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It is a crimal offence to arrive the UK without a visa or special permission. This was made a criminal offence by the government last year.


It is usually a crime, anywhere you go, to arrive in somebody’s country without any documentation


ITT: People only read the headline of a Daily Mail article and start pearl clutching.


This is awful, it’s not giving asylum seekers money that’s the problem it’s the amount , that’s more than a pensioner or someone on universal credit in fact it’s more than someone working full time on minimum wage. And to all the people in the comments saying you didn’t read the article , I did and it changed nothing. I fully support the idea of UBI btw but the point is the U is universal which means everyone should get it.


It's legal aid. Unless there's more in the parts of the article I couldn't read since I'm on mobile this should exclusively be spent on legal fees, a pensioner or such could claim just as much if not more.


3 times in the article it is mentioned that they would get money in addition to seperate legal fees. Did you not read it? The article is about the £1,600/month that every 18 year old in Wales would recieve after leaving care (for 2 years). Currently migrants would fail the means testing due to the legal aid they recieve and the labour Government wants to give them the allowance on top of the legal aid.


>Unless there's more in the parts of the article I couldn't read since I'm on mobile


If you read the article thoroughly you’d see that the money isn’t going straight into the pockets of the asylum seekers, it’s going towards legal fees in their battles against being deported. Of course that’s not really your fault, it’s just the Daily Mail aren’t saying that clearly in their reporting. I wonder why the daily Mail would have a vested interest in making Labour look bad?


No, it says this won't affect their eligibility for legal aid. This would be on top of that.


>If you read the article thoroughly Oh dear.






Presumably you don’t have to use that money you make to pay legal fees to fight deportation From what I gather, this money goes towards legal fees, not straight into the pockets of the asylum seeker


Westminster to pay migrants to fight Westminster who are spending money trying to deport people running from war/famine/pestilence/death.


>people running from war/famine/pestilence/death. I'm sure France has its downsides, but that's a bit too far.


The waste in money here isn't that their helping asylum seekers, they need all the help they can get. The waste is their providing money so it can be wasted fighting the British government who's deliberately making it expensive so asylum seekers are kicked out. It's a Cardiff v Westminster dick measuring contest, where the people of Wales lose economically and labour loose by wasting money. This is a bad move in almost every political sense. Edit: just read some of the article. Cardiff can't do this, it's a petition to Westminster to approve of it. So this is not going to happen. The only goal of this is vitue signal since the torys won't pass it. Still a stupid political move.


How is this measurably making the people of Wales (which also includes asylum seekers in Wales btw) worse off? The govt wasn't helping the Welsh below the poverty line before pushing this, hence this isn't what's preventing the govt from helping them - they were not getting that help anyway. Besides, there are already plans to roll out UBI which is going to raise everyone above the poverty line


Because the people of Wales would pay for something that should be paid for by Westminster. Also the UBI plan won't raise everyone over the poverty line, it's a test pilot this not UBI. I highly doubt they'll impliment a full UBI here.


If by "above the poverty line" you mean "not starving to death", practically no-one in the UK lives below it.


Why not address the actual point I'm making instead of cutting hairs over a footnote in an attempt to derail the discussion entirely? This isn't about the poverty of native Welsh people. This post is supposed to be about an allowance for asylum seekers.


Ok then. 1. Almost no Welsh people are "below the poverty line", as I pointed out. Some people might be in bad shape and have limited prospects, sure, but very very few people who need shelter and food are going without. So, there isn't much to be done for this anyway. 2. Yes, this planned handout could limit what the WG can do for the poorest in Wales - there's only a limited amount of dosh to go around! 3. UBI - don't make me laugh. There is no way that UBI will ever be "universal". Can you see it being rolled out to the richest as well as the poorest? It'll just become another benefit.


The tory will approve it in Westminster. The tory would be happy that labour makes poor welsh people hate the cardiff


By most measures, you cannot raise everyone out of poverty, as the line just moves. Let's say poverty is defined to be the bottom 5%> There always has to be a "bottom 5%", but by giving that 5% more money, someone else becomes the bottom 5%. If they give everyone more money, the bottom 5% remain the bottom 5%.


