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Nah my guess is we will get the pazzuul boss fight and it will drop an item to fuse shards to tau forged and it will limited to one a week (if that).


Hope you're right because the new content made me think the New War and it's consequences have been sidelined.


Did you not read the bit where the Kalymos sequence being activated now was a direct result of Ballus stupidly opening that massive portal and drawing the attention of the indifference?


it's more so that a solar system wide occupation left no marks and everything returned to the status quo before it happened.


Well, gameplay wise, they apparently wanted to separate Narmer content and older content. So they didn't do too much, but Narmer is very much still active in the system. They have a solid foothold on Earth and Venus, and we regularly do raids against Narmer operations across the system.


I kinda wish (but kinda know they won't) that we'd get some kind of content crush and world separation thing going. Invasions, nightmare missions etc are largely pointless. Arguably arbitrations are also kinda pointless except for the few evergreen rewards. So damn many content islands. First of all it'd be kinda cool to rework invasions into something something.. better. With the narmer introduced they could be another faction in the mix. It'd be *freaking cool* if every node could be contested and ultimately all planets could 'switch sides' depending on how the faction wars go. Obviously you can't support narmer or infested. My ultimate wish is that we wouldn't have at best like five different missions on same nodes. Fissure, invasion, sortie, syndicate etcetera. Just one node per mission and everything going on slammed into the mix. With those two things being mixed together it'd be pretty neat to run and do something like narmer invasion mission where there's also other funny stuff going on. Fissure? The syndicates are a tough nut, I know there are people who religiously run around and collect medals daily. Which could delve into the 'world split' idea. People who have completed the new war and those who haven't *and* if there's syndicate activity on node it'd be for those who are allied and those who aren't. Thus you'd encounter the assassin squad if you are opposed and friendly syndicate stuff if you're ally. Sorry for hijack and long ramblings.


I feel like people expect the new war to retroactively impact all older content in the game which is ridiculous


i expected at least a few symbolic nodes for narmer - exterminate, survival, defense, the likes. pretending theyre still a force we have to recognize is tough while they have no real presence on the map


To be fair, the few permanent changes we got are complained about constantly (new Fortuna in particular)


I miss my Neon aesthetic so much


My buddy hates it because the constant red hurts his eyes.


Oh aye, it followed on from the last minute of the new war. Wally's presence is increasing. (shocker, it has been since 2015.) But the galaxy wide invasion has left no impact.


Sure, there's story progression. But without a doubt the BIGGEST most important quest that had tons of impact literally everywhere in the system has really been swept under the rug y'know


I've reached a conclusion that unfortunately not a lot of people read Shooting is just simply more fun Shooting books is even more fun!


The new war and its future by Theodore John Kaczynski


Looking at the droprates, you'd probably have to combine 4 or more.


Three, if you want to take the average, since by the third you've had 20+40+60% chance for it to drop, which makes for more than 50%


yeah, but if they'd want you to get more guaranteed tauforged shards by the time you hit your first hard pity, they could just change the droprates for the same result


Uh, that's not how probability works, is it? The chance of it not having dropped after the third drop is 0.8 * 0.6 * 0.4 = 0.192, so the chance of getting one in three runs is 1 - 0.192 = 0.808 or 81%. You can't just add probabilities of sequential events together. Edit: If you add the 4th chance (so 1 - (0.8\*0.6\*0.4*0.2)) you get 96.2%. So there's a 3.8% chance from your first archon hunt that you won't get a shard until the pity system fully kicks in.


It's not literal addition, but what I meant is that a 20% chance + a 40% chance is only just about roughly 50% (well, 52% to get the drop) whereas three runs will bring the chance significantly over it, and I can't really imagine DE being generous about these matters. Requiring more than three shards to make a tauforged is just unconscionable though.


So make it that combining 2 has a 20% chance and if it fails u can try with a third shard for a 40% and If not then a 4th shard for 60% and so forth.


Who cares about drop rates? They take so long to get as is that getting a single tau forged every couple weeks isn't a huge deal


It means that DE very obviously doesn't want you to get that many.


Sure but I don't agree with that sentiment. This game is all about maxing stuff out and limiting it to 3+ shards means it will take over a month per tau shard when you have 5 slots per frame and about 55 frames. And then it can take even longer to max out those frames now that we have mixed shards providing different stats that you need to combine 2 tau shards into


i really, really don’t see them doing it for less than 5 unless there’s another special item you have to combine with them


But how they would be forged in tau if we are in the solar sistem?


The others will never know


Press X to Doubt




X ~~formally known as twitter~~


Xitter, pronounced like Shitter


Thoughts, there never should have been two kinds of the same shard to begin with.


