to be making the decision based on what I know now, I would have held off simply because I am not someone that likes to reward people who release unfinished products. All that does is tell them their practice is condoned and they can keep doing it. It's why the AAA and partly AA gaming industry has become a dumpster fire. Aside from the bugs, the game on PC is fine. Some have had performance or stability issues but mine has been very stable after 300+ hours. Not perfect but not bad. I've had it CTD a few times yet never in a match. Only issue I have seen in a match was when wrestlers wouldn't move one time and that was because of a known bug in the game and not PC specific.