There are some very angry people with bad reading comprehension. >Under the Welsh plan, the Government would provide migrants with both a wage and their lawyers' fees to stop them being deported >The Welsh Labour government has already rolled out a pilot scheme for all those aged 18 who are leaving care to receive £1,600 every month for two years. >The plan also says all migrants who are unaccompanied children to have access to the universal basic income scheme as soon as they turn 18. >Three Welsh Labour ministers - Jane Hutt, Julie Morgan and Mick Antoniw - are signatories of the letter, which demands that all migrants aged 18 and over should get universal basic income without being deprived of legal aid. This is simply an extension of the WG Universal Basic Income pilot scheme (where care leavers at age 18 get a wage) to asylum seekers.


Yeah. Taxpayer money being spent on non citizens is great! Definitely sends the right message..


Absolutely mindless. Let's create even more animosity toward asylum seekers by giving them £1600 per month while thousands of Welsh are below the poverty line. Counter productive.


My uncle would have a heart attack if I showed him this. Always goes on about how the asylum seekers get medical attention straight away an us Welsh have to wait. He has been waiting 3 years to get his hernia removed my great grandad also died from having a hernia. But if they come over with something like that that needs doing they will be top priority an have it done within months. Always tells me his days are numbered now cos he’s gonna die before he has his surgery. Gets told to go private when he is “retiring” next year an doesn’t have the money. Pretty sad.


Your uncle is right.


I haven't seen any evidence of that bud to be honest. This however has been blocked as we always knew it would be but is symptomatic of some of the crazy thinking going on in the Senedd.


truly not a very large amount, and that money will go directly to local community and businesses. sure i wish i was getting £1600 a month too, since ive been struggling through a lot of benefits systems and currently make £0 a month, but no need to be annoyed at other people who also need help. im manifesting universal basic income


"that money will go to local community and businesses" Huh? Do you think they'll go shopping at the local artisan bakery instead of Aldi or Tesco?


seems like your problem is with huge chain companies undercutting local businesses, which i do too, but actually i live in an area thats really high in refugees and immigrants, and they do actually keep a lot of the artisinal local fruit markets and bakeries going, supermarkets dont carry a lot of the food specific to other cultures. obviously its not a monolith, and when youre broke youre broke, i spent half my life only shopping at poundland and tesco (it worked out cheaper because i had to pay bus fare to get to an aldi or lidl), but yeah, as soon as i have enough money i go straight to my local small businesses because i want them to keep going, and i think other people do too.


I really dislike that argument. Frankly - look at the way that people spend free money. As you say, not on artisan bakeries and quality goods.


First the money is for legal fees not for their needs. Secondly if you want to make sure people love universal basic income you start by making sure it only goes to non brits??? lol. Make it make sense


No, this would be separate to their legal aid.


So its tax payers giving money to lawyers?


I mean that is the effect of it yes


Disgusting that’s more than we give on pension, or benefits to unemploye . We owe these people nothing. Idiots, in government should pay out of their own pocket. No tax payers money should’ve used.


Did you read the article?


Of course they didn’t, otherwise they’d know it won’t happen and it’s just the daily fail being outraged. Though I will add, this is just the senedd making proposals they know will not see the light of day just to score political points over Westminster.


Pretty much this. Like the SNP with the GRC stunt, they know it will get shot down when it gets to Westminster, so they get to play the heroes to their fan base without any risk of stumping up the money, and play the anti Westminster card.


“otherwise they’d know it won’t happen” So… it’s still the official plan though, right?


It’s official policy, the Senedd went cap in hand to Westminster with the proposal and request for additional funds. We know it won’t happen, the Daily Fail know it won’t happen, Westminster know it won’t happen, but the Senedd and The Fail are still using it as a political football.


