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I’ve been using a different animation as a Hidden Blade substitute this is so cool


Mind telling me what animation you use ?


Rear Basement Foreman Smash from the corner. It isn’t super close but it’s similar enough that I’ve been using it for my CAW


Awh snap I use that one too and the crowning glory for non corner version


That’s not a substitute. That’s intentionally the hidden blade


It’s like how the “Corkscrew springboard Moonsault” is just The technical name for Starship pain


No it's not - it's Karrion Kross' finish. This animation that'll probably come in the new pack is the first proper hidden blade animation.


No. That’s the Kross Hammer. Two different moves


This seems to be a move from the Post Malone DLC pack. Is safe to assume that Malone itself will be included with a mini moves pack when it comes to his moveset. Hopefully with the Coffin Drop too, mainly because i'm tired of people whining about it.


Darby is the only "pillar" (gods I hate that even as someone who enjoys AEW) who doesn't have a finisher in the game though, so I get why people want it so badly. Especially since his Last Supper pin is right there but only as a leg attack and not to be held for a pin. There's no way to realistically end matches like Darby unlike the others who all have at least one of their finishes represented well. Until we get the ability to actually do it and other finishers off of ladders, cages, or the ambulance instead of just splashes though I really don't care much myself I have to admit.


I don't want coffin drop unless I can do it off of a ladder, through a table lmao


Honestly I want the old helicopter back to do it from that down through the ring.


Or onto the side of the ring canvas


Wait, can you not do special moves off of ladders??


I think we could but it was patched out as I recall. Maybe I'm wrong. But I know I've only gotten splashes off the cage and ambulance, even if my guy doesn't have one assigned whatsoever.


I know in 2k23 and 24 specials off anything but the top rope doesn't work. 🥺 When I got 23 after 15 years off the games I was sadden by this.


It's ridiculous that you can't do finishers off ladders or cages etc...


Honestly the one ones of the pillars that are stars are MJF and Darby, Sammy and Jungle Bitch are assclowns


bro if his pack comes with hidden blade and coffin drop I'm probably gonna buy it lol


Have there been more found? Because I have a feeling this will be like the buck shot lariat last year. Just a move they patch in. I just have doubts that Malone and the McAfee guys are going to have a bunch of moves people want, and their moves will be more like MGK’s weird moves.


I assumed that can be part of the Post Malone pack, because it will be released in a couple of weeks. I can be wrong and VC will have a minor patch a week before that includes it.


Someone just posted Speedball Mike Bailey moves


I see that, that’s awesome. Hopefully we get more non WWE moves. 


If it has Coffin Drop I'm 100% downloading a Darby CC. It's literally the only reason I haven't yet.


Counter message recieved: Better find a great Darby Allin caw.. Been told the Coffin Drop is not in this year..


Not sure which move the caws use rn but it seems pretty accurate already but this is spot on


The closest thing just now is a version of Karrion Kross's Kross Hammer


Oh that is *perfect*, if we get a normal running version of it too then that'd be amazing


You can sorta use bray Wyatt’s running elbow strike as a front hidden blade


Also the running elbow strike that came with Nathan Frazier but he has the kip up afterwards


the kip up does kinda work for Ospreay if you use Frazier's elbow strike as a Hidden Blade stand-in.


Hope we get Deadeye as well.


Even though it's not a finish I'd prefer the package tombstone piledriver that Hangman, Ibushi, and others do. Dudebuster is an okay Deadeye sub, but there's nothing like that move and tons of guys from Japan do it. That and a ganso bomb would both be really useful in making a lot of movesets more accurate.


Ganso Bomb should've been in the game because Rick Rude did it to Warrior in Summerslam 89' when Warrior screwed up the piledriver Rick tried to do to him.


Look you don't know what the Gods were telling the Warrior to do. Maybe it was his destiny to screw up Rick's piledriver.


Ok, so the Gods told him to screw up the piledriver where Rick could've broken Warrior's neck afterwards after that mishap? I don't think the Gods wanted him to do that to where he could've ended up being crippled. Warrior lucky his career wasn't over that night for dead-weighting Rick. Hardcore Holly had to learn the hard way when he pull that on Brock Lesnar. Lol.


