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He is competent. Play him if you like, just remember that he requires many forma, for him, Shadow and claws. If you go through this you will have a great time.


Ive actually spend about 8 forma on him already xD i take the poor man’s work around to slot umbra mods. His claws are amazing and allows me to slot ranged melee weapons like glaive p, but nullifiers make me very very sad :(


Nullifiers make everyone sad.


As a gauss main, can confirm


I can also confirm. I go vroom and then all of a sudden no vroom


What is your sprint speed ATM mine is 2.08


I'm new to the game my speed is 1.82


Mine's at 2.24, I'm nowhere near the fastest, but I combine with other mods that can help movement and he go brrr


mine was 4.01 with an invigoration


Nyx does not care about your pathetic nullifiers, or the eximus, for that matter. Her 3 still affects them indirectly by making everyone else a valid target.


Chroma: i have 93% dmg reduction and a bajillion damage. FEAR ME! Nullifier in a corner: imma end this man's whole career


Styanax has one of the relatively rare abilities that just always damages nullifier bubbles, instead of having the spears just be swallowed up which is what you'd expect.


I think it’s coded as weapon damage so it has weird interactions. You can damage Orowyrms with them too.


Lil nullifier bastards piss me off lol specially when im playing garuda (as always) and bullet jump around a corner into a nullifier bubble and loose all my damage absorbed by my 1, or gara with her 2 or nidus with his mutation stacks


as an ember main nullifiers make me sad because I have to stop pressing 4 and play the game


Nah, just take Octavia, Mag or Khora, for example..... There's some frame that aren't so sensitive to nullifiers! Use them!


Kullervo essentially doesn't care either, doesn't wipe his Overguard so he can just walk in and bonk


Nice shot man!


Yeah I love Kullervo. No reason to use rhino now for the most part


I've felt like that ever since Nezha Prime came out. I was just like, "Oh, super. It's like playing Rhino but fun!"


The only downside to Kullervo is that, when it comes to energy, he's a thirsty boy and is basically helpless if he runs out. Multiple energy mitigating strategies are pretty much mandatory. That being said, as long as he's topped off, he can easily nuke whole rooms deep into Steel Path while face tanking the world. He's become my go-to for farming Tennokai mods from Alchemy missions.


Protea doesn't care about nullifiers. I'll usually dive right in to save my teammates.


Depends on if you use Satellites or her 4th to survive...


I use her satellites and swap out her 4.


Same with Lavos. Built like a brick shithouse, and nothing stops him from casting. Magnetic procs? Try harder. 10% efficiency? Please. Nullifier bubbles? Get Bonked.


I have two ways of dealing with Nullifiers as Mag that don't involve shooting their bubble. If they're close I'll just run into the bubble and shoot them in the head with Exergis. If they're Eximus I'll roll into it with Rolling Guard just in case. If they're further away and I have a Magnetize up, I'll pop it when they get close to it and blow up their drone.


Garuda and Kullervo are also two frames that just dont care about nullifiers.


*laughs in miter incarnon*


I wish they would rework nullifies to be like the hunter guys on the zariman instead of turning off abilities just force switch to operator inside the nullifier bubble


I feel like that wouldn’t work well because… what do you do when you encounter a Nullifier as a Pre-War Within player? Just fucking die?


I take it back, honestly remove nullifiers altogether. The inconsistency that lets them ruin the game for some builds/frames while others ignore them completely is just bad design. Particularly in mind I have Voruna. If you are in your 4 you have literally no way of popping the bubble, and leaving your four loses you that sweet sweet 10x multiplier for chaining kills.


So… you want everyone to be invincible?


Please explain how removing nullifiers makes everyone invincible?


Nullifiers make Ability based frames scared. They can’t easily use their abilities to get out of trouble. Non ability based frames already have plenty of ways to get out of problems.


Except some frames aren't affected by them, and they ARE ability based. They need more consistency, or to be reworked.


Cool story, in theory. But protea is what I would consider an ability based frame and she can pop them with her 1. Hydroid also likes to use abilities, his 1, also pops them. Nullifiers shut down entire play-styles. If I want to dash around as voruna I cant without a nullifier coming around the corner and turning off my 1,3, and 4 while I was in the middle of the dash animation for the four.


As a mesa main, they make me use a weapon that isn't my regulators >:|. Protea is my second goto tho and her blazing artillery takes care of the bubbles thankfully


Exept Inaros, he doesnot have abilitys.


Yeah, my friend and I came back with cross save and we were taking about nullies. We basically agreed that the game had kinda outgrown nulifiers, especially with the general ability layout the new frames have. Defensives getting wiped out or turned off; stionary ability placements (qorvex's tower, citrine's crystal, or gara's wall for example) getting removed when they run by; recently the bubble doesnt seem to go away, it just shrinks down a lot; they added that thing at the top that you can shoot, but the bubble itself is always in the way, so it catches the bullets instead. I think that it would be best if nullifiers were replaced with a new eximus type that is kinda like those hovershoe dudes on jupiter (was it jupiter?). Change up how those dudes work a bit, then make the nullifying thing a bit more obvious, then they can be added to any faction that gets eximus units.


