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Reveal the exploit once it's fixed OP, I'm mad curious to know how it worked


Now this I agree with. I am desperately curious too. Please let us know the story behind your finding this bug once it's fixed, /u/sykes19. :)


Right? I wouldn't really have cared, but by saying it was really easy they piqued my curiosity and now I need to know lol (I wouldn't even use it, just the curiosity killing me haha)


I also want to know once its fixed


It was really hard to decide to make this post. Not only do I really want to talk about it because it's obviously a nutty find but it's just bizarre how this slipped through. I really wanted advice from the community but I didn't want to sound like I was just stirring up drama or faking it because I can't provide proof due to the nature of the steps so inevitably I'm sure people would accuse me of karma farming or attention whoring or something. I appreciate that a huge majority of people here have been very helpful and supportive. Furthermore a dev has DMd me and asked for the support tracker so they can get working on it immediately, which is wonderful. Mission accomplished. I hope that everyone's curiosity can be piqued after it's fixed and I hope that those accusing me of karma farming just take a look at my weak ass post history and realize I'm just bored and long winded and I love warframe.


Ugh, tell me about it. I've got a similar exploit for Liches/sisters. Been thinking about reporting it for years, but I used the exploit extensively when I was young and stupid and don't wish to risk a ban. Anyway I'm just commenting to come back later and assuage my curiosity, good on ya getting it sorted


Not really as serious but I got my Wispers of the Wall Shiphands by trying to do the Hardmode Boss with randoms that wanted to try and then getting host migrated. This fucked up the damage attenuation and the boss exploded in a few hits.


The entire way you worded your post tells me that you absolutely do love this game and care about the short and long term health of it. Respect.


huh, it's been a month and it has yet to be fixed?


Wasn't in the patch notes and I haven't tested it again yet but I don't think it will be changed. They were only made aware of it shortly before the release of this update and it likely wasn't included.


So... Has it been fixed yet?


No, their patch cycles are a lot longer than that. Even if they found the exploit and fixed it the week I reported it, the Dante update was long since locked in.


Ah, alrighty then, still looking forward to hearing about it once it's patched though


Still no fix? At this point you should just tell us, so they'd get off their ass and fix it!


I have not been playing Warframe recently, so I have not spent the time to test it again. I still haven't seen it in patch notes. Sorry.


Aw well, thanks for replying tho - I'm still real curious as to what it could be. Might be more of us :)


!RemindMe 1 month


These things are always so interesting to hear about. A bunch of games have some bizarre bugs which people discover and even if I don't play the game it's always a treat. Like I've seen some guys on Morrowind subreddit talk about infinitely stacking stats through...jumping on items in some special way? Can't remember the specifics, but it was this long elaborate description of the whole process.


When I was a wee one playing Morrowind on the family PC I'd just put something on my spacebar when I went to school and when I came home I was able to jump across the map. Iirc I'd die on the landing from fall damage, but it was still neat.


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still not fixed AFAIK


I personally think this should be kept hidden even after it’s patched. This could open up other areas to the same or very similar exploits that people don’t need to know about. I understand people are curious how these things happen but a lot of people want the knowledge to find their own similar exploits to benefit from. Just my 2 cents.


I don't understand why this is getting down voted. If people knew how exploits/glitches are often found in the first place, then they know that everything is build up from the same initial steps. Yeah it's going to be cool to know how it's done, but it'll eventually break the game even more since then more exploits will be found. That's just how it works.


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To expand on the "contact support" suggestion: there's a link in the upper-right of the support page that says "Submit a request." That's the one you want. That way, you'll be able to submit a report directly to support, without making it public.


Thank you this is exactly what I was looking for.


Let us know once it’s fixed


Is this how buddy got 9000 volt prime helms?? 🤔


Oh shit you’re right about that, that makes a ton of sense.


I have been playing this game close to ten years that guy’s post was the most impossible shit ive ever seen in this game the calculation on how many relics are even needed to get just 1000 of a single prime part is probably 5-1 maybe more rng has dicked me hard before 10+ relics and no drop so yea the timing of this post and that guys volt prime parts post connect dots for me


He could have just bought them from other players lmao


423k worth of Plat lol. Dude must be rich


Not saying all of it lol, riven trading and arcane trading used to be pretty profitable


You would still be looking at an absolutely insane amount of time. It is not feasible at all


Not unheard of. Lots of streamers have well over 200k plat so there are probably players with double or triple that.


