• By -


Nice! Not seen one in over 2 years personally.


I think i got it at least three times this year alone. Used it only once to buy the largest Platinum pack.


Makes sense that using it encourages the game to give you it again


Yeah, I get them all the time. The chance of them appearing is definitely based on long periods of inactivity, and also maybe not redeeming them in the past. I've had at least 10-20 of these pop up for me since I started playing, and I never use them. But if I stop playing for a few months and come back, there's a high chance I get a 75% off coupon when I come back.


So are you saying they come more often if you use them or if you don't use them?


They seem to be more common if you don't use them.


Do you have evidence for this or is it purely your anecdotal experience? Cuz I've seen people say they've gotten multiple in a short period w/o any inactivity, even when they regularly buy plat.


>The chance of them appearing is definitely based on long periods of inactivity, I thought this was already debunked like a thousand times yet people keep claiming it. You roll for a reward even when you don't log in > if that reward is platinum, it gets saved until the next time you log in > it can only be replaced by a better platinum reward. Of course you'd get a discount after a few months break. You would've gotten it after a few months of playing too.


It's just the most rare thing to happen. Inactivity means you might have missed it throughout all that period, and it's trying to catch up by giving it a priority.


Wow.. 10-20... fairly big margin


I've had 3 in the last month. Used the second one and got the 3rd one today.


This coupon isn't for platinum packs or bundles. It allows you to purchase any singular, non tennogen item from the store for 75% reduced cost.


For PC players, the coupon is for buying Plat packs, not singular items


Ah, you see on console, coupons were always for store items and now that we have platinum bundle coupons they actually say a bit more like "__% extra platinum on bundles upto ___ amount" but apparently this community are a bunch of salty people who don't give people a chance


Honestly, from your comment history, your attitude on being wrong checks out Have a great night


It might be night for you, but not everyone is in the same time zone. Have a good day.


How are you the most disagreeable person ever, lol.


bro Ewokii is a dropped child xD. There is no arguing with a sped. Console peasants am I right?


It works different on PC and console


Console gets both kinds of discounts now, at least on PlayStation.


Do they really? Or is it still the Bonus Plat that is not nearly as much worth as an actual discount would be? (75% Bonus plat instead of 300%)


Oh yeah good point. Trashy bonus platinum pack it is. Although I've heard that it's a PS store issue with individual discounts not being possible because of sony.


But they could just give the Bonus Plat they would get for the money if the discount would apply, than the only issue would be that console players would be able to buy effectively 4 times the amount of discounted plat as PC players


A problem I have with the bonus is while I'd be alright putting down enough money for a smaller pack, I just can't justify the biggest pack purchase at once, even if it was multiplied by 4. Another frustrating thing is that we can't buy the other packs without the platinum for those of us who don't need it. An example is the Regal Aya packs.


Your console is showing


It is, on pc


If it's on PC then you can buy the platinum pack using that coupon. The screenshot is from PC too so he's not wrong. I tend to buy the largest platinum pack if I'll get either 50 or 75% l


On Xbox it’s discounts like everything


Same. I've gotten tons of 50% and 30% discounts but no 75 for a super long time


I decided to come back to Warframe yesterday (after more than a year long absence and being exasperated by the current stare of Wayfinder) and Immediately got the 75% discount at login


I get one every-time I get on (once every 2 years)


Yeah, they're definitely more common if you don't play for a long period of time. I get one almost every time I return from a long break.




You wish lol


I got one early on and didn't see one for about 3 years. Then I got one this summer, another since, and at least 2 more 50%


I’ve been playing on and off since 2014 and I’ve never seen one.


sry i am stilling all yours XD i see one almost every other week


are you in europe? I keep seeing them every 7-9 days too. I think its because eu has some special laws


It may sound weird, but some people say it's based on how poor your country is. If you live in a poor country you'll most likely get 40-75% discounts quite often. I personally live in a poor country and usually i get at least 1 discount per week, in almost 500 days I've never seen a 20-25% discount but I've seen more 75% discounts than 40-50%.


I live in the US, I get one a week at least. If not, one every other week. I rarely get the 25% ones, almost always a 50-75% one


US is pretty damn poor rn💀


The US is in such a weird place. On paper we are the richest country in the world, but most of our wealth gets hoarded by the top 1%. The top 10% are very well off, but even then most of their wealth goes towards McMansions and car dependency to fill the void of having disjointed car dependent cities that lack 3rd places.


