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F for Caliban at the bottom


Only in front of a frame that literally just came out lol


His use % is closer to Qorvex below him than it is to Nyx above him... yikes


The way to acquire the the frame also to blame the usage...


Have to agree farming 40 isoplasts is tedious as hell when a RARE reward is 3


And I thought Gara was annoying


And also just painfully being mediocre. Like the fact that baruuk has several forms of dr that stack but caliban's passive doesent even work with adaptation is absolutely stupid


Nyx has also been around for a decade sooo lol


All of his abilities are fine on their own... except for the spin. Not only does it do pitiful damage beyond level 30 enemies, you have to spend even MORE energy on an already hungry frame to up the damage... that still won't do shit. It feels awful to use too because you're locked in the animation, and it ticks damage so slowly you'd swear its bugged, or you're dropping packets. All of his abilities mix with the spin. The stomp is casted faster during it and vulnerability is nice, the sentients protect him, and the 4 can open up enemy defense. But if they all hinge on an ability that even with all that help, is still crappy... what's the damn point then?


honestly the thing i had with him when i was leveling him recently is that... everything feels disconnected? Like none of the stuff does anything together? He feels like a weapon platform without anything to benefit the weapon (besides armor strip i guess). But then his 1 disables that so... feels weird. His stomp has really weird targeting and has surprisingly little range. 3 is... aight? The only ability i felt like was doing anything tbh, even if it was not GREAT, it felt better. Honestly i got Qorvex just yesterday and it feels like Qorvex is what Caliban should have been in almost every regard, because every ability of his feels like an upgrade towards Calibans stuff.


His stomp feels weird because unlike almost all abilities in game it has enemy cap which it affects, similar to nyx bolts


Somehow, someone made it work using Yareli's Aquablades...


\*Aquablades being Aquablades\* Caliban: "I'm helping!"


Seriously, they should go with the Vauban rout and give everyone enemy level scaling damage


Not too surprising tbh, hes a very confused frame with very lack luster abilities and a gameplay loop that doesn't even play well with his own kit (come on DE... spin? Seriously?). But lots of surprising ranks on here tbh. But this is all keeping in mind you only see 3 other people at a time and even then you probably won't "see" them cause VROOOOOM. Gyre, I figured she'd be higher. Maybe personal bias since I thought she was frankly dog shit on release then they released her augment WHICH SHOULD BE BAKED INTO THE DAMN SKILL and now shes one of my favorite frames. Nice weapon platform frame that does well with a shielding helminth and absolute top notch dmg. Yeah just shocked more people are not playing her. Banshee/nyx being so low not the least bit surprising and both desperately in need of a face lift. Actually see banshee becoming quite powerful if they gave her some modern utility/survival. Annnnd Qoorvex kind of surprising but also not very surprising. Very lackluster and needs a bump in power. The sole fact that no where in his kit does it tell you hitting his pillars with 4 also causes pillars to trigger chain reactions is just a sham. PERSONALLY I think if they made the buffs to his pillars last for as long as the pillar did, that would be a pretty significant power boost. But no point in investing in 1 minute lasting pillars that can only be buffed for 3 seconds at a time.


orrrr he was out for 19 days


Gyre isn't higher cause most players in Warframe are casual. She is not easy to farm. I have 1k+ hours and play regularly, have several steel path built frames and weapons and yet even I farmed her just a month ago. That is the biggest contributor to her low usage. She is really good but time consuming to farm for most players. On the same note, I still don't have Voruna lol.


In addition, while I know everyone here on reddit is hot shit, legendary 4, with everything maxed and unlocked, there is a large mass of players in those early to mid-late MRs with lots of things missing. Not only is Gyre's farm a pain, she also isn't higher because most players simply do not have the resources to make her work well. 328%+ strength to make Pillage full strip along with Corrosive Projection requires helminth and a subsumed Hildryn. Along with the other expensive mods and arcanes you'd want to use. Yes, you could probably do a Terrify-spam shield gate build instead for cheaper and easier, but a lot of people either do not know of or do not like using shield gate for survival. And it also only strips armor.


This also. She isn't cheap to build. Her best survivability and armor strip option is locked behind a painful grind. Though less painful now as Hildryn is now available in circuit but you still need Toroids to build her.