I fully agree there. They kinda shot themselves in the foot by doing that and making it only obtainable via RNG across such a long period of time. New players are going to struggle to catch up in the amount of tau forged shards in the future


Three would be perfectly balanced in my opinion.


Yuhp Basically means if you hit the hardnpitty you get two Which would make 6 weeks of pain feel better


3 shards for 1 tau would be fine too!


betteryet let us use eidolon shards to tauforge them it would also give a reason to do eidolons again since the arcane disolving just made eidolons pointless


I think Eidolons are still the most efficient way to get the crafting material for arcanes so they aren't pointless.


Fr. So many bronze arcanes.


No...unless they let Xata's Whisper buff damage Eidolon Shields.


Allow us to rearrange shards so we dont have to remove them with bile. We can already do this with forma. Why not shards?


But then they wouldn't be Tauforged, they'd be Tennoforged. Ahem.


You might be onto something lmao. Hek. You have a point.


I wish they do that but i doubt they will, but as someone who doesn't have a lot of shards, especially tau forged, i think they need to add the option to unfuse shards, can't even experiment with the new system because of this.


A year ago I would have agreed OP, but between deterministic drop rates and endless Kahl farming and netracells I think tau shard acquisition is in a pretty good place now, and the emerald shards have given a recurring optimal use for non-tau blue and yellows.


Are emeralds optimal as non-Tau?


For *specifically* the "corrosive stacks 2 more times" buff, it's generally wasteful to use tau shards. Complete armor strip occurs at 4 additional stacks from the base cap, so two regular emerald shards hits that number perfectly. A single Tau shard leaves some armor, while two overshoots the cap significantly by allowing for two extra stacks that do nothing (except against enemies with a status cap, against which two Tau emerald would have a slight benefit)


Yep, cause having 2 tau greens for corrosive stacks is a waste (think max stacks is 14 and each tau green gives +3)


Wait you can get taus from Kahl


Don't you think we have to be in TAU to FORGE a Tauforged shard ?


The coalescent fusion screen SCREAMS the idea so hard there's no way they haven't thought of 1+1=1.5. It's possible they didn't want to jump out the gate with it at first though. So the next DevStream or whatever is the one for the Echos update might mention it.


I heard that if you party with other players that has like high chance of tauforge, you get the chance aswell


Actually i love the thing can make 1 tau become 3 or 4 normal shard. Because i dont want to use tau on wf i dont really like or really need


How about also a way for returnee ppl or new players to catch up on archon shards in some ways?




I feel like to still make them very hard to obtain, they should do 5 shards for 1 tau. There’s like 3 ways to get shards now so having them be 3=1 would just be too easy.


2 of those 3 are once per week and the 3rd is a random chance.


You know there are a shit ton of frames to upgrade right? I think 3 for 1 should be more than sufficient. some of us don't have 24h a day on our hands.


Wdym 24hours? If they were grindable, there wouldn't any problems, everyone would just get them at their own pace, but currently you can't grind them, it's all time-gated, you can complete all shard related stuff in a week by playing an hour every day until it resets, maybe even less


You got your answer, I don't think I have to say anything more. DE is all about farm for x to get x but farm x to build x and wait x to get x. They don't have to exaggerate in this concept. 3 to 1 should be the limit. I don't mind supporting DE but on PS for the highest plat buy is around 130-140 euro's. that's like almost 2 games worth of purchases. Let's not get ahead of ourselves with these outrageous prices and rng farming. In the past it got so bad I quit playing Warframe just like many others. they want the scenario again? go ahead and exaggerate again. I wish to support DE more as long as they keep it fair and keep account of people having a real life (jobs etc). Most people who support DE are adults, they should never forget that.


Being able to combine 2 normal shards into 1 tau shard once per week would be pretty cool. You could make that the reward for completing all 5 weekly Netracells or something.


I feel like tau shards are in a good spot. However, If they do decide to change it, it would probably be like 4 normal for 1 tau. I think If they do that they should add another type of shard. Maybe "Infested Archon Shards." 2 Normal + Helminth resources= 1 Infested 2 Infested + sentient drop = 1 tau Have Infested be a 25% increase over normal while tau is the 50%.


I would happily forge 2 or 3 into a single Tauforged or spending sentient resources on it


Its funny how by making the system more fun aka adding fused shards they put the spotlight on the fact that every way you get shards is kinda very pretty much definitely sucky.


Youre the first one to realise and bring it up. Good realisation.


What seems to be the problem?


Nothing. I was just making a joke. Forgot the /j on the end. My bad. :) But i do agree the shard system rng is kinda shart