VPN time here we come???


Warframe doesnt work on some VPNs, you have to make sure yours supports P2P. If you figure it out let me know which one works!


Ironically-- I get better performance with a vpn than without in warframe. I use nordVPN. Before I couldn't host or connect despite having decent internet. Now I can both host and connect to actual squads. Trading was a nightmare before lol.


It's probably because the VPN is controlling internet traffic, so Warframe actually gets better internet. That's interesting, my laptop came with McAffee, so that's what I started using for antivirus and things like that


Me too, I recently got one two week straight.


I'm in UK and never seen a 75% plat discount, used a couple of 50% off in 233 days. Think I need to take a break


Yep over in the EU ^_^ (continent dif??? Xd)


Not continent... country, maybe? I hadn't seen one in two years until I got it a week ago.


same, I have been seeing less of them in the last few weeks. I feel like I get more after coming back after a while, and when I play every day for a couple of days


When you dont log, your daily rewards still run "in the background" and keeps your highest value reward. Plat discounts triumph and if you get more discounts you keep the highest one. Thats why you almost always get one after a break


Same here


I'm an on and off player so everytime I take a prolonged break from WF and come back they usually give me a 50% or a 75% discount


Same.. I have been downloading/deleting this game since 10th grade and now im 4rd year in collage.. Had A lot of those discounts!


Surprised you made it to your *4rd year of collage*


That must be a big collage


I get it almost every week lol


My friend and I suspect that players who tend to buy something when they get a market discount coupons (we are on console) are more likely to get more market discount coupons in the future. My friend is completely F2P and he’s gotten one 50% off coupon in like ~200 logins. I didn’t get my first coupon until like ~100 logins in, immediately bought something, and continued getting them like once a week until I ran out of stuff I wanted to buy. Now I get them very rarely. Could just be RNG but seems like an unlikely coincidence


Probably, I almost always buy the cheapest pack lol


Bro I get one of these like every 2 weeks or so wdym?




Fuk u gimme that rn I neeeeeeeeeeed it


Really? I've had it 3 times in the last 4 weeks.


Every time I don't log for a while I get it once I'm back. Guaranteed 100%. Yesterday I logged after a 1 month break and... Got the 75% discount.


I get a 75% discount every time I login after not playing for a couple of weeks, think I’ve gotten like 7 or so


I get one when I have about 4p


Still trying to wait for the ever elusive 90%


That exists?


Not according to this page: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Daily_Tribute


I swore I've seen screenshots of 90% discounts though. That or I'm crazy.


Photoshop is a thing. I've seen 75% discounts many times so at least I know those are real.


5% increments from 20-80 - the Wiki isn't accurate as the ones it has flagged as console specific apply to PC also and you *can* get 80% off if extremely lucky.


In asia and during last week when I logged into the game after a long time they gave me 2 75% discounts, sorry DE but I grind my own plat.


Ok Radio Rebel


I get this coupon every 3-4 weeks.


I just got one 2 days ago, when I only had 4 plat 🙃


I dont know why. I've always gets the 75% after being away for a while. I can almost guarantee its on purpose xD ive been away for like just a few days, or even months at a time, but as soon as i lo gin after all that im bound to receive one.


There's definitely a correlation - someone around here (or the forums I forgor) did some research into this using a large number of alts (not actually playing the game) a while ago. There was also a fiasco over it as the person in question didn't think to record the actual percentages of the discounts, iirc.


Because it is. When you have been away for a while, you are almost guranteed to get a big discount. They are trying to get returners to spent money and literally get invested back into the game. If you are a regular, you will probably buy plat without much of a discount anyways...


When I take long breaks it always gives me the 25% off coupon. Unfortunately for DE I’m never going to buy platinum unless I get the 75% off coupon. I think I saw the 75% off coupon once like 4 years ago and didn’t buy anything for whatever reason.


Thats not quite true at all, the system just saves the biggest discount you would have gotten if you logged in and holds it until your next login.


That is true. Someone probably already min-maxed the probabilities of getting it for the minimum away time. xD


if you dont play the game for a couple weeks its basically guaranteed. i get it literally every time i log in every 2 months or so to check if theres anything interesting.


Yes yes is real, it's not that rare


I've had only one in 327 days on this account, I wish you were right about it's rarity.


