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I sent Gauss to a new player once... The most ungrateful person I ever met... And I was just trying to help.


That's what I'm always afraid of. That if I do something like this, it'll end up being to an ungrateful person who will think they deserved it and only get more entitled.


That's why I usually just gift mods or really easy to get prime weapons I barely spend plat on myself besides for fashion and even then I have to talk myself into it


I gift slots. They can do their own farming


Not that I'd ever do it, but if you feel good about it then maybe it's worth


Yeah. Maybe. Maybe if I ever get serious about playing the market. I can't even consider that when I still need to hunt down Arcanes. Haha


well once i get a good amout of plat and get on mr 30 or l1 maby ile start doing this but i do need to make alot or relics before crosssave gets working so i can go to my cuson and selll on his pc


Valid. Incredibly valid. I am back in the game after two years off. So my old mr20 isn't as exciting as it used to be. Maybe someday I'll put in the work to hunt down more stuff. Haha




Being in an Asian server, the most wholesome thing I can think of is that someone tries or uses English to talk instead of always using their native language >!(which is totally fine IF DE finally lets us see it instead of auto censoring it to \*\*\*\*\* because the game can't understand it unless you change the ENTIRE game language to said native language)!<.


DE: what is Unicode?


Yeah RIGHT lmao. Because the people who got Wukong to play the game for them are the mindful ones.


Don't gift new players anything until you get an idea about them. I usually play a few games with them and talk to them to get a feel about them first.


I sold a helios prime set the other day to a mr2 player and i got a bit hyped thinking to myself, oh im going to help this guy and give other good stuff for free, then the dude tried to pay me with less pl and clicked ready, he did change it to the correct amount after i called him out but then goodwill had disappeared already. I guess we just cant win everytime.


That's way i only gift to people who i know who need it or someone i like, i was having this conversation with this random player and we were having fun (he was mastery 13 and I am 24) after that he wanted to gift me something but I didn't notice his mastery at first so I accepted. With the staff he gave me there was an exodia contagion r0, after talking a little more i thought he was a lower mastery than me so to be sure i asked him "you have exodia contagion maxed, right?" After he said to me no i invited him again and gifted one of mine, fortunally he was really greatfull


least awesome warframe founder:


I shall never forget the Tenno who gifted me Sibear after he encountered me while I was farming Cryotic.


thats cool! enjoy and pay it forward the time comes :)


One thing I'd suggest with a post like this, is to black out the gifter's in game name. Yeah, this is obviously not a name-and-shame post, but there are greedy leeches in every community, so I wouldn't be surprised is some people would go "of, this guy gives out free stuff, let's ask him them, we should get some free stuff too!"


I'll never forget when a friend gave me the Wisp collection when I started playing, best gift ever


Wish I had a tenno sugar daddy ;-;


Not gonna be that to anyone ever again in this game 🤣 I spoiled quite a few people I came across that became friends and then not friends.


Well they suck


sigh I do miss my sugar babies sometimes tho 😂




He stole gameplay time from you, what a jerk! /s But seriously, at some point especially when you have most of things, buying newly released stuff means you have less reasons to play. Farm is the game.


Dont worry, op still has to farm a 2nd one.


not if he's a loser like me who didn't click with xaku's gameplay and just subsumed the first one. I'll maybe give him another try when the prime drops


He has Xaku, but what about second Xaku?


L take, the pack is mostly skins he wouldnt get otherwise


eh Xaku is B to farm. Less grind more fun is what I always say.


congrats the best way to show your appreciation is to pass along the favor to an even newer tenno when you get a chance :)


I use to tell that to people that I gifted stuff too. I highly doubt they ever did or kept playing the game.


well i wouldn't be where i am today if i didn't have some help along the way so it's my pleasure to pass it along. :) keep being you :)


Where are these awesome players that you speak of? Never experienced it myself


damn, from a founder too


How do you know if he's a founder?


The Excalibur Prime icon in the message sender.


I've received some skin bundles from strangers too. Its something rare to see, and only happened to me in wf, no other community has ever been this kind. Make sure to pay back, to them, or to another random when the time comes Keep the kindness chain going


Y'all some lucky people


Man wish that happened to me


Write ur IGN and pack u wish to have


Um well you never know drakathchaosmasta and anything would make me super happy especially since I started again but now on pc and need to grind all my stuff again 😭


>drakathchaosmasta Check inbox


The second I get home I will check instantly at the moment I'm at the Docters office haha but thanks in advance I really appreciate it and if you want add me when I can I will gift something in return


Can you gift cross platform yet?