Then you really don't need to worry-play to your heart content. Other players love other frames, and Sevagoth just happen to have one of the most useful Helminth options, so it narrows vision to some players. He has damage, CC, heal, more damage, alternative form with more CC, heal and damage, now with Tennokai! That's enough for anything, and you are committed enough to bring your death incarnate to his peak. Good luck and have fun!


I'm excited for his prime! _i think it comes in... 2025?_


Awesome 8 forma in 8 more to go. His shadow needs forma, his base form needs forma and his claws need forma so he's a frame that's very expensive to properly build. Also for nullifiiers high fire rate weapons are the way to go imo. Even lower damage ones will melt the bubble really fast allowing you to follow up with melee or whatever stronger weapons or abilities to kill them


I put like zero, maybe 1 forma into sevagoth himself. He is/was mostly using augur mods. All the forma went into shadow and his claws to fit umbral mods and preparation lol


He's not bad. It's just that he requires a ridiculous amount of forma to build properly, and the result is only "okay." If I'm using around fifteen forma to build a frame, I expect amazing results.


Yeah, I'll wait for his prime before I invest that kind of forma into him. Thankfully I got a second one from the twitch drops last month so I was able to subsume Gloom, because I like keeping one of every frame around if at all possible.


Yeah, I don't subsume frames I don't have a spare of, that's why I don't have nourish available just as an example (haven't bothered to farm grendel prime yet, don't get me started on the normal missions) as for Sevagoth I got two whole sets instead of the holokeys I was farming a while ago so both the twitch drop and the subsequent alerts were useless to me (did them anyways though), was a little annoyed about the alerts though as I had acquired epitaph finally right before those were announced lol


For some of the recent Warframes, probably since Sevagoth(?), I've made it my concurrent farming goal to just farm two of them out the gate when they come out. Problem was that a lot of them have been not just worth keeping, but potato/forma/exilus.


Every frame from Gyre to Kullervo I bought with plat since I couldn't be arsed to farm even one set. Lot of the new content just ain't fun to grind in my eyes. I enjoy sorties just to play the game, and can just sell the veiled rivens and ayatans I get, so... Dagath thankfully is just exterminate, but... well, I don't currently have Qorvex.


While it's still probably a year away, we only have protea, xaku, and lavos left (with Gauss next week) to get primes before Sevagoth Though at least with the prime you'll save a lot of time with the extra polarized slots (hopefully a polarized aura this time lol)


Dunno about bad. I just find his Shadow really weird and janky so don’t like playing him.


The dash ability is so bad on the shadow. I wish we could subsume it out


My 2 fixes would be 1: let his resurrection shadow just fight normally instead of dashing everywhere. Maybe increase the number of kills needed to 6-7 to compensate if needed 2: increase the hitbox size of his dash by 10%- 15%


I mean resurrection shadow is pretty damn good, he does literally 100% of a targets hp as true damage (overguard stops it tho) so while i agree with the hitbox increase giving him the other options is counter intuitive as you shouldnt want to be downed


I didn't realise it did true damage. I thought it just did the same as your regular dash, just without the energy cost


Nope, it 1shots. The kicker though is that if there’s only eximus enemies, you’re fucked. Would be nice to have the OPTION to last breath out of the shadow for the very few situations it’d be more beneficial.


A larger hit box would be nice. Either that, or auto-locking onto enemies, like Excalibur's dash.


While you're at it make Arcane Blessing transfer to the shadow as well instead of having to stack it two times.


That's the thing, the Helminth System ruined him. His most useful ability which should've been his unique thing became the most mundane thing in all of Warframe. You shove Gloom literally into any hole and the build just fucking works!


Gloom or nourish tbh


Gloom, nourish, pillage, terrify Like 90% of all subsumes are one of these 4 You get a xatas, roar, or eclipse here and there for would bosses or archons But more general use builds are one of the 4


*Me using Warcry because I like hitting fast*


Actually that's sorta another example of a frame made obsolete by its helmith option DE please give the kitty some love


I genuinely think it might be time for DE to adjust some of the helmith options Folks would be pissed But honestly its hurting some of the more unique frames, and making some content piss easy And I'm not saying like outright remove gloom or nourish but they shouldn't be nearly as effective as they currently are when not on their main Warframes I mean heck gloom basically turns everyone into a slowva Gloom should nerfed in other frames And that's not because I hate fun or anything it's because this isn't the first time we've had this situation I don't remember the ability but when helminth launched we saw frame usage numbers drop by miles on some stuff And DE had to go in and tweak those abilities when used by other frames


Nah we don't need nerfs. Buff some stuff in the helminth system instead or choose funner non trash abilities to go into the system.