>Gyre, I figured she'd be higher. Maybe personal bias since I thought she was frankly dog shit on release then they released her augment WHICH SHOULD BE BAKED INTO THE DAMN SKILL Same with Voruna and her 4


> Gyre, I figured she'd be higher. I'm stunned Gyre is as popular as she is. Her farm is gated pretty late into the game plus the farm itself sucks *and* she needs a specific augment *and* specific subsumes to work.


For Qorvex it literally says N/A as in there is no data for it since, y'know, he came out 44 days ago? Not really fair to compare 44 days of data to 1 year of it.


It says n/a in the areas for last year comparisons. Notice it's the same for all the other frames released last year like Dagath, Kullervo and Citrine even though all are in very different spots on the chart


My Sentient boi deserves a remake


You're trying to tell me more people play Oberon than grendel? Well where the hell are they? Edit: I'm asking where the rest of us are, I main oberon


Same place all the Grendel players are. In a different party. :( I swear since about maybe last summer I feel like I'm the only person I've seen play either of them. Even after Grendels rework and even in the circuit.


I'm the only person anyone has seen play nyx we're in the same boat lol


Yo! Nyx main all the way lol I'm surprised she so far down :( she so good


I started playing in 2014 and have apparently played so much standard nyx back then that even after 6-7+ years of not using her she's still marked as my most used frame


Since grendel prime release I saw him less than 10 times, most of those times were in the first 2 weeks. I did see 2 Oberons this week tho.


I still don't really understand... when I'd *want* to play Grendel really. Like his abilities are visually cool and thematically appropriate, but when you boil it down to its basics, it's an annoying mechanic to upkeep (eating enemies) that facilitates healthtanking, Nourish, a janky mobility/strip, and another relatively small-range strip. At that point, I'd just put Nourish on a different tanky frame and skip the upkeep altogether no?


range on his 4th ability needs to be increased a 6 meter base range is so short it’s comical


I'm a Grendel main, but I rarely take him to SP Circuit simply because excavation/defense exist. He's great for general use, but these two mission types make using him unwise since he cannot reliably defend anything (especially the stupid fkn paperthin excavators aaaa). I have no problems using him missions like Archons and Netracells - he offers great tankyness/self-heal, weapons buffs and fast level traversal. I even used him to fight the 60-eyes Fragmented Moron.


I play Oberon with Grendel's subsumed 🙂


Not surprising give how his base version is locked behind arbitration and some tedious missions and his prime only just came out.


Hi, Oberon here, you don't want me in your party, playing solo mostly because of that


Hi. It's me. I'm the Oberon people.


As am I.


Hail and well met


oberon in the circuit is very helpful, he provides armor for the excavator so it won't get one shot.


I love oberman


There are dozens of us


Base Oberon is more easy to get than base grendel, and grendel prime is pretty new. The Oberon stats will be inflated just by new players leveling the base frame while I know a lot of new players either do not know about how to get Grendel or are really scared by the mission restrictions/annoyed by having to farm arbitrations for him which are in a weird spot now, given the new Deimos endo rewards etc.


Seems yet another nyx player disappeared, we might be going extinct at this rate


I want to make Nyx viable, still my fave wf in appearance since day 1


She's viable just not very dynamic. Kind of like a slow tank that is impervious to damage.


They just took her kit, made it better and gave it to Revenant lol.


she got power creeped out of her niche , armor strip is easy now , her cc can be replicated by any companion with radiation now that bond mods exist and her 4 to say the least sucks and survival is easy regardless , she works fine still but you play her for that particular flavor not because you are chasing a specific meta


Plus being stuck walking around is just not fun.


I love using Nyx in steel circuit, Her survivability is solely based on that passive for innacuracy and lots of running around and jumping, Had no idea what to subsume on her so I just left her as is, And I use mind control to take over a good damage sponge while I do the killing, And 3 keeps her covered. She's actually one of my favorites for Steel Circuit.


Yes, she and Banshee are top-tier frames in solo SP Circuit (among with other frames with strong CC).


sorry , gotta dethrone nyx as my most used frame . might take years but im enjoying dagath right now




She saw 0.000001% increase for those two glorious days of Gargoyle's Cry where Merulina bugged the rewards into doubling lol.


*Let's fucking goooooo*


Let's just appreciate the new king. After so long, wukong had to step down from the first place to let our beloved, the og God of speed be number 1.


I bet same would happen to any other frame if it had gotten a big nerf like Wukong did...