Yes, and it do not change my opinion


Who will be eligible for these payments if the scheme goes ahead?


They've not read it, you're wasting your time.


Maybe, but other people who aren't reactionary bigots will see.


Know a version that doesn't demand I download an app to read the whole thing?


Click on expand below open in the app, took me a fair while to find it


If you had the ability to read more than a sentence you'd know it's for unaccompanied children. Guessing you'd prefer these CHILDREN to just be homeless or dead then?


There are thousands of Welsh children and adults going hungry in Wales, Wales can not afford to look after their own. Governments first priority is to their own people. if you want to pay for them fine pay for it out of your pocket. And also you buy them homes and pay for their school and medical needs. Mass migration just drags countries down to the deprivation of the country’s these people are running from. We are not responsible for other countries problems. Perhaps you should read more the £1600 is for refugees over 18.


Funny how this payment is for Welsh children also isn't it?


It’s for welsh over 18s that were in care. Welsh taxes paying for Welsh people is a good thing. Not to given to fund refugees


Nearly. Unaccompanied migrant children who leave care in Wales aged 18 would qualify for UBI, like citizens currently do.


18 is not an adult lol


Asylum seekers should be protected from this horrible tory government


This present government in Wales is destroying this country, and will destroy future growth. Its time for Mark Drakeford to retire.


Explain how this does that.


And yet the sheeple will still vote them in again.


I had people saying that. It's just intellectual laziness that doesn't have any basis in reality. Labour's vote increased at the last election. How does that work with sheeple?


It’s not, people in Wales are, for the most part, low information voters, they vote Labour because that’s who we vote for in Wales. Ask them about policies and they have no idea, but Maggie closed our pits, so there’s that. Labour have largely been in control in Wales (councils) for 100 years, and the Senedd for 25. If people want change they have to do something different.


Change is actually made in Westminster, which hasn’t seen a Labour government for a long time now. It’s Westminster that’s causing all this trouble for asylum seekers, and it’s Westminster that’s going to stop this Welsh Parliament bid to give legal support to asylum seekers. The solution isn’t for welsh voters to stop voting Labour, the solution is for English voters to start voting Labour. Get rid of this nonsensical Tory fear-mongering.


We get the same money from Westminster where her Labour are in power or Conservative. The Senedd and Councils have budgets to spend, how they do that is up to them. E.g Wrexham council fronting up £25million for a football stadium stand in the current climate. Madness.




Well we had to pay for Tony’s illegal wars somehow.


Just read on another article that the £1600 is going to be taxed so it leaves them with about £1280 a month


Where do they find the money for to pay these illegal imigrants this. One minute they have no money to pay for a NHS staff pay rise, the house rates have all gone up. The local councils want to close swimming pools and local parks. Local buses have been axed. No wonder Wales is the woke country of Europe.


Either didn't read the article or you want children to be homeless and/or dead


If you read the article, you'd know this was about what happens when people leave care when they turn 18.


Did you read the article?


>No wonder Wales is the woke country of Europe. Such a bizarre use of "woke"


Is this satire or just racism? It's so hard to tell these days


You call the racist card all the time because you are unable to debate anything.


Well to debate you you'd have to have some kind of reasonable point based in actuality right? Maybe if instead of posting something that looked exactly like ignorant racist ranting you might be able to establish a reasonable argument? ​ Hey I'll start how the fuck is this "woke" and what does that even mean


What does the word “racist” mean?


Don't think you can say that when you're throwing the term "woke" round like that mate


It's the truth and I guess people like you only care about your feelings, and ignore the real world.


Who do you think these payments are for exactly?


They’re not illegal if they’re still waiting for their asylum claim to be heard


Good. That money will go back into the economy and moreso Why the dickens am I downvoted? Govt spending, even legal aid spending, will go back into the economy?


Tax payers footing the bill for immigrants yet again.


As always, the lawyers win


Dripford should be jailed for the amount of tax payers money he's pissed away


The Daily Fail is at it again … sh**stirring.