The issue of like 4 powers in the system are just too strong Nourish, Gloom, Pillage, and Terrify are basically the only abilities subsumed outside of end game were damage buffs are wanted Now I would rather see these power get additional functionality with host frames Like I dunno gloom could armor strip over time if sev used it or something But I'm pretty sure this is going to end just like how Roar, and Eclipse did Or in other words only about half as strong on frames other than their originals


Nah don't give DE ideals they trash the game everytime they nerf things. Who cares if I am using nourish, how does that affect you? Just pick what you want. If your saying the things you like aren't strong enough ask for both or reworks. No need to call for nerfs just cause you see people using stuff you don't want to use.


Who cares, DE Everytime something overtakes the meta we get large changes to try and shake stuff up I'm not calling for nerfs, either I've just been here a long time and have seen the cycle If DE is busy it'll be a nerf If DE isn't we will see buffs and nerfs


They don't care, is the thing. It's as you said, they nerf unless they spare resources then they nerf and buff/rework. They always do the easy/lazy option, which is also why on dev streams they look at the most used things and talk about nerfing them. Has nothing to do with actual balance or care, if something is popular its gonna get nerfed. If you wanna complain, ask for buffs and reworks of things not up to par. They can do cooler abilities in the helminth system for sure, alot of them are just straight up lame. No need to to complain about the only fun and good choices when they are already on des hit list.


Its not a complaint I never said it bothered me I said frames where overshadowed by their subsumes It's not calling for nerfs, to say "yeah that's wierd balance, DE will probably need or change this" For real some of all are very build defensing But we've all changed our builds a million times and we will a million more before it's done


Issue is that without gloom quite a few older warframes are unable to survive without it


Again I don't think that's a gloom issue though Those frame need some buffs But also I don't even mean fully axing gloom just make it weaker on other frames Maybe it's only half as strong or maybe only the heal or slow works Either would still be very powerful effects on their own Though ide say keeping both abilities but nerfing the subsume to only be about 50% as effective as Sevs would do the trick Alternatively we could give the power a cool bonus effect when Sevs using sorta how we did pillage on Hyldrn Like maybe gloom could make the other abilities hit a harder Or maybe enemies standing in gloom could slowly loose armor over time That would be a fantastic buff to Sevs kit as a whole


That might've been true before shieldgating got ironed out, but now? If you have the energy economy to run Gloom, you have the energy economy to cast better abilities often enough to be immortal. Like, have we already forgotten how easy shieldgating made the 60 Eyes boss?


Like which ones?




Most Saryn players don't use Gloom tho. I've seen Xata more on her or Roar


She survives just fine with her dash augment and a survivability mod or two. Umbrals work great on her. Replace her 4 with TS, Xatas, or BS and you're solid for pretty much anything.


But this just isn't true... not even counting other great defensive options like silence, no frame has that much trouble surviving granted you don't just stand there


So you want DE to nerf shit so you dont have to play it but so others will? Quit calling for nerfs it's a PVE game for shit sake.


I see reading comprehension isn't the strong suit of the community today I'm not calling for nerfs I'm explaining that the way things are currently going most likely DE is going to nerf these abilities so the helmith doesn't overshadow the frame We've seen it countless times with roarz and eclipse Heck I think even nourish got hit at one point And yes ide perfer these abilities just get extra features when being used on their frames But if you think DE isn't looking at the usage rates of abilities like gloom with a raised eyebrow, you're just wrong I mean gloom alone got a nerf close to launch because of this issue being so common


gloom would be great for sevagoth himself if he has no shield ive tested this with nidus (i dont have inaros cause i already subsume him lmao) and with quick thinking and hunter adrenaline (+rage if you want but dont need at all) gloom will stay on as long as it can, energy will be sufficient i find it weird with sevagoth to have gloom but have lower health pool and a damn shield, i hope he can have augment to remove shield and transfer it to his overall healthpool for health builds with that i can be the team's main source of gloom and slow, itll be better suit for him too because right now gloom is great for garuda as it is




In my opinion and that of plenty others, helminth raises the possibilities for customization exponentially. If you don’t like it, don’t use it




This is all opinion. You may have your opinion, but do not assume it is fact. Most people think helminth is a good addition, and so it is. If you want the game to be harder, do some steel path infinite defense. Some of us are actively trying to improve our kits, and that’s fun in and of itself. Play your way! I’ll be playing mine


Sow -> Reap is an amazing true damage room nuker


Can your Sevagoth kill enemies in the kind of content you want to play? Does it take a little bit more effort, but is fun for you? Then just do it, and find ways to make it work. I'm an Excal Umbra main, and he works just fine for me up to lvl300 SP enemies. If you enjoy it, just use him.