Well, the 2 frames that I currently use the most are in the bottom half of the list, so nerfing isn't an issue for me. At least for now.


Same, most used for me is Trinity, which seeing a 0.69% rate is extra *nice*


What was the nerf? I haven’t played in a while and all my friends keep telling me my main was nerfed


You and your clone now share ammunition, so no more two kuva brammas/zarrs.


In the [official stats page](https://www.warframe.com/2023stats), base and prime Warframes are separated, I don't think this makes for accurate usage stats so I made my own combining them, as well as additional stats comparing them to the previous year and some comments.


In some cases I see the logic and this is much easier to digest as a graph but I’m inclined to disagree. Some Warframes have a higher barrier to entry than their Prime versions. Comparing Volt, a starter/Dojo Warframe, in addition to his Prime to Revenant and Revenant Prime seems disingenuous. You can draw different conclusions with the separate data. This is amplified in the case of Excalibur, the only frame as far as I can see to be ahead of its long-established superior version, granted also locked behind story but I digress. It’s important information to hold if you ask me! Khora and Mesa are two other examples. Despite being extremely common Primes their normal variants are somewhere near the bottom half of normal frames people have bothered to obtain/try out/level.


Another thing on my mind: To take an extreme example Caliban is widely perceived as the least popular Warframe but he will seem more popular if one compared him as a percentage with higher MR players or players who use primarily Prime warframes where they exist. 0.16% is small but he also has a very high barrier to entry to obtain in terms of effort and time into the storyline ignoring his thematic but lacklustre kit - one could make the argument his popularity is better analysed when compared to primes and later-unlocked normals rather than the litany of Excaliburs, Rhinos, and Volts. Edit: he’d still most likely be at the very bottom but perhaps not as shockingly minuscule if one inferred some data based on MR usage and prime/non-prime usage.


As someone who loves stats, I think you're both right. More ways of looking at data are better. Having this and the official data sheet is very valuable. For example, Wukong has high usage and is a Dojo Frame. Banshee is also a Dojo Frame, yet comes in at 52nd. This can show that Wukong clearly has something going for him beyond barrier-to-entry and that Bamshee may be lacking despite how easy she is to get. Each data sheet has its advantages over the other. Having both is very helpful for teasing out patterns that would otherwise be obfuscated.


I honestly think Banshee and Nyx are hurt by how easy they are to acquire. I know it sounds more than a little counter-intuitive, but both are available to *very* new players, players that simply don't have the mods, resources, or game knowledge to make them work properly. My first impressions of the frames as a new player was being really underwhelmed. Compare that to how more experienced players see Nyx dumpstering high level steel path demolysts, or Banshee trivializing Lich/sisters in ways that most meta frames can't match.


0.69% on trinity. ***0.nice***




I use trinity prime pretty well. Slapped chromas fire guard to add more health and deal fire damage while constantly using link and and energy vamp. Plus her link augment is really good. She can solo and support, and she’s greatly underrated


They don't want you to know this, but Trinity can still one shot level cap mobs because her skill deal percentage damage health, and with the right build it deals over 100% of enemy life... it's not nuking, but it's stil useful in index for example.


she's not unterrated. she just doesnt do the job as good as others. being able to do the same thing while literally being able to just tab out and watch youtube is part of why wisp is so much better. also movement speed and bugged cc that gets around eximus shield is pretty nice. trinity is just too much work which you dont have to put in for wisp. citrine exists as well, who gives a huge status% and status duration buff, on top of hp regen and a pretty much permanent 90% DR. the only thing trinity has going for her is energy vamp but uh... you can just slap on nourish, and with most people running arcane energize anyway we more or less have infinite energy already, making it not very useful outside of premades.


As a certified lavos enjoyer even DE forgot about us...


y'know as a Lavos enjoyer myself too i'm just happy he's not totally near the bottom, there seems to be a decent % of us. Now the thing i'm pissed off about is the new Styanax skin, I know they have never released skins for WF in release order but Lavos came out before Styanax and he hasn't had any cosmetics from them *at all* and I don't count Tennogen, I just want something for my silly potion seller man.


DE simply cannot handle his strongest potions


I hope DE cooks when it releases


You're not alone. Lavos is stronk


People just really fucking hate the cool downs.


wow... I play Xaku a lot and never had seen another player use it in pubs, so I can only assume it sees more solo play. Nice to see Hildyrn get a nice bump via priming, being a tank with AOE affect, armor/sheild stripping is so nice


It's crazy because Hildryn solves every issue casual players have with Warframe, but her pickrate is still so low because people refuse to rank up Fortuna.


