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Mausolon I have a thing for automatic weapon with big boom alt-fire (Stahlta, Aeolak, Tenet Tetra, Trumna, Battacor kinda. Ambassador can choke on an Omni though) Sorry, Velocitus, you were my first Archgun crush, but that time had passed


All Archguns were made to look like heavy machinery, big guns created for war, and then you have Mausolon be like: STICC.


_it is the Juul Vape Gun_


It looks like a Tau railgun.


My favorite Big-Fuck-Off guns. Or the “fuck you and everyone on your planet in the next system over” guns. Complete with alt-fire for those goddamn arctic exmius.


the Mausolon has an alt fire? what... I never knew lol. I could have sworn I tried pressing alt fire when first trying it and it does nothing. Granted I've only started playing on july


You gotta kill enough to fill the small bar under the cross hair, when it's glowing/full press alt fire to shot a powerful shot. All Necramech archguns have this feature. The flamethrower has a airburst shot and I can't remember what the shotgun has.


Shotgun is a grenade launcher, i think alt fire is a airburst mortar


Like corinth my beloved? Awesome


They’re not saying the gun is a shotgun that fires grenades (like Corinth/Prime), they’re saying that Morgha isn’t a shotgun, because it’s actually a grenade launcher. If the point of comparison was that they both fire airbursts then carry on, I think Morgha’s can explode on contact though.


The shot gun is a what now? Like, the arch shotgun that is the only prime arch in the game?


They mean the one necramech archgun that loid/otak sells in the backroom of the nekralist.


Yeah, the other guy called it a shotgun which its not. I just referred to it as that while correcting them


no they mean the gun that the other guy called a shotgun (Morgha) is actually a grenade launcher. They’re not saying its alt-fire launches grenades.


ah cool thanks! does the bar go ~~overtime~~ away when not killing enough? ​ edit: clarification


Nope, although if you're in a mech you should be killin plenty, it doesnt take that many enemies to fill it anyhow


Yea it takes somewhere between 5 to 10 enemies at most before the alt shot is charged up.


5 precisely


I thought so but its been a bit since I used them so I gave an estimate instead cuz I knew it was an extremely low number.


Fair, regardless the slight aoe on the standard bullets means it should charge up after a spray into a crowd regardless of how many enemies precisely.


Yea, its pretty hard to kill *just* 5 enemies with archguns rather than just, you know, obliterating everything in the direction you're currently facing lmao


The description of the flamethrower (corteghe) mentions the alt fire


Flamethrower? Now I know you guys are makin up stories. I'm gonna have to go replay some arch weapons I guess.


Cortege I believe. If you can't bring an ignis (or other ad clear) and need clearing, bring this.


Kill 5 and then boom


You’re not alone. I also just learned this right now.


TETRA GAMING Kinetic ricochet + Mag's 2 = profit (all 6 bounces hit inside her bubble, making kinetic ricochet the same as a 6x base damage multiplier)


Roughly a month ago I got a riven for it with -slash, it doesn't even have slash. Also it's not Trumna, it's spelled Trauma


I’m a Corvas simp, love my PT killing machine :P


Frr I thought I was good with my 8 minute full clip for all the legs mausolon build (tbf was lacking one forma) then I built the corvas prime (no forma) and I'm one tapping legs with charged shot, sometimes even normal shot, with exceptions cause of the stupid angles making me position myself in front of every leg. Averaging less than/around 5 min runs, gonna be even better after I build out the tenet detron and zenith (rn using kuva nukor and nataruk, nukor lacking in some damage even with eclipse)


It also works on those ***GODDAM FLAPPY BOIS!*** during Boreal's Archon Hunt. Rather quickly too. And it keeps your primary/secondary free so you don't have to use an Arca Plasmor or Catchmoon.


Brb, pumping Forma into Corvas Prime. I hate those fucking Aerolysts, any way to annihilate them faster is worth exploring.


I just use the DE tested and approve weapon for them and is officially stated to be anti Aerolyst. The Stropha. Just 2 shotting em.


The Stropha is also great against them. I've got a 0 forma build that's only using 6 mods and it consistently 2 or 3 taps the aerolysts)


Brb, getting Corvas Prime *AND* Stropha


Solution to aerolysts = stropha


Kuva grattler, the only one I max out as of now.