Most people don't realize you can put an armour strip ability on Sevagoth and kill level cap enemies with his sow/reap combo, most just see him for his gloom ability but honestly I think it's the weakest part of his kit that you can live without


I mean you can put armor strip on anything and kill level cap enemies...


Sow and reap specifically have an interaction that allows them to do this without any outside damage buffs or procs, this is Sevagoths strongest dps potential yet most of the community are seemingly unaware of it


Guns with extra steps that take energy? I think i know why people seem "unaware" of it.


Guns? You mean Abilities that cost ammo?


Guns? You mean melee with extra steps that take ammo? Bad take, mate.


Melee is hands down the form of combat with the most "extra steps", literally.


I'm sorry, I can't hear you over me holding right click and occasionally pressing heavy attack. Maybe I slip in a little holding E or Shift. As a treat.




You do you i guess, some people like to get stuff done in the game tho.


I have about thirty different flavours of nuking the game. Pressing heavy attack once in a while is just the current hotness.


Yea just use Literally any decent incarnon and you dont need sevagoth


Just use literally any decent weapon and you don't need warframes. Inaros main thinking.


Incarnons cannot be obtained when you first unlock Sevagoth and not all players like/want to use them, the existence of Incarnons does not invalidate the existence of dps frames


Most people have an easier time reaching steel path than farming Sevagoth.


I mean, literally everyone could get sevagoth for free a couple months ago.


Like... one month ago.


So should I just wait for frames to be given for free during specific infrequent events instead of farming any?


Doesnt chanhe the fact that he is a mediocre frame that needs way too much investment.


the Laetum is one of the best weapons ingame, and is obtainable at rank 0 for 3000 standing and needs a single pinion and 5 quills. theoretically can be obtained after a single bounty. does need the new war completed, but most newer players will be going through the story anyways, whereas going through the railjack missions to the point that you can farm sevagoth (and farming him) is quite a side path


Sevagoth's is extremely quick with even just 2 yellow shards, charges his gimmick, has really high range and costs very little energy to do.


I mean you can kill level cap enemies...


Agreed, I also don’t use gloom that often and his sow/reap combo with shadow gaze and pillage is what got me playing him more frequently now, especially since his deluxe looks amazing.


I wast gonna say it to avoid massive backlash but i actually replaced gloom with hydroid tempest barrage (might try ember’s ability next).


Replacing Sevs ability with that of his mortal enemy, for shame :p


What ability do you recommend? I struggle with energy with sev.


There's a dethcube build that gives you energy for days. But Sevagoth benefits from nautilus too much to make it an easy choice.


This is so true, I'm almost positive they were designed from the get go to work as a pair I didn't use shell friend a lot until recently However I did use him on my railjack a lot on launch and even back then the mini embrace that cordon is, does so much for Sevs kit like basically maximizing the reap sow combo It's why I'm like 90% Nautilus prime is going to come with Sev Prime


arcane energize


Finally I see it mentioned Gloom is great, and an awesome for endurance stuff, but it's not always needed Wanna do low-level farming or speed run non endless fracture Terrify, Reap, Sow Is insane That being said I do hope in the future that either buff or augment sow to have it own native armor strip It would do so much good for Sev in the long run


Seems like some people get the misconception that he's bad and then others just repeat it. Sevagoth is great, he's just like a 12-18 forma frame if you wanna optimize the hell out of him, which is a monster of an investment for a non-primed frame. It doesn't help that gloom IS a great and versatile ability that plays super well as a helminth ability on a good number of frames. Bottom line, I think he's fantastic. The only reason I don't build him up myself is because of the massive forma investment, I'd rather wait for his prime to do that!


I just returned the game after years. What do you mean he needs 12-18 forma? There are only 10 mod slots.


Sevagoth has both an "exalted" body and weapon, which are individually moddable aside from the main Sevagoth body. Same thing as Excalibur with his blade basically.


He has two forms, his Shadow being the second. Think Equinox, but it's an entirely separate frame.


Sevagoth: 2 frames for the price of 1 grind Equinox: 1 frame for the price of 2 grinds On the plus side, Uranus is a cool tile set, and Tyl Regor has a cool voice iirc


Sevagoth needs forma not just for the base frame, but his shadow form, which is modded separately from the base frame, and his shadow form's claws, which are their own exalted weapon. End result is a huge forma sink to optimize him.


Tbh i only use him for the first ability augment, with it i can reach 200% flat critical chance and 200% damage buff (i do have about 400% strength so it's not easy). I subsumed pillage over his 4th ability because its just not fun to transfer between normal weapons and his exalted shadow all the time, and i don't regret doing that at all.