Yes. Her usage increased only cause of her prime. She is very inaccessible otherwise.


The way faction ranks work in warframe is one of the most annoying systems imo, especially for lower mr players it's a ridiculous time gate and every new piece of content adds the same exact grind in a different area. You have to get an exact amount of "xp" to rank up, anything extra is waisted. The xp is also the currency, but ranking up sets you back to nothing and the amount you can earn is time gated each day by your mastery.


Doesn't she somewhat struggle with Infested, who lack armour and shields to strip AND have toxin damage that ignores her biggest defense, shields? I know about Blazing Pillage and Rolling Guard. And yes, I got her Prime way earlier than regular version, even with getting her blueprints from the Circuit.


She's good to go with just 'Blazing pillage' the higher spawn rates of the infested makes her viable (not great, but certainly usable) against the infested. She does love Wyrm though to take care of the nastier status procs between pillage pulses though.


Yeah she's not great against infested, she needs overshields to not immediately die to the toxin and without them really having armor and shields you don't really have access to them.


Not really, you have the pillage augment which works on infested, giving shields even when theres no armour or shield to steal (as long as the enemy is tagged by haven), and pillage can also cleanse statuses, so if you're fast you can get rid of toxin before it kills you Infested are definitely her weakest faction, but shes still potent enough I recently picked up her prime and ive been slaying out with her just about everywhere- netracells to SP incursions and relics to archon hunts (outside of the final fight since thats just a DPS race that needs OHKO protection). Infested are not as big of an issue as you'd first think


You'd think her usage would spike highest at the MRs where Sorties are mostly run. She's straight up immune to most sortie modifiers, actively buffed by several, and suffers by exactly one of them. Add the AOE status purges and survivability she offers and I'm surprised that she hasn't become a mid-rank darling.


I only use mine for eso and arbitrations. Which is funny cause they were the only one I ever bothered to learn how to play and properly lvl up.


I really only use mine in the newer bounties to break crates for loot.


Same by me. Xaku is extremely strong, but it's goes more into the direction of OPtavia where it's just boring using him.


Xaku is usually a solo player or team player. So less likely to see in pubs and more so in coordinated squads.


There's nothing in Xakus kit that supports this claim. If you look at the usage by MR you can see that Xaku is just used by high MR players primarily because how late you can get him and his farm. 1,43% usage primarily by players over MR30. If you run content that high MR players do you see him a lot more i.e newly released content.


damn look at that! more people are seeing revenant being immortal and got him 9 places up and Hildryn from the shield rework i assume


i assume hildryn's rank climb is more from prime access releasing this year and making her "easier" to obtain. i know i had my hildryn prime before my base hildryn.


I have baruuk and hildryn prime, and still haven’t built the non prime versions. Because is a pain to farm rep for the little duck. And I don’t have the patience to farm toloroid, with so much to do ingame 😂


Focus on survivability wasn't really a thing until Archon Hunts made it so that you cannot rely on revives. With it getting released at the tail end of 2022, its not surprising that he got a massive boost.




Actually kinda like sevagoth. Just waiting for the prime before spending the silly number of forma he needs.


im not saying she is bad, but how is garuda at 15? ive never seen a garuda player in 2000+ hours.


Thermal Sunder Garuda is rampant. Maybe it's just in Asia servers.


Quite possibly. I'm in Europe and I'm pretty sure the last time I saw a Garuda in a mission was when I pulled out my own Garuda Prime some months ago.


I genuinely haven't even heard of that until just now, playing in NA. That's interesting!


Grendel being so low is wild. I know he's not the easiest to get, but damn that's low.


My biggest problems with him are 1)Enemies dying in the stomach instead of being kept intact for later use for his 2 & 4 2)How his 1 works. Basically a sitting duck while pulling in enemies and the duration even extends if there's more enemies around. Not a problem in low levels sure, but annoying in the circuit and grendel is not the kind of frame you turn to when you want to run quick low level missions.




Nice to see my girl Mag so high on the list. Wish she got more skins. Preferably something tacticool. Like Arthur from 1999


Honestly there might be. Arthur is in an excal suit and uses his abilities, and theres one more character from that 1999 demo over the pa system that you can hear mag sounds from. So maybe that character will be revealed later?


