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As much as he doesn't fit my play style, Gauss is a solid choice.


I don't think there's any warframe in the game that fits my play style more than gauss


I can't stress this enough lol, ever since I got the prime I don't think I touched any other frame outside of Duviri


when you're used to him, everyone else just feels so slow


I tried to go back to sevagoth after playing gauss. I didn't have a good time, I missed being fast like a child cracked out of his mind on Adderall infused coffee.


It's also my bf's fave, and I enjoy playing something else than him so I never really insisted on Gauss, but still, it's not my style


The best choice


As an individual who deals with a low attention span, he is very good at keeping me distracted from the objective.


Not a fan of slow gameplay, huh?


Should have been a volt main then


Or titania


I don't see volts 4 having some of the best audio upon activation


I use Gauss Prime a hell of a lot since I got him, definitely look into building this guy, he can clear rooms in seconds with the right tweaks, barely even have to fire my weapon half the time, unless it's high level steel path and the eximus are like 'yeah whatever', but even they soon drop after.


Just every frame is good and gauss is perfection


*@Me looking at this water guy*


Yareli? Or hydroid? Because hydroid got a rework that's good and Yareli can be strong and tanky just everyone hates her kdrive


I don’t even hate Yareli’s K-drive itself. I just hate how buggy she still is and how she can still break missions by locking you in operator mode or making you unable to die or use any controls if the k-drive bugs out when getting on it.


If a frame is still a bigger nerf for his team, than help, I really wouldn't call him good. More the opposite.


? I'm confused what?


His tentacles take enemies into high, where melee attacks most often can not reach anymore. Aoe weapon will also lose their main use (shoot somewhere and everything dies), because either the enemies take less damage because of the higher distance from the explosion or someone needs to hit the enemy which comes with the risk of missing it and wasting ammo. Warframe's like dagath cannot reach the enemies with their main damage ability. His tidal wave drags enemies away from explosion. (I'm happy that at least it doesn't make them immune anymore, when they're inside him.) His best thing full armour reduction with corrosion statues. It's just too bad that there exist multiple abilities who remove armour & shields faster and without a limited duration. In short, Hydroid best feat is a [more accurate version of Ash seeking shurikens](https://i.imgur.com/bmjP7zY.mp4). Which also has the downside of knocking down the enemies completly, in other words, goodbye easy headshots.


Bro idk what you think your doing. But when his rework released I slapped an impromptu build on him and didn't even use all mod slots and went on a tear with him. he's VERY good


Give me one warframe who can't go on tear with an unoptimized build. And he isn't good. He never was. Unless you define under good, that he's good at being soaked up by a mob. >**Bro** idk what you think you're doing. I'm not your Bro, sir.


1. Get your head outta your own ass bro 2. You haven't even touched him clearly 3. There are plenty of frames with bad kits and very mediocre abilities. Like a huge portion of the community agrees he's very good rn but you wanna be special and say he's not because you can't melee him or because maybe aoe weapons are just slightly less effective


My point isn't that he's just bad, but that he's a nerf for his team, having more downside than positives for it. About the special part. I play Ash with a tank build, so my amount of "specialness" is already fulfilled. I'm also aware of the downsides of this, unlike you, who seem to miss them for his tentacle boy.


>Aoe weapon will also lose their main use (shoot somewhere and everything dies), because either the enemies take less damage because of the higher distance from the explosion or someone needs to hit the enemy which comes with the risk of missing it and wasting ammo Meanwhile, Hydroid makes extensive use of the Kuva Ogris. Hydroid was good pre-revamp, he's even better now


Being better now still doesn't make him a viable team option unless you want to make the game harder for your allies. That you need a weapon like Kuva Ogris to confirm your point is a good example, that he's not good.


Dagath can absolutely reach flying enemies. I used her horses to take out the flesh hot air balloons in Deimos' open world like a day or two ago. Just gotta bullet jump up to their level before casting horses and they run straight out in the air like they're hopped up on Redbull


wait what. gauss prime as the second warframe? bro did some real life grinding.


this was meant as a joke but people here are just too helpful. it took me two weeks to get gauss prime


Yeah, volt is alright


yeah gauss is really fucking good


How do you not have Rhino or something yet


ye im an idiot who thought that rhino main blueprint is in fossa too until i realised i can just buy it from market.


Lotta new players I teach are afraid to build frames they don’t really like or care about until they can invest in more slots. The 2 starter slots are intimidating for many new players, and they think it’s better to just wait on all the “boring” frames. Yes, I know rhino is dummy strong, but they see the shiny gold frames and want THOSE.


When I was new I kept selling my old frames because of that problem. I dont have Volt, Mag and Rhino anymore but I did keep Ash which is good because they changed his parts to come from railjack missions instead of how I got him. New players really need someone that screams at them to open relics and sell the parts on wfmarket, always enough plat for slots that way


Idk, I recently started properly, and my path went Mag, to Limbo, to Revenant Prime, to Volt Prime (and am now growing my collection by 4 frames at the same time). And from my MR 12 experience as a caster frame, I didn't really... need much, so I didn't even feel the need to get any other frames until I saw I got most parts for Rev and decided to build him. As a Volt Prime player, given how total his usefulness is in all content outside of SP, it seems fine to just rock the Volt.


