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Just downloaded the game and played yesterday, My only beef is sandman's kendo Russian leg sweep isn't a finisher, instead it's a simple A/X


Should've been like the yes lock with the kendo that they gave yo Daniel Bryan a while ago


Yeah I don't think they've done outright wespon finishes before? Would be cool though. The Van Daminator with a trash can and stuff


They did Yes lock with kendo stick a few years back. Can't remember the control tho


It was a cool OMG I wish they'd add those back those were fun


The old svr games had chair and hell in a cell finishers, and the table finisher was dependent on what you had as your finish because there was only 15 or so


Thats pretty sick


If anything we should be able to do a coast to coast with the trash can


Heavily agree. But where the fuck is the wm 40 arena! Lol jk


On Community Creations. Countless versions of them.


I've said it before.. Wrestling fans + gamers = the whiniest playerbase, ever.


You cracked the code.


I’ve been to a few UK shows (WCPW, All In London etc) and the worst thing about them was the fans. Definitely looking to put themselves over, as the saying goes


Going into business for themselves. I took a non wrestling friend to a AEW show, she thought it was going to be UFC, she loved it but her only comment was about the fans. Just that they were unique. I get it, it's exciting, cutting promos on each other but then you get to the fans that are out there whining in the lines about how x,y,z stinks and they should do this and the product sucks. It's like man you just paid a ticket to come in here and complain and share your fantasy booking. But overall it was a great show and seeing the stars live and it was an impressive performance.


For sure - the thing that got me was booing whoever they didn’t like for whatever reason, whether heel or face in the storyline, and repeatedly chanting ‘you deserve it’ at whoever they liked. I mean I get it, you pay for your ticket and you can do what you like (within reason) but there’s a time to participate, and a time to just be a good audience and enjoy the show


Oh yeah, that and some of the comments to get out of line especially when it comes to women especially bon white women. I heard some fuck up thing people were yelling at stardom wrestlers mostly just shit about the look of Joshi wrestlers.


I honestly can’t stand the UFC fans. I went to one here in Philly took my dad and then went to a show in Newark. Forget who was on the cards but wanted to do something nice for my dad for Father’s Day and my brothers birthday. Never again because of the fans. It wasn’t so much trying to get themselves over as much as it was the awful behavior and some pretty let’s just say colorful language. I’ll put it this way a lot of the fans and Vince would get along. I had friends go recently and not much better. When I went I had to get security who didn’t do shit. Thankfully at the Philly show we filed a complaint with Wells Fargo and they comp us tickets for an event of our choosing. It was better then nothing but the experience at a UFC is why I pretty much didn’t care for it after Brock and McGregor left.


Yup like the braindead "what?" chants. Most narcissistic fans in wrestling that think they are the centre of the universe. And then youve got the psychos defending Vince and then they wonder why non wrestling people look at wrestling fans as toxic af


Facts. Yall need to grow up


Big facts.




Hell yea they do


I dunno. Universe mode has a ton of glaring problems. I'm somebody who enjoys looking at the stats, like title history and win/loss records. But it's just completely broken and unusable. Title history will add managers and tag team partners sometimes for example, so the title history is useless because it's just filled with people who have never won the title.


That's a completely fair issue. I do wish we could reset or refresh them so they only handle what we've done.


I wish we could go in and edit it, I wanted to add the 4 year length for the Dark Horse


i have to manage my titles entirely manually. in my universe i somehow had two wcw women's champions (liv morgan lost the match but kept the belt?) and umaga won the '90 intercontinental title... and has the old alternate nxt tag title in the superstars list. multiple times i've had championship matches where i discover a week later the winner never took the belt. it's so confusing how universe mode breaks more every single year. edit: the intercontinental title actually shows next to umaga properly now, but umaga still has the alternate nxt tag title according to the superstars list. this belt doesn't actually exist anywhere, so i don't think it can be removed.


This game has been the best game ever from dlc to new features and weapon types but some people just need to find something to complain about.


I made a whiny comment about yesterdays DLC as I didn't know what time it gets unlocked. After some research I found out it was like last year's game(which I didn't buy, as I miss a year or two usually). This ECW DLC is probably the best gaming add on I've ever bought in my gaming life I'm having so much fun with it.


I haven't come across most of the major bugs a lot of the posts are about. My only gripe about the DLC is I wished it was scheduled better. Also that Pat McAfee pack is absolutely stupid.