You're right. Someone did the math and you need at the very least 200k hours to open that many relics. It's impossible. The [post in question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1ayz8el/guess_my_favorite_frame/).


The math is a bit off


That's if they solely opened relics. If they do a lot of trading, they could obtain all the parts within a few months. (For example, if they took one hour to do 10 full trades, each day, they could get all of the parts in ~200 hours. If they're very fast and can bang out 20 trades in 1.5 hours, could get it all in ~150 hours.) A long time, yes; definitely insane to spend that long just trading... *buuut* if someone's got a way to log in and do stuff during their idle hours at work, like Parsec or another form of Remote Desktop, I can see that adding up over time. It would be expensive AF, but I've seen Riven Trader's plat balances, and know people that have an obsession with collecting items for no purpose whatsoever, regardless of price. We also had the whole Gargoyle event, if someone really wanted to farm for an excessive amount of Arcane Energizes, level 5s still sell pretty well.


Yeah, but Warframe market has at most between 50 and a 100 offers for one item, and if he buyed just half of what he showed, then the price would skyrocket as well as the median price tha WF market has on record. I haven't checked at all, but I'm sure it would show if someone traded for so many Volt Parts.


Volt Prime has been out for years, for most of the game's lifespan, in fact. Those 200 hours (all these numbers are give and take, I overestimated for the sake of simplicity) of trading don't have to be consecutive, there's 9 years of time these trades could have taken place in.


Wasn't that just photoshop?


That's what I thought initially but seeing as there is a glitch to duplicate popping up I suspect that's what they did


u/MaxwellBlyat chat is this real


I'll do another post in one month when I'm banned :clueless:


Haters downvoting as usual


surely he didnt buy them with plat


Nah that dude likely exclusively plays relic farming and cracking, with a ton of trade chat work too.


Hi, I’m John Warframe, the CEO of DE. You can send detailed steps for duplicating items to my inbox. On a more serious note, I’d start a support ticket.


John fucking Warframe, hahahah


That’s my name, don’t wear it out.


I think the more accurate name will soon be Arthur Warframe, not to be confused with Arthur Red Dead Redemption 2 Morgan. Very easy mistake.


John RedDeadRedemption


Man wtf I get downvoted for


Btw, for the duped items, hold onto them in your inventory. Dont sell for ducats, dont trade them, and dont craft them. My guess is DE may delete the from your inventory since they arent supposed to exist once you send the info off to them. They may also let you keep it since you reported, but id go the safe bet that they will want any duped items gone.


You are overestimating their ability to detect foul play Right now DE bans Players who spend too much time in a mission exactly because they can't know for sure if that person used secondary malicious software or not I don't think DE can even delete those Items without also affecting Players who did nothing wrong. The system is very very bad, and prone to punish innocent Players


Its a trade ban given by a bot, and when reviewed by a human, lifted, in the cases of long mission plays. For this case, it would be a human looking at it, not a bot


or y'know, actually a full ban if you're BakerTV


it's a temp trade suspension triggered by irregular numbers, its just a minor automatic hit.




My guess is that its related to the item recover message you get from Ordis if something happens while you extract.


Have to agree, there's no other interaction possible with relics outside of upgrading them in the relics menu.


The other thing I would suggest doing is making a bug report on the official forums - so the bug checkers SEE IT - but do NOT describe the steps. Describe the effect ie what you said here and Simply link your CR ticket number from the zendesk portal. ie, say 'due to the sensitive nature of the bug, TELL YOUR DEV TEAM to check ticket #whatever for hard steps to fix' Alternatively use twitter and tweet reb


This is a good idea. A dev contacted me here and asked for the ticket number to begin investigating but had that not happened when I woke up this would be precisely what I'd do. Thanks for the suggestion.


I wanna know so bad - this shit is so fascinating because Warframe is generally bug free game when it comes to this area of items.


I've played this since beta and you have no idea how badly I want to tell everyone about this and show how crazy it is, but I respect and like how stable the game is. After it's fixed and revealed I hope it's obvious why it would have been bad if people knew.


man now i'm mad curious about this, i know if people where to start abusing this shit we would have another khora incident. but i can't stop the gears from turning. let me guess, it has something to do with operator/drifter making a second instance of you in mission or before the relic opens, maybe grabbing the last reactant with the operator itself, or switching in right as you grab the last reactant/finish the mission. could be a start mission from another's orbiter... man imma have some fun reverse engineering today.