Triple Umbrals, Adaptation, Stretch, Transient Fortitude, Primed Continuity, augment. Cunning Drift in exilus, Molt Augmented + Energize for arcanes. Shadow has high range and strength for Embrace and Death's Harvest (which can also proc the extra shadows of the augment). Running Arcane Strike and Arcane Reaper for survivability and DPS. Typical Slash/viral combo build with tennokai on claws. Lots of red and blue shards to make him tanky and bump up the CC on Gloom. I also run Unairu focus school so that I can armour strip particularly annoying enemies. That's how I run Sevagoth. Maybe it's not "optimal" but it's good enough to breeze through most SP level content I'll ever do.


The thing about Sevagoth is that he's as good as any other Warframe but he requires 3x the investment


replace gloom for an armour strip, give him 2 yellow cast speed shards and you can room clear regardless of enemies level or health. Just build low duration, because the combo requires very little time to do and his 4 is unaffected by it. My recommendation is you forma him in the order of: main frame > shadow > claws, building the shadow for high range as it's strength doesn't benefit its abilities much and the claws for a heavy attack build.


He isn’t a bad warframe, he just really requires so much investment to fully minmax him but he is still steel path viable even with just one forma. In my opinion it’s better if you just subsume him off for gloom because his playstyle is slow and downright not fun but that’s just my opinion. He is basically immortal if u play him right and has a lot of damage especially with his augment. He can either be a caster with reap and sow to nuke or just use his melee which does a lot of damage, he is a decent warframe but no one wants to play him.


Not being rude, but curious why do you feel he's slow Like shadow builds I can totally see that complaint But nuke builds are a very fast playstyle Again no shade just curiousity


I love Sevvy. If you enjoy playing him and he works, then keep playing him! Also, everyone calls him '15 forma guy' but I personally don't like the way his shadow plays so I just ignore it, which saves quite a bit.


He's not bad at all. He's plenty strong, he just has TERRIBLE build efficiency. He has *three different things to forma* (frame, 4th form, 4th form's weapon). He's a big commitment of time and resources. He also has his hands-down best ability in the Helminth, which is rare. So it's far more build-efficient to put Gloom on another frame and give that frame *two* high-tier abilities, rather than a mid-tier ability on Sevagoth. There's nothing wrong with Sevagoth; it's just if you only have one 'Gloom' so-to-speak, its more useful on somebody else.


Nah... Nearly every frame is usable in all content. It's a f2p game... Therefore it's not a difficult game. The community (specifically hardcore vets) has created these weird "gate keeping" metas. But at this point in the game, what ever frame you enjoy will work everywhere... Other players just might flame you for not following the made up meta.


no, he's fantastic, don't listen to the gloom subsume bots they're just using it as a crutch cause they can't play the game at normal speed. gloom is only useful on like... 3 frames total, the rest is kinda just "eh it slows them down" yes he's expensive to forma but fuck it what else are you really gonna do with forma after a while oh and Shadow got absolutely busted with Tennokai


This is something I’m not seeing mentioned much in the comments that I agree with. Gloom is very strong in a vacuum yes but a lot of the time in actual use you’re better off just not using it because it slows things down. That being said tho I still very much enjoy gloom as it’s my favorite ability in the game. My favorite frame in the game is also a gloom banshee.


Fun fact his shadows claws are the only exalted melee who can be buffed by melee arcanes


Even though I collectively spent probably more than 16 formas on our shadow boy and I'm patiently waiting for his prime. Tho I think his claws need quality control pass as those animations are just straight up junky and broken. Similarly to how valkyr's claws are broken in stance.


Sevagoth has the modern warframe disease where all the commonly understood purposes that you'd ever want to have in a mission have been filled out by warframes dedicated to that purpose ages ago, and you need some really busted abilities to be able to stand out in the meta.


sevagoth has multiple build paths like many powerful frames do but a fundamental aspect of him is his base frame being a DPS/caster focused frame and his shadow being a melee focused brawler frame. Gloom is a useful ability...on other frames. on sevagoth, its benefits primarily go to his death well passive and slowing enemies since lifesteal isn't terribly powerful on a caster frame with middling health tank survivability at best (for a health tank caster, think qorvex, full umbra build saryn or gloom equinox). If anything, gloom being active only truly benefits his shadow and just buys his base form a few moments to try and gate/kill an attacking enemy. if you plan on continuing with sevagoth, ignore other people spamming "just shove him in the chair." If you have fun with a frame, play them, simple as that. Of course, pushing the power envelope is one thing, but sevagoth is VERY strong by default and if you plan to push them further, using helminth abilities OVER his gloom is a weirdly more effective option than trying to build for making it more viable. my recommendations include using Terrify + Creeping Terrify Augment in place of Gloom to get the armor strip his base form desires for area nuking with Reap and sow. it also allows you to mass slow without forcing you to crank strength too hard. This is just one idea but a powerful one.