Agree on both counts. I'm personally not hyped for the next 2 DLCs and the next one I'm hype for isn't til September I really hope the McAfee one brings a ton of new moves in at least


I'm excited for the Post Malone pack because we are getting Honky Tonk Man Sherri and the Headbanger's I wish Pat didn't have to Politic his boys in the DLC I would've been fine if it added Michael Cole and Corey Graves as selectable wrestlers


I only want the Headbangers cause they haven't been in a WWE game in a while.


Im with you on both accounts. I also wish a few things were fixed and would love to get rid of my faction


I pretty much agree with the examples you listed, though I can kind of see why some complain about the universe mode AI booking as better booking would mean they would need to spend less time fixing it. Still, they DO have the option to go fix anything they don't like and should just suck it up and deal with it. I'll add though that I definitely don't want this place to be a circle jerk where you can't be critical at all even when your criticism is 100% valid. That's the type of crap you see in cults.


Exactly. There has to be a balance.


Yeah there's definitely things that can be improved. But it feels like the same complaints daily.


mostly because 2k doesn't fix them for so long, the damn CAW jacket title glitch for example


Honestly my only complaint about this game was the whole “Being able to choose people that weren’t on the roster in Universe” thing. I literally have had zero problems


I just wish they'd add brands as filters like weight classes So I can have legends make one off appearances etc.


Yeah that would help out a lot. I don’t really have to worry about it personally because I’m using everyone available in the game on my rosters so it all just mixes together


Wait, are there genuinely people that WANT them to remove wrestlers (aka removing content) because they’re not with the company anymore? I refuse to believe that because it’s just so idiotic lmao


I think it's the roster thing for Universe mode


This sub has two wolves: complain about everything or complain whenever anyone makes any form of criticism


I'm having a blast with universe mode first time I've gotten into it made my own promotion w/ logos, arena and everything I don't know why people can't just enjoy it. If someone sees this and made Anthony 'Tony as' Diaz that dude is champ and an absolute monster love it


Man I'd be pissed if 2K were to listen and removed superstars that were released cause I'd likely use them a lot


For real! I almost didn’t buy 24 because of WWEs releases in between. It might not seem like a big deal to most but I really enjoyed using Ziggler, Riddle, and Mustafa Ali. The ONLY reason I picked up 24 was how useless 23 was with the rivalry system.


I haven't bought the game and I probably won't until they add promos to universe mode. It's the only game mode I play. Until they fix universe mode, I won't be buying


The best part was when they were whining about “not enough rock/metal like SvR” when a good chunk of the soundtrack was rock/metal


I could not agree more with you. What all the " 2k crybabies " should do is all get together and make a game of their own and put it up against 2k. People are a joke


This is a forum. Forums are mainly used to ask questions and point out bugs. Welcome to your first time using a forum. This is literally what they are for mate. Most people in here are young. If it bothers you this much, just leave or ignore them ? It’s really not a big deal lmao


FINALLY! someone says it.


I 1000000% agree with you


If someone really said the 4th quote, then that’s absurd.


They did. It was my final straw lol


Was that person’s name, Albert Einstein? Edit, as if on cue, that thread popped up, my bad.


Planning on getting punk pack with mass effect legendary edition


When I get tired of seeing people complain about stuff online I log off. My day is usually much better after that


It's something I'm working at doing rather than constantly scrolling. Yelling at the cloud wasn't necessarily my best idea but i let it out and felt a bit better. But you're right that's a better idea.


It went WM40 DLC, When the DLC, I don't got the DLC to now CM PUNK!!! I even unsub and this shit still pops up lol


I think it’s getting to a point where people are really nitpicky with their complaints. I’m a 40 year old(head). I remember the crappy wrestling games from back in the day.


There's a handful of legit flaws with ybr game but from this sub alone you'd think it's an absolute train wreck of a game


People just like to complain to complain, sadly. I'd say children but it's mostly adults with complexes


My interest in this reddit burnt out in about a week when all I saw was whining on here. So many people would be better off just not playing the game they seem to hate so much. Miserable


It's either whining or the SAME post ad nauseum.


yeah ur paragraph on universe mode just hits the nail on the head. i come on for cool creations and see people's gameplay and sotrylines and just get bombarded by floods of tears about how universe mode isnt exactly down to the tee how people want it, how 2k are useless and how the game is just u n p l a y a b l e. each to their own i guess


ITT: “I agree! BUT I really hate how…” 🫠


But you made a post whining about other people whining so you're whining too :P


Yeah I know, I acknowledged that at the end. Tried to mention some fun stuff. But you're right I did.