Khora incident?


You could get insane levels of affinity with her, by spamming one of her abilities (a venari one, I think). The set up required the ability to not actually be castable, so it wouldn't cost energy... but it still gave you the affinity for casting it in the first place. It resulted in being able to level her from 0 to 30 in minutes. A well known content creator released a video on how to do it. DE swung the banhammer. It should be noted, he wasn't banned for using the exploit, it was for publicising it.


Yeah they rarely ban people for using exploits. Exploit early, exploit often.


Didn’t they also ban people for ‘abusing’ the first Disruption event for Loki teleporting demolysts off the map?


No. They banned people for using -crit damage rivens to underflow damage so that it would wrap around to the damage cap during the event. And for using this exploit to reach the top of the competitive leaderboards. Killing the demolysts by forcing them off the map was fixed, but there weren't any bans for it because it was a legitimate mechanic.


Is this actually true? Other games I play ban people for “abusing” exploits but if warframe doesn’t then… 🤫🤫


there was a time where you could spawn venari ina very specific spot on one of the corpus land tiles, but it wouldn't let you spawn it there, so venari would not spawn, but you'd still get the xp for casting an ability... mix that with a spam macro, or just trigger fingers, and you could've leveled up any item, even a full loadout in a few seconds, great shit it was to forma stuff, but a lot and i mean **A LOT** of people got booted, including a then very popular youtuber ~~mcgamercz~~ Noobshowtek.


> mcgamercz they're still around. It was Noobshowtek that was banned


And to this day I still don't know the color palettes he used 😔 But damn that's a name u haven't heard in years, I remember watching his videos for everything lol


cool pfp lol




I'm definitely on the same wavelength you are as it took that kind of thinking to find this, but unfortunately I'll say at least you're not close. I don't really want to encourage brute forcing this one though.


Why would you post this, now I'm mad curious :'( I'd love for you to tell how it worked once it gets patched please, we need to know


The guy who picks up a wallet with a million dollar lottery ticket who gives it back to the owner.


I like your integrity.


Integrity Prime


I have nothing to add beyond what has already been said here, but thank you for having this attitude, OP


Thank you I appreciate it. I thought I would get 3 comments overnight with suggestions and wake up to like -30 upvotes from salty people who would rather have the steps to replicate it. It's nice to see the community on average respects the game as I do.


The only thing i can think of is the comment from oracle-raven but dunno if its fixed Oracle-Raven 7 years ago#1 I had only one Radiant Neo N3 Relic and one Intact Neo N3 Relic in my inventory. Got an invite for a Radiant Neo N3 void fissure run on an Exterminate - Infestation Neo Fissure on Armaros (Europa) level 23-25 mission. There were only 77 enemies to kill and we completed the mission so fast, only 8 reactant dropped for everyone and there were no more enemies that spawned. The host chose to leave, and so did the other 2 people in the squad. There was only one host migration loading screen after the host left, so I assume I was made the host before the other 2 people left. I figured I should just extract instead of quitting the match, because I knew I wouldn't lose my relic since I only had 8/10 reactant. On the Mission Results screen, it gave me back a Neo N3 Relic (it didn't say Radiant, but the three circles on it were lit white) along with the few other resources I got. When I checked my relics, I now had two Radiant Neo N3 Relics and one Intact Neo N3 Relic. Not sure if it matters, but I played as Rhino Prime. No idea if you simply need to extract before getting all 10 reactant for the glitch to work, or if you need a host migration, or enemies to stop spawning before you get all your reactant...


Wow that's bizarre! It doesn't seem related at all to the issue I ran into but that's pretty nuts. 7 years ago, christ this game is old lmao. Holy shit I'm old.


>I like how stable the market is and I teach a lot of new players who put their faith in that stability. Couldn't have been found by a better person tbh. One of the best things about being a Pre-Story Vet is talking about what the old days were like like I'm a grandpa, and helping new players.