He's decent but the time and investment required in order to get a good build out of him, just to have similar or better results with other frames, is not worth it. Hell, some frames benefit from Gloom more than he does. It's basically just a better, mobile blood altar for Garuda.


that's just other people's opinion


No Warframes are bad. Every frame is Steel Path viable. I love playing Sevagoth so if you enjoy the frame use him he’s a lot of fun!


Idk about no bad warframes, Yareli still has enough game breaking issues that I would actively advise people to not play her as she can and does actively break and fail missions with her operator/drifter bugs


Been using him since getting two free ones( one from twitch drops, the other from alert event for the chair) and have been enjoying my time specially with the 1 skill mod. Been having a great time. 2 things that I've noticed worth noting with his 4th(i think) 1. Shadow modesometimes bugs out and i can't attack or use skills. Big issue if you're on SP or any hard content since you have to wait it out to get off the shadow 2.I'm not sure if it's because of the 1st skill mod or built im, but when i use shadow's 3rd and it kills things, it summons the shadows like how reap does it.


I use him often. I put Dispensary over his 4, because to be frank, his 4, as cool as it may be, is the weak link. Reap gives you enormous damage thanks to the augment, Sow deals percentage damage, and Gloom is Gloom. Dispensary fixes all of his issues, being Energy economy and poor health (Blessing). His 1's augment + Arcane Avenger + Combat Discipline aura: all weapons have guaranteed critical hits, and crit weapons will orange-red crit. Best observed with Ocucor and the oneshot machine that is Perigale. ^(Edit: If anyone disagrees with me because m'Helminth, if you decide to die on that hill in 2024, know that nobody's coming to visit you)


He is really good, he's just expensive for a non prime frame. Like it's one thing to throw like 5 forma on a base frame. But some really good builds require that amount or more on his base frame, his shadow, and I think his claws too iirc. It's just a giant resource pit. Get gloom and call it a day imo


For me i changed his 4th ability to condemn it is my oh shit ability. Done sp run until round 42 in disruption. If this is your first sevagoth try it than subsume it. If you still want to build him get another Good luck


He's very fun, strong and hard AF to kill but he requires HUGE investment, i've put about 20 forma and 5 tauforged shards into him


Gloom is LITERALLY Sevagoth's bread and butter, and yet DE chose to make it a Helminth ability...thus rendering him useless as a frame.


Don't listen to these people saying he's *okay* or *too expensive* that's only if you build for his shadow. Aug his 1st, put in a fuckload of strength and energy economy. Some range and duration. Use a gun with a good crit multiplier, subsume a damage boost on the 4th. He wil tear apart everything with his map wide flat crit and vulnerability.


Sevagoth isnt a bad frame, you can subsume over his 4th ability if you hav the helminth segment for anything really, i use pillage and using the shadow gaze augment.. he is alot like equinox and has a learning curve


He sucks dk! 😅


15 forma minimum for a frame where everyone can use his best ability better than he can


He is not bad but the main use is like grendel, subsume and use the ability in other warframes. Also he needs like 15-17 forma to the build...


> grendel My chonky boy is not happy >:( Grendel is in a great spot! Better than Sevagoth (although Seva isn't bad either). His only semi-useless ability is the ball, but even that comes with armor strip.


Yeah grendel even had additional functionality on his power when he uses Ide give for gloom to have that for sev, like a ln armor strip over time or something while Sevs using it would make me loose my mind


fym 15-17?? Mine does just great with like.. 2-3 on each part, totalling closer to 9, goddamn


Well maybe if gloom wasnt his subsume people would play him more. I really like him but yeah, well this and the forma investment since you're essentially building 2 frames and a weapon. Might change with his prime but I wouldn't expect much.


Sea goth is super cool 😎 especially with the new skin , plus red corta for soma galore! If you use helminth a lot then yes probably subsume him . Gloom is one of the best helminths in there imo only bested by Nourish ! Heal and a slow ! Amazing but if you don’t plan on using that helminth a lot then just use him he is cool and again red crits , but he does require forma max forma and probably two umbra formas at that sooooo…. You could also just farm a s cons and not choose.


I LOVE comboing sow into reap and exploding hordes of enemies! Sevagoth is one of my faves and anyone who hates on him just doesn’t understand him


Im a sevagoth main with 300 million exp and 35% usage on him. I run a build 272% strength build to maximize gloom. i also use his augment to get 136% flat crit for me and my allies. I find him very enjoyable and can enjoy single target weapons because all the enemies are 95% slowed. Its definitely rare to see other players with him as their main frame but i find him to be a good support.


He’s great, people calling him shit are just too poor to afford his forma requirements


If it pleases you ... play it. Put some archon shards (and optionally an helminth skill) to strengthen weak points and that's it.