Do you enjoy him? Then he's good don't be a meta slave


But Gauss is meta so he's still a meta slave. Stuff can be meta and fun at the same time.


Agreed, I picked revenant purely for his theme of enthralling and eidolon corruption and recently saw he's apparently really good. Granted I only use his signature weapons.


The meta honestly hardly matters in this game with everything being stupidly op. I use vauban constantly and still get the most kills and damage in a squad.


***clap twice*** and blink sp level enemies out of existence. And if you want to endlessly scale. Put a racist riven of your epitaph and heat inherit your way into level cap.


Or just use a max. efficiency build, get his redline to the max, and spam heatwaves until everything burns.


I use a max range 230% duration build, using archon shards for energy.


The perfect frame https://i.redd.it/dmaiaft4yolc1.gif


He's extremely good.


Gauss is arguably the best frame in the game




Wym by that


14 downvotes from Gauss fanatics I guess. Gauss is good for that 1 ability. I can think of 2 other frames that is better at speed which is his whole gimmick


Lol you got no idea what gauss does. Find me another frame that has quasi infinite energy, 100% damage negation, armor strip, ability nuke, movement ability, grouping, fire rate buff, reload speed buff and an attack speed buff built into the same kit


I don't need all that mumbo jumbo. I have a few frames that kills anything instantly. That's the point of the game isnt it? To kill as fast and efficiently as possible.


Gauss can do that just as well and he has a lot more to his kit than those warframes do


I haven't even mentioned what frames. See? You're just another fanatic


It doesn't matter, there's only a handful that it could be in the first place


Lol you just admitted that there are.


To each their own


I did say arguably, it's my opinion


I don't have the reflexes for gauss lol pretty fun open world tho


Gauss and grendel are a gay couple


preach, canon twink and bear rep <3


Warframe community hates gay ppl i guess, no idea why so many downvotes


It is not hate on gay people, that’s only a not appreciated ship, because we only see them as best friends


they're "just friends" in the same way that albrecht and loid were "just boss and assistant"




War forged Brothers has to be my favorite


You’re gonna be op once you get good mods


Best Warframe in-game (unbiased, I totally do not have like 67% total time played as him)


I have even 15 builds with 2 normal Gauss(5 forma each) and 1 prime




Gauss is amazing. Build for duration and nothing else. Given that you’re nowhere near the point of doing level cap stuff, Thermal Sunder is useless, so building for just around Redline and Kinetic Plating is the way to go.


Balancing range+duration allows you to wipe rooms in SP at base strength, and the armor strip is some of the best in the game at an AOE and requiring no extra strength.


They’re not at SP though, thus Thermal Sunder is useless to them until they are.


thermal sunder is still pretty good even in the starchart, and better they learn all the ins and outs of the kit than focus on only a single part.


Thermal sunder nukes even harder outside of SP due to them being lower leveled/weaker. Far from useless when it can one shot enemies up to level cap


Depends on the build. I subsumed roar onto his 3 and turned him into a str/dur weapons platform and shred


"Gauss is perfect". It's literally good cause of that one ability. Anyway Gauss known for being a speedster, I can think of 2 other frames that does it better without minmaxing


Wot m8? 4 is a big focus of the kit but every other part synergising with it is what makes the frame good. 1 is just decent mobility since the speed’s not the main focus. 2 is DR which reaches 100% without needing to buff up any strength unlike most frames. 3 is an armor strip with scaling dmg and can just sit at base strength to continue nuking all the way to level cap. Of course the 4 has all the buffs and such but combine with all the other abilities and he becomes a quick near-invuln nuke self-buffer.


Why are you explaining his abilities like I can't read on the game.


Cause you seem to think he’s a one-ability frame. If you were to play Gauss with 1 ability he’d die pretty quick because his value comes from his synergy.


if you have gauss and a lack of dmg, is the weapon's fault, remember that lol


Hes so fine




Depends on your mods, it’s all in how you mod in this game


All frames are good, except one.


Caliban :(


They forgor about him


Redline go Brrrrr


While I like gauss early-mid game I’ve found it kinda challenging to make a endgame build for him. Kullervo is very very good. Need me some kullervo prime


https://preview.redd.it/6cbucwksrplc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8e2e0c7e20b7acbfddda52b534a3f23a2e9843 It is pretty easy. Duration is your big focus and you should balance range with it as well to keep his 3 valuable. All the buffs scale off duration and not strength, so you can leave that at 100% (don’t let it dip below that since you’d lose his DR). I have QOL with Equilibrium, Rolling Guard and Natural Talent. Gameplay-wise you cast 4 and 2 and use your 1, 3’s cold casts or just movement to keep the battery metre’s fullness above 80% (indicated by the red line on it) and get the number on your battery metre to 100%. Once it’s there you can spam your 3’s blast casts to armor strip and nuke, and/or use your buffed weapons to kill everything. Think you’re a bit new because he’s one of the best frames for endgame high level content. Tons of self buffing with invuln on his 2 and 4, his 3+4 combo is a full armor strip which doesn’t need any additional strength built onto it unlike other frames (or you can build around his 3 and make a nuke upto lvl cap). His 1 is just fun mobility you use to charge the battery.