Yep. Kuva Grat all day, every day.


Kuva grat has to be the answer. Upgraded grineer cannon goes brr


9m AoE + 3m Punch Through is hard to beat despite the low base damage of the K. Grattler. Even if Mausolon feels like the best option on 1st glance, K.Grattler performs better in 95% of the situations. Mausolon destroys SP Vay Hek and wins that deserved 5% on its own.


Because of this discussion I went back to check and see what archguns I even had, and lo and behold there is a maxed Mausolon collecting dust. Off to brrr in a different way than usual.


How does one get this weapon, out of curiosity?


Kuva lich. Go solo into a greneer mission and hope for a candidate to spawn. Defeat them and wait for it to show what weapon the lich would spawn with should you decide to finish the target. Finishing with a specific warframe determinates what bonus element the weapon will have


I see... can it just be any Grineer mission, or does it have to be above a certain level?


I never tried it on low level like earth. Lowest I went was in the capture mission on Saturn. It's popular ther many get liches from that mission. Do the mission normally. Take your time killing your way to extraction and the candidate will spawn


Saturn is the lowest lvl they *can* spawn iirc. Personally I spam cassini (capture) bcs it's quick but you have to wait a min before the lights flash and the larvling spawns


I see. Thank you!


Uranus ship missions are what I usually farm. Just go in wait for it to spawn, kill it and if it’s not what you want leave the mission then go back in. Once you got what you want kill them then finish the mission. 👍


Iirc level ~~30~~ 20 above to spawn the little guy/gal


Level 20+. People spawn liches at Cassini on Saturn and it's level 22 or so.


It's a very complicated system if you're doing it for the first time. I suggest you take a look here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Lich_System. Once you get your first weapon, it becomes much more intuitive.


20 or above as far as I'm aware, Cassini is the best one for "farming" Kuva Lich candidates. Keep playing through till you get the weapon you want.


It also has to be regular mission type that allows random encounters, so invasions, relic runs, Uranus and, obviously, quests will be empty of any Kuva Larvings, but not the nightmare and kuva siphon missions that can allow spawn even on Eath. Tho I haven't checked Steel Path yet. You also need to have "The War Within" quest completed and own a Railjack.


I don’t think railjack is a requirement for liches. Pretty sure I spawned my first one without a railjack unlocked. Not sure how it works for sisters of parvos though


The final confrontation with them is now a railjack mission in the saturn proxima. It apparently used to be different, but at some point while I was away, they changed it to where once you get the Parazon requiems correctly configured and mercy them three times they flee to the railjack.


I run the capture mission on Saturn and a lichling always spawns between the time I capture the target and the time I get to extract.


I never see anyone use this. I use it often for clearing groups of enemies and breaking all containers on the path at same time. It's a lot better than Kuva Bramma too.


It's also like the most amazing concept for an archgun.


This is the only acceptable answer in my mind. The thing isn't a beast with stats that make the meta weep... But come on! It's a full auto, 4 barrel, grenade launcher! The Mausolon is fun but it's not bomb a map fun. Excellent choice!


Kuva Ayanga It’s like walking around with a Mk.19. I love it


As someone who has fired a Mk 19 in basic, I now need this weapon in my life


Had an rws on my stryker with a mk 19. Half of our brigade went to qualify on the mk 19 before deployment and we got to use ours while everyone else had to fire it mounted normally. Felt very nice as my company typically pulled the short straw on everything else


Tump-thump-thump.... #Love it!


I got the kuva ayanga recently but i can only equip it with my archwing, is this normal?


It's an archgun, so yes. You equip it in archwing amd voidrig, and can only use it outside of that if you've gotten the special launcher from Profit Taker heists.


Oh good to know, whats the launcher called?


It's called the archgun deployer. Basically it just lets you wield archguns in regular combat.


Dont forget about Gravimag (Vox Solaris), which has to be installed on an Archgun. And a Potato aswell.


NGL I remember the outrage when DE said yoy HAVE to have a potato and a gravimag installed to use it on world. What if I want to use my 30 capacity weapon planet side? Pfft, come on, devs....