He's a decent frame, he's just forma intensive and most people aren't willing to sink the resources into him especially when he's getting closer to his prime coming around. He also suffers from the same condition that every exalted weapon currently does, where his claws cannot benefit from melee arcanes since there isn't a slot for them. This second point might be an oversight that they fix in the next few weeks, but it's a lot of forma currently to put into him unfortunately, as much as I like his kit and playstyle.


Sevagoth is fine. But he's seriously forma heavy.


I've spent 15 forma on him total, he's my main. I very much enjoy him, but on the higher levels his shadow isn't super useful, lots of damage but very very squishy. I run nourish on high level SP, everything else I run his shadow. He's a blast tbh


Sevagoth is pretty damn good, the problem is the forma cost. It requires about a minimum of 12 forma (4 for main, 4 for shadow, 4 for claws) to be good at sp, and even more if you want to min/max. Most people would rather just spend 4/6 forma on saryn/volt/mirage/whatever frame they like, and get the same result (a room entirely filled with corpses) He is nice if you have the forma and get bored of playing valkitty all day however, very good damage + practically immortal via his passive which is a straight upgrade to the inaros one


His biggest draw is he's extremely hard to his ability set and unlike some of the other frames that trade-off Damage for survival he really does get a pretty good damage kit That is extremely receptive to swapping out abilities To make it even better. The problem is you're looking at probably close to 15-17 forma just to get to that point


Not only is he a great frame to swap abilities on mechanically, but so many fit him thematically in a way other frames don't get the benefit of


It's not that he's a crap frame you will just spend a lot of forma to get a proper build for him n a lot of people don't have the forma/ plat to get a proper build


I think he's awesome. Farmed a second one for gloom and it was worth it and his augment made him even better


He is good and fun but too slow for me


There's a build that removes gloom for hildryn 3, boosts his DMG a lot


Nah, he only needs 17 formas ![gif](giphy|13w5HmyiuaZ224)


I don't play him, but wouldn't putting Nekros' terrify and augment creeping terrify work in the place of gloom? You get crowd control by slow, fear and armor strip. I might actually try that.


I don’t know who told you he’s bad, but I would stop taking advice from that person. Sevagoth is one of my most favorite frames because of his play style and synergy with abilities. I use him for Steel Path with no issues. If anyone tells you he’s bad then I would question their build.


I just use a shadow build his main form is just filling the gauge to transform. His shadow is pretty good tbh but the whole thing with all 3 things to build cos like 12-14 forma if I remember


Negative, he is good, any warframe can do steel path, now if your objective is to reach level cap and fight enemies lv 9999, them others might better or useful. I have fun playing Sevagoth and usually use it when playing with friends, I can create an area of life steal for them and for me I go Full Jojo with his Shadow. Ultimately just enjoy your game and build it in a way you can have fun.


I think he's not bad at all! He's honestly a ton of fun for me, the only warning I have for cautioning newer players is that as others have pointed out, he takes a ton of forma, since you need to forma him, his shadow, and the shadows claws. Gloom definitely is good though--my advice would be try him after crafting and leveling, and if you feel like it'll be too much to try and put forma into him, subsume him and wait for his prime (which I'm sure will alleviate forma needs slightly, but better than nothing)


Heard he is forma hungry. If you haven't potatoed that sevagoth yet, subsume it, definitely good helminth.


He's fine, he just get overshadowed by gloom that's all


He isn't bad at all. It's just insanely expensive to get a full build running. That's why I'm waiting for Prime. I don't want to put 14 forma into the base version when prime is only 8.


Nah, I slept on him for a while but he actually seems pretty fun and powerful. His shadow’s 1 is an excellent grouping ability and it’s legit satisfying to watch half the room float comfortably into blending range.


I love sevagoth as a weapon platform, I subsume his 4 for nourish but you could probably also subsume some sort of armour strip. That said the way I play him kinda removes half his kit so I understand if that's not what you were looking for :D