[We know there will be a 1999 Mag.](https://imgur.com/gallery/rkeMZ82) We just need to hope it's an available skin to us. I'd cough up a lot of Money for it.


Oh never even saw that. Looks cool. Hopefully they come as skins later


Mag mains stay winning!


Personally wouldn't mind some lore for her, either Or even a prime visual rework Man I love Mag but goddamn is her prime ugly and basic


Saryn is still up there. Mommy virus.


She is in basically every ESO and SO run. Dual Ichors and green shards made her even more broken. She just keeps getting indirect buffs every other patch.


DE: "We're gonna buff hydroid!" DE: "I have good news and bad news. Good news. We buffed Hydroid. He's now OK. Bad news. Saryn is busted again.


I was gonna say Hydroid is way better than OK, but in comparison to Saryn... Yeah everyone is OK or worse lol.




Nyx, Banshee, and Atlas are now waiting in line after hearing about Inaros getting rework.


Crazy part is Nyx, Banshee and Atlas can actually do level cap pretty comfortably, so any rework they get I completely welcome as it'll make them far more busted than they currently are


Of all the frames? Nah chroma needs it after inaros


this, make my dragon boy more than just 2 timer buffs i beg of you DE


Chroma, Caliban, Lavos and Limbo are all in more need


I feel like Limbo doesn't need a rework that much. His core fantasy will always be something that just doesn't work well with team play, and he'll always just be delegated to a defense "set and forget" type of frame. For all the things he does, he does them very well generally, but he's just by far the most mechanically complex frame to actually pull off and master. And the eximus update absolutely didn't help his case either. Unless you want to tear out what's currently Limbo's gimmick and make it work entirely differently (e.g. always being able to shoot through the rift), you won't see his player numbers increase by a lot.


I'm surprised at Kullervo's ranking, thought he would be higher. He's obtainable extremely early on and can absolutely annihilate anything almost right out of the box.


Put Dorrclave on Kullervo with a right build and insane ability strength, my man dishes out millions to billions of crit damage my man. https://preview.redd.it/pd46s8az7yec1.jpeg?width=2143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26dcd626467a5ec19d13c907a4dd02dbc08aef0


Does this count all 3 Excaliburs?


Damn, surprised to see chroma so low. Even more surprised frost is above him


Frost is pretty bonkers with … 3 Augments


Deffo the harka body carrying that stat.


Now lets see it updated with chromas new year skin, cuz thats a baller skin


Chroma has armour and damage. Frost has damage, crowd control, perfect defense with no down-times, gives overshields, removes armour. Looks like a clear win for the cool guy. (Sorry for the pun, defiantly not intended.)


survival is easy and gun co/gun arcanes took all the value out of vex armor


Valkyr still falling. She needs some love


With the current update, she might actually see some revival. Tennokai goes absolutely WILD on her Talons and with the Ceramic Dagger being such a ridiculously strong stat-stick for exalted weapons, I can definitely see her getting picked up a bunch more by high level players. ​ Then again, high level players generally don't have to worry about things like "dying" or enemy damage anymore, and are more concerned with speeding up or extending missions, which she doesn't really do well.


The hardest part of all of this for me to believe is Inaros isn't dead last. Edit: I regret having an opinion and have learned my lesson to not comment anymore


The ability to never have to worry about dying is very alluring to newer players


And every LR3 I come across, apparently.


Hey sometimes (most times) idc for juggling abilities i just wanna run n gun or hack n slash, is he the best for that? Hell no! Is he my best boy? Hell yeah!


not just newer players. just shutting of your brain in survival and holding down the melee attack button because you gotta keep doing multiples of 20 mins to fish for a 10% is the best way to survive an ordeal like that.


Not hard to believe. Slap a rank 1+ Arcane Grace on him and he pretty much becomes immortal without needing abilities to stay alive. He's the ultimate lazy tank.


Inaros is a bag of health that doesn't die, immune to dead last. He was also one of the most meta frames in the game for a few years. that takes a long time to go away.


He's a slab of bulletproof meat, and that's really all he's good for. Still useful, but once you get your hands on Revenant his usefulness becomes null. Edit: Or Rhino, Kullervo, Nidus, Lavos, basically any Tank frame. They offer so much more than Inaros does currently.