FYI if at some point you post a video on how to do it remember to censor the names, DE doesn't like when people upload how to do exploits


!remindme 1 month


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-04-01 13:38:24 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-01%2013:38:24%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b3q9yv/i_discovered_an_exploit_to_duplicate_relic_items/ksul2ze/?context=3) [**20 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FWarframe%2Fcomments%2F1b3q9yv%2Fi_discovered_an_exploit_to_duplicate_relic_items%2Fksul2ze%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-01%2013%3A38%3A24%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b3q9yv) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


My guess is something like internet disconnect for a second while the item is revealed from the relic, session reconnects and you get the item. Afterwards you go to orbiter and Ordis does the "Operator, lost items were recovered" - Now you have two. It would explain the "screenshot would show how it's done part" bc the ordis message would reveal the connection issue trick. GRANTED I am not completely wrong. Please reveal this after it's fixed, I'm curious too.


Cant fix, DE knew, its like host migration, the system mistakenly thinking you hadnt finished the fissure if you lost connection, while the old incidence will only know you already cracked it..so you got both.


I'd recommend to contact support.


If it's any other game I think it's ok to use the glitch but when it comes to warframe it's better to report it directly to them




You can sell for plat and plat is worth real world money


Dude maybe this is how I got that 2nd guandao prime blade out of nowhere. Dunno how it happened but I hope that guy who I sold it to doesnt get flagged 😬


Support Will be the right choice for It,god know what could happen to the market if people found out about it


> The exploit requires no hacks, mods, or anything nefarious or malicious. It is an exploit of an extremely normal mechanic in the game that can very easily be done **accidentally** This scares me.... Imagine getting banned for accidentally performing an exploit


If you got out while your group already started relic reviewed , you will have the cracked relics and the original sometime, its a old bug. ppl had reported it, but becuz WF is peer to peer game like host migration, DE cant fix it due to new incidence created in lost connection. Anyway, safe to say it here, say it on forum or ingame chat will get you ban, beware.


That is not the one I am experiencing


So... No update yet?


Nope, no change yet.




Huzzah! a Tenno of quality!


So is it fixed?


There hasn't been a patch since they responded to my ticket saying they were taking a look at it.


remindMe! 1 month


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RemindMe! One month.


RemindMe! One month.


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-07-02 02:07:48 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-02%2002:07:48%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b3q9yv/i_discovered_an_exploit_to_duplicate_relic_items/l6pmsgo/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FWarframe%2Fcomments%2F1b3q9yv%2Fi_discovered_an_exploit_to_duplicate_relic_items%2Fl6pmsgo%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-02%2002%3A07%3A48%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b3q9yv) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Send a Warframe ticket to the support staff via the official website???? Really couldn't Google "Warframe support" and navigate the website, but you and your friend were able to: >We did extensive research and cannot find a single report of this particular method happening on their forums, YouTube, this Subreddit, or anywhere else. This has got to be a karma farming post. I refuse to believe someone can be this dense...


I searched for bug reports and bug forms, I didn't consider contacting support because I made a silly assumption that if they have official bug report forums, they wouldn't allow support tickets for the same subject. Feel free to call that dense. I consider it just a typical human error/oversight. You're welcome to be an ass though, that's within your right.


But that entirely contradicts your statement. You said your friend and yourself couldn't find anything on the matter, which means it wouldn't be on the official bug forums either... If practical thinking is being an ass, you're right, it's within my rights.


I’m curious


I find it difficult to believe that you don't know how to contact support. Farming some karma?


1) I didn't know support tickets covered bug reports. I learned something new. 2) how on earth does my weak ass account look like karma farming lmfao. I can repost a cat and get ten times the karma with 2 seconds of effort and this post took me like an hour in a fairly niche community subreddit. I don't blame you for being unfamiliar with seeing a generic act of integrity in the wild though. That shit isn't as common as it should be.


Hi, this is (totally not DE) support. You can DM me the exploit and I'll be sure to pass it along to our team :D.


Sometimes you have to unleash chaos for DE to pay attention to problems.  Go ahead and share it, because i can pretty safely say you are likely not the only one who has noticed this issue and others are already exploiting it. Edit: i feel like people don't understsnd what i'm trying to say here. I'm not saying "I'm greedy, let me in on your secrets!!!!". I'm saying this is an already exploited problem. It would make sense to publically announce it for two reasons: - any sort of attention this gets, DE will hear about it quicker and prioritze it higher - if the community is aware on how to replicate it, it'll also be aware to not trade prime items for now given the uncertanty of if these duplicated items could be deleted at any point. We have that Volt guy earlier this weak and at least i'm seeing a suspicious rise in low bidders. This is an exploited issue and people need to be aware of it.


just reverse engineer it, then make a bug report on the forums.