Larkspur, I love my not-so-little tesla coil


Point it in the general direction of the enemy and watch them melt




Macrowave. It goes really well with Lavos because his 3 gives you infinite ammo and the primary fire applies a ton of proc which lets you nuke high-level enemies with his 4.


If you have Kullervo, try it with his curse.


imperator. it's the minigun


I just wish they had an actual rotary cannon. But i guess that’s a little too “normal” for Warframe


Dual Decurions, closest thing to Dex Pixia in archwing content. Mausolon is the obvious choice otherwise :p


Maulson is best in class. And the radial attack is fun. The only other gun I'd use over it is the corvas and specifically for profit taker only.


Mausolon is *heavily* outclassed by ayanga, once rivens come into play. No arcanes or galvanized mods mean riven disposition matters a lot more than any other weapon type.


My maus still decimates my ayanga, almost no contest. I like both, but the maus alt fire letting you instagib elites is super handy.


My ayanga outkills my maus by a huge margin. Both have rivens. Alt fire is functionally useless since it takes so long to charge in SP. Ayanga>grattler>every other archgun. ...except for the only content where it matters: one tapping PT limbs with velocitus or corvas, or fluctus for orphix. Mausolon just isn't as good as people say it is.


Huh. I don’t know what to say. My experience is simply the opposite. Mine tears through steel path with little resistance. Que sera sera.


You could look at the objective truth that is the paper stats, or run a side by side comparison. Mausolon cannot compete, it's not down to subjective value judgement. [Edit: if one of the people downvoting is able to show me how to out kpm ayanaga with a mausolon, I'm all ears]


I dunno man. You may want to re evalute the weapons. The maus’ alt fire has some serious punch. And there really isn’t a substantial difference between the primary fire damage between the two. I’ll concede the ayanga is better at crowd clearing, especially at lower levels, but the maus alt fire really is not difficult at all to charge. I feel like its a bad faith argument to insinuate otherwise. When it is charged, mine hits for ~100k at 6.3 mult with 124.5% crit chance, and my maus riven is decidedly worse than my ayanga riven. If you think the ayanga is objectively better thats fine. I really wasn’t arguing objective power. As I said in my previous post “my EXPERIENCE is simply the opposite.”


Ayanga deals more damage, in a wider area. You can argue that you subjectively enjoy maus more, but it is objectively inferior to ayanga. What are your rivens? Are you assuming frame buffs/full strip? What is the progenitor on your ayanga, and what %? There just is no universe in which mausolon kpm comes close to ayanga. If you want big boom alt fire, morgha does it better (again due to riven dispo).


I’ve stated all I care to. Have a good one.


Shy away from the facts I guess.


Ayanga build?


Parallax scope, primed rubedo lined barrel, automatic trigger, dual rounds, electrified barrel, venomous clip, hollowed bullets, +cc (122.2%) +ms (73.6%) +recoil riven. 60% radiation progenitor. 112.8% cc, 2.3 ms. Would prefer cd but rolling it isn't exactly a priority for my kuva.


For the 99.9% of players without Archgun rivens + near max progenitor bonuses on the Kuva Ayanga, the Mausolon is a straight upgrade. It's nice that if you grind enough Arbitrations to eventually get the Archgun riven you want and then grind enough Kuva Liches for a higher progenitor bonus the Kuva Ayanga pulls ahead, but for most of the population they aren't doing the grinding for that to matter.


Yes, without full build, weapon comparisons are different. The guy used the term "best in class". How would you define that? Most useful? That's velocitus (PT) and fluctus (Orphix). For *the only content where archgun matters* mausolon isnt even top 3. Not most useful? Ok how about peak performance? That's ayanga. Not peak performance? How about "best with an incomplete build"? That's kuva grattler. There is an ayanga riven on the market for 40 plat right now. That's selling 2 syndicate mods. Any average player can do that. It beats mausolon without needing max progenitor bonus. You gonna tell me torid is not (arguably) the best primary because most players don't have the incarnon? Hildryn is bad because of the investment to hit full strip? Where do you draw the line? Best. In. Class. Sorry that apparently the objective truth upsets so many wf redditors.


Where's my boy phaedra !?


low enough on the tier list and little enough used that i decided not to include it


Not to mention that Imperator/Mausolon already fill the "auto rifle" weapon category, and do it better


But imperator has less style.