Inaros offers something the others don't though: Absolutely no engagement with almost anything, in order to stay alive. In lower level content he is straight up immortal, and even in SP you can easily just health tank with him outside of endurance scenarios. He doesn't need abilities to stay alive, because his dumb HP-Pool (and later on Adaptation + Grace) do that for him already.


Another one who doesn't understand the majesty of the great Sandboi.


The *only* problems that Inaros actually has is that his kit is bland and boring, and he has no way to compensate for his lack of shields or overguard in SP+ content. Despite this, he's *still* good for casual play, which is what most people are going to be doing no matter what at the end of the day. Caliban actually *deserves* his spot as the bottom of the list (I'm not counting Qorvex because he's only a month old), because he is the *only* Warframe who miserably fails at everything he's designed to do. He does piddly amounts of damage, he has bad pet AI, his kit is badly synergized, and one of his abilities is literally just a worse version of another Warframe that got released a year later with Styanax. I said this on the official list, but if it weren't for Inaros being a much older and more popular Warframe, Caliban should be reworked just as immediately. Right now he is *genuinely* the only Warframe of the 56 that I would say is actual mastery fodder in the state he's in.


My boy frost is moving up i see


Can you do this for weapons?


OP is gonna die. There are too many weapons.


+1 for this


Ash needs his og 4 back it ain't much of a war crime these days.


Yep, or not to have it do 2 clones at a time. Either all at once or make it a channeled ability that will start the clone when highlighted


There was a time when the answer to whether Ash could one-shot people in High-Risk Index was yes. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Exactly, like it used to be sooo good. Clearing rooms with 0 effort. I think it’s bs how a riot wasn’t created in his honor


Where are all those embers!? I play her as one of my main 3 and I never see anyone else play her.


I hsd to scroll so far to find another Ember player. Apparently we've increased in number though...


Im just about to start grinding for caliban is he really that bad


He’s completely unfocused. His passive shuts off for anyone running Adaptation, including himself. His 1 is absolutely worthless. His 2 has a short duration, scales off of 3 stats (limiting the potential), has a cap for enemies affected, and the debuff itself is usually inferior to armor stripping. His 3 is basically triple the casting cost listed because there’s no reason to only have one Progeny out at all, and they’re a melee minion so they wander off. They have to stay close to you to regen his shields, but the range on it can’t be altered in any way AND you have to have some shields in the first place to benefit. The Conculysts have dismal damage output, limited survivability, and are vulnerable to Nullifiers. That last part is killer for them as they are a melee summon, so they WILL attempt to get into the bubble of one is in range. His 4 is the best part of his kit, having adequate damage, stripping, and leaving behind a residual defense strip for a duration. It takes 200 Strength to full strip, which is reasonable and allows you to put a bit of Duration and Range onto him to make it better overall. The downside is that it leaves his dumpstat set to Efficiency. The more you look into him the more inherent limitations to his kit pop up, and those limits just feel completely arbitrary. Why can’t his passive stack with Adaptation, at least for him and his summons? Why does his 2 have an enemy cap when the two abilities most comparable (Rhino Stomp and Rest & Rage) don’t? Why does his 3 shut off while the Sentients attack or leave a fixed range that can’t scale? Why is his best option for a dump stat the one stat that affects how energy-hungry he is? Basically build him, get your mastery out of him, then throw him into the Helminth or otherwise shelve him


I main caliban and never really have an issue with the 3 getting out of range to provide shields. They teleport to you if they get too far. Also I almost never see them die. I’ve never once had all 3 die before they ran out of time. The main issues is the horrible duration and the high energy cost.


now that I think about it it'd be great if they worked like Venari and just kinda... existed, and you only pay to respawn them quicker


1 is unsalvageable steaming shit , 2 is a worse 4 , 3 is mediocre at best , 4 is zephyrs air burst but more expensive and leaves an area that strips all defenses like pillage if you get a build that can spam his expensive 4 with enough range and strength then he works


His 1 is fucking terrible but other than that he's not *bad*, just a little boring. He can point'n'click armor deletion bubbles wherever you want and do a budget Rhino Stomp, he'll get the job done. I think part of his unpopularity is Grendel Syndrome, you unlock him extremely late in the game and he's a complete pain in the ass to farm, so anything less than S-tier gets treated way worse than it would be if it was easier to get ahold of.