Horrible luck on your end, every month I get one or two of these. The 50% coupons are a lot rarer.


I’ve had 4 50% in the last month. I’ve been playing since 2014 and I’ve never seen a 75%.


I've been playing for 9 years and I've NEVER seen one 🥲 meanwhile my friend who started a year later got one on his first login and continues to get 50's and 75's alternating every two weeks 😭


Everytime I stop playing for like a week or two, I always get one of these. It's super common for me.


Stop playing for a week or 2 and boom.


The chance increases with days unplayed. Whenever I play daily I rarely get them, when I take week or month breaks I swear its like 50% chance.


The chance stays the same, the system saves the highest discount you would have gotten if you had logged in.




In my experience, it's a guarantee when you haven't logged in for like a week.


Wait, these still exist? I thought DE had completely phased them out in favor of the shitty extra plat coupons.


The only time i got 75% coupons 3 times within a month is when i login from China during a university exchange about 6-7 years ago. Never had 75% coupon before then and since.


As a returning player, I can’t recall…are they totally random and only the big ones like zenistar are on specific milestones or…?


Btw, can you get the 10y anniversary packs with discount? I didn't even bother to check :s


The last time I got one was legitimately a year ago


Only ever gotten the 75% extra plat one.


Haven't had one since the change :(


I feel bad for not spending any money ever. So when this happens ima buy plat


Recently my discounts on console are no longer for a single platinum purchase, but instead they give me extra plat when I buy platinum packs. I didnt know they changed that and I got super confused.


I got two within a span of 6 days. They really want me to buy plat


I got 3 till now, 45th day login today


I get those at least once a week but I’m on console so I can’t use them for plat


I bought Kullervo last week with one lol


Got one the other day after recently talking about how it's been forever since I last saw one. Bought Xaku :)


Got one last week, bought Kullervo because I hate Duviri. Got a 50% last night. Nautilus is looking pretty good


I got one yesterday after not seeing one for like 150+ days :D


How do you think I get all these new warframes?


I've had like 5 in a row 2 years ago. In the end bought the biggest plat bundle with the 75% discount and now 2 years later I finished the plat and want to buy again but in those 2 years never saw 75% again :(


It's almost half a year since I last saw one of these. I thought DE removed them lol


\*cries in PSN


I got one today too lol. 1.6k hrs in


Me buying the most expensive plat amount


I get one every couple of weeks or less, it's always been real!


Yeah, having a couple thousand login days, I see discounts and 90-hour boosters consistently.


I get one every other week, i get em more than the 25% discounts tbh


I have gotten this pretty frequently. I think you have a high chance of getting it if you haven't played for a while.


778 days still not a single one of these


I dont need to buy and use that when i have tons of preparation and galvanized mods. Also adaptation and rolling guard too


Does this work with packages that contain plat, or just straight plat?


Well I think you can force it not making log in in a while


I Notice that Everytime that i dont play for like an mouth or something he appears to me.


Yeah those appear way too often when I put on some money on my steam wallet


Buy the 200 for 50$


Don't COVID I got one every 3-4 months after, nothing.


Got one a week ago


I used to get one once or twice a year. I would splurge and buy the 200$ pack for 50$ when it came up.


I’ve get one like once a month lmaon


I get it all the time, like once every month at least, but i'm poor and even with 99% discount i couldn't spend money on the game. hyperinflation in my country and all


Cool- now use it to buy something in Tennogen...


I think you had more change for it when you leave the game for weeks and return 👀


Stop playing for like 2 weeks straight, every time u come back u will have that discount


Still haven’t seen a 75% off. And I took a break of several years and then a few months. Best I’ve seen is 50% off twice and that’s it.


Was gonna say? I get these and 50% offs seems like at least once a month...I swear though if you don't sign on for a week or more...it's a guaranteed %off ticket....get one every time I don't sign on for a week or better...


IVE NEVER GOT ONE DANGIT approaching 1000 days lol


I got one last night!


I get one ever other week but dont play the game much so no plat ever :(


Im looking for one for almost 2 years now


Never seen one at all


I get them constantly on Xbox, however my buddies on pc say they haven't seen one in about a year. Must be a pc thing not getting them. But if on pc I'm assuming you are referring to the 75% off plat not the 75% off market place item. Which that is stupid rare.