Not better than my phaedra.


Fluctus. The punch through is awesome and it's my favorite weapon in archwing missions. Sad it's not on this list though.


It was beast in orphix if I remember correctly. Great if you didnt have a void rig.


Morgha, the area that thing can cover with its splash and spread makes it nutty in open worlds on mechs. The alt-fire is also nuts. Cortege also hits about as hard as a wet noodle and the altfire has a stupidly low firerate, nty get rid of that even if I didn't have to choose any.


Can we pick if it isn't on the list? I pick to keep Velocitus, because it oneshots everything. I like it. Otherwise, I pick Corvas Prime, it looks nice.


* Corvas Prime suffers from the same problems Velocitus does. Staggering you after EVERY charged shot, greatly reducing it's power. * Kuva Grattler and Kuva Ayanga are just AoE launchers. Nothing really *new* there. * Prisma Dual Deucurions are flashy and fashionable, but their perks run out there. * Imperator Vandal is about as basic as it gets. It's only upside is that it's the PERFECT weapon for getting high scores in the Fomorian Sabotage... *which is where it drops from*. * Larkspur Prime is useful, sure... but we have better beam weapons now. Ones like Ocucor, Kuva Nukor, Tenet Cycron, etc. All of which can get Galvanized Status Mods. * Mausolon is the only one here that's the biggest bang for your buck. Full-auto, good critical/status and has a chargable "super-shot" function which acts as a simple power AoE. It does it's job, sure... but it's *too simple* to be of real interest. * Morgha exchanges firepower for lobbing endless AoE shots compared to it's sibling Mausolon. However, while it's Alt-Fire is powerful? It lacks that reliability that Mausolon is known for. * Cortege is... how do I say this nicely? It exists. It's a beam Archgun that isn't as wide-spread as Larkspur nor it as damaging. It's Alt-Fire creates a AoE that lingers. Wowie. My biggest problem with Archguns is that- much like a lot of weapons- they've been COMPLETELY outclassed by our standard weaponry. **Nah, what we need is something for more powerful.** ***We need....*** # THE TRUE WEAPON. https://preview.redd.it/zignghz079pb1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=c36ff23fc407437280db59a8309f208e45a51a8e


Imperator vandal


Corvas prime really packs a punch after trying it out. The only downside is the long reload time on necramechs.


Normal corvas is just... better than corvas prime. Kuva ayanga best for aoe. Velocitus is the meta for pt (or you can use normal corvas)


Is corvas better than corvas prime?


Absolutely not.


Depends, Corvas atmospheric is a shotgun, so its better for pt. Corvas prime atmospheric is the same as the archwing mode, like an arca plasmor shot.


Prime one taps pt legs.


Ye, in frame, not in necramech (and even if it does, with good riven, its not hitscan-slower, and theres a bug when its just doesnt work)


I have such a riven. The bug is if it hits anything before hitting the leg. I'm by no means a PT speedrunner, but I haven't had issues with the punch through bug slowing me down.


Ye, corvas is a bit more consistent, but speedrunners use velocitus (needs really good riven and more forma)


I think we're missing the real point here anyway: with corvas prime I can equip arca plasmor, catchmoon secondary, and stropha. Maximum energy wave spam.


Corvas better for pt, for casual corvas prime is better, but no sane person would use corvas prime for casual (except if you really like the look of the weapon)


Cortege. It’s so fun, ignis wraith is my most used primary. That or mausolon


God I love the Cortege, or, as I like to call it, The Bignis


Corvas Prime. Is a good boomstick. Also Larkspur Prime is not really any better than it's basic version, so thanos'ing it away doesn't really loose us anything.


Velocitus, it’s on there you just can’t see it.


maus just because it is easily the strongest one. if i can only have 1 of something it better be good.


Larkspur, very fun to use imo


Larkspur is just too fun especially in space archwing.


Haven't used all of them but i would say that kuva grattler can stay since i have experience of it dealing like 17 stacks of every DOT at the same time


Larkspur prime


There are other Archguns than Kuva Grattler?