One of the best in the game for sure. You wanna go and grab some duration and range mods, those are the 2 big stats to focus on.


He does alot and does it REALLY well. Good movement ability and just fast in general, battery reduces shield delay and decreases further when 4 is active and at 100% can group enemies WHILE full stripping armor, can nuke, can be a great weapons platform, can be completely immune to IPS (also head and cold I think) while his 4 is active with his 2 and his battery is at 100%.


Gauss is good. Very fast, good dmg reduction und good for nuking low level content.


One of the best Self-sufficient frames in the entire game. Good for anything if built right


Honestly I wouldn’t worry too much about a frame being good or not, frames can be stronger than others, but any frame can be good as long as you build them correctly


You can get this at MR4???? Please someone tell me how! I’m only MR 3 right now and would love a prime frame soon!


farm the right relic for gauss Prime and do a rad share,gauss need lith g9,meso h5,neo w1 and axi b7 relic for all 4/4(I got extra if u need)


When I read this it made absolutely no sense. Hahha I have much to learn in this game lol. You have extra relics that you can trade is what you’re saying? Lol


nah I want to give u the relic all needed for gauss prime, any maybe u don't u understand what I'm saying because u don't know how this game work.


Yeah sorry! Still learning. That would be great though! My name is. Justinsane1090#899


MR4 is the lowest you can get him at the best pace because you can farm for one of the relics on apollo on lua


Gauss is probably the best frame in the game when fully invested in to. No helminth needed either. Actually I'd say you're actually destroying his kit by replacing an ability.


I'm surprised you waited so long. No even getting Basically free frames like titania and limbo


i literally dedicated my life for two weeks to gauss prime


I'm just saying, "Waiting for like what... I believe Neptune to get your 2nd warframe is a little late, but it is a goody. Very good choice.


i wanted gauss really bad


new player here, mr3 how do you get prime gaus early? ik you had to farm from it but i cant put it to word


go to the relic terminal thing (forgot name) and look up gauss in it and all the relics you need will show there. Then go to the wiki and look up where to get those relics edit: forgot to warn you this took me 2 weeks


Grind your job and buy the prime bundle.


One of the best.


Gauss is a great weapons platform, a decent nuker, and the fastest frame in the game (volt mains mald). Very fun to use, very strong when built properly, and very fast. I’d recommend building for decent duration, high range, high strength. Higher duration messes with redline a bit, but you want to keep it high enough that you can keep your 2 active at all times. Strength affects your DR from your 2, so it’s good to have some strength no matter what you’re building for. Range is only really important for your 3, but it’s VERY important for your 3. Your 2, kinetic plating, gives AMAZING damage resistance and energy regen every time you’re hit, so you just need to keep that battery high, keep 2 and 4 active as much as possible (prioritize 2), and go ham with your 3 and weapons. Tapping 3 then holding 3 will do cold then heat thermal sunders, doing blast damage AND pulling all enemies in the radius towards you. Great for grouping enemies for a glaive prime/cerata heavy or similar AoE weapons. Holding 3 then tapping 3 does heat then cold and does blast damage sending enemies AWAY from you. Great for when you’re getting overwhelmed. While 4 is active, either combo will strip armor proportionally to your battery level. If you just want to use it for damage, recasting heat thermal sunder increases the damage of existing heat procs exponentially, so just spam holding 3 for infinitely scaling DoT. If that’s the route you wanna go, I’d recommend saying screw strength and building for range and efficiency, with casting speed thrown in if you have the mods for it. Mach rush, your 1, only scales the damage based on strength. The SPEED scales with sprint speed. So, rush is a great candidate for your exilus slot if you decide to invest a bit more, esp. since kinetic playing prevents knockdowns or stagger. If you head over to the “movement speed” page on the wiki, there’s also a bunch of melee weapons that give movement speed buffs. Gauss is one of my favorites. Super quick for speedrunning, strong enough to contend with some of the heaviest hitters, and most importantly I find him really really FUN!


Its the worst


Gauss is excellent!


You are set my friend, Gauss is a great frame. look up some guides and see what mods you are going to need to work towards to getting the most out of him.


Gauss is a solid frame that is very good and frequently fits the play style of the more annoying players in the game. MFer get back in my citrine's affinity range so I can give you a damage resistance buff and roar on your.. nope you are on the other side of the map again for this defense mission... And you are back having killed like 12 people. You are gone again before the roar animation finishes.


I hear Thermal sunder spam noises in my sleep since Gauss prime was released. 90% of the community uses him as their main. ‘Good’ is subjective.


Gauss is fucking awesome.


Gauss thermal sunder obliterated with the right build and at max rank