Does this mean nyx gets another rework to bump up her ranking? 🤣


She doesn't even need a big one, just some good number buffs, QoL buffs and making Chaos actually *good l*


I believe Nyx needs a full-scale rework. Just changing numbers won't do much imo because frames like Nyx/Loki etc. were designed for the slower, more methodical Warframe of the past where crowd control could actually shine. Nowadays everyone has access to 5 different ways of armorshred+nuke either through helminth, shards or weapons like Latron Incarnon so there's no need to CC anymore. And even then Nyx is heavily outclassed in that category by frames like Nova and Wisp. Really, the only saving grace for Nyx comes from the defense shred of Psychic Bolts and her bubble (... with the augment that allowes you to move). Don't get me wrong, I love Chaos. It's iconic for veterans and it carried me through annoying Interceptions back in the day but the idea behind the ability seems outdated for 2024's Warframe.


Grendel being that low is really surprising to me, he's been great since his rework


Maybe a lot of people subsumed him


That’s my thought, a lot of people probably subsumed him and didn’t farm a second because those missions are a pain, and his prime came out towards the end of the year. I’m predicting his usage for 2024 will be a decent jump compared to the last 2 years.


It's how you get him. That is why ashes usage dropped also. I got mine after I formatted xaku 8 times, then after I got everything from the Arbitrations vendor I bought the beacons, then got a hildryn maxed her out, added elemental ward and bought her two augments just to cheese it lol.


1. His feast is well nerfed and bugged after a rework. Feast used to be reason why I loved Grendel so much 2. If not for fact his best ability is accesable in Helminth system with literally no downsites, more people would play Grendel just for Nourish


I have literally never seen a single person use Gyre, where are all of them?!


Cathode current is legitimately busted


Whaaat? How is Volt number one?


Starter frame, good for speed runs, eidolons and low level map nuking. I see why he's often used.


Volt excells at most of the day to day stuff you do in the game. And in stuff like eidolons he basically has no competition.




Kinda funny how low Banshee is despite being extremely powerful and fun.


How powerful and fun is in comparison to other frames is the question here.


i feel the same about my main but look at it this way, they might buff our already secretly powerful frames 👀


Inaros still more used than half the frames, wtf


And why would that be surprising? He was the top 5 for multiple years in MR30 and above ish according to Pablo. Dunno about this year. YouTubers made people believe that he's the worst frame just because his abilities are atrociously difficult to use and he cannot do level cap. As if every Warframe player does level cap. Pablo's exact words on his rework : He's basically unkillable under level 200 so there's nothing much to rework there other than tweaking his abilities a bit. Don't expect a huge difference like Hydroid.


Huh, I guess the Inaros slander got to me


It got to everyone 😂 I've met many people who straight up leave the mission when they see me using my Inaros. Many curse that I suck. Even when I revive them. It's funny at this point. 😂


Nyx is underrated AF, but I get why she’s so low.


that .08% on yareli is me


Im actually shocked that Wisp isn’t higher in the list. Almost any match I play, there’s at least 2 Wisps lol


...my 3 most played frames are at the bottom (Lavos, Grendel and Atlas) Now that I think about it I've never run into another lavos in a squad. Ever. I've found a fair share of Grendel's and Atlas but I have, not once, run into a fellow lavos.  I'm liking Qorvex so far so I'll see how I compare to the rest of the player base next year. 


The amount of players that don't realize you can strip both shields and armor with only 130% str on Nyx is staggering. I don't know how both her and banshee can be so far down.


Wow, Rhino is 7th. That’s quite the lucky number!


Poor Cat Mom. :( I wish they did something with Valkyr. She's such a nice frame.


Surprised xaku is so low, amazing and fun to play


poor nyx...


I am now gonna main Caliban.


Good luck with his useless abilities


Volt all rounder at the top my man.


my boy nidus, i really want some augment for 3rd ability


How come the total usage doesn't equal 100? It's really late It's probably a dumb question idk


Garuda being at 15 surprises me, i feel like i never see her in missions unless it's me playing lol


Lets fucking go Gyre


Why is my squid hydroid at 40? That's really surprising. I think he is a lot of fun and who doesn't like corrosive, crowd control and extra resources like oxium.


Seeing Excalibur so high up makes me proud


Excalibur is such a perfect frame. A jack of all trades that can be used on many ocassions.