Tbh I find the morgha to be better on mechs than grattler because the way it spreads, you can hit much larger areas, not to mention it doesn't run out of Ammo pretty much ever. That said, grattler isn't weak by any stretch of the imagination and is my go too for archwing


Wow, someone hates archwing with a PASSION. Who hurt you?


Mausy obviously


Larkspur or Corvas tbh


Mausolon, I love the Mausolon!


I honestly don't know. But I'd say corvus prime or larkspur. Simply because I have those. Or mausolon.


Either mausulon or grattler, Corvas close third tho


Off post a bit but, i really want a single decurion as primary, it would be an amazing high dmg, low rate of fire auto gun.


For me... Velocitus always will be^


Velocitus forever!


Mausolon my goat fuck the other guns


I only just got the Kuva Ayanga yesterday from my buddy Knokk Ohff so I've still yet to try it.


Larkspur. The thing is nuts. Chaining energy beam that locks onto enemies in a giant radius, switch modes to fire huge explosives at long range with great damage. It's versatile, powerful, and fun.


Gratty all day. Only one that'll do anything you need. Anyone who says mausolon I dare you to go run orphix with a mausolon, I'll see you here again when you're begging for a grattler


Kuva grattler.


Damn. A lot more responses to this than I anticipated, it's awesome how much discussion this has provoked lol. Not surprising Mausolon is getting the most support, but I have def been surprised by how many ppl said Corvas Prime. Sorry for leaving out Fluctus/Phaedra/Velocitus. I did think about adding a fourth row but was too lazy lol


Imperator, hands down only have had bad experiences with it vandal or regular


i think you misread the post haha. the one you pick is the only one that stays


Oh lol larkspur can stay, messed around with it, was fun


I wanna duel wield grattlers


Corvas P! It can 1 shot break the leg of profit taker without almost no invest at all( no riven, 1 forma). I can break the shield of corpus. Its.hit box is extreme large. Somehow it is disadvantage when face profit taker


These are my arch guns I don't know you! \*starts hitting OP with handbag prime*


Out of this selection has to be Corvas Prime. It boasts amazing stats for an archgun and with how shit they are besides in archwing and PT I feel like the def best dps archgun should remain. For those of you who are gonna argue "mausolon has better dps" you'd be, I guess, not very right. While it can totally do what the corvas can, albeit slower by a margin, mausolon cannot compete even with armor strip in relevant levels of Steel Path (which is where I take both of them and only have Corvas Prime doing relevant damage numbers with Eclipse.) If you wanna REALLY attempt to make any archgun viable as a Steel Path funny heavy weapon, might I suggest Lavos. Since you can't prime with another weapon and you can use whatever subsume as you please Lavos is, in my eyes, one of the best options for archguns alongside his massive ammo conversions from his 3rd. Currently enjoying a Terrify Lavos and my Corvas Prime. Anywhere else though, and if archguns get that love that happened to weapons on Sisters of Parvos (galvanization, weapon arcanes), I'd choose mausolon for sure. We must pray, brothers.


bro my morgha, sounds dope asf. and does 178k base dmg on areal... I wont never toss that shit aside. Steampunk shi to the max


Larkspur cause I hate aiming in archwing missions


Lark. I like weapons that chain between enemies


As a archwing lover.. this is hard for me. Morgha and Cortege I haven't used since the farm for this is hell. Fluctus and Velocitus not being here is pain. (Tenet Fluctus when?!) Larskpur. I have a soft spot for it. First I got a riven for and thought meh. Then build it and brought it SP and was like whoa.


Kuva gratler have been a very good friend of mine Since the very start


Coin flip between Mausolon and Kuva Grattler


Kuva grattler, I love the grattler, it's so much von flying around with an anti-air gun.




Larkspur Prime. Too big a fan of Primes.


I pick to keep larkspur, definitely helpful in most aspects as it chains nearby enemies, if I get a good riven roll it'll definitely be better!






Grattler, but only if they fix the really weird projectile curving (immediately noticeable in captura).


I mean all opinions aside, that could throw that morgha right in the trash can and I wouldn't bat an eye, that thing is hot garbage


I haven't used morgha, cortege, and the kuva weapons but I immediately took a liking to the larkspur prime. It's like using a portable arc reactor as a weapon that has an overload mechanic.