Sevagoth is a fantastic jack of all trades frame With the augment you are looking at one of the best crit frames in game His shadow is one of the only exalted items effected by melee arcanes Gloom is amazing Sow is a solid debuff/damage amp And the shows abilities are also pretty rad Also great survivability Sev is a solid 8 or 9 out 10 frame I mean most helmiths even fit from a lore aspect of you care about that like I do The problem with Sev though and why folks talk down on him is 3 fold He's hard to get, legitimately because void storms are ass Gloom is his subsume and it's such a good ability that not having it as a helmith option is doing yourself a disservice And the big one is builds there are only two flavors of sev build 1 forma, and 10 forma You either build the frame for basic stuff and don't dive too deep, or you have a 3 umbrals in the body, 2 in the shadow, 1 in the claws, and also auras and exilus and arcanes upon arcanes If you like investing in a frame and making it stupid strong Sev if the ghost for you But obviously that's a turn off for a lot of folks I guess another issue is maybe QoL like you are kind restricted with his 4 as it only works at 75% or higher for the gauge And the shadows can get stuck on stuff I know a lot of people wish the deaths harvest explosions were slash or that the debuffs stripped armor I see a lot of folks say the shadows feels clunky in some tiles I don't necessarily agree with them, but I can see the complaints and they are valid, of sev ever got a built in strip, or a strip augment or probably be best in slot tbh I've been piloting the frame as my daily driver since it's launch, only really swapping out if I wanna do stuff in a more min maxed way If I'm chilling and running him, I've brought him to basically everything eidolon hunts (subsumed both xata and roar, both can work well) Orb fights gloom and the nukes can work well Multihour steal path is a lot of fun Archons and cells are nice with him The current event is pretty fun with sev, he doesn't do much to the boss except provide some healing, and the harvest debuffs but it's still okay I think that's really all I can say about sev He's got great low level and even mid level Steal Path nuking potential Solid CC A great crit buffing augment But it all comes at the cost of how much are you willing to put in Sevs a resource sink, but a fantastic one


He is good but that is at maximum investment and its not a very popular playstyle for how the game is played. Creating some sort of shadow juggernaut is fun for a bit but doing group & slash gets old quick and it has nothing more complex than that, and sevagoth himself has the spam nuke build which is only so effective thanks to range limitations and also a run and gun buffer setup which leaves him fealing like a vulnerable version of rhino. A lot of people feel like the 4 isnt really a part of sevagoths kit, its just a seperate kinda meh warframe because they dont interact with each other much at all. It feels like they have everything set up to make a interesting warframe mechanically but they put the puzzle pieces in the wrong places so nothing is a clear foundation for anything else.


He’s basically a better Inaros, not a bad Warframe. Just requires extra preparation to start being viable.


Sevagoth is a massive forma investment to make function on steel path. If you do invest the forma he is a weird frame to adjust to and aggravating to get good at. I like the idea of him but the actual usage of him ranges from "this isn't bad, I'm having fun" to "with 15 forma in you I can't enjoy you because your fucking downed state can't do enough damage to resurrect your own goofy ass and I can't get back up with operator while Sevagoth because his shadow replaces your operator... Until you die for real. Stop flailing about you stupid fucking ghost! Actually kill something you goofy fucking half assed werewolf wannabe pirate shit bag!" I really do actually like Sevagoth, he looks like Knifeheaded Kaiju from Pacific Rim. I just think Sevagoth plays like shit for the amount of shit they make you give him to make him function. His latest bandaid is actually fun and I like using his 1 to haunt a ship but if your 1 didn't touch the enemy, NO CRIT BOOST FOR YOU! Hope you weren't relying on that to not die, the ghost of flailing awaits you breaking his sacred bonds so you can once again taste death. Those claws with the Umbral forma can't help if they can't be aimed reliably. Slams don't resurrect Sevagoth either... So fuck you for getting downed, enjoy the flail fail until you lose a life for no good reason. I play him... Occasionally now. DE needs to fix his downed state or just pull it entirely if it's going to replace the reliability of a properly built amp and operator form.


Sevagoth is great, i had to put lots of forma on him, the shadow and claws, he is awesome.


Sevagoth is rough out of the box (as most frames are), but once he’s got a few formas in his belly he’s great, and pretty versatile. He just requires a lot of investment compared to most frames especially since his aura slot is polarityless


maybe it was a bug for me but when i scrapped him and farmed him again i didn’t have to reforma everything


One of my fav frames, and I only use him for gloom ala max payne mode, slow mo is awesome!


He isn’t a bad frame at all, the issue is that other frames can do what he does better and much easier than he can, and his best ability is a helmith subsume. It’s less so a “sevagoth is bad” and more so a “you can put the best part of Sevagoth on easier frames”. Kind of a shame because I love his design and concept, but his shadow feels janky to use and whenever I play him I’m just thinking why am I not playing another frame with gloom added to them.


a lot of complaints are about forma, but doesn’t Titania have the same amount of things to forma? And she’s pretty good, I think? Idk 15 forma didn’t seem so bad to me.


Want a fun Sevagoth build? Use his 1 augment, replace 2 with Thermal Sunder and augment it, put on some duration, and build his shadow and its claws like a chad. Gameplay: Build your meter, put down the elemental buff zone, reap some fools and hit them with your big, meaty claws!


Don't know how it is bad as so many apparently say. Personally I love playing him(2nd favorite after Voruna). Though for steel path I havent really tried him. Just go with Voruna for that stuff usually. That being said sevvy does need decent amount of forma for both himself and shadow for higher levels as it can feel lacking in damage otherwise


Waste of resources, his 4 is useless. It has low hp, a timer, needs charges to summon and drops regular sevagoth into mortal danger when it expires