Answer is no


Thats a good point, I’m on xbox


[Really zero crosspalform experience](https://imgur.com/a/GwgVAqx)


Oh uhhh DreamMstress and Crystal Bastion?


Um well you never know drakathchaosmasta and anything would make me super happy especially since I started again but now on pc and need to grind all my stuff again 😭


Wrong person to reply to bro, you want trinity


The frame?


No the username lol


Now I see lol 😂


Oh not username, its their flair my bad


There I just copied it and put it in the right place 😂


Nice this community is the only one I’ve encountered that does this my friend gifted me the Loki deluxe collection when I first started and I was able to finally pay it forward by sending some extra plat and items to my friend who just started a few days ago


Someone randomly bought be inaros agile animation which was in my wishlist


I joined a clan about 2 years ago. the Clan leader gave me an Equinox Prime set as a welcome gift


I remember I was partied up with this legendary 2 player the other week For context I haven't spent my starter plat yet and I'm mr7 I was telling him how I didn't know what to farm since I had no slots and he straight up gifted me a bunch of Warframe slots My goat


A friend of mine recieved a spare Wisp Prime set from one of her friends.


I remember I sent someone else Xaku because I had the plat to I was also actively farming her Something about this community makes me want to be nice, and I'm usually not nice lol. Still waiting on that good karma to come back to me though


Lucky! Enjoy your Xaku.


I have a ton of extra regular warframe parts, for instance a ridiculous amount of gauss sets from doing lvl cap on Sedna, how do I gift this kind of thing? Or is that only if I buy it with platinum as a gift? (I’m on PS5 if that matters)


Can only gift from the market unfortunately. The only way to give someone a helping hand with what you have is by selling them mods or prime parts/sets for cheap.


Idk if those parta are tradable, but if they are just go to earth any low level mission and ask in party chat if anyone wants them


They're not


Given your plat, if that person hits the "Refund" button, you get banned. Enjoy :)


💡 ... 😈


It's quite a common and well-known malicious tactic used for banning players someone doesn't like (Create throwaway account, buy large amounts of plat, gift in one mega bundle, person opens bundle, reverse plat purchase, person with items has to pay in plat, if they hit negative they get banned), and something many traders watch out for (Never sell an item for more than 50% of your total plat to a single person, and always keep plat in reserve) It's also why longer-term players either disable gifting, or contact support as soon as they receive any semi-high value gifts (It's not uncommon to gift someone large / popular a thousand Forma or a hundred copies of a frame, for example)


Never got anything And I was new but my teammates were being very toxic Saying I was so slow and took so much time


Personally, I’m never toxic to someone for being slow because we were all new players at some point or even returning players sometimes have issues. When I do relics, I always wait for everyone to have 10/10 before going to extraction. It is annoying sometimes but I wouldn’t flame anyone for it either. The only players I despise are the people trying to scam me by either trying to sell me overpriced items or trying to buy my stuff for dirt cheap. I only met a handful of them (600 hours atm) but each one just annoyed me enough to not play that day.


I've given Prime frame and weapon sets to others through trade a few times. Have a couple of spare sets of a few frames so every so often I give to someone struggling to get. Take random invented item or base mod in exchange to complete trade. Never gifted direct from Marketplace though. Wife would kill me...


some dude i never spoke to in my clan gifted me a deluxe skin out of nowhere from my wishlist, he did the same for a couple others


As a girl I am paying the guy that gifts me staff with some .... content...


Same happened to me, guy in chat said "Whoever guess what mask piece is my tenno using get the Mesa and Volt Skin bundle" I replied and he sent both Volt and Mesa skins and the evolutive syandana lol.


I have xaku parts just too lazy to farm for materials :(


Had this happened to me and a mate when this absolute legend bought the entire squad the dagath collection.


Hello /u/pizzarolls39, your submission has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Accusation & Naming Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_accusation_.26amp.3B_naming_rule)**. Posting another person's name or username in an appreciation post without their consent is not allowed due to the potential of beggars harassing them. ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Accusation%20And%20Naming%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[submission]\(https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/17dm1uy/-/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


Wish I had something like this happen to me I recently switches over to pc and need to start all over again