I know how to privately contact them. All you gotta do is DM me the steps to do the bug and all good


Don't tell my secrets dude!


Please tell us you didn't *use or sell* any of your duped items. I recommend you tell them what you got extra parts of from duping so they can remove them or something of the sort instead of banning you for "cheating"


Finna go find out for everyone so we can dupe shit brb🏃‍♂️ on a real note tho g it's a game don't be weird post that shit so they fix it faster 🧍🏽‍♂️




● post it here or on wf forums ● attract maximum attention from DE devs ● wait for the fix ● enjoy huge banwave PROFIT


This is my nuclear option if they don't respond to it. It's either nobody gets to know, or everyone knows so it gets maximum exposure to the devs.


Insanely based.




Hello /u/Crimson256, your comment has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Golden & Excessive Trolling Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_golden_.26amp.3B_excessive_trolling_rule)**. /r/Warframe was created as a place for positive discussion. **Do not troll, be rude, condescending, hateful, or discriminatory.** **Future infractions may result in a strike.** ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Golden%20and%20Excessive%20Trolling%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[comment]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b3q9yv/-/ksuqom8/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


You can’t shit on the whales while on reddit man. This sub contains like 99% of people who are in the very end game or spend a ton of money.


I'm aware of that now from the abusive messages I'm receiving...


“Remind the teacher if there’s homework” type vibe


Humans mature a bit once they leave middle school. Adults solve things with a bit more maturity.


If you used it yourself, even if it was only once to confirm it works, I wouldnt risk reporting it yourself. Get a friend/guildmate who you trust and who didn't do it themselves to report it.


You can contact support about it If not, you're fine to post it publicly, DE doesn't ban players for finding exploits


It's not just about getting banned. It seems like OP genuinely doesn't want to spread this around, which is the right way to look at things. As they said above: "Anyone could find this, and I would like it to be fixed before the wrong crowd gets ahold of it and suddenly Warframe isn't fun for a couple weeks." Major, easy-to-exploit bugs like that have a way of ruining things for a lot of people. It could tank the in-game economy, it could get all kinds of innocent people banned for trading with the exploiters, and so forth. It's better to keep something like this quiet, as OP is trying to do.


I appreciate your understanding. It's not like it would break the game but there's a major factor why this would seriously fuck with the state of the game beyond just getting double relic loot, it's just a complete giveaway to the reproduction steps by discussing it. I really just want to see it fixed quietly.


DE doesn't ban for exploits And I personally don't see a problem with it 'tanking' the in game economy, we've seen with arcanes that it's not really a bad thing I get his reasoning for it and respect wanting to keep it on the downlow but really, it's not that necessary


>DE doesn't ban for exploits you clearly haven't been around for long in this game.


I've been around for 7 years and exploited many times without a single issue, I know a few people who've played longer and exploited more than me and are fine too


DE doesn't ban for FINDING exploits. If you abuse them, you can get banned.


Idk about you but I'm pretty sure lower market prices increase fun for most players tbh You can farm your plat somewhere else and everyone gets some more cool stuff.


Remind me!


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Huge respect for reporting this instead of using/sharing it.


!remindme 1 month


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So any updates?


I severely misunderstood what you meant by not publicly revealing the steps lol


U talking about the connection stutter strat, spam click on exit, menu glitch, or an operator workaround?


The trading system is rather buggy. I'm amazed this exploit isn't running wild at this point. I guess due to it requiring multiple users, it's not so easy to spot. This one was quiet annoying too https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/pas8o7/warning_trade_bug_being_exploited_to_scam_people/


!RemindMe 7 days


!remindme 1 month


Yeah I actually found it by accident and I wasn’t sure what to think of it…


!remindme 1 month


Better not, they will just ban you probably. It's DE we are talking about.


!remindme 1 month


!remindme 6 months


Dude pleaseee tell me how it’s done after it’s patched, the curiosity is driving me crazy!


Be careful reporting it to them, I remember that back in the day the people who showed them exploits were not treated very well.


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If you tell us it'll be fixed in the next hotfix lol


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