Grattler my belowed..... But imperator vandal or mausolon for higher lvl....


I’ve only used 4 of the options. Kuva ayanga, prisma dual decuron, imp v, and mausolon. Of those 4 I would keep imp v no contest.


None of The Above, because Fluctus. I have zero fucks to give for the rest.


Kuva Grattler


Prisma Dual Decurion, even if it not the stronger, those weapons remain in my heart


Dual decurions, they look cool


Dual Decurion (hear me out) It’s easily the least satisfying archgun and *that’s my point.* rn archguns are this cool idea that just never quite meshed right until the necramech came along, but even so the entire vehicle and archgun system remains annoyingly piecemeal with multiple content islands. If the system completely sucks then maybe they’ll HAVE to re-do it, and having to mesh together content islands to do so would benefit the overall game experience


Damn this is surprisingly a tough one lol. I love the Mausolon, the alt-fire is wildly satisfying, but I’m a sucker for chain weapons like the Larkspur. I’d probably go for the Mausolon, I’ve put more investment into it.


Larkspur Prime. You just need to hit one enemy with the beam and it will arc out and hit everyone else in the room/nearby.


Gotta go Kuva Grattler, favorite to use of all of them. I haven't gotten Ayanga yet but hopefully I'll snag it whenever I decide to hop back in.


Mausolon would be the answer but my heart says Kuva Grattler because the sounds and animations are just that good


Imperator vandal because I love running around with a ridiculous laser of bullets.


I mostly use them in Railjack, so Cyngas, but it would make Profit Taker and Vaults take actual effort


I love my ayanga, just looks/sounds/feels good and that's what makes me happy, not combat effectiveness. lol


It terms of both power and versatility: Mausolon. it's primary fire is great for trash mobs, and its alt fire eats big bois for dinner. ​ sure, theres a scant few that can do one or the other, but the mausolon is far too versatile to sacrifice for what one sees as a favorite.


Mausolon but id also rather we get galvanise mods for archgun. Galvanise mods and the crit/multishot they bring to the table are whats keeping arch guns from getting nutty


For Archwing: Velocitus for sure. Instant power. Fluctus is nice over a distance and through walls, but Velocitus just slaps everything hard. For Necramech: Kuva Grattler. I just want to fill my screen with fully automatic fiery explosions.


You should try morgha as well. It's a slightly smaller area, but it fires in bursts of 3 that get spread pretty far, so it hits a pretty large area, especially if you are further away. It's a bit slower than grattler, but it's fun as hell and doesn't really hit any weaker.


Larkspur the coolest one


I want the OG Grattler back.


I use Velocitus for Eidolon hunting and Profit Taker, and Kuva Grattler on Necramech... am I allowed 2 picks?


Brain says Mausolon. Heart says Kuva Grattler.


Corvas prime remove the rest


Mausulon since Velocitus isnt on the list




Kuva grattler is an amazing room clearer. On a necramech or with a Warframe it’s good for clearing mobs or focusing on a boss. Personally I like to use it with mirage, hall of mirrors and eclipse to max out the number of shots and damage with an ability strength build. As much as I am a sucker for primes, it just has much more use for me


Can the Deimos ones can be just removed for the sake of it? Basically impossible to farm those stupid things. Have all primes, nearly all Railjack stuff and only got a single barrel drop for those stupid guns. Nothing else.


Grattler, it has a disgustingly big explosion range, you clear even countris with 0 effort


Be honest, you only use mausolon. Don’t lie, Wally knows when you’re lying


Where's the Fluctus?


Even though Mausolon is probably the strongest one, I'd pick Velocitus. Honorable mentions are Phaedra, Cyngas, Fluctus and Corvas Prime.


I love corvas prime its like the daikyu but shotty. Good soup.


Grattlee no contest 4 dakka tubes look epic


Larkspur without a doubt


Mausolon because I haven't invested alot into it and it destroys steelpath


I’m sticking with my Mausolon bc that’s my fave gun.


mausolon prime, I wish it was real. BRRRRRRRRRR


I have a kuva lich up my ass and has been since I started playing again, he keeps stealing my shit too whenever I do a mission on earth. He has the kuva grattler. How can I kill him and get his weapon?