Well I'm understand you needed to get that off your chest and hope you continue to enjoy the game despite the negative feedback on here.


You made a post whining about people with legitimite criticisms regarding the game. The game is supposed to be fun, the sub is place for discussion around the game. Of course people are going to complain about things. At least their whining is reasonable.




Even minor shit gets made a big deal out of.   "I have to cycle past wrestlers not on my show!"  Thanks a bunch fellas.  Now for that reletively minor inconvenience we *have* to add someone to a shows roster for a one-off appearance.


Or even if they hold a cross brand title they have to be manually added.


That too. Smh.


How about you stop bitching about the people bitching?


You're right I should.




“They should remove released stars” Do people really complain about the game removing people… besides Lesnar and McMahon?


There was a post saying Indus Sher, Cameron Grimes etc should be removed yeah.


Once the WM 40 arena finally gets released, I’m getting the pack.


Where is Gallus' trio entrance ?


The amount of people who seemingly have no idea what to do in universe mode is crazy to me. It's literally a sandbox, you can customize it, it's really not rocket science...? Do what you want and have fun with it.


The complaints about Pat and his friends being in it are the worst. They didn’t take anyone’s spot. There’s no wrestlers that were cut or being considered but then dropped because of them. Not a single one. Acting like that just tells me you know nothing about contracts.


I had a lot of problems with the game until the update 2 days ago The only problem with universe I don’t like is there is no promo


I'm just confused as to why the dlc didn't download with the update for me because you'd think that if it's because my PSN is suspended that the update wouldn't even download but it did so I'm just confused & I have the WM40 edition


NGL, I'd Trade Gulak Indus Sher, and Xia for Dempsey, the Meta four, and Oba Femi in a heartbeat...


I just want post match replays. That's all I want.


Are those not in universe? I rarely touch universe so I'm genuinely asking. I only play exhibition and GM and the post match replays are there in both. Unless you didn't turn that setting on in presentation options? I know they removed mid match replays because it was broken due to the code.


Not in Universe, nor in regular exhibition, when playing on PS5. Don't know about PC or Xbox but I can verify that the setting is On and they still don't show anything. It's been like this since patch 1.05.


Damn that's weird. It works fine on PS4. I know the reversal timing prompt setting was glitched for a long time but they fixed it last patch. Maybe the whole game needs to be reinstalled or ask if anyone else has this problem in the bugs/glitches thread.


I'll try reinstalling. Edit- if that doesn't work I'm just going to try and download the PS4 version lol


Yeah that's a weird glitch. It could've been a hiccup in one of the updates which can cause glitches like if the internet signal slows down while downloading a patch. The PS4 version, from my experience, works perfectly fine besides a few crashes in the creation suite when saving but it's been that way since 2K22.


I checked on reinstalling the PS5 version and, yep- still no replays. Installing the PS4 version now, I'll do a quick Rhodes vs Punk match and see what happens


It may just be a bug that nobody has reported to 2K. There's probably other people with that issue and don't even realize it. It's such a small bug but it's definitely immersion breaking. Hope you get it fixed.


Welp- checked the PS4 version, and still no replays in a simmed match up in exhibition mode. 😅 I'm just going to do some creative editing and make my own replays, I guess. Yay more work for me ![gif](giphy|4XOfvSkkxchHy)


Wow that's super bugged. The only other thing I can think of is deleting your entire save file to fix it or you could sign into a new account and see if it works because there's been modded downloads known to randomly break certain features on rare occurrences.


I mean, I'm supposed to be happy that the season pass is 40$ that I absolutely can't afford ATM?


No but that has nothing to do with the game itself, just your finances.


I mean, they've been increasing the price of this shit year over year, and it's ridiculous. it's like 20$ worth of content for twice that


I pre-ordered and got the whole shebang for a hundred. $100-ish has been the asking price since 2k14 or so going from memory. Now if you mean the individual prices for the DLC have gone up then yeah, I agree with you. I haven't bought the DLC individually in ages because it's cheaper and less hassle to buy the pass.