Axe Driver is a better deadeye than the dudebuster


It is, and when it was first shown on a video I thought it was the real thing. It’s definitely close, but the real thing is still quite different.




I've given up on having a decent looking old school Orange Crush. Which kills me as it was the very first finisher my CAW Leo Hale had in Firepro on PS1. I still make him but it's just not the same.


It’s about time we get this move in the game. Edit: why am I being downvoted for being glad a move people have been asking for is finally being added to the games?


The sub can have brain fart moments once in a while.


Tribal WWE Fans are everywhere


What the fuck do tribal WWE fans have to do with this lmao


When there’s WWE fans in a WWE subreddit: 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Big Difference between WWE video game fans and tribalism nonsense.


God forbid you want a cool looking finisher in a game? Like how much of a meat rider you gotta be to mad a bout a move done from someone in another company lmao


I'm betting Malone will come with a whole set of AEW moves we don't have in the game to make up for his dumb ass being in the game. Lol. Pat McAfee pack better come with a fucking METRIC SHIT TON of Indy and arcade moves to make up for that garbage.


If Boston Connor doesn’t give me some dumb bullshit like a triple Canadian Destroyer I don’t see much of a point to their inclusion at all


I don't even need that many AEW moves man, I just want a new Stomp for Seth, it's been nearly 10 years 😭


Didn't they just add in a corner stomp and super stomp the last couple years?


I mean a normal Stomp


Yes, in WWE 2K20. In all fairness, it was easy to forget there was something... good, in 2K20


this is one thing that gives me hope that there's going to be SOMETHING cool about the celebrities in the DLC. Hope the devs end up being cheeky and use the celebs as a way to sneak in unique moves that belong to guys from AEW and other companies


the fact that the celebrities don't have an established moveset gives the devs a big chance to get really creative with their moveset and I hope that's what they did for Post Malone and Pat McAfee's pals.


Not getting my hopes up too much, but I was checking twitter, and now they found [Speedball Mike Bailey's Ultima Weapon finisher ](https://x.com/itsbybanshee/status/1800221530024214822)


If we get Sexxy Redd (or however she spells it) in 2K25 for some reason, we better be getting moves like Kris Statlander's Package Tombstone Piledriver, Britt Baker's "Lockjaw", or even Jordynne Grace's muscle buster.


Ayyyy, I’m glad this is in. Been using basement forearm smash or whatever it’s called, just doesn’t hit the same (literally)




With the new TNA partnership, I hope it means we could get like a TNA pack for next year, especially considering that they sometimes do the MoCap.


I would love a TNA dlc pack (because I feel like realistically the only way we get TNA people is in a dlc pack) with Jordynne Grace, Mickie James, Joe Hendry, Kushida and Mike Bailey


They would be such a good addition, I'd love to see James Storm and maybe Abyss (considering Joseph Park works there already)


They have Kenny Omega's leaning against the rope V Trigger as an animation too. I've only found it with Trick Williams, but others may have it.


That’s Blair Davenport’s exclusive move from ‘23. All strikers have that assigned by default in ‘24


I'm also hoping for a new curb stomp (corner vs grounded opponent version).


Using random Celebrities to insert other companies moveset is a brilliant idea , lmao




So this is how they get people to buy the post malone dlc.


Will would b proud


That follow through needs work, it looks janky as hell


Not a finished product..


idk why this move is locked away i saw no problems with it from a animation stand point


When’s this hit?


When is this pack coming out again?


i don’t understand hidden moves. are the devs adding them and hoping people find them?? don’t you get banned when you use them I’m so confused by it?


They’re probably just in the update code in preparation for the dlc being added


I hope they patch it in


This is what I called ”yall complaining too much”


Where can you get this move?


If only Meta's owner wasn't so biased this community would be thriving much better.


i’m just glad they added the Buckshot Lariat this year




How do people find these hidden moves? Lol amazing. Can’t wait to use this with my CAW


they're using a tool


Is this a modded arena and does anyone know if it is available somehow?


Looks good but it looks more like a set up move for the Stormbreaker. Doesn’t look like it’s meant to be used as a finisher. Similar to how the grounded H-Bomb is animated.


Move is likely not 100% finished..