How I wish we had this option on psn/xbox. Sadly the 'plat bonuses' don't really seem worth it imo, unless you get the highest tier coupon. Getting a coupon for % off your plat purchase is a very nice deal.


this appears if you stop playing for about a week generally more than 5 days of no activity will produce 50% and more than 7 days this pops up


if I stop playing for at least 7 consecutive days I always receive a 75% discount 😂


Didn't play for like 8months~ and got one the first day I logged back on. So there's that.


usually only login at most once a month nowadays, but nearly every time i do i get a 75% discount. probably to entice returning players to stay.


My dumbass just spent 50 on a 50 couldve had 4200 plat if i was just patient


It’s been 44 years since then..


Ok, no clue if this is something but got the 50%, forgot to use it bcs. I’m a noob, raised a case and some days later got the 75% 😳




I know someone whos gotten like 13 of them this year, he has a whole list and everything, keeping track of them


It seems to give it to you if you leave and return later but the last one i got i didn't use


I always get this after returning to play after a long pause, this happened atleast 4 times by now


You lucky SOB. Haven't had one in years. I only ever get 50% off, but I refuse. I spent way too much money on this game over the years, that I told myself I wouldn't buy anything else unless it was 75% off, outside of the supporter packs which I'll buy once a year, because you know... I don't mind supporting the developers. A 75% would be amazing, I'd straight up buy 4300 plat right now even though I still have 2k plat lol. Unless you have no money, you'd be stupid NOT to take advantage of a 75% off.


When you go over 1k logins they start to be pretty common


I get these pretty regularly and ignore them. Maybe having actually used it in the past flags me as more likely to spend because it's definitely not rare at all in my experience.


I get one weekly no lie


I've had it dozens of times, and they keep coming because I haven't ever spent money on this game. Maybe I would if there weren't so many bugs that don't get fixed.


I didn't play for over 500 days and I was very surprised when I logged in again and received a 50% discount rather than a 75%.


If you take a long break from the game you usually get it when you come back


It always activates for me after a LONG time away from the game. ALWAYS. ​ This time I didn't take it and regret it. Managed to spend 2k plat ultra fast by rushing to SP and trying some builds...lol. Oh well.


Inverse Square law the less you spend the more they throw them at you.


Tbh I'd rather have a marketplace discount not platinum discount


I used to get 75% all the time until a moment of weakness when I bought plat at 50% off. Now I only get 20% vouchers.


Don't think I've ever had one. Most of mine say their 25 or 50% off the marketplace, not on platinum. 🤔 Either way, Congrats Tenno!


I have been getting it at least 3 times a week....


I must be lucky cause I got 2 over the past couple weeks, and that's NOT logging on daily


Funny thing is dont play for like weeks and you'll get it. Its funny how they kind of encourage not playing the game to get these coupons. Wish they'd get rid of it and just give us seasonal and holiday plat sales like on consoles.


I always use it to buy the 100$ pack


Saw 70% last week, ignored it.


I got a 90% once. Back in like 2020 i think?


I get this all the time. But I’m poor af so I can’t even use it


I've only gotten 70 recently


I live in a third world county, I receive one of these every month and I never used one Life is pain...time to trade again😭


I get one like 3 Times a month lol


I got a 90% a few weeks ago. I love that they do this


In only seen 50% y'all some luck mofos


https://preview.redd.it/4bzqmyk0o0zb1.png?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1d78813d447a9c2d6a49b0151b83ca4b98cd89 Look I been playing the game since it has been out and I have been playing this afk game and I think this should be Excalibur or ash skin but I'm still trying to figure out how to make it official


Hey warframe, feel free to send me another and I'll drop another 50.


I got one on my first time playing after a 6 month hiatus and since then I only get 25%


I’ve only gotten 75% on market purchases never seen a platinum one


It's been a thing but idk about consoles.


I’m at 350 and I haven’t seen that


It was kind of crazy swapping from Xbox to PC and seeing it's a platinum discount instead of a next purchase discount like it is on console. Praying for cross save soon to have my main account back 🙏


oh it still exist?! I thought they removed it with daily login rework, I've been on and off warframe every few month and never ever seen it since the rework.


I've been recording mine since May, I've gotten 16.


Had not played in 5 years first log in was like a day after dagath got 75% off coupon bought her got another 2 weeks later and bought sibear because you know 30k cryotic


Oh, just... Stop playing for a month and you'll get it on the first login. Pretty much 100% for me.